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The aim of the present study was to examine long-term effects of low levels of ergot alkaloids on growing bulls. Natural grown ergot with a mean total alkaloid concentrations of 633 mg/kg, and ergotamine (25%), ergocristine (15%) and ergosine (13%) as the most prominent alkaloids, was used. In a dose-response study 38 Holstein Friesian bulls were fed with three different doses of this ergot (0, 0.45 and 2.25 g/kg concentrate corresponding to an average total alkaloid concentration of the daily ration of 0, 69 and 421 microg/kg DM) over a period of approximately 230 days. Live weight, feed intake and health condition were monitored over the entire test period. The bulls were slaughtered at a live weight of approximately 550 kg. Carcass composition and quality were recorded and samples of liver, muscle, kidneys, fat, bile, urine and blood were analysed for ergot alkaloids. Liver enzyme activities and total bilirubin were measured in the blood. Statistically, no significant differences were detectable between the three feeding groups. Mean live weight gain over all groups was 1.41 kg/d with a mean dry matter intake of 7.35 kg/d. No carry over into tissues could be proved out of the experiment. To derive a no-effect level for beef cattle further research including higher ergot doses will be necessary.  相似文献   
The improved capacity to acquire quantitative data in a clinical setting has generally failed to improve outcomes in acutely ill patients, suggesting a need for advances in computer-supported data interpretation and decision making. In particular, the application of mathematical models of experimentally elucidated physiological mechanisms could augment the interpretation of quantitative, patient-specific information and help to better target therapy. Yet, such models are typically complex and nonlinear, a reality that often precludes the identification of unique parameters and states of the model that best represent available data. Hypothesizing that this non-uniqueness can convey useful information, we implemented a simplified simulation of a common differential diagnostic process (hypotension in an acute care setting), using a combination of a mathematical model of the cardiovascular system, a stochastic measurement model, and Bayesian inference techniques to quantify parameter and state uncertainty. The output of this procedure is a probability density function on the space of model parameters and initial conditions for a particular patient, based on prior population information together with patient-specific clinical observations. We show that multimodal posterior probability density functions arise naturally, even when unimodal and uninformative priors are used. The peaks of these densities correspond to clinically relevant differential diagnoses and can, in the simplified simulation setting, be constrained to a single diagnosis by assimilating additional observations from dynamical interventions (e.g., fluid challenge). We conclude that the ill-posedness of the inverse problem in quantitative physiology is not merely a technical obstacle, but rather reflects clinical reality and, when addressed adequately in the solution process, provides a novel link between mathematically described physiological knowledge and the clinical concept of differential diagnoses. We outline possible steps toward translating this computational approach to the bedside, to supplement today's evidence-based medicine with a quantitatively founded model-based medicine that integrates mechanistic knowledge with patient-specific information.  相似文献   
The Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 584 subjects from 111 multiplex families at three sequencing centers. Genotype calling of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertion-deletion variants (indels) was performed centrally using GATK-HaplotypeCaller and Atlas V2. The ADSP Quality Control (QC) Working Group applied QC protocols to project-level variant call format files (VCFs) from each pipeline, and developed and implemented a novel protocol, termed “consensus calling,” to combine genotype calls from both pipelines into a single high-quality set. QC was applied to autosomal bi-allelic SNVs and indels, and included pipeline-recommended QC filters, variant-level QC, and sample-level QC. Low-quality variants or genotypes were excluded, and sample outliers were noted. Quality was assessed by examining Mendelian inconsistencies (MIs) among 67 parent-offspring pairs, and MIs were used to establish additional genotype-specific filters for GATK calls. After QC, 578 subjects remained. Pipeline-specific QC excluded ~12.0% of GATK and 14.5% of Atlas SNVs. Between pipelines, ~91% of SNV genotypes across all QCed variants were concordant; 4.23% and 4.56% of genotypes were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; the remaining ~0.01% of discordant genotypes were excluded. For indels, variant-level QC excluded ~36.8% of GATK and 35.3% of Atlas indels. Between pipelines, ~55.6% of indel genotypes were concordant; while 10.3% and 28.3% were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; and ~0.29% of discordant genotypes were. The final WGS consensus dataset contains 27,896,774 SNVs and 3,133,926 indels and is publicly available.  相似文献   
A gas chromatographic method using a HP-5 megabore capillary and nitrogen-phosphorus selective detection for the quantitative analysis of haloperidol (H) and reduced haloperidol (RH) in human serum or plasma is described. A 3-step liquid-liquid extraction is applied. The extraction yield of this procedure is 63% for haloperidol at 20 ng/ml. The limits of detection are 0.4 ng/ml for haloperidol and 1.0 ng/ml for the metabolite if 2 ml of body fluid are applied. At 10 ng/ml the within-day precision is 4.5% for H and 8.3% for RH. Serum levels of eight schizophrenic patients have been monitored weekly over a therapeutic period of six weeks. Seven patients mainly had metabolite ratios RH/H < 1 over the entire period of investigation. They exhibited a linear correlation between dose and serum concentration of haloperidol. In contrast, one patient had metabolite ratios RH/H > 1 over the entire period of the study. Due to considerable increased serum concentrations this patient did not show a linear correlation between the dose and the serum level of haloperidol.  相似文献   
Gram-positive bacteria are protected by a thick mesh of peptidoglycan (PG) completely engulfing their cells. This PG network is the main component of the bacterial cell wall, it provides rigidity and acts as foundation for the attachment of other surface molecules. Biosynthesis of PG consumes a high amount of cellular resources and therefore requires careful adjustments to environmental conditions. An important switch in the control of PG biosynthesis of Listeria monocytogenes, a Gram-positive pathogen with a high infection fatality rate, is the serine/threonine protein kinase PrkA. A key substrate of this kinase is the small cytosolic protein ReoM. We have shown previously that ReoM phosphorylation regulates PG formation through control of MurA stability. MurA catalyzes the first step in PG biosynthesis and the current model suggests that phosphorylated ReoM prevents MurA degradation by the ClpCP protease. In contrast, conditions leading to ReoM dephosphorylation stimulate MurA degradation. How ReoM controls degradation of MurA and potential other substrates is not understood. Also, the individual contribution of the ~20 other known PrkA targets to PG biosynthesis regulation is unknown. We here present murA mutants which escape proteolytic degradation. The release of MurA from ClpCP-dependent proteolysis was able to activate PG biosynthesis and further enhanced the intrinsic cephalosporin resistance of L. monocytogenes. This latter effect required the RodA3/PBP B3 transglycosylase/transpeptidase pair. One murA escape mutation not only fully rescued an otherwise non-viable prkA mutant during growth in batch culture and inside macrophages but also overcompensated cephalosporin hypersensitivity. Our data collectively indicate that the main purpose of PrkA-mediated signaling in L. monocytogenes is control of MurA stability during standard laboratory growth conditions and intracellular growth in macrophages. These findings have important implications for the understanding of PG biosynthesis regulation and β-lactam resistance of L. monocytogenes and related Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   
Foam disruption by agitation—the stirring as foam disruption (SAFD) technique—was scaled up to pilot and production scale using Rushton turbines and an up-pumping hydrofoil impeller, the Scaba 3SHP1. The dominating mechanism behind SAFD—foam entrainment—was also demonstrated at production scale. The mechanistic model for SAFD defines a fictitious liquid velocity generated by the (upper) impeller near the dispersion surface, which is correlated with complete foam disruption. This model proved to be scalable, thus enabling the model to be used for the design of SAFD applications. Axial upward pumping impellers appeared to be more effective with respect to SAFD than Rushton turbines, as demonstrated by retrofitting a 12,000 l bioreactor, i.e. the triple Rushton configuration was compared with a mixed impeller configuration from Scaba with a 20% lower ungassed power draw. The retrofitted impeller configuration allowed 10% more broth without risking excessive foaming. In this way a substantial increase in the volumetric productivity of the bioreactor was achieved. Design recommendations for the application of SAFD are given in this paper. Using these recommendations for the design of a 30,000 l scale bioreactor, almost foamless Escherichia coli fermentations were realised. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The loading module for the nystatin polyketide synthase (PKS) in Streptomyces noursei is represented by the NysA protein composed of a ketosynthase (KS(S)), acyltransferase, dehydratase, and an acyl carrier protein. The absolute requirement of this protein for initiation of nystatin biosynthesis was demonstrated by the in-frame deletion of the nysA gene in S. noursei. The role of the NysA KS(S) domain, however, remained unclear, since no data on the significance of the "active site" serine (Ser-170) residue in the loading modules of type I PKSs were available. Site-specific mutagenesis of Ser-170 both in the wild-type NysA and in the hybrid loading module containing malonyl-specific acyltransferase domain from the extender module had no effect on nystatin biosynthesis. A second mutation (S413N) of the NysA KS(S) domain was discovered that completely abolished the ability of the hybrids to restore nystatin biosynthesis, presumably by affecting the ability of the resulting proteins to catalyze the required substrate decarboxylation. In contrast, NysA and its Ser-170 mutants bearing the same S413N mutation were able to restore nystatin production to significant levels, probably by using acetyl-CoA as a starter unit. Together, these data suggest that the KS(S) domain of NysA differs from the KS(Q) domains found in the loading modules of several PKS type I systems in that the active site residue is not significant for its activity.  相似文献   
Zinc ions are essential, but at elevated concentrations, they also have toxic effects on mammalian cells. Zinc plays a crucial role in cell proliferation and differentiation and it even protects cells against apoptosis caused by various reagents. On the other hand, zinc at high concentrations causes cell death that was characterized as apoptotic by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, formation of apoptotic bodies, and breakdown of the mitochondrial membrane potential. In the present work, a clone of rat C6 glioma cells that was resistant to toxic effects of ZnCl2 up to 250 μM was employed to study the effect of the ionophore A23187 on zinc-induced apoptosis. Neither 150 μM Zn2+ nor 100 nM A23187 alone caused apoptosis as measured by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. However, combined exposure of C6 cells to 100 nM A23187 and 150 μM Zn2+ for 48 h was effective in inducing apoptosis. Because the so-called calcium ionophore A23187 is not specific for Ca2+ ions but also transports Zn2+ with high selectivity over Ca2+, we investigated whether this substance promoted the uptake of Zn2+ ions into C6 cells. Employing the zinc-specific fluorescence probe Zinquin, we observed that the very low concentration of 1.9 nM A23187 significantly and rapidly raised the intracellular mobile Zn2+ content. Analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed that incubation with 1.9 nM A23187 caused a doubling of the total intracellular zinc level within 60 min. We conclude that the apoptosis evoked by the combined action of Zn2+ and A23187 was the result of enhanced Zn2+ influx evoked by the ionophore, resulting in higher intracellular zinc levels.  相似文献   
In diffuse growing cells the orientation of cellulose fibrils determines mechanical anisotropy in the cell wall and hence also the direction of plant and organ growth. This paper reports on the mean or net orientation of cellulose fibrils in the outer epidermal wall of the whole Arabidopsis plant. This outer epidermal wall is considered as the growth-limiting boundary between plant and environment. In the root a net transverse orientation of the cellulose fibrils occurs in the elongation zone, while net random and longitudinal orientations are found in subsequent older parts of the differentiation zone. The position and the size of the transverse zone is related with root growth rate. In the shoot the net orientation of cellulose fibrils is transverse in the elongating apical part of the hypocotyl, and longitudinal in the fully elongated basal part. Leaf primordia and very young leaves have a transverse orientation. Throughout further development the leaf epidermis builds a very complex pattern of cells with a random orientation and cells with a transverse or a longitudinal orientation of the cellulose fibrils. The patterns of net cellulose orientation correlate well with the cylindrical growth of roots and shoots and with the typical planar growth of the leaf blade. On both the shoot and the root surface very specific patterns of cellulose orientation occur at sites of specific cell differentiation: trichome-socket cells complexes on the shoot and root hairs on the root.  相似文献   
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