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Alzheimer's disease (AD)-associated gamma-secretase is a presenilin (PS)- dependent proteolytic activity involved in the intramembraneous cleavage of the beta-amyloid precursor protein, Notch, LDL receptor-related protein, E-cadherin, and ErbB-4. This cut produces the corresponding intracellular domains (ICD), which are required for nuclear signaling of Notch and probably ErbB-4, the beta-amyloid precursor protein, E-cadherin, and the LDL receptor-related protein as well. We have now investigated CD44, a cell surface adhesion molecule, which also undergoes an intramembraneous cleavage to liberate its ICD. We demonstrate that this cleavage requires a PS-dependent gamma-secretase activity. A loss-of-function PS1 mutation, a PS1/PS2 knockout, as well as two independent and highly specific gamma-secretase inhibitors, abolish this cleavage. Surprisingly, small peptides similar to the amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) are generated by an additional cut in the middle of the transmembrane region of CD44. Like Abeta, these CD44 beta-peptides are generated in a PS-dependent manner. These findings therefore suggest a dual intramembraneous cleavage mechanism mediated by PS proteins. The dual cleavage mechanism is required for nuclear signaling as well as removal of remaining transmembrane domains, a general function of PS in membrane protein metabolism.  相似文献   
Despite recent findings that mutualistic interactions between two species may be greatly affected by species external to the mutualism, the implications of such multi-species interactions for the population dynamics of the mutualists are virtually unexplored. In this paper, we ask how the mutualism between the shoot-base boring weevil Apion onopordi and the rust fungus Puccinia punctiformis is influenced by the dynamics of their shared host plant Cirsium arvense, and vice versa. In particular, we hypothesized that the distribution of the weevil's egg load between healthy and rust-infected thistles may regulate the abundance of the mutualists and their host plant. In contrast to our expectations we found that the dynamics of the mutualists are largely determined by the dynamics of their host. This is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration that the dynamics of a mutualism are driven by a third, non-mutualistic species.  相似文献   
The bird-lemming hypothesis postulates that breeding success of tundra-nesting geese and waders in Siberia follows the cyclic pattern of lemming populations, as a result of predators switching from lemmings to birds when the lemming population crashes. We present 50 years of data on constant-effort catches of red knot Calidris canutus and curlew sandpiper C. ferruginea at an autumn migratory stopover site (Ottenby) at the Baltic Sea, supplemented with literature data on winter censuses of dark-bellied brent goose Branta b. bernicla and white-fronted goose Anser albifrons in northwestern Europe, and waders in Germany and Southern Africa. Number and proportion of juveniles in these bird populations (both our own and literature data) were compared with an index of predation pressure (calculated from the abundance of lemmings on the Taimyr peninsula), and climate indices for the North Eurasia and the North Atlantic regions. The index of predation pressure correlated significantly with the number of juveniles of red knot and curlew sandpiper, but not with number of adults. Also, this index correlated with the reproductive performance of geese and waders reported in the literature. Fourier analysis revealed a significant deviation from random noise with the maximum spectral density at the period length of 3 years for number of juvenile red knots and curlew sandpipers captured at Ottenby, abundance of lemmings, reproduction in arctic fox Alopex lagopus, and reproductive performance in geese on the Siberian tundra. Also, the date of passage at Ottenby for adult red knot and curlew sandpiper showed a spectral density peak at a period length of 3 years, the latter species also showing a peak at a period length of 5-6 years. Passage dates for adult red knot and curlew sandpiper were earlier in years of high predation pressure compared with years of low predation pressure. The fluctuations in reproductive success of the studied Siberian goose and wader species appear to be primarily influenced by biotic factors in the breeding area, rather than by abiotic factors, such as climate oscillations. Annual variations in migratory arctic bird populations may have far reaching effects in habitats along their migration routes and in their wintering areas. We suggest a link between lemming cyclicity in the Northern Hemisphere and predation pressure on Southern Hemisphere benthos, in which the signal is carried between continents by long distance migrating waders.  相似文献   
Pentoxifylline increases erythrocyte flexibility, reduces blood viscosity, and inhibits platelet aggregation and is thus used in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. It is transformed into at least seven phase I metabolites, of which two, M1 and M5, are active. The reduction of the keto group of pentoxifylline to a secondary alcohol in M1 takes place chiefly in erythrocytes, is rapidly reversible, and creates a chiral center. The aims of this study were: to develop HPLC methods to separate the enantiomers of M1, to investigate the kinetics of the reversible biotransformation of pentoxifylline to (R)- and (S)-M1 in hemolysed erythrocyte suspension, and to quantify the formation of the enantiomers of M1 (as well as M4 and M5) after intravenous and oral administration of pentoxifylline to human volunteers. (R)- and (S)-M1 could be separated preparatively on a cellobiohydrolase column, while determination in blood or plasma was by HPLC after chiral derivatization with diacetyl-L-tartaric acid anhydride. The metabolism of pentoxifylline to (R)-M1 in suspensions of hemolysed erythrocytes followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics (K(m) = 11 mM), while that to (S)-M1 was best described by a two-enzyme model (K(m) = 1.1 and 132 mM). Studies with inhibitors indicated that the enzymes were of the carbonyl reductase type. At a therapeutic blood concentration of pentoxifylline, the calculated rate of formation of (S)-M1 is 15 times higher than that of the (R)-enantiomer. Back-conversion of M1 to pentoxifylline was 3-4 times faster for the (S)- than for the (R)-enantiomer. In vivo, the R:S plasma concentration ratio of M1 ranged from 0.010-0.025 after intravenous infusion of 300 or 600 mg of pentoxifylline, and from 0.019-0.037 after oral administration of 600 mg. The biotransformation of pentoxifylline to M1 was thus highly stereoselective in favor of the (S)-enantiomer both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
Haemophilus influenzae is a human-specific pathogen and a major source of morbidity worldwide. Infection with this organism begins with colonization of the nasopharynx, a process that probably depends on adherence to respiratory epithelium. The Hia autotransporter protein is the major adhesin ex-pressed by a subset of non-typeable H. influenzae strains and promotes high-level adherence to a variety of human epithelial cell lines. In the current study, we discovered that the Hia passenger domain contains two distinct binding pockets, including one at the C-terminal end and a second at the N-terminal end. Competition assays revealed that the two binding pockets interact with the same host cell receptor structure, although with differing affinities. Additional experiments demonstrated that both binding domains are required for full-level bacterial adherence. These observations are reminiscent of eukaryotic cell adhesion molecules and highlight the first example of a bacterial adhesin with two domains that participate in a bivalent interaction with identical host cell receptors. Such an interaction increases avidity, thus stabilizing bacterial adherence to the epithelial surface, despite physical forces such as coughing, sneezing and mucociliary clearance.  相似文献   
During the entire evolution of life on Earth, the development of all organisms took place under constant gravity conditions, against which they achieved specific countermeasures for compensation and adaptation. On this background, it is still an open question to which extent altered gravity such as hyper- or microgravity (centrifuge/spaceflight) affects the normal individual development, either on the systemic level of the whole organism or on the level of individual organs or even single cells. The present short review provides information on this topic, focusing on the effects of altered gravity on developing fish as model systems even for higher vertebrates including humans, with special emphasis on the effect of altered gravity on behaviour and particularly on the developing brain and vestibular system.  相似文献   
The lung is protected against oxidative stress by a variety of antioxidants and type II pneumocytes seem to play an important role in antioxidant defense. Previous studies have shown that inhalation of NO2 results in acute and chronic lung injury. How the expression and enzyme activity of antioxidant enzymes are influenced in type II cells of different inflammatory stages has yet not been studied. To elucidate this question, we exposed rats to 10 ppm NO2 for 3 or 20 days to induce acute or chronic lung injury. From these and air-breathing rats, type II pneumocytes were isolated. The mRNA expression and protein content of CuZnSOD and MnSOD as well as total SOD-specific enzyme activity were determined. For the acute lung injury (3 d NO2), the expression of CuZnSOD mRNA was significantly increased, while MnSOD expression was significantly reduced after 3 days of NO 2 exposure. For the chronic lung injury (20 d NO2), CuZnSOD expression was still enhanced, while MnSOD expression was comparable to control. In parallel to CuZnSOD mRNA expression, the protein amount was significantly increased in acute and chronic lung injury however MnSOD protein content exhibited no intergroup differences. Total SOD enzyme activity showed a significant decrease after 3 days of NO2 exposure and was similar to control after 20 days. We conclude that during acute and chronic lung injury in type II pneumocytes expression and protein synthesis of CuZnSOD and MnSOD are regulated differently.  相似文献   
Eosinophils possess characteristic specific granules. Their content may be important during host defense but it can also cause damage after release at sites of inflammation. We investigated possible lysosomal characteristics of these granules. Lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP)-1 and 2, were detected by Western blot, subcellular fractionation, and immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) and were localized to the membrane of specific granules and in vesicles of the cytoplasm, separate from secretory vesicles. No binding of mannose 6-phosphate receptor to proteins of specific granules could be detected, indicating that they are dephosphorylated and mature. Cellular activation by interleukin-5 caused acidification of specific granules, as detected by pH-dependent probes. The acidification was inhibited by concanamycin A (inhibitor of vacuolar H(+)-ATPase). Activation of eosinophils by serum-treated zymosan (STZ) caused degranulation into STZ-containing phagosomes and incorporation of LAMPs to their membranes. In conclusion, specific granules of eosinophils can be regarded as specialized primary lysosomes, a feature that may be important for their function and integrity.  相似文献   
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