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The technique of 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance (19F-NMR) spectroscopy offers a number of advantages for studies of lipid fatty acyl chain orientation and dynamics in biomembranes. However, the geminal difluoromethylene fatty acid probes usually employed in such studies appreciably perturb the organization of lipid bilayers. We have thus synthesized a series of specifically monofluorinated palmitic acids and carried out biophysical, biochemical, and physiological studies establishing their suitability as relatively non-perturbing probes of lipid hydrocarbon chain organization. These 19F-NMR probes were then used to determine the fatty acyl chain order profiles of Acholeplasma laidlawii B membranes highly enriched in a variety of different exogenous fatty acids, particularly those containing a methyl branch or a trans-double bond.  相似文献   
This paper describes the isolation and amino acid analysis of un-cross-linked elastin obtained by neutral salt extraction from the ligamentum nuchae of a calf fed from birth to 9 months on a diet low in copper.  相似文献   
High resolution 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and optical stopped-flow techniques have been used to study the metal binding properties of a site-specific mutant of bacterial recombinant oncomodulin in which glutamate has replaced a liganding aspartate at position 59 in the CD calcium-binding site. In particular we have followed the replacement of calcium by lutetium in bacterial recombinant oncomodulin and D59E oncomodulin to provide a measure of the protein's preferences for metal ions of different ionic radii. The result of the Asp----Glu substitution is to make the mutant oncomodulin more similar to rat parvalbumin in terms of its relative CD- and EF-domain affinities for lutetium(III), that is to increase its affinity for metal ions with smaller ionic radii. This finding supports the original hypothesis that the presence of Asp at sequence position 59 is an important factor in the reduced preference of the CD site of oncomodulin for smaller metals such as magnesium (Williams, T. C., Corson, D. C., Sykes, B. D., and MacManus, J. P. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6248-6256). However, our studies show that both the CD and the EF sites are affected by this single residue substitution suggesting that many factors play a role in the metal binding affinity and interaction between the two sites.  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that the C4 perennial bioenergy crops switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) accumulate significant amounts of soil carbon (C) owing to their extensive root systems. Soil C accumulation is likely driven by inter- and intraspecific variability in plant traits, but the mechanisms that underpin this variability remain unresolved. In this study we evaluated how inter- and intraspecific variation in root traits of cultivars from switchgrass (Cave-in-Rock, Kanlow, Southlow) and big bluestem (Bonanza, Southlow, Suther) affected the associations of soil C accumulation across soil fractions using stable isotope techniques. Our experimental field site was established in June 2008 at Fermilab in Batavia, IL. In 2018, soil cores were collected (30 cm depth) from all cultivars. We measured root biomass, root diameter, specific root length, bulk soil C, C associated with coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and fine particulate organic matter plus silt- and clay-sized fractions, and characterized organic matter chemical class composition in soil using high-resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. C4 species were established on soils that supported C3 grassland for 36 years before planting, which allowed us to use differences in the natural abundance of stable C isotopes to quantify C4 plant-derived C. We found that big bluestem had 36.9% higher C4 plant-derived C compared to switchgrass in the CPOM fraction in the 0–10 cm depth, while switchgrass had 60.7% higher C4 plant-derived C compared to big bluestem in the clay fraction in the 10–20 cm depth. Our findings suggest that the large root system in big bluestem helps increase POM-C formation quickly, while switchgrass root structure and chemistry build a mineral-bound clay C pool through time. Thus, both species and cultivar selection can help improve bioenergy management to maximize soil carbon gains and lower CO2 emissions.  相似文献   
The insulin mimic, peroxide of vanadate (pervanadate), stimulated 35S-methionine incorporation into Xenopus oocyte protein in a Mg2+-dependent manner. Reducing the extracellular Mg2+ concentration from 1.0 to 0.1 mM decreased the pervanadate-stimulated component of incorporation by 35%; with 0.01 mM Mg2+ or lower, the pervanadate-stimulated component was abolished. In addition, reducing extracellular Mg2+ to 0.01 mM inhibited about 50% of the insulinstimulated component of methionine incorporation. Mg2+ depletion had no effects on incorporation in controls or when protein synthesis was stimulated by Zn2+ or bovine growth hormone. Thus, not all substances that stimulated protein synthesis showed a dependence on extracellular Mg2+. Reducing extracellular Ca2+ had no effects on methionine incorporation in control cells or in cells stimulated by pervanadate or insulin. When oocytes maintained in a paraffin oil medium were brought into contact with a 0.5 m?I droplet of buffer containing the Mg2+ indicator dye, mag-fura-2, and pervanadate, apparent droplet Mg2+ decreased rapidly, indicating net uptake by the cells. Insulin also caused a net uptake of Mg2+. In contrast, apparent extracellular Mg2+ was constant when cells were in contact with droplets containing no effectors. Together, these data indicate that extracellular Mg2+, but not Ca2+, is involved in the stimulation of protein synthesis by pervanadate, and to a lesser extent by insulin. Pervanadate appears to induce a net uptake of Mg2+, and this change in membrane transport may be an early event in signalling the increase in translation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Type II antifreeze proteins (AFP), which inhibit the growth of seed ice crystals in the blood of certain fishes (sea raven, herring, and smelt), are the largest known fish AFPs and the only class for which detailed structural information is not yet available. However, a sequence homology has been recognized between these proteins and the carbohydrate recognition domain of C-type lectins. The structure of this domain from rat mannose-binding protein (MBP-A) has been solved by X-ray crystallography (Weis WI, Drickamer K, Hendrickson WA, 1992, Nature 360:127-134) and provided the coordinates for constructing the three-dimensional model of the 129-amino acid Type II AFP from sea raven, to which it shows 19% sequence identity. Multiple sequence alignments between Type II AFPs, pancreatic stone protein, MBP-A, and as many as 50 carbohydrate-recognition domain sequences from various lectins were performed to determine reliably aligned sequence regions. Successive molecular dynamics and energy minimization calculations were used to relax bond lengths and angles and to identify flexible regions. The derived structure contains two alpha-helices, two beta-sheets, and a high proportion of amino acids in loops and turns. The model is in good agreement with preliminary NMR spectroscopic analyses. It explains the observed differences in calcium binding between sea raven Type II AFP and MBP-A. Furthermore, the model proposes the formation of five disulfide bridges between Cys 7 and Cys 18, Cys 35 and Cys 125, Cys 69 and Cys 100, Cys 89 and Cys 111, and Cys 101 and Cys 117.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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