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Nonphotosynthetic plants possess strongly reconfigured plastomes attributable to convergent losses of photosynthesis and housekeeping genes, making them excellent systems for studying genome evolution under relaxed selective pressures. We report the complete plastomes of 10 photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic parasites plus their nonparasitic sister from the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae). By reconstructing the history of gene losses and genome reconfigurations, we find that the establishment of obligate parasitism triggers the relaxation of selective constraints. Partly because of independent losses of one inverted repeat region, Orobanchaceae plastomes vary 3.5-fold in size, with 45 kb in American squawroot (Conopholis americana) representing the smallest plastome reported from land plants. Of the 42 to 74 retained unique genes, only 16 protein genes, 15 tRNAs, and four rRNAs are commonly found. Several holoparasites retain ATP synthase genes with intact open reading frames, suggesting a prolonged function in these plants. The loss of photosynthesis alters the chromosomal architecture in that recombinogenic factors accumulate, fostering large-scale chromosomal rearrangements as functional reduction proceeds. The retention of DNA fragments is strongly influenced by both their proximity to genes under selection and the co-occurrence with those in operons, indicating complex constraints beyond gene function that determine the evolutionary survival time of plastid regions in nonphotosynthetic plants.  相似文献   
The inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family of proteins contains key modulators of apoptosis and inflammation that interact with caspases through baculovirus IAP‐repeat (BIR) domains. Overexpression of IAP proteins frequently occurs in cancer cells, thus counteracting the activated apoptotic program. The IAP proteins have therefore emerged as promising targets for cancer therapy. In this work, X‐ray crystallography was used to determine the first structures of BIR domains from human NAIP and cIAP2. Both structures harbour an N‐terminal tetrapeptide in the conserved peptide‐binding groove. The structures reveal that these two proteins bind the tetrapeptides in a similar mode as do other BIR domains. Detailed interactions are described for the P1′–P4′ side chains of the peptide, providing a structural basis for peptide‐specific recognition. An arginine side chain in the P3′ position reveals favourable interactions with its hydrophobic moiety in the binding pocket, while hydrophobic residues in the P2′ and P4′ pockets make similar interactions to those seen in other BIR domain–peptide complexes. The structures also reveal how a serine in the P1′ position is accommodated in the binding pockets of NAIP and cIAP2. In addition to shedding light on the specificity determinants of these two proteins, the structures should now also provide a framework for future structure‐based work targeting these proteins.  相似文献   
Aim The seagrass, Posidonia oceanica is a clonal angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies have suggested that clonal growth is far greater than sexual recruitment and thus leads to low clonal diversity within meadows. However, recently developed microsatellite markers indicate that there are many different genotypes, and therefore many distinct clones present. The low resolution of markers used in the past limited our ability to estimate clonality and assess the individual level. New high‐resolution dinucleotide microsatellites now allow genetically distinct individuals to be identified, enabling more reliable estimation of population genetic parameters across the Mediterranean Basin. We investigated the biogeography and dispersal of P. oceanica at various spatial scales in order to assess the influence of different evolutionary factors shaping the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Location The Mediterranean. Methods We used seven hypervariable microsatellite markers, in addition to the five previously existing markers, to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability in 34 meadows spread throughout the Mediterranean, on the basis of an average of 35.6 (± 6.3) ramets sampled. Results At the scale of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, a strong east–west cleavage was detected (amova) . These results are in line with those obtained using previous markers. The new results showed the presence of a putative secondary contact zone at the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait, which exhibited high allelic richness and shared alleles absent from the eastern and western basins. F statistics (pairwise θ ranges between 0.09 and 0.71) revealed high genetic structure between meadows, both at a small scale (about 2 to 200 km) and at a medium scale within the eastern and western basins, independent of geographical distance. At the intrameadow scale, significant spatial autocorrelation in six out of 15 locations revealed that dispersal can be restricted to the scale of a few metres. Main conclusions A stochastic pattern of effective migration due to low population size, turnover and seed survival is the most likely explanation for this pattern of highly restricted gene flow, despite the importance of an a priori seed dispersal potential. The east–west cleavage probably represents the outline of vicariance caused by the last Pleistocene ice age and maintained to this day by low gene flow. These results emphasize the diversity of evolutionary processes shaping the genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
Cerebral hyperammonemia is a hallmark of hepatic encephalopathy, a debilitating condition arising secondary to liver disease. Pyruvate oxidation including tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle metabolism has been suggested to be inhibited by hyperammonemia at the pyruvate and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase steps. Catabolism of the branched-chain amino acid isoleucine provides both acetyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA, thus by-passing both the pyruvate dehydrogenase and the -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase steps. Potentially, this will enable the TCA cycle to work in the face of ammonium-induced inhibition. In addition, this will provide the -ketoglutarate carbon skeleton for glutamate and glutamine synthesis by glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase (astrocytes only), respectively, both reactions fixing ammonium. Cultured cerebellar neurons (primarily glutamatergic) or astrocytes were incubated in the presence of either [U-13C]glucose (2.5 mM) and isoleucine (1 mM) or [U-13C]isoleucine and glucose. Cell cultures were treated with an acute ammonium chloride load of 2 (astrocytes) or 5 mM (neurons and astrocytes) and incorporation of 13C-label into glutamate, aspartate, glutamine and alanine was determined employing mass spectrometry. Labeling from [U-13C]glucose in glutamate and aspartate increased as a result of ammonium-treatment in both neurons and astrocytes, suggesting that the TCA cycle was not inhibited. Labeling in alanine increased in neurons but not in astrocytes, indicating elevated glycolysis in neurons. For both neurons and astrocytes, labeling from [U-13C]isoleucine entered glutamate and aspartate albeit to a lower extent than from [U-13C]glucose. Labeling in glutamate and aspartate from [U-13C]isoleucine was decreased by ammonium treatment in neurons but not in astrocytes, the former probably reflecting increased metabolism of unlabeled glucose. In astrocytes, ammonia treatment resulted in glutamine production and release to the medium, partially supported by catabolism of [U-13C]isoleucine. In conclusion, i) neuronal and astrocytic TCA cycle metabolism was not inhibited by ammonium and ii) isoleucine may provide the carbon skeleton for synthesis of glutamate/glutamine in the detoxification of ammonium.  相似文献   
Argininosuccinate synthetase catalyzes the transformation of citrulline and aspartate into argininosuccinate and pyrophosphate using the hydrolysis of ATP to AMP and pyrophosphate. This enzymatic process constitutes the rate‐limiting step in both the urea and arginine–citrulline cycles. Previous studies have investigated the crystal structures of argininosuccinate synthetase from bacterial species. In this work, the first crystal structure of human argininosuccinate synthetase in complex with the substrates citrulline and aspartate is presented. The human enzyme is compared with structures of argininosuccinate synthetase from bacteria. In addition, the structure also provides new insights into the function of the numerous clinical mutations identified in patients with type I citrullinaemia (also known as classic citrullinaemia).  相似文献   
Networks of cortical neurons in vitro spontaneously develop synchronous oscillatory electrical activity at around the second week in culture. However, the underlying mechanisms and in particular the role of GABAergic interneurons in initiation and synchronization of oscillatory activity in developing cortical networks remain elusive. Here, we examined the intrinsic properties and the development of GABAergic and glutamatergic input onto presumed projection neurons (PNs) and large interneurons (L-INs) in cortical cultures of GAD67-GFP mice. Cultures developed spontaneous synchronous activity already at 5-7 days in vitro (DIV), as revealed by imaging transient changes in Fluo-3 fluorescence. Concurrently, spontaneous glutamate-mediated and GABA(A)-mediated postsynaptic currents (sPSCs) occured at 5 DIV. For both types of neurons the frequency of glutamatergic and GABAergic sPSCs increased with DIV, whereas the charge transfer of glutamatergic sPSCs increased and the charge transfer of GABAergic sPSCs decreased with cultivation time. The ratio between GABAergic and the overall charge transfer was significantly reduced with DIV for L-INs and PNs, indicating an overall reduction in GABAergic synaptic drive with maturation of the network. In contrast, analysis of miniature PSCs (mPSCs) revealed no significant changes of charge transfer with DIV for both types of neurons, indicating that the reduction in GABAergic drive was not due to a decreased number of functional synapses. Our data suggest that the global reduction in GABAergic synaptic drive together with more synaptic input to PNs and L-INs during maturation may enhance rhythmogenesis of the network and increase the synchronization at the level of population bursts.  相似文献   
A multi-population biofilm model for completely autotrophic nitrogen removal was developed and implemented in the simulation program AQUASIM to corroborate the concept of a redox-stratification controlled biofilm (ReSCoBi). The model considers both counter- and co-diffusion biofilm geometries. In the counter-diffusion biofilm, oxygen is supplied through a gas-permeable membrane that supports the biofilm while ammonia (NH(4)(+)) is supplied from the bulk liquid. On the contrary, in the co-diffusion biofilm, both oxygen and NH(4)(+) are supplied from the bulk liquid. Results of the model revealed a clear stratification of microbial activities in both of the biofilms, the resulting chemical profiles, and the obvious effect of the relative surface loadings of oxygen and NH(4)(+) (J(O(2))/J(NH(4)(+))) on the reactor performances. Steady-state biofilm thickness had a significant but different effect on T-N removal for co- and counter-diffusion biofilms: the removal efficiency in the counter-diffusion biofilm geometry was superior to that in the co-diffusion counterpart, within the range of 450-1,400 microm; however, the efficiency deteriorated with a further increase in biofilm thickness, probably because of diffusion limitation of NH(4)(+). Under conditions of oxygen excess (J(O(2))/J(NH(4)(+)) > 3.98), almost all NH(4)(+) was consumed by aerobic ammonia oxidation in the co-diffusion biofilm, leading to poor performance, while in the counter-diffusion biofilm, T-N removal efficiency was maintained because of the physical location of anaerobic ammonium oxidizers near the bulk liquid. These results clearly reveal that counter-diffusion biofilms have a wider application range for autotrophic T-N removal than co-diffusion biofilms.  相似文献   
Phospholipases D play an important role in the regulation of cellular processes in plants and mammals. Moreover, they are an essential tool in the synthesis of phospholipids and phospholipid analogs. Knowledge of phospholipase D structures, however, is widely restricted to sequence data. The only known tertiary structure of a microbial phospholipase D cannot be generalized to eukaryotic phospholipases D. In this study, the isoenzyme form of phospholipase D from white cabbage (PLDalpha2), which is the most widely used plant phospholipase D in biocatalytic applications, has been characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering, UV-absorption, CD and fluorescence spectroscopy to yield the first insights into its secondary and tertiary structure. The structural model derived from small-angle X-ray scattering measurements reveals a barrel-shaped monomer with loosely structured tops. The far-UV CD-spectroscopic data indicate the presence of alpha-helical as well as beta-structural elements, with the latter being dominant. The fluorescence and near-UV CD spectra point to tight packing of the aromatic residues in the core of the protein. From the near-UV CD signals and activity data as a function of the calcium ion concentration, two binding events characterized by dissociation constants in the ranges of 0.1 mm and 10-20 mm can be confirmed. The stability of PLDalpha2 proved to be substantially reduced in the presence of calcium ions, with salt-induced aggregation being the main reason for irreversible inactivation.  相似文献   
Foxp3 functions as a lineage specification factor for the development of naturally occurring thymus-derived CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. Recent evidence suggests that naive Foxp3-CD4+CD25- T cells can be converted in the periphery into Foxp3+ Treg cells. In this study, we have identified the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)83 to be selectively up-regulated by CD4+CD25+ Treg cells of both murine and human origin in contrast to naive CD4+CD25- or recently activated T cells. Furthermore, GPR83 was induced upon overexpression of Foxp3 in naive CD4+CD25- T cells. Transduction of naive CD4+CD25- T cells with GPR83-encoding retroviruses did not confer in vitro suppressive activity. Nevertheless, GPR83-transduced T cells were able to inhibit the effector phase of a severe contact hypersensitivity reaction of the skin, indicating that GPR83 itself or GPR83-mediated signals conferred suppressive activity to conventional CD4+ T cells in vivo. Most strikingly, this in vivo acquisition of suppressive activity was associated with the induction of Foxp3 expression in GPR83-transduced CD4+ T cells under inflammatory conditions. Our results suggest that GPR83 might be critically involved in the peripheral generation of Foxp3+ Treg cells in vivo.  相似文献   
Glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs) are a group of multifunctional enzymes that are found in animals, plants and microorganisms. Their primary function is to remove toxins derived from exogenous sources or the products of metabolism from the cell. Mammalian GSTs have been extensively studied, in contrast to bacterial GSTs which have received relatively scant attention. A new class of GSTs called Chi has recently been identified in cyanobacteria. Chi GSTs exhibit a high glutathionylation activity towards isothiocyanates, compounds that are normally found in plants. Here, the crystallization of two GSTs are presented: TeGST produced by Thermosynechococcus elongates BP‐1 and SeGST from Synechococcus elongates PCC 6301. Both enzymes formed crystals that diffracted to high resolution and appeared to be suitable for further X‐ray diffraction studies. The structures of these GSTs may shed further light on the evolution of GST catalytic activity and in particular why these enzymes possess catalytic activity towards plant antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   
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