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Type X collagen is a homotrimeric, short chain, nonfibrillar collagen that is expressed exclusively by hypertrophic chondrocytes at the sites of endochondral ossification. The distribution and pattern of expression of the type X collagen gene (COL10A1) suggests that mutations altering the structure and synthesis of the protein may be responsible for causing heritable forms of chondrodysplasia. We investigated whether mutations within the human COL10A1 gene were responsible for causing the disorders achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, pseudoachondroplasia, and thanatophoric dysplasia, by analyzing the coding regions of the gene by using PCR and the single-stranded conformational polymorphism technique. By this approach, seven sequence changes were identified within and flanking the coding regions of the gene of the affected persons. We demonstrated that six of these sequence changes were not responsible for causing these forms of chondrodysplasia but were polymorphic in nature. The sequence changes were used to demonstrate discordant segregation between the COL10A1 locus and achondroplasia and pseudoachondroplasia, in nuclear families. This lack of segregation suggests that mutations within or near the COL10A1 locus are not responsible for these disorders. The seventh sequence change resulted in a valine-to-methionine substitution in the carboxyl-terminal domain of the molecule and was identified in only two hypochondroplasic individuals from a single family. Segregation analysis in this family was inconclusive, and the significance of this substitution remains uncertain.  相似文献   
The rapidly increasing wealth of structural information on RNA and knowledge of its varying roles in biology have facilitated the study of RNA structure using computational methods. Here, we present a new method to describe RNA structure based on nucleotide doublets, where a doublet is any two nucleotides in a structure. We restrict our search to doublets that are close together in space, but not necessarily in sequence, and obtain doublet libraries of various sizes by clustering a large set of doublets taken from a data set of high-resolution RNA structures. We demonstrate that these libraries are able to both capture structural features present in RNA and fit local RNA structure with a high level of accuracy. Libraries ranging in size from ten to 100 doublets are examined, and a detailed analysis shows that a library with as few as 30 doublets is sufficient to capture the most common structural features, while larger libraries would be more appropriate for accurate modeling. We anticipate many uses for these libraries, from annotation to structure refinement and prediction.  相似文献   
Lindhout DA  Boyko RF  Corson DC  Li MX  Sykes BD 《Biochemistry》2005,44(45):14750-14759
We have addressed the electrostatic interactions occurring between the inhibitory region of cardiac troponin I with the C-lobe of troponin C using scanning glycine mutagenesis of the inhibitory region. We report variations in the electric potentials due to mutation of charged residues within this complex based upon the solved NMR structure (1OZS). These results demonstrate the importance of electrostatics within this complex, and it is proposed that electrostatic interactions are integral to the formation and function of larger ternary troponin complexes. To address this hypothesis, we report (15)N NMR relaxation measurements, which suggest that, within a ternary complex involving the C-lobe and the N-terminal region of troponin I (residues 34-71), the inhibitory region maintains the electrostatic interactions with the E-helix of the C-lobe as observed within the binary complex. These results imply that, in solution, the cardiac troponin complex behaves in a manner consistent with that of the crystal structure of the skeletal isoform (1YTZ). A cardiac troponin complex possessing domain orientations similar to that of the skeletal isoform provides structural insights into altered troponin I activities as observed for the familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutation R144G and phosphorylation of Thr142.  相似文献   
Marshall CB  Daley ME  Sykes BD  Davies PL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(37):11637-11646
The effectiveness of natural antifreeze proteins in inhibiting the growth of a seed ice crystal seems to vary with protein size. Here we have made use of the extreme regularity of the beta-helical antifreeze protein from the beetle Tenebrio molitor to explore systematically the relationship between antifreeze activity and the area of the ice-binding site. Each of the 12-amino acid, disulfide-bonded central coils of the beta-helix contains a Thr-Xaa-Thr ice-binding motif. By adding coils to, and deleting coils from, the seven-coil parent antifreeze protein, we have made a series of constructs with 6-11 coils. Misfolded forms of these antifreezes were removed by ice affinity purification to accurately compare the specific activity of each construct. There was a 10-100-fold gain in activity upon going from six to nine coils, depending on the concentration that was compared. Activity was maximal for the nine-coil construct, which gave a freezing point depression of 6.5 C degrees at 0.7 mg/mL, but actually decreased for the 10- and 11-coil constructs. This small loss in activity might result from the accumulation of a slight mismatch between the spacing of the ice-binding threonine residues and the O atoms of the ice lattice.  相似文献   
Graether SP  Slupsky CM  Sykes BD 《Proteins》2006,63(3):603-610
One strategy of psychrophilic organisms to survive subzero temperature is to produce antifreeze protein (AFPs), which inhibit the growth of macromolecular ice. To better understand the binding mechanism, the structure and dynamics of several AFPs have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray crystallography. The results have shown that different organisms can use diverse structures (alpha-helix, beta-helix, or different globular folds) to achieve the same function. A number of studies have focused on understanding the relationship between the alpha-helical structure of fish type I AFP and its function as an inhibitor of ice growth. The results have not explained whether the 90% activity loss caused by the conservative mutation of two threonines to serines (Thr13Ser/Thr24Ser) is attributable to a change in protein structure in solution or in ice. We examine here the structure and dynamics of the winter flounder type I AFP and the mutant Thr13Ser/Thr24Ser in both solution and solid states using a wide range of NMR approaches. Both proteins remain fully alpha-helical at all temperatures and in ice, demonstrating that the activity change must therefore not be attributable to changes in the protein fold or dynamics but differences in surface properties.  相似文献   
Somatic intrachromosomal recombination can result in inversions and deletions in DNA, which are important mutations in cancer. The pKZ1 chromosomal inversion assay is a sensitive assay for studying the effects of DNA damaging agents using chromosomal inversion as a mutation end-point. We have previously demonstrated that the chromosomal inversion response in pKZ1 spleen after single low doses of X-radiation exposure does not follow the linear no-threshold dose–response model. Here, we optimised a chromosomal inversion screening method to study the effect of low dose X-radiation exposure in pKZ1 prostatic tissue. In the present study, a significant induction in inversions was observed after ultra-low doses of 0.005–0.01 mGy or after a high dose of 1000 mGy, whereas a reduction in inversions to below the sham-treated frequency was observed between 1 and 10 mGy exposure. This is the first report of a reduction to below endogenous frequency for any mutation end-point in prostate. In addition, the doses of radiation studied were at least three orders of magnitude lower than have been reported in other mutation assays in prostate in vivo or in vitro. In sham-treated pKZ1 controls and in pKZ1 mice treated with low doses of 1–10 mGy the number of inversions/gland cross-section rarely exceeded three. Up to 4 and 7 inversions were observed in individual prostatic gland cross-sections after doses ≤0.02 mGy and after 1000 mGy, respectively. The number of inversions identified in individual cross-sections of prostatic glands of untreated mice and all treated mice other than the 1000 mGy treatment group followed a Poisson distribution. The dose–response curves and fold changes observed after all radiation doses studied were similar in spleen and prostate. These results suggest that the pKZ1 assay is measuring a fundamental response to DNA damage after low dose X-radiation exposure which is independent of tissue type.  相似文献   
Aim To implement plant hydraulic architecture within the Lund–Potsdam–Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (LPJ–DGVM), and to test the model against a set of observational data. If the model can reproduce major patterns in vegetation and ecosystem processes, we consider this to be an important linkage between plant physiology and larger‐scale ecosystem dynamics. Location The location is global, geographically distributed. Methods A literature review was carried out to derive model formulations and parameter values for representing the hydraulic characteristics of major global plant functional types (PFTs) in a DGVM. After implementing the corresponding formulations within the LPJ–DGVM, present‐day model output was compared to observational data. Results The model reproduced observed broad‐scale patterns in potential natural vegetation, but it failed to distinguish accurately between different types of grassland and savanna vegetation, possibly related to inadequate model representations of water fluxes in the soil and wildfire effects. Compared to a version of the model using an empirical formulation for calculating plant water supply without considering plant hydraulic architecture, the new formulation improved simulated patterns of vegetation in particular for dry shrublands. Global‐scale simulation results for runoff and actual evapotranspiration (AET) corresponded well to available data. The model also successfully reproduced the magnitude and seasonal cycle of AET for most EUROFLUX forests, while modelled variation in NPP across a large number of sites spanning several biomes showed a strong correlation with estimates from field measurements. Main conclusions The model was generally confirmed by comparison to observational data. The novel model representation of water flow within plants makes it possible to resolve mechanistically the effects of hydraulic differences between plant functional groups on vegetation structure, water cycling, and competition. This may be an advantage when predicting ecosystem responses to nonextant climates, in particular in areas dominated by dry shrubland vegetation.  相似文献   
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