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Acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) are characterized by a high net negative charge and by an uneven surface charge distribution, giving rise to a negative electrostatic potential extending over most of the molecular surface. To evaluate the contribution of these electrostatic properties to the catalytic efficiency, 20 single- and multiple-site mutants of human AChE were generated by replacing up to seven acidic residues, vicinal to the rim of the active-center gorge (Glu84, Glu285, Glu292, Asp349, Glu358, Glu389 and Asp390), by neutral amino acids. Progressive simulated replacement of these charged residues results in a gradual decrease of the negative electrostatic potential which is essentially eliminated by neutralizing six or seven charges. In marked contrast to the shrinking of the electrostatic potential, the corresponding mutations had no significant effect on the apparent bimolecular rate constants of hydrolysis for charged and non-charged substrates, or on the Ki value for a charged active center inhibitor. Moreover, the kcat values for all 20 mutants are essentially identical to that of the wild type enzyme, and the apparent bimolecular rate constants show a moderate dependence on the ionic strength, which is invariant for all the enzymes examined. These findings suggest that the surface electrostatic properties of AChE do not contribute to the catalytic rate, that this rate is probably not diffusion-controlled and that long-range electrostatic interactions play no role in stabilization of the transition states of the catalytic process.  相似文献   
The levels of endogenous IAA and cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenine, and isopentenyladenosine) were determined in potato plants cultured in vitro under red light (R) and blue light (B) on medium with or without hormones. On medium without hormones in B, plants contained much higher cytokinin levels, particularly in leaves and roots, and also slightly elevated IAA levels. Kinetin in the medium in B changed the distribution of cytokinins and significantly increased IAA level in roots. In R, the presence of kinetin led to an increased cytokinin level in the whole plant, while the IAA level was slightly lower. IAA in the medium in B decreased cytokinin level in all plant parts, while the IAA level did not change significantly. In R, the presence of IAA in the medium led to a moderate increase of CK level and to a significant increase in IAA level, especially in roots. Uptake of 1-14C-IAA and of 3H-zeatin was generally higher in B than in R. Higher percentage of IAA taken up in B was converted to conjugates in the roots. Metabolism of 3H-zeatin was similar in R and B with only slight differences in metabolite amounts.Thus, in all experimental situations in which tuber formation was stimulated, IAA level in roots and stolons rose significantly, stressing the importance of an IAA gradient for tuber formation.  相似文献   
SUP35is an omnipotent suppressor gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae coding for a protein consisting of a C-terminal part similar to the elongation factor EF-1α and a unique N-terminal sequence of 253 amino acids. Twelve truncated versions of the SUP35 gene were generated by the deletion of fragments internal to the coding sequence. Functional studies of these deletion mutants showed that: (i) only the EF-1α-like C-terminal part of the Sup35 protein is essential for the cell viability; (ii) overexpression of either the N-terminal part of the Sup35 protein or the full-length Sup35 protein decreases translational fidelity, resulting in omnipotent suppression and reduced growth of [psi+] strains; (iii) expression of the C-terminal part of the Sup35 protein generates an antisuppressor phenotype; and (iv) both the N- or C-terminal segments of the Sup35 protein can bind to 80S ribosomes. Thus, the data obtained define two domains within the Sup35 protein which are responsible for different functions.  相似文献   
Intestinal mucosal damage was produced in rats by the s.c. administration of indomethacin (10 mg/kg). The number and severity of the small intestinal mucosal lesions was recorded. Different doses of prostacyclin (PGI2), 7-oxo-PGI2 and 17-aza-PGF2 alpha (0.25-0.5-1.00 mg/kg) were given i.p. at the time of administration of indomethacin. The effects of these compounds were studied on the number and severity of the small intestinal mucosal lesions. It was shown that (1) all tested compounds inhibited the number and severity of the intestinal mucosal lesions, however, to different extent; (2) the inhibition of the development of small intestinal mucosal damage displayed a dose-response relationship; (3) 17-aza-PGF2 alpha was found to have the most potent effect on the development of the intestinal lesions as well as on the development of gastric mucosal damage produced by ethanol.  相似文献   
Summary A direct current electric field up to 3 mV/ cm was recorded in 33 sea water around the fishMyoxocephalus brandti, Hexogrammos octogrammos, Enophrys diceraus, Pleuronectes stellatus, Bathimaste r derjugini, Sebastes scorpaeniformis. The body surface potentials were positive in relation to the external and internal media; they attained 10 mV and slowly varied near the mean value at every point. The potentials at the surface points of individual skin sections adjoining the oral and branchial cavities, the anal orifice and peripheral fin sections were normally characterized by polarities opposite to those of body surface potentials (in sea water they were negative in relation to the external medium).When placed in sea water during their fresh water cycle, the salmonOncorhynchus keta and the fresh water fishSalvelinus alpinus andMisgurnus fossilis had no d.c. field.In fresh water containing less than 0.03 salt, a d.c. field up to 25 mV/cm was recorded around all the above mentioned species. The potentials had an opposite polarity to that recorded in sea water.The distribution of potentials over the fish surface depends on the species. The potentials at some points of the body surfaces were found to vary when other fish or metal objects were placed in the aquarium.The parameters of the direct current electric field generated by a whole fish and by isolated skin pieces were identical and varied by the same law with changed medium salinity. Thus it may be assumed that the d.c. electric field around the fish is produced by active electrogenic ion transport mechanisms localized in the skin.  相似文献   
Summary The plasmid designated pAD1 was isolated from the cells of four variants of Bacillus brevis var. G.-B. The plasmid DNA has a molecular weight of about 47.1×106 daltons and contains 43.4 mole % G+C. The bulk of pAD1 DNA (96–98%) is associated with the fraction of chromosome DNA and membranes.Restriction endonucleases SmaI, SalI and BamHI cleaved the plasmid DNA into two, two and six fragments, respectively. The cleavage map of the pAD1 genome has been constructed for these three endonucleases. Restriction enzymes EcoRI, HindIII, KpnI and PstI hydrolized the plasmid DNA into 16, 21, 10 and 9 fragments, respectively. The presence of repeated sequences in the plasmid genome was shown based on pAD1 DNA cleavage by these endonucleases.  相似文献   
Field trials on the effect of chlorocholinechloride (CCC) on rye plants of the cultivar Danae and of a selected population “WRS” proved that rye principally shows as reaction analogous to wheat. The CCC-induced decrease of stalk length is due to the reduction of elongation growth of the 4th internode. This shortening effect is mainly the result of decreased cell extension and, in the middle internode, additionally of inhibited cell division in longitudinal direction. The shape of internodes is changed under the influence of CCC. Walls of parenchyma cells of CCC-treated plants are thinner and those of sclerenchyma cells are thicker compared with cell walls of control plants.   相似文献   
Gatalytically active Pneumocystis carinii thymidylate synthase is expressed to the extent of about 4% of the soluble protein in Escherichia coli χ2913 harboring plasmid pUETS-1.8 (U. Edman, J. C. Edman, B. Lundgren, and D. V. Santi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 6503–6507, 1989). Ion-exchange, affinity, hydrophobic, and reactive dye agarose chromatography steps were explored to devise a large-scale purification protocol for P. carinii thymidylate synthase. Sequential DE52, Q-Sepharose, phenyl-Sepharose, and Cibacron Blue F3GA chromatography yielded enzyme that was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE in a yield of over 50%. The sequence of the first 10 amino acid residues of the purified protein was in accord with that predicted from the DNA sequence. Isoelectric focusing gave a pI of 6.2. Kinetic analysis of the purified enzyme revealed that the the Km values were 4.7 ± 1.3 μM for dUMP and 15.7 ± 4.3 μM for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, similar to those of many other thymidylate synthases; the κcat of the most active preparation was 0.8 s−1. The enzyme is stable for at least 2 months when stored at −80°C in the presence of 40% glycerol, Tris-HCl, and thiol.  相似文献   
Summary Investigations were performed on the influence of the phospholipid composition and physicochemical properties of the rat liver microsomal membranes on acyl-CoA synthetase and acyl-CoA : 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine O-acyltransferase activities. The phospholipid composition of the membranes was modified by incubation with different phospholipids in the presence of lipid transfer proteins or by partial delipidation with exogenous phospholipase C and subsequent enrichment with phospholipids. The results indicated that the incorporation of phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine induced a marked activation of acyl-CoA synthetase for both substrates used—palmitic and oleic acids. Sphingomyelin occurred as specific inhibitor for this activity especially for palmitic acid. Palmitoyl-CoA: and oleoyl-CoA : lacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine acyltransferase activities were found to depend on the physical state of the membrane lipids. The alterations in the membrane physical state were estimated using two different fluorescent probes—1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and pyrene. In all cases of membrane fluidization this activity was elevated. On the contrary, in more rigid membranes obtained by incorporation of sphingomyelin and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, acyltransferase activity was reduced for both palmitoyl-CoA and oleoyl-CoA. We suggest a certain similarity in the way of regulation of membrane-bound acyltransferase and phospholipase A2 which both participate in the deacylation-reacylation cycle.  相似文献   
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