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A new species of the dinoflagellate genus Cachonina, C. illdefina sp. nov., was isolated from a red tide off El Capitan State Park, Santa Barbara County, California, in October 1973. The organism is light yellowgreen in color with deeply incised girdle and sulcal grooves. Electron microscopy of the organism, revealed a typical dinokaryotic nucleus. The chloroplasts of the organism are connected, and often contain microtubule-like elements, 25 nm diam. The pyrenoids are characterized as excluding chloroplast thylakoids and ribosomes, although containing an amorphous matrix and numerous tubular invaginations from the cytoplasm. The pyrenoids become detached from the chloroplasts and degenerate into small vesicles. C. illdefina is not bioluminescent.  相似文献   
Nitrate, ammonia, urea, and glycine were compared as nitrogen sources for Acetabularia mediterranea. Cells grew normally in media containing nitrate or urea, while cells did not grow at all when the same amount of N was supplied as ammonium ion. The utilization of glycine remains questionable. Cells in medium without added N (NDM) increased in length and some formed reproductive caps. The whorls of vegetative cells showed considerable hypertrophy in NDM and in glycine. This hypertrophy was due to the elongation of only the first-(a1) and second- (a2) order articles. When cut, the basal portion of cells without added N regenerated new apices with whorls. The development of these whorls was inversely proportional to the NO2 concentration. Analyses showed that the intracellular nitrogen pool in young cells and regenerating bases was very small, about 1/10 of that of fully grown cells. Therefore we suggest that trace amounts of N contaminants in the medium supported growth and development, the uptake of which was facilitated by the hypertrophied whorls, under N-limited conditions.  相似文献   
Does exercise alter the redistribution and clearance of particles from the lungs? Sedentary hamsters and hamsters that were exercise trained by voluntary wheel running for the previous 5 wk were exposed to a 198Au-labeled aerosol for 25 min. Six trained and 6 sedentary animals were killed within 5 min after the exposure (day 0); the same number were killed 5 days later. The trained hamsters ran ad libitum during those 5 days. The lungs of all animals were excised, dried at total lung capacity, sliced into 1-mm-thick sections, and dissected into pieces that were counted for radioactivity and weighed. On day 0, trained hamsters had 80% more particles per milligram of lung than sedentary hamsters, although both were exposed under identical conditions of restraint. After five days, exercising hamsters cleared 38% of the particles present at day 0, whereas sedentary animals removed only 15%. Significant clearance was observed from the middle lung regions of sedentary hamsters and from all lung regions in exercising hamsters. We conclude that exercise can enhance the redistribution and clearance of particles from the lungs; the mechanisms responsible are as yet unclear.  相似文献   
This is the first report of parallel studies of binding indices and physiological responsiveness of the "Serotonin-two" (5-HT2) receptor on the human platelet membrane. Binding indices were measured by a microassay employing [125I]ILSD as radioligand and ketanserin to define specific binding. A single receptor population was found, characterized by a KD of 1.69 +/- 0.45 nM and Bmax of 14.5 +/- 6.0 pmol/g protein in healthy subjects. Functional responsiveness of the platelet 5-HT2 receptor complex was assessed by measurement of the extent to which serotonin (10uM) augmented platelet aggregation induced by threshold concentrations of adenosine diphosphate (ADP). A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the number of platelet 5-HT2 receptor sites (Bmax) and the magnitude of the serotonin-amplified aggregation response (r = .70, n = 38, p less than 0.001). Assessment of binding indices and physiological responsiveness of the platelet 5-HT2 receptor complex should facilitate study of age, hormonal, disease, and drug effects on 5-HT2 receptor function in human subjects.  相似文献   
Electron microscope observations were made of the Australian and U.S. strains of Culicinomyces clavisporus infecting mosquito larvae. The wall of the conidium is composed of an inner (primary) layer, an outer (secondary) layer, and an exterior coating of a mucopolysaccharide substance believed responsible for conidial adhesion to the host cuticle prior to germination and penetration. In some instances the wall of the conidium is ruptured during germination and new wall layers and mucoid coating form around the germ tube whereas in other specimens the conidial wall layers extend around the germ tube without fracturing. The most common invasion site is through the larval foregut following ingestion of conidia. The apex of the germ tube presses tightly against the surface of the foregut cuticle and the mucilaginous coating is stripped away. There is evidence to suggest that the host epicuticle, which disappears across the zone of contact with the germ tube, is utilized for nutrition of the invading fungus. A collar of cuticle forms around the germ tube apex and a narrow penetrant hyphae extends into the procuticle. It is believed that cuticular penetration is primarily enzymatic assisted by mechanical pressure. The penetrant hypha swells into an oval cell in the hypodermal region and vegetative hypha then invade the hemocoel. The cells of the hypodermis develop signs of degeneration presumably due to the secretion of toxic substances from the invading hyphae. Host reactions, involving melanization of the host tissues, are sometimes evident among the invading penetrant hyphae in the cuticle or in the hypodermal cells in contact with the fungus. Melanized capsules form around some of the hyphae within the hemocoel. These latter reactions do not directly involve host blood cells and are examples of “humoral encapsulation” similar to that described by other authors during invasion of pathogenic organisms into mosquito larvae and chironomid larvae.  相似文献   
Myosin VI (myoVI) and myosin Va (myoVa) serve roles both as intracellular cargo transporters and tethers/anchors. In both capacities, these motors bind to and processively travel along the actin cytoskeleton, a network of intersecting actin filaments and bundles that present directional challenges to these motors. Are myoVI and myoVa inherently different in their abilities to interact and maneuver through the complexities of the actin cytoskeleton? Thus, we created an in vitro model system of intersecting actin filaments and individual unipolar (fascin‐actin) or mixed polarity (α‐actinin‐actin) bundles. The stepping dynamics of individual Qdot‐labeled myoVI and myoVa motors were determined on these actin tracks. Interestingly, myoVI prefers to stay on the actin filament it is traveling on, while myoVa switches filaments with higher probability at an intersection or between filaments in a bundle. The structural basis for this maneuverability difference was assessed by expressing a myoVI chimera in which the single myoVI IQ was replaced with the longer, six IQ myoVa lever. The mutant behaved more like myoVI at actin intersections and on bundles, suggesting that a structural element other than the lever arm dictates myoVI's preference to stay on track, which may be critical to its role as an intracellular anchor .  相似文献   
This study combined morphological and morphometric information on egg clutches, egg capsules and paralarvae of two sympatric coastal octopuses from New Zealand waters, Octopus huttoni and Pinnoctopus cordiformis, to provide species-specific traits to identify their early life stages obtained from field surveys. Eggs of O. huttoni (2.5 mm length; 1 mm width) were entwined with one another forming strings that ranged from 11 to 25.8 mm in length. Eggs of P. cordiformis (6.4 mm length; 1.5 mm width) were significantly bigger than those of O. huttoni and were grouped in small clusters of about seven eggs. Paralarvae O. huttoni and P. cordiformis differed in hatching size (1.4 mm versus 3.1 mm mantle length), number of suckers per arm (four versus eight), number of lamellae per outer demibranch (five versus ten) and arrangements of chromatophores in the body surface (29 to 59 versus 91 to 179), respectively. The morphological traits described in hatchlings from the laboratory allowed comparisons with field-collected paralarvae, suggesting that such characters were reliable species-specific patterns to enable a consistent differentiation between the early life stages of these two sympatric species, even in the absence of the brooding female.  相似文献   
Chitosan, a natural polysaccharide comprising copolymers of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine, has been shown to have anti-obesity properties. Two experiments (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2) were performed to determine the role of chitosan on dietary intake, body weight gain, and fat deposition in a pig model, as well as identifying potential mechanisms underlying the anti-obesity effect of chitosan. In Exp. 1, the nutrient digestibility experiment, 16 pigs (n = 4/treatment) were randomly allocated to one of four dietary treatments as follows: 1) basal diet; 2) basal diet plus 300 ppm chitosan; 3) basal diet plus 600 ppm chitosan; 4) basal diet plus 1200 ppm chitosan. The main observation was that crude fat digestibility was lower in the 1200 ppm chitosan group when compared with the control group (P<0.05). In Exp. 2, a total of 80 pigs (n = 20/treatment) were offered identical dietary treatments to that offered to animals in Exp. 1. Blood samples were collected on day 0, day 35 and at the end of the experiment (day 57). Animals offered diets containing 1200 ppm chitosan had a lower daily dietary intake (P<0.001) and body weight gain (P<0.001) from day 35 to 57 when compared with all the other treatment groups. Animals offered diets containing 1200 ppm chitosan had a significantly lower final body weight (P<0.01) when compared with all the other treatment groups. The decreased dietary intake observed in the 1200 ppm chitosan group was associated with increased serum leptin concentrations (P<0.001) and a decrease in serum C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations (P<0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study highlight novel endocrine mechanisms involving the modulation of serum leptin and CRP concentrations by which chitosan exhibits anti-obesity properties in vivo.  相似文献   
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