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Abstract High level expression of the functional β-carotene ketolase gene bkt from Haematococcus pluvialis occurred in Escherichia coli transformants producing β-carotene or zeaxanthin as a result of the presence of additional carotenoid genes from Erwinia uredovora . Requirement of molecular oxygen for the insertion of the keto group was demonstrated. The final product of this two-step ketolase reaction from β-carotene is canthaxanthin (4,4'-diketo-β-carotene) with the 4-monoketo derivative echinenone as an intermediate. A reaction sequence for the formation of astaxanthin from β-carotene was established based on kinetic data on astaxanthin formation in E. coli transformants carrying the hydroxylase gene crtZ from Erwinia along with bkt . We conclude that the carotenoids zeaxanthin and adonixanthin which accumulate in addition to astaxanthin in this transformant are products of side reactions rather than direct precursors of astaxanthin. The possible mechanisms for the formation of the keto derivatives are discussed.  相似文献   
To analyze the pathologic processes of amyloid deposition in type I familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), mice were made transgenic by introducing the human mutant transthyretin (TTR) gene(MT-hMet 30). An inbred strain of mouse, C57 BL/6, was chosen. Transgenic mice were killed using ether anesthesia at 3-mo intervals up to 24 mo after birth. In these transgenic mice, amyloid deposition started in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and kidneys and extended to various other organs and tissues with advancing age. The pattern of amyloid deposition was similar to that observed in human autopsy cases of FAP, except for its absence in the choroid plexus and in the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. We extracted the amyloid fibrils from kidneys of these mice with a human mutant TTR gene and analyzed them immunochemically and electronmicroscopically. Deposited amyloid was shown to be composed of human mutant TTR and mouse serum amyloid P component. Amyloid fibril from transgenic mice was morphologically and immunohistochemically similar to that of human FAP. The most striking pathologic feature of the transgenic mice was the absence of amyloid deposition in the peripheral and autonomic nervous tissues. Thus, other intrinsic factors may be involved in amyloid deposition in the nervous tissues of human FAP.  相似文献   
Two-microelectrode voltage-clamp measurements were made to determine the kinetics and voltage dependence of ionic currents across the soma membrane of the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor. The voltage-dependent outward potassium currents, IA and ICa(2+)-K+, the inward voltage-dependent calcium current, ICa2+ and the light-induced current, IIgt, were then described with Hodgkin-Huxley-type equations. The fast-activating and inactivating potassium current, IA, was described by the equation; IA(t) = gA(max)(ma infinity[1-exp(-t/tau ma)])3 x (ha infinity [1-exp(-t/tau ha)] + exp(-t/tau ha)) (Vm-EK), where the parameters ma infinity, ha infinity, tau ma, and tau ha are functions of membrane potential, Vm, and ma infinity and ha infinity are steady-state activation and inactivation parameters. Similarly, the calcium-dependent outward potassium current, ICa(2+)-K+, was described by the equation, ICa(2+)-K+ (t) = gc(max)(mc infinity(VC)(1-exp[-t/tau mc (VC)]))pc (hc infinity(VC) [1-exp(-t/tau hc)] + exp(-t/tau hc(VC)])pc(VC-EK). In high external potassium, ICa(2+)-K+ could be measured in approximate isolation from other currents as a voltage-dependent inward tail current following a depolarizing command pulse from a holding potential of -60 mV. A voltage-dependent inward calcium current across the type B soma membrane, ICa2+, activated rapidly, showed little inactivation, and was described by the equation: ICa2+ = gCa(max) [1 + exp](-Vm-5)/7]-1 (Vm-ECa), where gCa(max) was 0.5 microS. The light-induced current with both fast and slow phases was described by: IIgt(t) = IIgt1 + IIgt2 + IIgt3, IIgti = gIgti [1-exp(- ton/tau mi)] exp(-ton/tau hi)(Vm-EIgti) (i = 1, 2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary External application of 10 rig/ml (R)-trichostatin A (TSA), a potent and specific inhibitor of mammalian histone deacetylase, to the embryo of the starfish Asterina pectinifera inhibited development during the early gastrula stage before formation of mesenchyme cells. The TSA-sensitive period was limited to the mid-blastula stage before hatching. The pulse-chase experiment clearly demonstrated that TSA induced an accumulation of acetylated histone species in blastulae through inhibition of historic deacetylation. Similar blockage of development at the early gastrula stage was observed with n-butyrate, which has been known as a weak inhibitor of historic deacetylase. These results suggest an intimate role for historic acetylation-deacetylation equilibria in starfish development. Correspondence to: S. Ikegami  相似文献   
The Nucleotide Sequence of Human Acylamino Acid-Releasing Enzyme   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nucleotide sequence of a cDNA coding for the human acylaminoacid-releasing enzyme (AARE, also known as acylpeptide hydrolase)[EC] subunit has been determined. The amino acid sequenceof human AARE subunit deduced from its cDNA nucleotide sequenceshowed a high degree of identity (91.5%) with both the correspondingproteins from the pig and the rat. The AARE cDNA shows 99.2%identity with a 3.3 kb cDNA transcribed from a locus (DNF15S2)on the short arm of human chromosome 3, whose deletion is associatedwith small cell lung cancer, taking into consideration thatthe sequence of the 3.3-kb cDNA previously reported was causedby misreading.  相似文献   
Male mice (Mus domesticus) were reared in groups of 2 or 3 males until 13 weeks of age. They then fought each other every third day. Aggressiveness was quantified on the basis of the frequency of aggressive behavior shown by each mouse in each match. The data suggest that there was positive correlation between the levels of aggression of the cage-mates in the 2-male group. Significant correlations also existed between the most doninant and subordinate males and between the secondary and the subordinate males in the 3-male group. The aggressiveness of male mice correlated positively with that of their cage-mates from 65 to 91 days of age but did not correlate with that of the cage-mate living together from 35 to 61 days of age.  相似文献   
We examined the kinetics of airborne levels of mite allergen particles in a house by combined use of an indoor Burkard air sampler and immunoblotting. Airborne mite allergens collected on the Burkard sampling tape were transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane, reacted with mouse monoclonal anti-mite allergen (Der pI) antibody, then treated with alkaline phosphatase conjugated anti-mouse IgG. Finally, the blotted allergen on the membrane was reacted with BCIP/NBT phosphatase, and purple spots visible by the naked eye were produced. The shape of the spots was observed under a microscope, and the spot area was measured by an image processor. This technique might be useful for analyzing the behavior of airborne allergen particles in indoor environments.  相似文献   
A new system was designed to detect staphylococcal exfoliative toxin A (ETA) and B (ETB) genes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primer pairs for the ETA gene (eta) were 20 and 20-mer, and its PCR product was a 741-bp eta fragment, while the primer pairs for the ETB gene (etb) were also 20 and 20-mer, and its PCR product was a 629-bp etb fragment. When these primers were simultaneously used in the PCR, the two types of ET were clearly detected as two bands in an ETA and ETB double-producer using only one colony within 3 hr. We examined 66 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and compared the results obtained by ELISA and PCR. The same results were obtained for 56 of the strains, i.e., 30 strains were ETA producers, 20 strains were ETB producers, and 6 strains were double-producers. However, positive results were obtained for 5 of the 10 non-ET-producing strains. Two of these strains were judged by PCR as ETA producers and three as ETB producers. Thus, PCR is very sensitive and rapid in detecting ETA and ETB gene fragments in colonies isolated from patients with SSSS.  相似文献   
The sugar compositions and intrinsic viscosities of the hemicellulosicpolysaccharides of the coleoptile cell wall were determinedin a normal type barley and a semi-brachytic type which producedless IAA than the normal type. The major sugar components ofhemicelluloses for both strains were arabinose (Ara), xylose(Xyl) and glucose (Glc). The Ara and Xyl content per unit lengthin the normal type did not change during growth, while thosein the semi-brachytic type decreased during growth. The Glccontents per unit length and per coleoptile decreased duringgrowth in both types of barley. The intrinsic viscosity of hemicellulosesfrom the coleoptile of the normal type was lower than that ofthe semi-brachytic type. These results suggested that the synthesis of arabinoxylan keptpace with the growth of the coleoptile in the normal type butnot in the semi-brachytic type, and that the average mol wtof the hemicelluloses in the normal type was lower than thatin the semibrachytic type. These chemical and physical changesin the hemicellulosic polysaccharides may account for the stuntedcoleoptile of the semi-brachytic barley with its less amountof endogenous IAA. (Received March 14, 1984; Accepted June 8, 1984)  相似文献   
Summary In the studies of experimental salmonellosis, immunization of mice with a live vaccine SER of S. enteritidis was found to be effective against further infection with virulent S. enteritidis 116-54. Macrophages obtained from the peritoneal cavity, subcutaneous tissue or liver of immunized mice inhibited intracellular growth of bacteria and resisted cell degeneration caused by engulfment of virulent 116-54 bacteria. This immunity was called cellular immunity.We discovered by chance in 1961 a transfer agent of immunity (TA) from the culture fluid of immunized macrophages. This agent is RNA in nature and can be extracted from the spleen, peritoneal exudate cells or the lymph node of immunized animals and is called immune (i) RNA. We could demonstrate antibody activity in macrophages treated in vitro or in vivo with iRNA by the immune adherence hemagglutination technique.Cellular immunity against tumor cells could be transferred in vitro or in vivo to lymphocytes through iRNA prepared from the spleen cells of syngeneic, allogeneic and xenogeneic animals immunized with the tumor cells.We prepared iRNA against antigens capable of inducing humoral antibody production in animals, i.e., RBCs, bacterial toxin, bacterial flagella and hapten-protein conjugates. Serum antibody was not demonstrated in recipient animals of iRNAs by single or repeated injections of these agents. However, in these animals an increase in the number of specific antibody-carrying cells was found as rosette-formers. It was found further that prior injection of iRNA could induce immunologic memory and produced a high titer of humoral antibody after a boosting stimulation with a small dose of the corresponding antigen. The required interval between the first iRNA and the second antigenic stimulation, and the minimal effective doses of iRNA and antigen are described.We studied the interaction of iRNA with either T- or B-cells and with both cells using adoptive transfer system, athymic nude mice and neonatally thymectomized (NT) mice. Immune RNAs against T-dependent and T-independent antigens could not induce the proliferation of antibody-carrying cells in cyclophosphamide-treated (B-cell depleted) mice. But these agents could induce the proliferation of rosette-formers, implying that iRNAs can replace some role of T-cells even against T-dependent antigens. B-cells can be directly activated by treatment with iRNA against both T-dependent and T-independent antigens, and they differentiated into rosette-formers.Passive transfers of iRNA were successful in establishing immunity against infection with S. enteritidis, or immunity to Salmonella flagella, RBCs and hapten-protein conjugates. The ability of iRNA to confer a secondary response of antibody formation is serially and passively transmissible in recipient animals. These facts suggest the presence of some mechanism that is responsible for the amplification of antigenic stimulation in the immune response. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and RNA-dependent DNA polymerase are presented and their role in the immune response is discussed.  相似文献   
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