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Mutagen sensitive strains (mus) in Drosophila are known for their hypersensitivity to mutagens and environmental carcinogens. Accordingly, these mutants were grouped in pre- and post-replication repair pathways. However, studying mutants belonging to one particular repair pathway may not be adequate for examining chemical-induced genotoxicity when other repair pathways may neutralize its effect. To test whether both pre-and post-replication pathways are involved and effect of Cr(III)- and Cr(VI)-induced genotoxicity in absence or presence of others, we used double mutant approach in D. melanogaster. We observed DNA damage as evident by changes in Comet assay DNA migration in cells of larvae of Oregon R(+) and single mutants of pre- (mei-9, mus201 and mus210) and post- (mei-41, mus209 and mus309) replication repair pathways and also in double mutants of different combinations (pre-pre, pre-post and post-post replication repair) exposed to increasing concentrations of Cr(VI) (0.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 μg/ml) for 48 h. The damage was greater in pre-replication repair mutants after exposure to 5.0 μg/ml Cr(VI), while effects on Oregon R(+) and post replication repair mutants were insignificant. Post-replication repair mutants revealed significant DNA damage after exposure to 20.0 μg/ml Cr(VI). Further, double mutants generated in the above repair categories were examined for DNA damage following Cr(VI) exposure and a comparison of damage was studied between single and double mutants. Combinations of double mutants generated in the pre-pre replication repair pathways showed an indifferent interaction between the two mutants after Cr(VI) exposure while a synergistic interaction was evident in exposed post-post replication repair double mutants. Cr(III) (20.0 μg/ml) exposure to these strains did not induce any significant DNA damage in their cells. The study suggests that both pre- and post-replication pathways are affected in Drosophila by Cr(VI) leading to genotoxicity, which may have consequences for metal-induced carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Protection against radiation-induced DNA strand breaks is an important aspect in the design and development of a radioprotector. In this study, the radioprotective efficacy of sesamol, a natural antioxidant, was investigated in aqueous solution of plasmid DNA (pBR322) and compared with that of melatonin, a known antioxidant-based radioprotector. Thermal denaturation studies on irradiated calf thymus DNA were also carried out with sesamol and melatonin. Sesamol demonstrated greater radioprotective efficacy in both plasmid DNA and calf thymus DNA. To assess the radical scavenging capacity of sesamol and melatonin, 2-deoxyribose degradation, DPPH and ABTS assays were performed. Sesamol exhibited more scavenging capacity compared to melatonin. In vitro studies with V79 cells showed that sesamol is 20 times more potent than melatonin. It is proposed that the greater radioprotective efficacy of sesamol could be due to its greater capacity for scavenging of free radicals compared to melatonin. The results will be helpful in understanding the mechanisms and development of sesamol as a radioprotector.  相似文献   
Phosphorus is one of the major nutrients, and microbial solubilisation of insoluble mineral phosphate in soil is an important process in natural ecosystem and in agricultural soil. Many soil microorganisms display the ability to solubilize many insoluble inorganic phosphates. They are generally referred as phosphorus solubilising microorganisms (PSM). In this study an attempt was made to look into the phosphorus solubilisation efficiency of some commonly available soil bacteria and their possible application in bio-beneficiation of metallurgical waste like LD Slag. Linz -Donawitz (LD) slag is produced in large quantities (200 kg LD slag per ton of hot metal) and poses a substantial disposal problem in the iron and steel making industry. LD slag contains around 29% Ca, 21% Fe, and 5% Mg. Its phosphorus content is about 1.5-6%. Due to presence of high amount of Ca, it can be used as flux in blast furnace, but presence of high amount of phosphorus in the LD slag makes them unsuitable for industrial application. Removal of phosphorus with the help of phosphorus solubilising microorganisms may be a great advantage in biotechnological applications. Two gram positive bacteria belonging to genus Bacillus and two gram negative bacteria belonging to genus Pseudomonas were selected in this study. Phosphorus solubilisation efficiency was studied initially with tricalcium phosphate as model insoluble phosphate compound at different sugar concentration, NaCl concentration and at different initial pH of the medium. About 35% of ‘P’ could be solubilized from LD slag by Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 2% solid content.  相似文献   
To understand the reported cross-reactivity of the 2009 H1N1 and the 1918 H1N1 pandemic viruses we docked the crystal structure of 2D1, an antibody derived from a survivor of the 1918 pandemic, to the structures of hemaglutinin (HA) of the 2009 strain and seasonal H1 vaccine strains. Our studies revealed that 2D1 binds to the 2009 HA at antigenic site 'Sa', with stabilizing contacts, similar to that in an available co-crystal structure of 2D1-1918 HA. However, 2D1 failed to bind to the known antigenic sites in the HAs of seasonal strains. Our study thus reveals the molecular basis for pre-existing immunity in elderly people to the 2009 pandemic virus.  相似文献   
The present work delineates the combinatorial approach of firstly, creation of a centralized data-set comprising signalling proteins identified on the basis of altered expression, such as over-expression or repression of a set of signalling protein(s) leading to the cause of the disease, which is based on published reports screened through Pubmed and secondly, in the in silico creation of novel lead (drug) molecules and docking of identified signalling biomarkers using such drugs to investigate possibility of their future application in the model systems eventually. EPAC (Exchange Protein Activated by cAMP) emerges as a signalling biomarker in cases studied presently. Brefeldin, the known inhibitor of EPAC, though the mechanism yet unexplored, has been the molecule used as the pharmacophore for creation of lead drug molecule. Various modifications have been incorporated into the pharmacophore to increase the hydrophobic interactions for increasing the binding efficiency of the generated lead molecule. Side-chain modifications of the pharmacophore and refinement of data through firedock upon docking of EPAC with the modified pharmacophore yielded best results on the bases of atomic contact energy, van der Waal and partial electrostatic interactions as well as additional estimations of the binding free energy. Modifications of CH3 at C15 with COOH and H at C2 with OH in brefeldin showed the best docking results on the basis of protein-drug interaction parameters. The present work provides a clue in rational design of EPAC inhibitors which could be developed as drug lead in combating CVD.  相似文献   
Background:The current global monkeypox virus (MPXV) outbreak has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM). Given that many jurisdictions have been faced with limited supplies of MPXV vaccine, we aimed to explore optimal vaccine allocation between 2 linked GBMSM transmission networks over a short-term time horizon, across several epidemic conditions.Methods:We constructed a deterministic compartmental MPXV transmission model. We parameterized the model to reflect 2 representative, partially connected GBMSM sexual networks ( cities), using 2022 data from Ontario. We simulated a roll-out of 5000 vaccine doses over 30 days that started 45 days after epidemic seeding with 10 imported cases. Within this model, we varied the relative city (network) sizes, epidemic potentials (R0), between-city mixing and distribution of seed cases between cities. For each combination of varied factors, we identified the allocation of doses between cities that maximized infections averted by day 90.Results:Under our modelling assumptions, we found that a limited MPXV vaccine supply could generally avert more early infections when prioritized to networks that were larger, had more initial infections or had greater R0. Greater between-city mixing decreased the influence of initial seed cases and increased the influence of city R0 on optimal allocation. Under mixed conditions (e.g., fewer seed cases but greater R0), optimal allocation required doses shared between cities.Interpretation:In the context of the current global MPXV outbreak, we showed that prioritization of a limited supply of vaccines based on network-level factors can help maximize infections averted during an emerging epidemic. Such prioritization should be grounded in an understanding of context-specific risk drivers and should acknowledge potential connectedness of multiple transmission networks.

The emerging outbreak of monkeypox virus (MPXV) worldwide included 1435 cases in Canada as of Oct. 28, 2022.1 A third-generation replication-deficient smallpox vaccine (Imvamune) has been licensed for use against MPXV and related orthopoxviruses in Canada since 2020, for the purpose of national security.2 Shortly after cases were reported in Canadian cities, rapid pre-exposure prophylaxis vaccination efforts were started to help reduce acquisition, infectivity and disease severity among communities disproportionately affected by MPXV, including gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM).36 However, jurisdictions across Canada and beyond were faced with a limited local supply of vaccines during the first few weeks of the MPXV outbreak.It is well established that prioritizing a limited supply of vaccines to subpopulations with a disproportionately higher transmission risk (i.e., acquisition and/or transmission at the individual level and/or network levels) can maximize infections averted.58 Such networks may have different characteristics that shape the epidemic potential within the network itself.9 This potential is often quantified via the basic reproduction number R0, which reflects the expected number of secondary infections generated by a person who is infected in a fully susceptible population.10 A network’s connectedness to other networks further shapes if and how many cases are imported by the time vaccine allocation decisions and rollout begin.11We sought to explore the optimal allocation of a fixed supply of MPXV vaccine across 2 partially connected transmission networks (reflecting jurisdictions) of GBMSM (reflecting the community with the most cases of MPXV infection currently) under different epidemic conditions. Specifically, we explored differences between 2 jurisdictions in GBMSM population size, epidemic potential (R0), imported or seed cases, and connectedness of the 2 jurisdictions. Our goal was to produce fundamental and generalizable insights into the prioritization of MPXV vaccine in the context of interconnected sexual networks, using jurisdictions (cities) within Ontario as an example, to guide policy-makers in allocating scarce vaccines to maximize infections averted.  相似文献   
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is an aggressive salivary gland malignancy with limited treatment options for recurrent or metastatic disease. Due to chemotherapy resistance and lack of targeted therapeutic approaches, current treatment options for the localized disease are limited to surgery and radiation, which fails to prevent locoregional recurrences and distant metastases in over 50% of patients. Approximately 20% of patients with ACC carry NOTCH-activating mutations that are associated with a distinct phenotype, aggressive disease, and poor prognosis. Given the role of NOTCH signaling in regulating tumor cell behavior, NOTCH inhibitors represent an attractive potential therapeutic strategy for this subset of ACC. AL101 (osugacestat) is a potent γ-secretase inhibitor that prevents activation of all four NOTCH receptors. While this investigational new drug has demonstrated antineoplastic activity in several preclinical cancer models and in patients with advanced solid malignancies, we are the first to study the therapeutic benefit of AL101 in ACC. Here, we describe the antitumor activity of AL101 using ACC cell lines, organoids, and patient-derived xenograft models. Specifically, we find that AL101 has potent antitumor effects in in vitro and in vivo models of ACC with activating NOTCH1 mutations and constitutively upregulated NOTCH signaling pathway, providing a strong rationale for evaluation of AL101 in clinical trials for patients with NOTCH-driven relapsed/refractory ACC.Subject terms: Head and neck cancer, Targeted therapies  相似文献   
Recently, attention has been focused on pharmacological treatments that increase HDL cholesterol to prevent coronary artery disease. Despite three decades of extensive research of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein component of HDL, the molecular basis for its antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory functions remain elusive. Another protein component of HDL, apoA-II, has structural features similar to those of apoA-I but does not possess atheroprotective properties. To understand the molecular basis for the effectiveness of apoA-I, we used model synthetic peptides. We designed analogs of the class A amphipathic helical motif in apoA-I that is responsible for solubilizing phospholipids. None of these analogs has sequence homology to apoA-I, but all are similar in their lipid-associating structural motifs. Although all of these peptide analogs interact with phospholipids to form peptide:lipid complexes, the biological properties of these analogs are different. Physical-chemical and NMR studies of these peptides have enabled the delineation of structural requirements for atheroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties in these peptides. It has been shown that peptides that interact strongly with lipid acyl chains do not have antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. In contrast, peptides that associate close to the lipid head group (and hence do not interact strongly with the lipid acyl chain) are antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory. Understanding the structure and function of apoA-I and HDL through studies of the amphipathic helix motif may lead to peptide-based therapies for inhibiting atherosclerosis and other related inflammatory lipid disorders.  相似文献   
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