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We have measured the rates of isotope exchange at the nitrogen of the indole ring of Trp-63 of lysozyme and of L-tryptophan as a function of solution viscosity. We have used two cosolvents, glycerol and ethylene glycol, to modify the relative viscosity. We have derived the appropriate kinetic equations for the alternative possibilities that the exchange takes place either in solution or in the intact protein matrix. Because we chose to study the proton-catalyzed exchange reaction, the rate of it is not expected to be diffusion-limited. We confirmed this by measuring the exchange from tryptophan. These results and the known effects of glycerol and ethylene glycol on the solvation of indole allow us to predict that if the exchange reaction takes place in a protein matrix the effects of the two cosolvents when compared under isoviscous conditions should be identical. This is what we find for Trp-63 in lysozyme at 15, 20 and 26 degrees C. The slope of the linear plot of log k vs. log relative viscosity is 0.6. This strongly supports a model for conformational fluctuations where transient solvation takes place without major changes in protein folding. The most interesting feature of our findings is the fact that a slow reaction admittedly not diffusion-limited shows, when taking place in a protein matrix, a linear dependence on solution viscosity. We suggest that what we observe is the effect of damping of movement of the side chain expressed as a change in the friction along the reaction coordinate in the corresponding phase space. The presence of such effects stresses the validity and usefulness of Kramers model of rate processes for reactions taking place in a protein matrix. Such behavior is predicted by several of the recently proposed general mechanisms of enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   
Antisera to the amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been developed with the aim of immunohistochemical visualization of neurons that use it as a neurotransmitter. GABA bound to bovine serum albumin was the immunogen. The reactivities of the sera to GABA and a variety of structurally related compounds were tested by coupling these compounds to nitrocellulose paper activated with polylysine and glutaraldehyde and incubating the paper with the unlabeled antibody enzyme method, thus simulating immunohistochemistry of tissue sections. The antisera did not react with L-glutamate, L-aspartate, D-aspartate, glycine, taurine, L-glutamine, L-lysine, L-threonine, L-alanine, alpha-aminobutyrate, beta-aminobutyrate, putrescine, or delta-aminolevulinate. There was cross-reaction with gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyrate, 1-10%, and the homologues of GABA: beta-alanine, 1-10%, delta-aminovalerate, approximately 10%, and epsilon-amino-caproate, approximately 10%. The antisera reacted slightly with the dipeptide gamma-aminobutyrylleucine, but not carnosine or homocarnosine. Immunostaining of GABA was completely abolished by adsorption of the sera to GABA coupled to polyacrylamide beads by glutaraldehyde. The immunohistochemical model is simple, amino acids and peptides are bound in the same way as in aldehyde-fixed tissue and, in contrast to radioimmunoassay, it uses an immunohistochemical detection system. This method has enabled us to define the high specificity of anti-GABA sera and to use them in some novel ways. The model should prove useful in assessing the specificity of other antisera.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über histopathologische Untersuchungen des chronologischen Verlaufs an der durchSelyes Ventrikel-Ligatur hervorgerufenen Herzspitzennekrose bei Ratten berichtet. In dem der Nekrose verfallenen Myokard setzt alsbald Organisation ein; dann wandelt sich allmählich das Granulationsgewebe in eine zellarme und faserreiche Narbe um. In den subendokardialen Schichten des Narbengewebes entstehen erst Knorpel-, später Knochenherde. Der Prozeß der Knorpelbildung wird nicht von Verkalkung eingeleitet; vielmehr werden zuerst die Fibroblasten zu Knorpelzellen, um die sich dann sekundär Kalziumsalze ablagern; danach spielt sich eine typische endochondrale Ossifikation ab. Schließlich erscheint Knochenmarkgewebe zwischen den Knochenbalken.Triamcinolon hemmt geringgradig die Bindegewebsproliferation, Thyroxin steigert die Knorpel- und Knochenbildung, während Östradiol diese Vorgänge nicht beeinflußt.
The effect of hormones on the heteroplastic cartilage and bone formation in the cardiac muscle of the rat
Summary A chronologic study was made of the histopathologic changes which occur in the cardiac apex of the rat following the application of Selye's ventricular ligature. Organisation in the necrotic cardiac muscle begins soon after ligature. Later, the granulationtissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue which is poor in cells but rich in fibers. In the subendocardial fibrous tissue, cartilage and bone develop. It is emphasized that cartilage formation is not initiated by calcification. Instead, the fibroblasts are converted to cartilage cells and, later, calcium salts are deposited in the matrix. This is followed by endochondral bone formation. Finally, bone marrow appears in the intertrabecular spaces.Triamcinolone mildly hindered connective-tissue proliferation, thyroxine increased cartilage and bone formation, while estradiol did not influence these processes.

Die Versuche, die diesem Bericht zugrunde liegen, wurden durch das Ministère de la Santé, Québec, die Quebec Heart Foundation, Montreal, das Medical Research Couneil of Canada (Block Term Grant MT-1829) und das USPHS, Child Welfare (Grant HDO 2612-02) unterstützt. Die Autoren danken an dieser Stelle der Firma Lederle Laboratories Div., Pearl River, N.Y., USA für das bei diesen Versuchen verwendete Triamcinolon (Aristocort®) und der Firma Schering Corporation Ltd., Pointe Ciaire, Quebec, für die Bereitstellung von Estradiol.  相似文献   
Summary Gap junctional coupling was studied in pairs of murine pancreatic acinar cells using the double whole-cell patch-clamp technique. During stable electrical coupling, addition of OAG (1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol) induced a progressive reduction of the junctional conductance to the detectable limit (3 pS). Prior to complete electrical uncoupling, varius discrete single channel conductances between 20 and 100 pS could be observed. Polymyxin B, a potent inhibitor of the protein kinase C (PKC) system, completely suppressed OAG-stimulated electrical uncoupling. Dialysis of cell pairs with solutions containing PKC. isolated from rat brain, also caused electrical uncoupling. The presence of 0.1mm dibutyryl cyclic AMP and 5mm ATP in the pipette solution, which serves to stabilize the junctional conductance, did not suppress the effects of OAG or isolated PKC. We conclude that an increase of protein kinase C activity leads to the closure of gap junction channels, presumably via a PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the junctional peptide, and that this mechanism is dominant over cAMP-dependent upregulatory effects in the experimental time range (1 hr). A correlation of the observed single channel conductances with the appearance of channel subconductance states or various channel populations is discussed.  相似文献   
Myoglobin (Mb) content and citrate synthase (CS) activity were determined in myocardial samples from nine human brain-dead organ donors with normal hearts. Six regions of each heart were analyzed: right and left atria, right ventricle, left ventricular subepicardium, subendocardium, and anterior papillary muscle. The Mb content was similar, whereas the CS activity was higher in the left than in the right heart at both atrial and ventricular levels. Mb content and CS activity were higher in ventricles than in atria. The subendocardial layer and papillary muscle of the left ventricle had a higher Mb content than the subepicardial layer, whereas CS activity was similar in these three locations. The results suggested a closer relationship between CS activity (oxidative potential) and work load than between Mb content and work load. Mb content may, instead, be related to intramuscular oxygen tension (PO2) on the basis of a comparison between our Mb data and those of others on regional variations in myocardial PO2.  相似文献   
Summary The growth of strains of fibroblasts derived from patients with neurofibromatosis (NF) was compared with that of strains from appropriate controls in culture medium containing 1% or 15% fetal calf serum. The means of the ratios of final to initial cell numbers do not differ significantly between NF strains and control strains. Weakly significant differences are, however, obtained after conversion of the results to mean numbers of cell population doublings, the NF strains showing the higher numbers. The ratios of final to initial amounts of protein also differ significantly under both sets of growth conditions. High growth parameters occur significantly more frequently among our smaple of 11 NF strains than among our sample of 13 control strains. The possibility of the expression of the NF genotype(s) on the level of the cultured fibroblast-like cells and the possible causes of the large ranges of inter-and intra-individual variations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
Hormone-induced oscillations of the free intracellular calcium concentration are thought to be relevant for frequency encoding of hormone signals. In liver cells, such Ca2+ oscillations occur in response to stimulation by hormones acting via phosphoinositide breakdown. This observation may be explained by cooperative, positive feedback of Ca2+ on its own release from one inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive pool, obviating oscillations of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The kinetic rate laws of the associated model have a mathematical structure reminiscent of the Brusselator, a hypothetical chemical model involving a rather improbable trimolecular reaction step, thus giving a realistic biological interpretation to this hallmark of dissipative structures. We propose that calmodulin is involved in mediating this cooperativity and positive feedback, as suggested by the presented experiments. For one, hormone-induced calcium oscillations can be inhibited by the (nonphenothiazine) calmodulin antagonists calmidazolium or CGS 9343 B. Alternatively, in cells overstimulated by hormone, as characterized by a non-oscillatory elevated Ca2+ concentration, these antagonists could again restore sustained calcium oscillations. The experimental observations, including modulation of the oscillations by extracellular calcium, were in qualitative agreement with the predictions of our mathematical model.  相似文献   
Authors have observed abnormalities of glycogen localization in cardiac muscle, after normothermic cardiac arrest. The identification of these intramitrochondrial particles as glycogen was confirmed by selective staining with periodic acid-lead citrat, periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide protein methods and by their selective removal from tissue sections by alfa-amylase. The intramitochondrial glycogen particles were of beta-type. Some intramitochondrial particles were surrounded by paired membranes which resulted from protrusion of parts of mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   
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