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Monographic data rely on specimens deposited in herbaria and museums, which have been thoroughly revised by experts. However, monographic data have been rarely used to map species richness at large scale, mainly because of the difficulties caused by spatially heterogeneous sampling effort. In this paper we estimate patterns of species richness and narrow endemism, based on monographic data of 4,055 Neotropical angiosperm species. We propose a geometric interpolation method to derive species ranges at a 1° grid resolution. To this we apply an inverse distance-weighted summation scheme to derive maps of species richness and endemism. In the latter we also adjust for heterogeneous sampling effort. Finally, we test the robustness of the interpolated species ranges and derived species richness by applying the same method but using a leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV). The derived map shows four distinct regions of elevated species richness: (1) Central America, (2) the Northern Andes, (3) Amazonia and (4) the Brazilian Atlantic coast (‘Mata Atlantica’). The region with the highest estimated species richness is Amazonia, with Central America following closely behind. Centers of narrow endemism are located over the entire Neotropics, several of them coinciding with regions of elevated species richness. Sampling effort has a minor influence on the interpolation of overall species richness, but it substantially influences the estimation of regions of narrow endemism. Thus, in order to improve maps of narrow endemism and resulting conservation efforts, more collection and identification activity is required.  相似文献   
Suspension cultures of ‘Chang liver’ cells were synchronized by preincubation in a glutamine-deficient medium or by thymidine blockade. Specific arginase activity varied in the synchronized cultures, being high when the number of S-phase cells was maximal. A relationship between high arginase activity and a high percentage of (S+G2) cells was also found when unsynchronized cells were separated by velocity sedimentation. The increase in arginase activity near the G1/S border was totally inhibited in the presence of cycloheximide. The rate of decrease in activity after addition of the drug indicated that the variations in the rate of synthesis of the enzyme, while the rate of degradation was more or less constant, corresponding to 4–6% per h. The role of arginase in cells lacking a urea cycle and the regulation of arginase activity in ‘Chang liver’ cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Rats were trained to run spontaneously, without stress, in running wheels. The running activity increased gradually and could reach a plateau of 7 km/night after 3–4 weeks. During the first hour of running in the dark phase the squeak threshold increased significantly and remained high in the morning. The degree of increased threshold was correlated to the amount of running activity. The squeak threshold declined during the following 6 hours of inactivity. A rapid decrease in threshold occurred after naloxone (1–2 mg/kg i.p.). It is suggested that long-lasting muscle exercise (e.g. jogging), acupuncture, and low frequency electrical stimulation of afferent nerve fibres produce discharges in muscle afferents which influence central endorphin mechanics giving analgetic effects.  相似文献   
Abstract In Trichodesmium contortum , nitrogenase was detected in only a limited number (about 10%) of microscopically distinguishable, consecutively arranged cells in central regions of the trichomes. Cells with nitrogenase also contained the photosystem II associated pigment phycoerythrin. These cells were not distinguishable from other cells on a structural basis, but were clearly visible at low magnification microscopy as all in the zone were more compact and shorter than those on either side. The compartmentalisation of nitrogenase into a chain of cells and in a possibly photosynthetic environment represents a previously undescribed phenomenon. The nitrogenase containing cells apparently perform the O2 protective function of heterocysts yet are different in several aspects.  相似文献   
The feeding behaviour of Nilaparavata lugens was monitored on three rice varieties showing different levels of resistance in the Philippines, using a video-assisted observation method. N. lugens made more frequent, shorter probes on the moderately resistant IR46 and resistant IR62 rice varieties than on the susceptible IR22. Honeydew production was significantly lower on the resistant varieties though insect weight gains in 24 h were similar on IR46 and IR22, both being significantly greater than on the highly resistant variety.Population development, growth index and damage ratings were low on IR62 indicating antibiosis and/or non preference. When IR46 plants were infested as seedlings population increase, growth index and damage ratings were similar to those on the susceptible IR22. When infested at a later stage of plant growth the damage rating showed a moderate level of resistance though some population development was maintained, indicating antibiosis and tolerance. N. lugens started probing less frequently after surface exploration on both resistant varieties than on IR22 suggesting the presence of a resistance factor associated with the surface waxes of these varieties.
Résumé Le comportement alimentaire de Nilaparvata lugens sur variétés de riz, sensible (IR22), partiellement résistante (IR46) et fortement résistante (IR62), a été contrôlé avec une méthode associant la vidéo à l'observation. N. lugens faisait des piqûres plus fréquentes et plus brèves sur IR46 et IR62, que sur la variété sensible. La production de miellat était significativement plus faible sur les variétés résistantes, bien que les gains de poids des insectes aient été les mêmes en 24 h sur IR46 et IR22, les deux étant significativement supérieurs à celui sur IR62.La croissance de la population, l'indice de croissance et le taux de dégâts étaient tous plus faibles sur IR62, ce qui révèle une antibiose et/ou une absence de préférence. Quand la contamination des IR46 a au lieu au stade semis, la croissance de population, l'indice de croissance et le taux de dégâts étaient semblables à ceux de la variété sensible IR22. Quand la contamination avait lieu à un stade ultérieur, le laux de dégâts révélait un niveau modéré de résistance bien qu'une certaine croissance de population se soit maintenue, ce qui révèle antibiose et tolérance.Après exploration de la surface des feuilles des deux variétés résistantes, N. lugens sondait moins fréquemment que sur IR22, ce qui laisse présumer un facteur de résistance associé aux cires superficielles de ces variétés.
An approach referred to as Mechanical Response Tissue Analysis (MRTA) has been developed for the noninvasive determination of mechanical properties of the constituents of the intact limb. Of specific interest in the present study is the bending stiffness of the ulna. The point mechanical impedance properties in the low frequency regime, between 60 and 1,600 Hz are used. The procedure requires a proper design of the probe for good contact of the skin at midshaft and proper support of the proximal and distal ends of the forearm to obtain an approximation to "simple support" of the ulna. A seven-parameter model for the mechanical response is then valid, which includes the first mode of anterior-posterior beam bending of the ulna, the damping and spring effect of the soft tissue between probe and bone, and the damping of musculature. A dynamic analyzer (HP3562A) provides in seconds the impedance curve and the pole-zero curve fit. The physical parameters are obtained from a closed-form solution in terms of the curve-fit parameters. The procedure is automated and is robust and analytically reliable at about the five percent level. Some 80 human subjects have been evaluated by this mechanical response system and by the Norland single photon absorptiometer, providing for the first time in vivo, a comparison of elastic bending stiffness (ulna) and bone mineral content (radius). Three functional parameters of potential clinical value are the cross-sectional bending stiffness EI, the axial load capability Pcr (Euler buckling load) and the bone "sufficiency" S, defined as the ratio of Pcr to body weight. The correlation between EI and bone mineral (r = 0.81) is only slightly less than previous in vitro results with both measurements on the same bone (r = 0.89). When sufficiency is taken into consideration, the correlation of Pcr and bone mineral content is improved (r = 0.89). An implication is that "quality" of bone is a factor which is not indicated by bone mineral content but which is indicated by stiffness. Bone mineral is necessary for proper stiffness but not sufficient. Therefore mechanical measurement should provide a new dimension to be used toward a better understanding of the factors related to bone health and disease.  相似文献   
The physiological response to continuous and intermittent handgrip exercise was evaluated. Three experiments were performed until exhaustion at 25% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC): experiment 1, continuous handgrip (CH) (n = 8); experiment 2, intermittent handgrip with 10-s rest pause every 3 min (IH) (n = 8); and experiment 3, as IH but with electrical stimulation (ES) of the forearm extensors in the pauses (IHES) (n = 4). Before, during, and after exercise, recordings were made of heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (BP), exercising forearm blood flow, and concentrations of potassium [K+] and lactate [La-] in venous blood from both arms. The electromyogram (EMG) of the exercising forearm extensors and perceived exertion were monitored during exercise. Before and up to 24 h after exercise, observations were made of MVC, of force response to electrical stimulation and of the EMG response to a 10-s test contraction (handgrip) at 25% of the initial MVC. Maximal endurance time (tlim) was significantly longer in IH (23.1 min) than in CH (16.2 min). The ES had no significant effect on tlim. During exercise, no significant differences were seen between CH and IH in blood flow, venous [K+] and [La-], or EMG response. The HR and BP increased at the same rate in CH and IH but, because of the longer duration of IH, the levels at exhaustion were higher in this protocol. The subjects reported less subjective fatigue in IH. During recovery, return to normal MVC was slower after CH (24 h) than after IH (4 h).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Bird densities were estimated on 41 small islands and two mainland plots at a South Swedish lake both in 1976 and 1983. In the latter year, three additional plots were also censused. The ratio between combined densities of hole-nesting birds on the mainland and on islands was 3:1 both in plots without and with nest boxes. In plots with boxes combined densities of hole-nesting birds doubled compared with control plots. This increase was caused by a tenfold increase of pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Territories of this species were on average established about a week later on the islands compared with the mainland. Furthermore, 50% of the males on the islands did not attract a female. Densities of great tit Parus major, marsh tit Parus palustris and nuthatch Sitta europaea were unaffected by increased nesthole availability. For P. major this result contrasts with those in other studies.The density of chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in habitats with similar height and vertical structure was two times higher on the islands compared to the mainland. On the islands the density was the same on islands with only one pair and on those with two or more pairs. In spring, there were no significant differences between islands and the mainland in the proportion of leaves with insect feeding traces. The proportion of Salix leaves with feeding traces increased with island size, but this was not so for Alnus and Betula leaves. In late summer, the proportion of leaves with feeding traces were halved inside a plot with nest boxes and hence increased bird densities compared to a nearby control plot. This result was the same along the lake shore and about 150 m away from the shore.The discussion centers on the effect of man on the food-and nest site-availability of hole-nesting birds, food limitation of insectivorous birds and density compensation on islands.  相似文献   
Calcium-tolerant myocytes were isolated from adult rat hearts by collagenase perfusion and plated on various substrates in serum-free medium and their adhesion to various extracellular matrix (ECM) components was determined. The myocytes attached readily to dishes coated with collagen type IV (C-IV), laminin (LN), and to fetal bovine serum (FBS) in a manner dependent on the concentration of the components. Substantially fewer myocytes adhered to dishes coated with fibronectin (FN) or to uncoated plastic dishes. Cells adhered equally well to dishes coated with C-IV, LN and FBS within 1-4 h. However, when examined after 2 weeks in culture it was found that only C-IV and LN could support survival of the attached myocytes, and when cultured on C-IV or LN the myocytes were spread and had formed a dense monolayer. The actin filaments had at this time reorganized linearly along the long axis of the cell and the myocytes contracted spontaneously. Rabbit antibodies were raised against myocyte membranes and their ability to inhibit attachment to ECM components was studied. Purified IgG inhibited attachment to C-IV, while having only a minor effect on attachment to LN. These data are compatible with the presence of a specific cell surface component(s) that interacts with ECM substrates and influences cell shape and possibly thereby influences cellular functions.  相似文献   
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