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Peptidomics-based discovery of novel neuropeptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modern proteomic methodologies have significantly improved the possibilities of large-scale identification of proteins. However, these methodologies are limited by their inability to reliably detect endogenously expressed peptides. We describe a novel approach of combining sample preparation, comprising focused microwave irradiation and mass spectrometric peptide profiling that has enabled us to simultaneously detect more than 550 endogenous neuropeptides in 1 mg of hypothalamic extracts. Automatic switching tandem mass spectrometry and amino acid sequence determination of the peptides showed that they consist of both novel and previously described neuropeptides. The methodology includes virtual visualization of the peptides as two- and three-dimensional image maps. In addition, several novel and known post-translational modifications of the neuropeptides were identified. The peptidomic approach proved to be a powerful method for investigating endogenous peptides and their post-translational modifications in complex tissues such as the brain. It is anticipated that this approach will complement proteomic methods in the future.  相似文献   
Melanophores, dark pigment cells from the frog Xenopus laevis, have the ability to change light absorbance upon stimulation by different biological agents. Hormone exposure (e.g. melatonin or alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone) has been used here as a reversible stimulus to test a new compact microplate reading platform. As an application, the detection of the asthma drug formoterol in blood plasma samples is demonstrated. The present system utilizes a computer screen as a (programmable) large area light source, and a standard web camera as recording media enabling even kinetic microplate reading with a versatile and broadly available platform, which suffices to evaluate numerous bioassays. Especially in the context of point of care testing or self testing applications these possibilities become advantageous compared with highly dedicated comparatively expensive commercial systems.  相似文献   
The haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26 (LinB) is the enzyme involved in the degradation of the important environmental pollutant gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane. The enzyme hydrolyzes a broad range of halogenated cyclic and aliphatic compounds. Here, we present the 1.58 A crystal structure of LinB and the 2.0 A structure of LinB with 1,3-propanediol, a product of debromination of 1,3-dibromopropane, in the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme belongs to the alpha/beta hydrolase family and contains a catalytic triad (Asp108, His272, and Glu132) in the lipase-like topological arrangement previously proposed from mutagenesis experiments. The LinB structure was compared with the structures of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10 and from Rhodococcus sp. and the structural features involved in the adaptation toward xenobiotic substrates were identified. The arrangement and composition of the alpha-helices in the cap domain results in the differences in the size and shape of the active-site cavity and the entrance tunnel. This is the major determinant of the substrate specificity of this haloalkane dehalogenase.  相似文献   
Abstract. Theories of density-dependent natural selection suggest that intraspecific competition will favor juveniles of high competitive ability. Empirical evidence has been provided from laboratory selection experiments, but field studies are lacking due to the logistical difficulties of experimentally manipulating population densities in natural settings. Here, we present data from a decade-long experimental field study of side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana that overcomes these difficulties. We tested the hypothesis that density-dependent natural selection causes egg size to increase from early to late clutches in this and many other species. Using a novel combination of environmental manipulations of hatchling density and phenotypic manipulations of egg size, we demonstrate that the nature of selection on egg size changes dramatically in the absence of older competitors. The strength of selection on egg size among later-clutch hatchlings released in areas without competitors from early clutches became almost doubled in magnitude, compared to that among hatchlings released in the presence of older competitors. These experimental findings demonstrate density-dependent natural selection on egg size; however, they contradict the classical idea that egg size increases during the reproductive season because of competition between early and late hatchlings. The results indicate that competitive age or size asymmetries between early and late hatchlings can override within-cohort asymmetries due to egg size. We suggest that competition could be an important mediator of oscillating selection pressures in this and other systems. Finally, we discuss the utility of "double-level," simultaneous experimental manipulation of both phenotypic traits that are targets of selection (e.g., egg size) as well the environmental agents of selection (e.g., population density).  相似文献   
Faeces samples were collected during outbreaks of neonatal calf diarrhoea in 14 beef and dairy herds. Samples from 33 calves were taken at the onset of diarrhoea as well as from 30 calves with no signs of enteritis. No vaccines or medical treatment had previously been given. The mean age of the calves was 16.8 days (SD 8.2). The clinical evaluation of faeces consistency corresponded well to the dry matter content of the faeces (p<0.001). The samples were analyzed for rotavirus, Cryptosporidium species and Escherichia coli K99+. Group A rotavirus was detected by ELISA and RNA Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (RNA-PAGE) in 14/33 (43.8%) of the samples from scouring calves and 1/30 (3.7%) of the samples from non-scouring calves. The correlation between group A rotavirus and diarrhoea was statistically significant (p<0.001). No non-group A rotaviruses were found by RNA-PAGE. Cryptosporidium species were detected through demonstration of oocysts in smears from 12/63 (19.0%) of the faecal samples, but no statistically significant correlation between diarrhoea and detection of oocysts was demonstrated. Escherichia coli K99+ was not detected in any faeces sample. The clear association between group A rotavirus and diarrhoea is suggested to be due to low pathogenic load in the herds.  相似文献   
HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a complex of human alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid (C18:1:9 cis) that kills tumor cells by an apoptosis-like mechanism. Previous studies have shown that a conformational change is required to form HAMLET from alpha-lactalbumin, and that a partially unfolded conformation is maintained in the HAMLET complex. This study examined if unfolding of alpha-lactalbumin is sufficient to induce cell death. We used the bovine alpha-lactalbumin Ca(2+) site mutant D87A, which is unable to bind Ca(2+), and thus remains partially unfolded regardless of solvent conditions. The D87A mutant protein was found to be inactive in the apoptosis assay, but could readily be converted to a HAMLET-like complex in the presence of oleic acid. BAMLET (bovine alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) and D87A-BAMLET complexes were both able to kill tumor cells. This activity was independent of the Ca(2+)site, as HAMLET maintained a high affinity for Ca(2+) but D87A-BAMLET was active with no Ca(2+) bound. We conclude that partial unfolding of alpha-lactalbumin is necessary but not sufficient to trigger cell death, and that the activity of HAMLET is defined both by the protein and the lipid cofactor. Furthermore, a functional Ca(2+)-binding site is not required for conversion of alpha-lactalbumin to the active complex or to cause cell death. This suggests that the lipid cofactor stabilizes the altered fold without interfering with the Ca(2+)site.  相似文献   
Cephalosporin mustard (CM) was designed as an anticancer prodrug that could be activated in a site-specific manner by monoclonal antibody-beta-lactamase conjugates targeted to antigens present on tumor cell surfaces. Purified beta-lactamases from Bacillus cereus (BC beta L) and Escherichia coli (EC beta L) catalyzed the release of phenylenediamine mustard (PDM) from CM through a fragmentation reaction which occurs after the beta-lactam ring of CM is hydrolyzed. The Km and Vmax values were 5.7 microM and 201 mumol/min per mg for BC beta L and 43 microM and 29 mumol/min per mg for EC beta L, respectively. Conjugates of BC beta L were prepared by combining the F(ab')2 fragments of the maleimide-substituted monoclonal antibodies L6 and 1F5 with thiolated BC beta L. The conjugates showed little loss in enzymatic activity and bound nearly as well as the unmodified F(ab')2 monoclonal antibodies to antigens expressed on the H2981 human lung adenocarcinoma cell line (L6 positive, 1F5 negative). PDM was approximately 50-fold more cytotoxic than CM to H2981 cells. Treatment of the cells with L6-BC beta L followed by CM resulted in a level of cytotoxic activity that was comparable to that of PDM. This was most likely due to activation of CM by conjugate that bound to cell-surface antigens, since pretreatment of H2981 cells with BC beta L or 1F5-BC beta L enhanced the activity of CM to a lesser extent. Thus, we have shown that CM is a prodrug, and that it can be activated with immunological specificity by a monoclonal antibody-beta-lactamase conjugate.  相似文献   
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