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Traditional microbiological methods of cultivation recover less than 1% of the total bacterial species, and the culturable portion of bacteria is not representative of the total phylogenetic diversity. Classical cultivation strategies are now known to supply excessive nutrients to a system and therefore select for fast-growing bacteria that are capable of colony or biofilm formation. New approaches to the cultivation of bacteria which rely on growth in dilute nutrient media or simulated environments are beginning to address this problem of selection. Here we describe a novel microcultivation method for soil bacteria that mimics natural conditions. Our soil slurry membrane system combines a polycarbonate membrane as a growth support and soil extract as the substrate. The result is abundant growth of uncharacterized bacteria as microcolonies. By combining microcultivation with fluorescent in situ hybridization, previously "unculturable" organisms belonging to cultivated and noncultivated divisions, including candidate division TM7, can be identified by fluorescence microscopy. Successful growth of soil bacteria as microcolonies confirmed that the missing culturable majority may have a growth strategy that is not observed when traditional cultivation indicators are used.  相似文献   
Human EAT-2 (SH2D1B) and SLAM-associated protein (SAP) (SH2D1A) are single SH2-domain adapters, which bind to specific tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail of six signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) (SLAMF1)-related receptors. Here we report that, unlike in humans, the mouse and rat Eat2 genes are duplicated with an identical genomic organization. The coding regions of the mouse Eat2a and Eat2b genes share 91% identity at the nucleotide level and 84% at the protein level; similarly, segments of introns are highly conserved. Whereas expression of mouse Eat2a mRNA was detected in multiple tissues, Eat2b was only detectable in mouse natural killer cells, CD8+ T cells, and ovaries, suggesting a very restricted tissue expression of the latter. Both the EAT-2A and EAT-2B coimmunoprecipitated with mouse SLAM in transfected cells and augmented tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tail of SLAM. Both EAT-2A and EAT-2B bind to the Src-like kinases Fyn, Hck, Lyn, Lck, and Fgr, as determined by a yeast two-hybrid assay. However, unlike SAP, the EAT-2 proteins bind to their kinase domains and not to the SH3 domain of these kinases. Taken together, the data suggest that both EAT-2A and EAT-2B are adapters that recruit Src kinases to SLAM family receptors using a mechanism that is distinct from that of SAP. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. S. Calpe and E. Erdős contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Thermophily is thought to be a primitive trait, characteristic of early forms of life on Earth, that has been gradually lost over evolutionary time. The genus Bacillus provides an ideal model for studying the evolution of thermophily as it is an ancient taxon and its contemporary species inhabit a range of thermal environments. The thermostability of reconstructed ancestral proteins has been used as a proxy for ancient thermal adaptation. The reconstruction of ancestral "enzymes" has the added advantages of demonstrable activity, which acts as an internal control for accurate inference, and providing insights into the evolution of enzymatic catalysis. Here, we report the reconstruction of the structurally complex core metabolic enzyme LeuB (3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, E. C. from the last common ancestor (LCA) of Bacillus using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. ML LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus shares only 76% sequence identity with its closest contemporary homolog, yet it is fully functional, thermophilic, and exhibits high values for k(cat), k(cat)/K(M), and ΔG(?) for unfolding. The Bayesian version of this enzyme is also thermophilic but exhibits anomalous catalytic kinetics. We have determined the 3D structure of the ML enzyme and found that it is more closely aligned with LeuB from deeply branching bacteria, such as Thermotoga maritima, than contemporary Bacillus species. To investigate the evolution of thermophily, three descendents of LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus were also reconstructed. They reveal a fluctuating trend in thermal evolution, with a temporal adaptation toward mesophily followed by a more recent return to thermophily. Structural analysis suggests that the determinants of thermophily in LeuB from the LCA of Bacillus and the most recent ancestor are distinct and that thermophily has arisen in this genus at least twice via independent evolutionary paths. Our results add significant fluctuations to the broad trend in thermal adaptation previously proposed and demonstrate that thermophily is not exclusively a primitive trait, as it can be readily gained as well as lost. Our findings also demonstrate that reconstruction of complex functional Precambrian enzymes is possible and can provide empirical access to the evolution of ancient phenotypes and metabolisms.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and 2 are old viruses, with a history of evolution shared with humans. Thus, it is generally well-adapted viruses, infecting many of us without doing much harm, and with the capacity to hide in our neurons for life. In rare situations, however, the primary infection becomes generalized or involves the brain. Normally, the primary HSV infection is asymptomatic, and a crucial element in the early restriction of virus replication and thus avoidance of symptoms from the infection is the concerted action of different arms of the innate immune response. An early and light struggle inhibiting some HSV replication will spare the host from the real war against huge amounts of virus later in infection. As far as such a war will jeopardize the life of the host, it will be in both interests, including the virus, to settle the conflict amicably. Some important weapons of the unspecific defence and the early strikes and beginning battle during the first days of a HSV infection are discussed in this review. Generally, macrophages are orchestrating a multitude of anti-herpetic actions during the first hours of the attack. In a first wave of responses, cytokines, primarily type I interferons (IFN) and tumour necrosis factor are produced and exert a direct antiviral effect and activate the macrophages themselves. In the next wave, interleukin (IL)-12 together with the above and other cytokines induce production of IFN-γ in mainly NK cells. Many positive feed-back mechanisms and synergistic interactions intensify these systems and give rise to heavy antiviral weapons such as reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide. This results in the generation of an alliance against the viral enemy. However, these heavy weapons have to be controlled to avoid too much harm to the host. By IL-4 and others, these reactions are hampered, but they are still allowed in foci of HSV replication, thus focusing the activity to only relevant sites. So, no hero does it alone. Rather, an alliance of cytokines, macrophages and other cells seems to play a central role. Implications of this for future treatment modalities are shortly considered.  相似文献   
Studies of protein N‐glycosylation are important for answering fundamental questions on the diverse functions of glycoproteins in plant growth and development. Here we generated and characterised a comprehensive collection of Lotus japonicusLORE1 insertion mutants, each lacking the activity of one of the 12 enzymes required for normal N‐glycan maturation in the glycosylation machinery. The inactivation of the individual genes resulted in altered N‐glycan patterns as documented using mass spectrometry and glycan‐recognising antibodies, indicating successful identification of null mutations in the target glyco‐genes. For example, both mass spectrometry and immunoblotting experiments suggest that proteins derived from the α1,3‐fucosyltransferase (Lj3fuct) mutant completely lacked α1,3‐core fucosylation. Mass spectrometry also suggested that the Lotus japonicus convicilin 2 was one of the main glycoproteins undergoing differential expression/N‐glycosylation in the mutants. Demonstrating the functional importance of glycosylation, reduced growth and seed production phenotypes were observed for the mutant plants lacking functional mannosidase I, N‐acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, and α1,3‐fucosyltransferase, even though the relative protein composition and abundance appeared unaffected. The strength of our N‐glycosylation mutant platform is the broad spectrum of resulting glycoprotein profiles and altered physiological phenotypes that can be produced from single, double, triple and quadruple mutants. This platform will serve as a valuable tool for elucidating the functional role of protein N‐glycosylation in plants. Furthermore, this technology can be used to generate stable plant mutant lines for biopharmaceutical production of glycoproteins displaying relative homogeneous and mammalian‐like N‐glycosylation features.  相似文献   
Rates of incorporation of [4,5-(3)H]leucine into insulin plus proinsulin, designated ;(pro)insulin', and total protein in rat pancreatic islets were measured. Glucose stimulates rates of total protein and (pro)insulin biosynthesis, but (pro)insulin biosynthesis is stimulated preferentially. Mannose and N-acetylglucosamine also stimulate (pro)insulin and total protein biosynthesis; inosine and dihydroxyacetone stimulate (pro)insulin biosynthesis specifically. Fructose does not stimulate (pro)insulin biosynthesis when tested alone, but does so in the presence of low concentrations of glucose, mannose or N-acetylglucosamine. Many glucose analogues do not stimulate (pro)insulin biosynthesis. Mannoheptulose inhibits synthesis of (pro)insulin and total protein stimulated by glucose or mannose but not by dihydroxyacetone, inosine or N-acetylglucosamine; phloretin (9mum) inhibits N-acetylglucosamine-stimulated (pro)insulin biosynthesis preferentially. The data are in agreement with the view that the same glucose-sensor mechanism may control both insulin release and biosynthesis, and ;substrate-site' model is suggested. The threshold for stimulation of biosynthesis of (pro)insulin and total protein is lower than that found for glucose-stimulated insulin release; moreover the biosynthetic response to an elevation of glucose concentration is slower than that found for insulin release. The physiological implication of these findings is discussed. Caffeine and isobutylmethylxanthine, at concentrations known to increase islet 3':5'-cyclic AMP and potentiate glucose-induced insulin release, were without effect on rates of glucose-stimulated (pro)insulin biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes severe infections, which can lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Although both innate and adaptive immune responses are elicited during chlamydial infection the bacterium succeeds to evade host defense mechanisms establishing chronic infections. Thus, studying the host–pathogen interaction during chlamydial infection is of importance to understand how C. trachomatis can cause chronic infections. Both the complement system and monocytes play essential roles in anti-bacterial defense, and, therefore, we investigated the interaction between the complement system and the human pathogens C. trachomatis D and L2.Complement competent serum facilitated rapid uptake of both chlamydial serovars into monocytes. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we showed that products of complement C3 were loosely deposited on the bacterial surface in complement competent serum and further characterization demonstrated that the deposited C3 product was the opsonin iC3b. Using C3-depleted serum we confirmed that complement C3 facilitates rapid uptake of chlamydiae into monocytes in complement competent serum. Complement facilitated uptake did not influence intracellular survival of C. trachomatis or C. trachomatis-induced cytokine secretion. Hence, C. trachomatis D and L2 activate the complement system leading to chlamydial opsonization by iC3b and subsequent phagocytosis, activation and bacterial elimination by human monocytes.  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo quantify the variance introduced to trapezius electromyography (EMG) through normalization by sub-maximal reference voluntary exertions (RVE), and to investigate the effect of increased normalization efforts as compared to other changes in data collection strategy on the precision of occupational EMG estimates.MethodsWomen performed four RVE contractions followed by 30 min of light, cyclic assembly work on each of two days. Work cycle EMG was normalized to each of the RVE trials and seven exposure parameters calculated. The proportions of exposure variance attributable to subject, day within subject, and cycle and normalization trial within day were determined. Using this data, the effect on the precision of the exposure mean of altering the number of subjects, days, cycles and RVEs during data collection was simulated.ResultsFor all exposure parameters a unique component of variance due to normalization was present, yet small: less than 4.4% of the total variance. The resource allocation simulations indicated that marginal improvements in the precision of a group exposure mean would occur above three RVE repeats for EMG collected on one day, or beyond two RVEs for EMG collected on two or more days.  相似文献   
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