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Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (in immunocompetent adults) has always required cytoreductive treatment of recipients with irradiation or cytotoxic drugs to achieve lasting engraftment at levels detectable by non-PCR-based techniques ('macrochimerism' or 'mixed chimerism'). Only syngeneic marrow engraftment at such levels has been achieved in unconditioned hosts. This requirement for potentially toxic myelosuppressive host pre-conditioning has precluded the clinical use of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for many indications other than malignancies, including tolerance induction. We demonstrate here that treatment of naive mice with a high dose of fully major histocompatibility complex-mismatched allogeneic bone marrow, followed by one injection each of monoclonal antibody against CD154 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 immunoglobulin, resulted in multi-lineage hematopoietic macrochimerism (of about 15%) that persisted for up to 34 weeks. Long-term chimeras developed donor-specific tolerance (donor skin graft survival of more than 145 days) and demonstrated ongoing intrathymic deletion of donor-reactive T cells. A protocol of high-dose bone marrow transplantation and co-stimulatory blockade can thus achieve allogeneic bone marrow engraftment without cytoreduction or T-cell depletion of the host, and eliminates a principal barrier to the more widespread use of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Although efforts have been made to minimize host pre-treatment for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for tolerance induction, so far none have succeeded in eliminating pre-treatment completely. Our demonstration that this can be achieved provides the rationale for a safe approach for inducing robust transplantation tolerance in large animals and humans.  相似文献   
Inspired by the motility of the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes, we have experimentally studied the growth of an actin gel around spherical beads grafted with ActA, a protein known to be the promoter of bacteria movement. On ActA-grafted beads F-actin is formed in a spherical manner, whereas on the bacteria a "comet-like" tail of F-actin is produced. We show experimentally that the stationary thickness of the gel depends on the radius of the beads. Moreover, the actin gel is not formed if the ActA surface density is too low. To interpret our results, we propose a theoretical model to explain how the mechanical stress (due to spherical geometry) limits the growth of the actin gel. Our model also takes into account treadmilling of actin. We deduce from our work that the force exerted by the actin gel on the bacteria is of the order of 10 pN. Finally, we estimate from our theoretical model possible conditions for developing actin comet tails.  相似文献   
Campbell AP  Wong WY  Irvin RT  Sykes BD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(48):14847-14864
The C-terminal receptor binding region of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilin protein strain PAK (residues 128-144) has been the target for the design of a vaccine effective against P. aeruginosa infections. We have recently cloned and expressed a (15)N-labeled PAK pilin peptide spanning residues 128-144 of the PAK pilin protein. The peptide exists as a major (trans) and minor (cis) species in solution, arising from isomerization around a central Ile(138)-Pro(139) peptide bond. The trans isomer adopts two well-defined turns in solution, a type I beta-turn spanning Asp(134)-Glu-Gln-Phe(137) and a type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142). The cis isomer adopts only one well-defined type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142) but displays evidence of a less ordered turn spanning Asp(132)-Gln-Asp-Glu(135). These turns have been implicated in cross-reactive antibody recognition. (15)N-edited NMR spectroscopy was used to study the binding of the (15)N-labeled PAK pilin peptide to an Fab fragment of a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody, PAK-13, raised against the intact PAK pilus. The results of these studies are as follows: the trans and cis isomers bind with similar affinity to the Fab, despite their different topologies; both isomers maintain the conformational integrity of their beta-turns when bound; binding leads to the preferential stabilization of the first turn over the second turn in each isomer; and binding leads to the perturbation of resonances within regions of the trans and cis backbone that undergo microsecond to millisecond motions. These slow motions may play a role in induced fit binding of the first turn to Fab PAK-13, which would allow the same antibody combining site to accommodate either trans or cis topology. More importantly for vaccine design, these motions may also play a role in the development of a broad-spectrum vaccine capable of generating an antibody therapeutic effective against the multiple strains of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
Further to a linear free-energy correlation of cross-reaction rate constants k12 for the reaction of eight organic radicals (OR), e.g. MV*+, from methyl viologen, with cytochrome c(III), we consider here similar studies for the reduction of the R2 protein of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase, which has FeIII2 and Tyr* redox components. The same two techniques of pulse radiolysis and stopped-flow were used. Cross-reaction rate constants (22 degrees C) at pH 7.0, I=0.100 M (NaCl), were determined for the reduction of active-R2 with the eight ORs, reduction potentials E0(1) from -0.446 to +0.194 V. Samples of active-R2 have an FeIII2 met-R2 component, which in the present studies was close to 40%. Concurrent reactions have to be taken into account for the five most reactive ORs, corresponding to reduction of the FeIII2 of met-R2 and then of active-R2. Separate experiments on met-R2 reproduced the first of these rate constants, which on average is approximately 66% larger than the second rate constant. A single Marcus free-energy plot of log k12-0.5 log10f versus -E0(1)/0.059 describes all the data and the slope of 0.54 is in satisfactory agreement with the theoretical value of 0.50. Such behaviour is unexpected since the Tyr* is a much stronger oxidant (E0 approximately 1.0 V versus NHE) as compared to FeIII2 (E0 close to zero). X-ray structures of the met- and red-R2 states have indicated that electroneutrality of the approximately 10 A buried active site is maintained. Proton transfer is therefore proposed as a rapid sequel to electron transfer. Other reactions considered are the much slower conventional time-range reductions of active-R2 with hydrazine and dithionite. For these reactions one and/or two-equivalent changes are possible. With both reductants, met-R2 reacts about four-fold faster than active-R2, and as with the ORs the less strongly oxidising FeIII2 component is reduced before the Tyr*.  相似文献   
The recommendations presented here are designed to support easier communication of NMR data and NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids through unified nomenclature and reporting standards. Much of this document pertains to the reporting of data in journal articles; however, in the interest of the future development of structural biology, it is desirable that the bulk of the reported information be stored in computer-accessible form and be freely accessible to the scientific community in standardized formats for data exchange. These recommendations stem from an IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB inter-union venture with the direct involvement of ICSU and CODATA. The Task Group has reviewed previous formal recommendations and has extended them in the light of more recent developments in the field of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. Drafts of the recommendations presented here have been examined critically by more than 50 specialists in the field and have gone through two rounds of extensive modification to incorporate suggestions and criticisms.  相似文献   
The homologous sequences observed for many calcium binding proteins such as parvalbumin, troponin C, the myosin light chains, and calmodulin has lead to the hypothesis that these proteins have homologous structures at the level of their calcium binding sites. This paper discusses the development of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique which will enable us to test this structural hypothesis in solution. The technique involves the substitution of a paramagnetic lanthanide ion for the calcium ion which results in lanthanide induced shifts and broadening in the 1H NMR spectrum of the protein. These shifts are sensitive monitors of the precise geometrical orientation of each proton nucleus relative to the metal. The values of several parameters in the equation relating the NMR shifts to the structure are however known as priori. We have attempted to determine these parameters, the orientation and principal elements of the magnetic susceptibility tensor of the protein bound metal, by studying the lanthanide induced shifts for the protein parvalbumin whose structure has been determined by x-ray crystallographic techniques. The interaction of the lanthanide ytterbium with parvalbumin results in high resolution NMR spectra exhibiting a series of resonances with shifts spread over the range 32 to -19 ppm. The orientation and principal elements of the ytterbium magnetic susceptibility tensor have been determined using three assigned NMR resonances, the His-26 C2 and C4 protons and the amino terminal acetyl protons, and seven methyl groups; all with known geometry relative to the EF calcium binding site. The elucidation of these parameters has allowed us to compare the observed spectrum of the nuclei surrounding the EF calcium binding site of parvalbumin with that calculated from the x-ray structure. A significant number of the calculated shifts are larger than any of the observed shifts. We feel that a refinement of the x-ray based proton coordinates will be possible utilizing the geometric information contained in the lanthanide shifted NMR spectrum.  相似文献   
The C-terminal receptor-binding region of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilin protein strain PAK (residues 128-144) has been the target for the design of a vaccine effective against P. aeruginosa infections. We have recently cloned and expressed a (15)N-labeled PAK pilin peptide spanning residues 128-144 of the PAK pilin protein. The peptide exists as a major (trans) and minor (cis) species in solution, arising from isomerization around a central Ile(138)-Pro(139) peptide bond. The trans isomer adopts two well-defined turns in solution, a type I beta-turn spanning Asp(134)-Glu-Gln-Phe(137) and a type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142). The cis isomer adopts only one well-defined type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142) but displays evidence of a less ordered turn spanning Asp(132)-Gln-Asp-Glu(135). These turns have been implicated in cross-reactive antibody recognition. (15)N NMR relaxation experiments of the (15)N-labeled recombinant PAK pilin peptide in complex with an Fab fragment of a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody, PAK-13, raised against the intact PAK pilus, were performed in order to probe for changes in the mobilities and dynamics of the peptide backbone as a result of antibody binding. The major results of these studies are as follows: binding of Fab leads to the preferential ordering of the first turn over the second turn in each isomer, binding of Fab partially stabilizes peptide backbone regions undergoing slow (microsecond to millisecond) exchange-related motions, and binding of Fab leads to a greater loss in backbone conformational entropy at pH 7.2 versus pH 4.5. The biological implications of these results will be discussed in relation to the role that fast and slow backbone motions play in PAK pilin peptide immunogenicity and within the framework of developing a pilin peptide vaccine capable of conferring broad immunity across P. aeruginosa strains.  相似文献   
Dispersal limitation and long-term persistence are known to delay plant species’ responses to habitat fragmentation, but it is still unclear to what extent landscape history may explain the distribution of dispersal traits in present-day plant communities. We used quantitative data on long-distance seed dispersal potential by wind and grazing cattle (epi- and endozoochory), and on persistence (adult plant longevity and seed bank persistence) to quantify the linkages between dispersal and persistence traits in grassland plant communities and current and past landscape configurations. The long-distance dispersal potential of present-day communities was positively associated with the amounts of grassland in the historical (1835, 1938) landscape, and with a long continuity of grazing management—but was not associated with the properties of the current landscape. The study emphasises the role of history as a determinant of the dispersal potential of present-day grassland plant communities. The importance of long-distance dispersal processes has declined in the increasingly fragmented modern landscape, and long-term persistent species are expected to play a more dominant role in grassland communities in the future. However, even within highly fragmented landscapes, long-distance dispersed species may persist locally—delaying the repayment of the extinction debt.  相似文献   
Cell misidentification and cross-contamination have plagued biomedical research for as long as cells have been employed as research tools. Examples of misidentified cell lines continue to surface to this day. Efforts to eradicate the problem by raising awareness of the issue and by asking scientists voluntarily to take appropriate actions have not been successful. Unambiguous cell authentication is an essential step in the scientific process and should be an inherent consideration during peer review of papers submitted for publication or during review of grants submitted for funding. In order to facilitate proper identity testing, accurate, reliable, inexpensive, and standardized methods for authentication of cells and cell lines must be made available. To this end, an international team of scientists is, at this time, preparing a consensus standard on the authentication of human cells using short tandem repeat (STR) profiling. This standard, which will be submitted for review and approval as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute, will provide investigators guidance on the use of STR profiling for authenticating human cell lines. Such guidance will include methodological detail on the preparation of the DNA sample, the appropriate numbers and types of loci to be evaluated, and the interpretation and quality control of the results. Associated with the standard itself will be the establishment and maintenance of a public STR profile database under the auspices of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The consensus standard is anticipated to be adopted by granting agencies and scientific journals as appropriate methodology for authenticating human cell lines, stem cells, and tissues.  相似文献   
The role of cell authentication in biomedical science has received considerable attention, especially within the past decade. This quality control attribute is now beginning to be given the emphasis it deserves by granting agencies and by scientific journals. Short tandem repeat (STR) profiling, one of a few DNA profiling technologies now available, is being proposed for routine identification (authentication) of human cell lines, stem cells, and tissues. The advantage of this technique over methods such as isoenzyme analysis, karyotyping, human leukocyte antigen typing, etc., is that STR profiling can establish identity to the individual level, provided that the appropriate number and types of loci are evaluated. To best employ this technology, a standardized protocol and a data-driven, quality-controlled, and publically searchable database will be necessary. This public STR database (currently under development) will enable investigators to rapidly authenticate human-based cultures to the individual from whom the cells were sourced. Use of similar approaches for non-human animal cells will require developing other suitable loci sets. While implementing STR analysis on a more routine basis should significantly reduce the frequency of cell misidentification, additional technologies may be needed as part of an overall authentication paradigm. For instance, isoenzyme analysis, PCR-based DNA amplification, and sequence-based barcoding methods enable rapid confirmation of a cell line’s species of origin while screening against cross-contaminations, especially when the cells present are not recognized by the species-specific STR method. Karyotyping may also be needed as a supporting tool during establishment of an STR database. Finally, good cell culture practices must always remain a major component of any effort to reduce the frequency of cell misidentification.  相似文献   
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