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Ferredoxins, iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster proteins, play a key role in oxidoreduction reactions. To date, evolutionary analysis of these proteins across the domains of life have been confined to observing the abundance of Fe-S cluster types (2Fe-2S, 3Fe-4S, 4Fe-4S, 7Fe-8S (3Fe-4s and 4Fe-4S) and 2[4Fe-4S]) and the diversity of ferredoxins within these cluster types was not studied. To address this research gap, here we propose a subtype classification and nomenclature for ferredoxins based on the characteristic spacing between the cysteine amino acids of the Fe-S binding motif as a subtype signature to assess the diversity of ferredoxins across the living organisms. To test this hypothesis, comparative analysis of ferredoxins between bacterial groups, Alphaproteobacteria and Firmicutes and ferredoxins collected from species of different domains of life that are reported in the literature has been carried out. Ferredoxins were found to be highly diverse within their types. Large numbers of alphaproteobacterial species ferredoxin subtypes were found in Firmicutes species and the same ferredoxin subtypes across the species of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, suggesting shared common ancestral origin of ferredoxins between Archaea and Bacteria and lateral gene transfer of ferredoxins from prokaryotes (Archaea/Bacteria) to eukaryotes. This study opened new vistas for further analysis of diversity of ferredoxins in living organisms.  相似文献   
Genistein is an isoflavonoid present in high quantities in soybeans. Possessing a wide range of bioactives, it is being studied extensively for its tumoricidal effects. Investigations into mechanisms of the anti-cancer activity have revealed many pathways including induction of cell proliferation, suppression of tyrosine kinases, regulation of Hedgehog-Gli1 signaling, modulation of epigenetic activities, seizing of cell cycle and Akt and MEK signaling pathways, among others via which the cancer cell proliferation can be controlled. Notwithstanding, the observed activities have been time- and dose-dependent. In addition, genistein has also shown varying results in women depending on the physiological parameters, such as the early or post-menopausal states.  相似文献   
Biodiesel is considered as a potential alternative energy source, but problem exists with the quantity and quality of feedstock used for it. To improve the feedstock quality of biodiesel, a field experiment was conducted under natural conditions. Cultivar Thori of kasumbha was used in the experiment. Commercialized biofertilizers were applied at the rate of 20 kg per acre and chemical fertilizer (diammonium phosphate) was applied as half dose (15 kg/ha). Results indicated that number of leaf plant−1, leaf area, number of seeds capitulum−1 was significantly increased by biofertilizer treatment alone (BF) and combine treatment of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer (BFCF). Agronomic traits such as plant height, no. of branches of a plant, no. of capitulum/plant was improved significantly by BF treatment over the control. Maximum 1000 seed weight (41%) and seed yield (23%) were recorded in half dose of chemical fertilizers treatment (CFH). Seed oil content and seed phenolics were significantly improved by BF and CF treatments while maximum biodiesel yield was recorded by BF treatment. Maximum oleic acid was recorded by BF treatment while other fatty acids being maximum in control except linoleic acid in BFCF treatment. Results for specific gravity were non-significant while acid value and free fatty acid contents were substantially reduced by BF treatment as compared to other treatments. Maximum value of iodine number was recorded in BFCF treatment while tocopherol contents were improved by BF treatment. It is inferred that biofertilizer treatment alone perform better as compared to other treatments and 50% chemical fertilizer can be replaced using biofertilizer which is a good approach for sustainable environmental-friendly agriculture.Keyword: Green energy, Biofuel, Biodiesel, Kasumbha, Biofertilizers, Fatty acid, NMR  相似文献   
Quantifying and optimizing the polyphenol content of Phyllanthus maderaspatensis was accomplished using a single-solvent HPTLC system. Analyzing hydroalcoholic extracts for kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, we simultaneously quantified and optimized their concentration. In the experiment, the methanol to water ratio (%), temperature (°C), and time of extraction (min) were all optimized using a Box-Behnken statistical design. Kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid were among the dependent variables analyzed. In the HPTLC separation, silica gel 60F254 plates were used, and toluene, ethyl acetate, and formic acid (5:4:1) made up the mobile phase. For kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, densitometric measurements were carried out using the absorbance mode at 254 nm. Hydroalcoholic extract of P. maderaspatensis contains rutin (0.344), catechin (2.62), gallic acid (0.93), ellagic acid (0.172), quercetin (0.0108) and kaempferol (0.06). Further, it may be affected by more than one factor at a time, resulting in a varying degree of reaction. A negative correlation was found between X1 (extraction time (min)) and X2 (temperature), as well as X1 and X3 (solvent ratios). Taking these characteristics into consideration, the method outlined here is a validated HPTLC method for measuring kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid.  相似文献   
We have collected synchrotron x-ray solution scattering data for the MoFe protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase and show that the molecular conformation of the protein that contains only one molybdenum per alpha(2)beta(2) tetramer is different from that of the protein that has full occupancy i.e. two molybdenums per molecule. This structural finding is consistent with the existence of MoFe protein molecules that contain only one FeMo cofactor site occupied and provides a rationale for the 50% loss of the specific activity of such preparations. A stable inactive transition state complex has been shown to form in the presence of MgADP and AlF(4)(-). Gel filtration chromatography data show that the MoFe protein lacking a full complement of the cofactor forms initially a 1:1 complex before forming a low affinity 1:2 complex. A similar behavior is found for the MoFe protein with both cofactors occupied, but the high affinity 1:2 complex is formed at a lower ratio of Fe protein/MoFe protein. The 1:1 complex, MoFe protein-Fe protein x (ADP x AlF(4)(-))(2), formed with MoFe protein that lacks one of the cofactors, is stable. X-ray scattering studies of this complex have enabled us to obtain its low resolution structure at approximately 20-A resolution, which confirms the gel filtration finding that only one molecule of the Fe protein binds the MoFe protein. By comparison with the low resolution structure of purified MoFe protein that contains only one molybdenum per tetramer, we deduce that the Fe protein interacts with the FeMo cofactor-binding alpha-subunit of the MoFe protein. This observation demonstrates that the conformation of the alpha-subunit or the alpha beta subunit pair that lacks the FeMo cofactor is altered and that the change is recognized by the Fe protein. The structure of the 1:1 complex reveals a similar change in the conformation of the Fe protein as has been observed in the low resolution scattering mask and the high resolution crystallographic study of the 1:2 complex where both cofactors are occupied and with the Fe protein bound to both subunits. This extensive conformational change observed for the Fe protein in the complexes is, however, not observed when MgATP or MgADP binds to the isolated Fe protein. Thus, the large scale conformational change of the Fe protein is associated with the complex formation of the two proteins.  相似文献   
The oxidized state of rusticyanin, the blue copper protein with the highest redox potential in its class, has been investigated through (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance applied to its cobalt(II) derivative. The assignment of the protons belonging to the coordinated residues has been performed. Many other amino acids situated in the vicinity of the metal ion, including six hydrophobic residues (isoleucine140 and five phenylalanines) have also been identified. The orientation of the main axes of the magnetic susceptibility tensor for the cobalt(II)-rusticyanin as well as its axial, Deltachi(ax), and rhombic, Deltachi(rh), magnetic susceptibility anisotropy components have been determined. A comparison of the present results with those previously obtained for cobalt(II)azurin [Donaire, A., Salgado, J., Moratal, J. M. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8659-8673] allows us to provide further insights into the reasons for the high redox potential of this protein. According to our results, the interaction between the metal ion and the thioether Sdelta of the axial methionine is not as influential as the strong destabilizing effect that the hydrophobic residues close to the metal ion undergo in the oxidized state.  相似文献   
A lectin was isolated from Agrobacterium radiobacter cell surface and purified. It is a monomer of 40 kDa as shown by SDS-PAGE. The lectin has a pI of 9.15 and amino acid composition of the lectin shows that 44% of the amino acids are hydrophobic. The lectin agglutinates rabbit erythrocytes but does not agglutinate human erythrocytes. It does not show specificity for monosaccharides except for D-glucosamine. Fetuin and its N-linked glycopeptide also inhibit the activity of the lectin but greater inhibition is shown by locust bean gum and Nicotiana tobaccum (tobacco) tissue extracts.  相似文献   
The success of spermatogenesis is dependent upon closely coordinated interactions between Sertoli cells and germ cells. To identify specific molecules that mediate interactions between somatic cells and germ cells in the rat testis, Sertoli cell-germ cell co-cultures and mRNA differential display were used. Two cDNAs, clone 1 (660 nucleotides) and clone 2 (390 nucleotides) were up-regulated when Sertoli cells were co-cultured with pachytene spermatocytes or round spermatids. Northern blot analyses confirmed the differential display expression patterns. Sequence analyses indicated that clone 1 was similar to a von Ebner's gland protein (87% at the nucleotide level and 80% at the amino acid level) and clone 2 was identical to a region of the Huntington disease protein. The von Ebner's-like protein mRNA was induced after 4 h of co-culture, while the Huntington disease protein required 18 h of co-culture for expression. The von Ebner's-like protein was induced in germ cells by a secreted Sertoli cell factor(s) smaller than 10 kDa that is sensitive to freezing and thawing or boiling. The Huntington disease protein was induced in germ cells by a Sertoli cell secreted factor(s) larger than 10 kDa which survives freezing and thawing, but is inactivated by boiling.  相似文献   
A key feature of the generally accepted catalytic mechanism of CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) is the breakage of the imidazolate bridge between copper and zinc and the loss of a coordinated water molecule from copper on reduction from Cu(II) to Cu(I). Crystal structures exist for the enzyme from a number of sources in the oxidised, five coordinate copper form. For the reduced form two structures from different sources have been determined only recently but provide contradictory results. We present crystal structures of bovine CuZnSOD (BSOD) in two different space groups. The structure of the P212121 form (pBSOD), at 1.65 A resolution clearly shows one subunit with Cu in the five coordinate, oxidised form, and the other with Cu in the three coordinate form expected for the reduced state. This mixed state of pBSOD is confirmed by XANES data of these crystals. The pBSOD structure has thus captured each subunit in one of the two oxidation state conformations and thus provides direct crystallographic evidence for the superoxide dismutase mechanism involving the breakage of the imidazole bridge between Cu and Zn. A shift in the position of copper in subunit A poises the catalytic centre to undergo the first stage of catalysis via dissociation of Cu from His61 with a concomittant movement of the coordinated water molecule towards His61, which rotates by approximately 20 degrees, enabling it to form a hydrogen bond to the water molecule. The Cu-Zn separation in the reduced site is increased by approximately 0.5 A. In contrast the 2.3 A resolution structure in space group C2221 (cBSOD) shows both of the Cu atoms to be in the five coordinate, oxidised form but in this space group the whole of subunit A is significantly more disordered than subunit B. An examination of published structures of "oxidised" SODs, shows a trend towards longer Cu-Zn and Cu-His61 separations in subunit A, which together with the structures reported here indicate a potential functional asymmetry between the subunits of CuZnSODs. We also suggest that the increased separation between Cu and Zn is a precursor to breakage of His61.  相似文献   
Aerobiological studies to evaluate allergenic fungal spores in the atmosphere of Riyadh were conducted. Burkard personal volumetric sampler were operated as volumetric viable spore traps at two different sites (Al-Batha, a more developed area in the south and Al-Ulia, a less developed area in the north) in Riyadh. Twice a week samplings were carried out over a period of 12 month. The seasonal fluctuations of the most frequent fungi were plotted as major components. The dominant species at the two sites were members of the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium and Ulocladium. Drechslera, Fusarium, Rhizopus and Stachybotrytis species were minor components or sporadic. Seasonal variations of the total colonies were significantly (p < 0.05) different. They showed higher concentrations in the winter season and the lowest in summer. The Al-Batha site was always higher in spore concentrations than the Al-Ulia site. The results provide valuable information for the diagnosis and prophylaxis of allergic diseases due to airborne fungi.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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