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We consider a three-variable forest pest model, proposed by Rinaldi & Muratori (1992) [Rinaldi, S., Muratori, S., 1992. Limit cycles in slow–fast forest–pest models. Theor. Popul. Biol. 41, 26–43]. The model allows relaxation oscillations where long pest-free periods are interspersed with outbreaks of high pest concentration. For small values of the timescale of the young trees, the model can be reduced to a two-dimensional model. By a geometrical analysis we identify a canard explosion in the reduced model, that is, a change over a narrow parameter interval from outbreak dynamics to small oscillations around an endemic state. For larger values of the timescale of the young trees the two-dimensional approximation breaks down, and a broader parameter interval with mixed-mode oscillations appear, replacing the simple canard explosion. The analysis only relies on simple and generic properties of the model, and is expected to be applicable in a larger class of multiple timescale dynamical models.  相似文献   
Has land surface cover in South America been impacted by the loss of most large herbivores following the severe Pleistocene and Early Holocene megafauna extinctions on this continent? Here, we estimate how mean savanna woody biomass may have changed in the Americas following these extinctions by creating an empirical model to understand how large herbivores impact savanna woody biomass. To create this empirical model, we combine a large recently published dataset of savanna woody cover from Lehmann et al. (2014) (n = 2154 plots) with estimates of mammals ranges and weights from the IUCN database. We evaluate how variables such as number of megaherbivores (mammal species ≥ 1000 kg), log10 sum species weights, and total number of mammal species predict changes to woody cover by using both ordinary least squares regression analysis (OLS) and simultaneous auto‐regressive (SAR) analysis to control for spatial autocorrelation. Both number of megaherbivores and log10 sum species weights, which both disproportionately weight for megaherbivores, significantly explained much (~ 5–13%) variance in woody cover, but the third variable weighting all animals equally, did not. We then combined these biotic variables with abiotic variables such as temperature, precipitation, and fire frequency to create a model predicting 36% of the variance of savanna woody cover. We used this model combined with estimated range maps of extinct South American megafauna to estimate that had those South American megafauna not gone extinct, total savanna woody cover in South America could possibly have decreased by ~ 29% and that savannas would likely have been more open like current African savannas.  相似文献   
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry adapted for selected ion monitoring was used to detect C32 mycocerosic acid in short-term incubated cultures of procineand canine strains of mycobacteria. The method can be employed for rapid differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from M. avium-intracellulare.  相似文献   
The ongoing down‐sizing of the global mammal communities is assumed to have subsequent effects on mutualistic species communities. Dung beetles co‐evolved with large‐sized animals since millennia and depend on the megafauna feces of an appropriate size. Mammal community down‐sizing as a result of past and ongoing megafauna losses is therefore likely to result in a down‐sizing of dung beetle communities. However, empirical evidence for this co‐down‐sizing is lacking especially on larger spatial scales and over extended periods of time. Here, we show a significant down‐sizing of European dung beetle assemblages over the last ~53 000 years by relating Quaternary fossil records with trait information on body size of beetles. This significant down‐sizing of dung beetle communities was thereby not linear, but characterized by a weak decrease until the early Holocene but a strong acceleration in the recent pre‐history, from 6–7000 years BP onwards. This acceleration of down‐sizing coincides with the completion of the Quaternary megafauna extinction and the start of major shifts in human agricultural land‐use. In contrast, assemblage mean body size of non‐coprophagous scarabids as well as ground beetles – two groups of beetles with no or weak relations to megafauna – was observed to increase towards the present with an acceleration of body size increase coinciding with the onset of late‐glacial warming (14 200 years BP). In summary, the observed late‐Quaternary down‐sizing of European dung beetle communities is consistent with an effect of pre‐historic megafauna losses, and not with the coincident general warming. Ongoing down‐sizing of mammal communities is therefore likely to result in further down‐sizing of dung beetle assemblages, with potential effects on their important role for nutrient cycling and secondary seed dispersal in natural and extensive agro‐ecosystems. Future nature management initiatives could halt or even reverse this functional diversity loss via effective protection or restoration of megafauna communities.  相似文献   
Summary Three human cosmid clones containing pepsinogen A (PGA) encoding sequences were isolated from a genomic bank derived from a single individual. One cosmid contains two PGA genes in tandem in a head-to-tail orientation, while the other two cosmids each contain a single PGA gene. The three cosmids were characterized by restriction mapping and sequence analysis (exons 1 and 2 and flanking regions). As judged from these data, three of the four PGA genes isolated appear to be nearly identical, but one of the tandem genes is clearly different from the other genes. The first exon of all four genes codes for the same amino acid sequence. However, in the second exon of one of the tandem genes we found a nucleotide substitution giving rise to a GluLys substitution of the 43rd amino acid residue of the activation peptide, leading to a charge difference of the corresponding isozymogens. The presence of two distinct PGA genes in the isolated gene pair conclusively proves the multigene structure of the PGA system. These genes might be responsible for at least part of the electrophoretic polymorphism at the protein level.  相似文献   
Poleward and upward shifts are the most frequent types of range shifts that have been reported in response to contemporary climate change. However, the number of reports documenting other types of range shifts – such as in east‐west directions across longitudes or, even more unexpectedly, towards tropical latitudes and lower elevations – is increasing rapidly. Recent studies show that these range shifts may not be so unexpected once the local climate changes are accounted for. We here provide an updated synthesis of the fast‐moving research on climate‐related range shifts. By describing the current state of the art on geographical patterns of species range shifts under contemporary climate change for plants and animals across both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, we identified a number of research shortfalls. In addition to the recognised geographic shortfall in the tropics, we found taxonomic and methodological shortfalls with knowledge gaps regarding range shifts of prokaryotes, lowland range shifts of terrestrial plants, and bathymetric range shifts of marine plants. Based on this review, we provide a research agenda for filling these gaps. We outline a comprehensive framework for assessing multidimensional changes in species distributions, which should then be contrasted with expectations based on climate change indices, such as velocity measures accounting for complex local climate changes. Finally, we propose a unified classification of geographical patterns of species range shifts, arranged in a bi‐dimensional space defined by species’ persistence and movement rates. Placing the observed and expected shifts into this bi‐dimensional space should lead to more informed assessments of extinction risks.  相似文献   
Species distributions are often constrained by climatic tolerances that are ultimately determined by evolutionary history and/or adaptive capacity, but these factors have rarely been partitioned. Here, we experimentally determined two key climatic niche traits (desiccation and cold resistance) for 92–95 Drosophila species and assessed their importance for geographic distributions, while controlling for acclimation, phylogeny, and spatial autocorrelation. Employing an array of phylogenetic analyses, we documented moderate‐to‐strong phylogenetic signal in both desiccation and cold resistance. Desiccation and cold resistance were clearly linked to species distributions because significant associations between traits and climatic variables persisted even after controlling for phylogeny. We used different methods to untangle whether phylogenetic signal reflected phylogenetically related species adapted to similar environments or alternatively phylogenetic inertia. For desiccation resistance, weak phylogenetic inertia was detected; ancestral trait reconstruction, however, revealed a deep divergence that could be traced back to the genus level. Despite drosophilids’ high evolutionary potential related to short generation times and high population sizes, cold resistance was found to have a moderate‐to‐high level of phylogenetic inertia, suggesting that evolutionary responses are likely to be slow. Together these findings suggest species distributions are governed by evolutionarily conservative climate responses, with limited scope for rapid adaptive responses to future climate change.  相似文献   
When taxa go extinct, unique evolutionary history is lost. If extinction is selective, and the intrinsic vulnerabilities of taxa show phylogenetic signal, more evolutionary history may be lost than expected under random extinction. Under what conditions this occurs is insufficiently known. We show that late Cenozoic climate change induced phylogenetically selective regional extinction of northern temperate trees because of phylogenetic signal in cold tolerance, leading to significantly and substantially larger than random losses of phylogenetic diversity (PD). The surviving floras in regions that experienced stronger extinction are phylogenetically more clustered, indicating that non‐random losses of PD are of increasing concern with increasing extinction severity. Using simulations, we show that a simple threshold model of survival given a physiological trait with phylogenetic signal reproduces our findings. Our results send a strong warning that we may expect future assemblages to be phylogenetically and possibly functionally depauperate if anthropogenic climate change affects taxa similarly.  相似文献   
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