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A general approach to the quantitative study of the sequence specificity of DNA interstrand crosslinking agents in synthetic duplex DNA fragments is described. In the first step, a DNA fragment previously treated with an interstrand crosslinking agent is subjected to denaturing PAGE. Not only does this distinguish crosslinked from native or monoadducted DNA, it is shown herein that isomeric crosslinked DNAs differing in position of the crosslink can in some cases be separated. In the second stage, the now fractionated crosslinked DNAs isolated from denaturing PAGE are subjected to fragmentation using iron(II)/EDTA. For those fractions which are structurally homogeneous, analysis of the resulting fragment distribution has previously been shown to reveal the crosslink position at nucleotide resolution. It is shown herein that in fractions which are structurally heterogeneous due to differences in position of crosslink, this analysis quantifies the relative extent of crosslinking at distinct sites. Using this method it is shown that reductively activated mitomycin C crosslinks the duplex sequences 5'-GCGC and 5'-TCGA with 3 +/- 1:1 relative efficiency.  相似文献   
Summary Intra-ocular deposition of horseradish peroxidase was used to visualize optic tract projections in normal and congenitally monophthalmic catfish and Xenopus. In neither species was evidence for an increased ipsilateral visual component found in congenitally one-eyed specimens. This indicates that competition between axons from both eyes is not an important mechanism for fiber distribution in the chiasm during ontogeny. Furthermore, it suggests that enhanced ipsilateral components, previously noted in unilaterally enucleated fish and anurans, are caused by debris of degenerated axons.  相似文献   
At cranial level, external apposition during ageing has been postulated by some authors. In longitudinal studies, a gradual increase of cranial diameters has been shown by cephalometry (Kendrick et al. 1967) or by lateral radiography (Israel 1968, 1970). However, these results are contested at methodological level by other longitudinal studies (Tallgren 1974). It is the aim of this study to analyse, in a cross-sectional sample, the effects of senescence on several cephalic dimensions. A series of skulls of known age and sex has been selected for this purpose.  相似文献   
The frequency and fine specificity of herpes simplex virus (HSV)-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) of C57BL/6 mice was investigated in limiting dilution culture. The reactivity patterns of virus-specific CTL were assayed on target cells infected with HSV type 1, strain KOS, HSV type 2, strain Mueller, and mutants of HSV-1 (KOS) antigenically deficient or altered in glycoproteins gC or gB, two of the four major HSV-1-encoded cell surface glycoprotein antigens. Most CTL clones recognized type-specific determinants on target cells infected with the immunizing HSV serotype. In addition, the majority of HSV-1-specific CTL did not cross-react with cells infected with syn LD70, a mutant of HSV-1 (KOS) deficient for the presentation of cell surface glycoprotein gC. These data are the first demonstration of the clonal specificity of HSV-1-reactive CTL, and they identify gC as the immunodominant antigen. The fine specificity of gC-specific CTL clones was analyzed on target cells infected with mutant viruses altered in the antigenic structure of gC. These mutants were selected by resistance to neutralization with monoclonal antibodies, referred to as monoclonal antibody-resistant (mar) mutants. Most mar mutations in gC did not affect recognition by the majority of CTL clones. This indicated that most epitopes recognized by CTL are distinct from those defined by antibodies. The finding, however, that one mar mutation in gC affected both CTL and antibody recognition of this antigen may help to define antigenic sites important to both humoral and cell-mediated immunity to herpesvirus infection.  相似文献   
Summary cDNA clones were isolated for a chloroplast protein, the mRNA of which is induced to maximum levels within 2–4 h after onset of illumination in five day old, etiolated pea seedlings. The cDNA library was constructed from poly(A)+-mRNA which was isolated from 4 h illuminated seedlings. The extremely short induction period of the early light induced protein(ELIP)-mRNA established the basis of our screening procedure. Colony hybridization experiments were performed with32P-labelled cDNA probes, synthesized from RNA of seedlings which had been exposed to different programs of illumination. Plasmid DNAs were isolated from colonies showing strong hybridization signals exclusively with cDNA corresponding to the 4 h-mRNA. Hybrid released translation of preselected plasmids p 17/C2 and p17/C4 revealed a peptide of Mr 24 000. After posttranslational importin vitro, the processed product of Mr 17 000 appears in the chloroplast. Using these clones, the expression of the ELIP-mRNA was investigated by DOT-hybridization. The ELIP-mRNA reaches maximum levels within 2–4 hours after onset of illumination. Our results correspond precisely to thein vivo characteristics and indicate positive identification of the sought clones.  相似文献   
Summary The presence and distribution of regulatory peptides in nerves and endocrine cells of the stomach, intestine and rectum of a urodele amphibian, the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus, was studied immunohistochemically in sections or whole-mount preparations of the gut wall. The effect of the occurring peptides on gut motility was studied in isolated strip preparations of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle from different parts of the gut.Bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like immunoreactivity was present in abundant nerve fibres in the myenteric plexus of both stomach, intestine and rectum. Single fibres or bundles were present in the circular muscle layer and in a well-developed deep muscular plexus in the intestine and rectum. Immunoreactive nerve cells were found in the myenteric plexus of the stomach, intestine (neurotensin only) and rectum. Gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactivity was observed only in a few fibres in stomach and rectum.Endocrine cells containing bombesin-, met-enkephalin-, gastrin/CCK-, neurotensin-, somatostatin- or substance P- like immunoreactivity were present in the mucosa.The effect of bombesin was an inhibition of the rhythmic activity in circular muscle preparations and in longitudinal muscle from the rectum, while longitudinal muscle from the stomach usually responded with a weak increase in tonus. Neurotensin, like bombesin, was inhibitory on the spontaneous rhythmic activity of circular muscle throughout the gut, while the effect on longitudinal muscle was an increase in tonus. Met-enkephalin and substance P increased the tonus of all types of preparations, and often, in addition, initiated a rhythmic activity superimposed on this maintained tonus. VIP had a general inhibitory effect on the preparations, decreasing tonus and/or abolishing rhythmic activity.It is concluded that bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like peptides are present in nerves throughout the urodele gut and may have physiological functions in regulating the motility of the gut. The gastrin/CCK-like peptide present in nerves of the stomach and rectum may affect the function of these parts of the gut. The regulatory peptides present in endocrine cells may, perhaps with the exception of the somatostatin-like peptide, affect the motility humorally.  相似文献   
Summary Patients with recessive X-linked ichthyosis Patients with recessive X-linked ichthyosis (RXLI), one hereditary form of scaly skin, lack activity of the enzyme steroid sulfatase in all tissues studied. To investigate the molecular defect underlying the lack of enzyme activity, we prepared antisera against normal enzyme by injecting normal placental microsomal suspensions or partially purified steroid sulfatase into rabbits. Antibody activity was assessed by immunoprecipitation of detergent solubilized steroid sulfatase. In addition, we prepared rabbit antisera against RXLI placental microsomal suspensions. To detect immunologically cross-reactive material in patients' placentas, extracts were studied by immunoblot techniques and by competition with normal enzyme for antibody binding. Patients' extracts did not contain immunoreactive material co-migrating on electrophoresis with purified enzyme nor did they inhibit immunoprecipitation of normal enzyme. Sera from rabbits immunized with RXLI placental microsomes contain no antibodies to normal steroid sulfatase, as judged by their failure to immunoprecipitate normal enzyme or to react with normal steroid sulfatase on immunoblot. Thus the mutation in RXLI appears to reduce steroid sulfatase enzyme protein as well as enzyme activity. Portions of this material have appeared in abstract form in Clinical Research 31:564A, 1983 and 32:138A, 1984  相似文献   
In cell suspensions of Pseudomonas carboxydovorans pulsed with lithotrophic substrates (CO or H2) in the presence of oxygen, formation of reduced pyridine nucleotides and of ATP could be demonstrated using the bioluminescent assay. Experiments employing base-acid transition, an uncoupler and inhibitors of ATPase or electron transport enabled us to propose a model for the formation of NAD(P)H in chemolithotrophically growing P. carboxydovorans.The protonophor FCCP (carbonly-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazon) inhibited both, formation of NAD(P)H and of ATP. In the absence of oxygen, a chemical potential imposed by base-acid transition resulted in the formation of NAD(P)H and ATP when electrogenic substrates (CO or H2) were present. This suggests proton motive force-driven NAD(P)H formation. The proton motive force was generated by oxidation of substrate, and not by ATP hydrolysis, as obvious from NAD(P)H formation during inhibition of ATP synthesis by oligomycin and N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.That the CO-born electrons are transferred via the ubiquinone 10-cytochrome b region to NADH dehydrogenase functioning in the reverse direction, was indicated by inhibition of NAD(P)H formation by HQNO (2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide) and rotenone, and by resistance to antimycin A.We conclude that in P. carboxydovorans, growing with CO or H2, electrons and a proton motive force, generated by respiration, are required to drive an reverse electron transfer for the formation of reduced pyridine nucleotides.Abbreviations CODH carbon monoxide dehydrogenase - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - FCCP carbonyl-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazon - HQNO 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide - pmf proton motive force  相似文献   
The myenteric plexus of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri is enclosed within an incomplete Schwann-like sheath which allows bundles of unmyelinated axons to pass into the adjacent smooth muscle layers. Neuronal and non-neuronal constituents of the myenteric plexus are divided into smaller units by endoneurial collagen which in places condenses to form a perineurial covering. The myenteric plexus is avascular but arterioles and fenestrated capillaries are present close to the plexus in the intermuscular space. Small groups of neurones constitute the ganglia of the plexus but as yet few ultrastructural indications of differing neurone types have been observed. Within the neuropil of the ganglia five types of axon profile, characterised by their vesicle content, have been identified. One of these types was only recognisable following the administration of 5-hydroxydopamine. Axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic contacts were only made by Type 1 axons but these were uncommon. The presence of an adrenergic component of the myenteric plexus was confirmed ultrastructually following 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration and also by Falck-Hillarp fluorescence histochemistry which revealed an extensive distribution of adrenergic nerves in the plexus. The structural organisation of the plexus, the comparatively few ultrastructurally recognisable axon and neurone types and the sparsity of synaptic contacts all indicate that the teleost myenteric plexus is less complex than its mammalian counterpart.  相似文献   
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