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In many terrestrial ecosystems, large amounts of leaf litter are consumed by macroarthropods. Most of it is deposited as faeces that are easily transferred into deeper soil layers. However, the decomposition of this large pool of organic matter remains poorly studied. We addressed the question of how leaf litter transformation into macroarthropod faeces, and their burial in the soil, affect organic matter decomposition in a Mediterranean dry shrubland. We compared mass loss of intact leaf litter of two dominant shrub species (Quercus coccifera, Cistus albidus) with that of leaf litter-specific faeces from the abundant millipede Ommatoiulus sabulosus. Leaf litter and faeces were exposed in the field for 1 year, either on the soil surface or buried at 5 cm soil depth. Chemical and physical quality of faeces differed strongly from that of leaf litter, but distinctively between the two shrub species. On the soil surface, faeces decomposed faster than intact leaf litter in Quercus, but at similar rates in Cistus. When buried in the soil, faeces and leaf litter decomposed at similar rates in either species, but significantly faster compared to the soil surface, most likely because of higher moisture within the soil enhancing microbial activity. The combined effects of leaf litter transformation into faeces and their subsequent burial in the topsoil led to a 1.5-fold increase in the annual mass loss. These direct and indirect macroarthropod effects on ecosystem-scale decomposition are likely more widespread than currently acknowledged, and may play a particularly important role in drought-influenced ecosystems.  相似文献   
Previously, we described alkoxyamines bearing a pyridine ring as new pro-drugs with low molecular weights and theranostic activity. Upon chemical stimulus, alkoxyamines undergo homolysis and release free radicals, which can, reportedly, enhance magnetic resonance imaging and trigger cancer cell death. In the present study, we describe the synthesis and the anti-cancer activity of sixteen novel alkoxyamines that contain an imidazole ring. Activation of the homolysis was conducted by protonation and/or methylation. These new molecules displayed cytotoxic activities towards human glioblastoma cell lines, including the U251-MG cells that are highly resistant to the conventional chemotherapeutic agent Temozolomide. We further showed that the biological activities of the alkoxyamines were not only related to their half-life times of homolysis. We lastly identified the alkoxyamine (RS/SR)-4a, with both a high antitumour activity and favourable logD7.4 and pKa values, which make it a robust candidate for blood-brain barrier penetrating therapeutics against brain neoplasia.  相似文献   
teashirt (tsh) encodes a zinc-finger protein that is thought to be part of a network that contributes to regionalization of the Drosophila embryo and establishes the domains of Hox protein function. tsh and the Hox gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) are essential to establish the identity of the first thoracic segment. We used the development of the first thoracic segment as a paradigm for Scr dependent regional morphological distinctions. In this specific context, we asked whether Tsh protein could have a direct influence on Scr activity. Here we present evidence that Tsh interacts directly with Scr and this interaction depends in part on the presence of a short domain located in the N-terminal half of Teashirt called "acidic domain". In vivo, expression of full length Tsh can rescue the tsh null phenotype throughout the trunk whereas Tsh lacking the Scr interacting domain rescues all the trunk defects except in the prothorax. We suggest this provides insights into the mechanism by which Tsh, in concert with Scr, specifies the prothoracic identity.  相似文献   
Anosmin-1, encoded by the KAL-1 gene, is the protein defective in the X-linked form of Kallmann syndrome. This human developmental disorder is characterized by defects in cell migration and axon target selection. Anosmin-1 is an extracellular matrix protein that plays a role, in vitro, in processes such as cell adhesion, neurite outgrowth, axon guidance, and axon branching. The zebrafish possesses two orthologues of the KAL-1 gene: kal1a and kal1b, which encode anosmin-1a and anosmin-1b, respectively. Previous in situ hybridization studies have shown that kal1a and kal1b mRNAs are expressed in undetermined cells of the inner ear but not in neuromast cells. Using specific antibodies against anosmin-1a and anosmin-1b, we report here that both proteins are expressed in sensory hair cells of the inner ear cristae ampullaris and the lateral line neuromasts. Accumulation of these proteins was observed mainly at the level of the hair bundle and also at the cell membrane. In neuromast hair cells, immunogold scanning electronmicroscopy demonstrated that anosmin-1a and anosmin-1b were present at the surface of the stereociliary bundle. In addition, anosmin-1a, but not anosmin-1b, was detected on the track of the ampullary nerve. This is the first report of anosmin-1 expression in sensory hair cells of the inner ear and lateral line, and along the ampullary nerve track.  相似文献   
Endogenous progenitor cells may participate in cardiac repair after a myocardial infarction (MI). The beta 2 adrenergic receptor (ß2-AR) pathway induces proliferation of c-kit+ cardiac progenitor cells (CPC) in vitro. We investigated if ß2-AR pharmacological stimulation could ameliorate endogenous CPC-mediated regeneration after a MI. C-kit+ CPC ß1-AR and ß2-AR expression was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. A significant increase in the percentage of CPCs expressing ß1-AR and ß2-AR was measured 7 days post-MI. Accordingly, 24 hrs of low serum and hypoxia in vitro significantly increased CPC ß2-AR expression. Cell viability and differentiation assays validated a functional role of CPC ß2-AR. The effect of pharmacological activation of ß2-AR was studied in C57 mice using fenoterol administered in the drinking water 1 week before MI or sham surgery or at the time of the surgery. MI induced a significant increase in the percentage of c-kit+ progenitor cells at 7 days, whereas pretreatment with fenoterol prolonged this response resulting in a significant elevated number of CPC up to 21 days post-MI. This increased number of CPC correlated with a decrease in infarct size. The immunofluorescence analysis of the heart tissue for proliferation, apoptosis, macrophage infiltration, cardiomyocytes surface area, and vessel density showed significant changes on the basis of surgery but no benefit due to fenoterol treatment. Cardiac function was not ameliorated by fenoterol administration when evaluated by echocardiography. Our results suggest that ß2-AR stimulation may improve the cardiac repair process by supporting an endogenous progenitor cell response but is not sufficient to improve the cardiac function.  相似文献   
A novel complex mutation consisting of a small deletion/insertion (3958del5ins4) was found in the breast cancer-1 gene (BRCA-1) in three unrelated French breast and/or ovarian cancer families. These mutations occurred at the same nucleotide position of the 3′ end of exon 11. The wild-type sequence, CTCAG, was deleted and replaced by AGGC in the three families. The consequence is the generation of a stop codon, TAG, resulting in a truncated protein. We propose two different mechanisms to explain the generation of this complex mutation: (i) the simultaneous occurrence of a deletion and an insertion in a stem-loop structure and (ii) the abortive integration of a human transposable element (Tigger 1) that deleted 5 nucleotides and inserted a 4-nucleotide “scar”, corresponding to the 5′ extremity of the transposon. Received: 26 November 1997 / Accepted: 6 February 1998  相似文献   
Dietary lecithin can stimulate bile formation and biliary lipid secretion, particularly cholesterol output in bile. Studies also suggested that the lecithin-rich diet might modify hepatic cholesterol homeostasis and lipoprotein metabolism. Therefore, we examined hepatic activities of 3-hydroxy-3 methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase "HMG -CoA reductase", cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase and acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase "ACAT" as well as plasma lipids and lipoprotein composition in rats fed diets enriched with 20% of soybean lecithin during 14 days. We also evaluated the content of hepatic canalicular membrane proteins involved in lipid transport to the bile (all P-glycoproteins as detected by the C 219 antibody and the sister of P-glycoprotein "spgp" or bile acid export pump) by Western blotting. As predicted, lecithin diet modified hepatic cholesterol homeostasis. The activity of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase was enhanced by 30 and 12% respectively, while microsomal ACAT activity showed a dramatic decrease of 75%. As previously reported from ACAT inhibition, the plasma level and size of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) were significantly decreased and bile acid pool size and biliary lipid output were significantly increased. The canalicular membrane content of lipid transporters was not significantly affected by dietary lecithin. The current data on inhibition of ACAT activity and related metabolic effects by lecithin mimic the previously reported effects following drug-induced inhibition of ACAT activity, suggesting potential beneficial effects of dietary lecithin supplementation in vascular disease.  相似文献   
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