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Collagen XVI, by structural analogy a member of the FACIT- (fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices) family of collagens, is described as a minor collagen component of connective tissues. Collagen XVI is expressed in various cells and tissues without known occurrence of splice variants or isoforms. For skin and cartilage tissues its suprastructure is known. Presumably, there it acts as an adaptor protein connecting and organizing large fibrillar networks and thus modulates integrity and stability of the extracellular matrix (ECM).Collagen XVI is produced by myofibroblasts in the normal intestine and its synthesis is increased in the inflamed bowel wall where myofibroblasts develop increased numbers of focal adhesion contacts on collagen XVI. Consequently, recruitment of α1 integrin into the focal adhesions at the tip of the cells is induced followed by increased cell spreading on collagen XVI. This presumably adds to the maintenance of myofibroblasts in the inflamed intestinal regions and thus promotes fibrotic responses of the tissue. Notably, α1/α2 integrins interact with collagen XVI through an α1/α2β1 integrin binding site located in the COL 1–3 domains.Collagen XVI may act as a substrate for adhesion and invasion of connective tissue tumor cells. In glioblastoma it induces tumor invasiveness by modification of the β1-integrin activation pattern. Thus, altering the cell–matrix interaction through collagen XVI might be a molecular mechanism to further augment the invasive phenotype of glioma cells. In this line, in oral squamous cell carcinoma collagen XVI expression is induced which results in an upregulation of Kindlin-1 followed by an increased interaction with beta1-integrin. Consequently, collagen XVI induces a proliferative tumor phenotype by promoting an early S-phase entry.In summary, collagen XVI plays a decisive role in the interaction of connective tissue cells with their ECM, which is impaired in pathological situations. Alteration of tissue location and expression level of collagen XVI appears to promote tumorigenesis and to perpetuate inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   
We present a comparison of feather stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) patterns representing the habitat and diet conditions for two subspecies of willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus that breed in parapatry, but winter in different regions of sub‐Saharan Africa. Previous analyses have shown that on average winter moulted innermost primaries (P1) show subspecific differences in δ15N values, although individuals show substantial variation for both δ13C and δ15N within the subspecies. We examined whether corresponding variation in the timing of the winter moult, as reflected by consistent intra‐wing correlations for individual's δ13C and δ15N values, could explain some of the previously observed isotopic variation. Further, differential subspecific adaptations to winter precipitation patterns across Africa might result in a variable degree of site fidelity or itinerancy during moult. We found no consistent trend in isotopic values from innermost to outermost primaries, thus inter‐individual variation in the timing of moult does not explain the subspecific isotopic variation for P1. Patterns in wing feather δ13C and δ15N values indicated that 41% of the individuals from both subspecies shifted their diet or habitats during winter moult. Importantly, despite well‐documented itinerancy in willow warblers during the winter, 59% of the individuals had feather isotope values consistent with stable use of habitats or diets during winter moult. Repeatability analyses suggest that individuals of both subspecies initiate moult in similar habitats from year‐to‐year while feeding on isotopically similar diets.  相似文献   
Due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, our oceans have gradually become warmer and more acidic. To better understand the consequences of this, there is a need for long‐term (months) and multistressor experiments. Earlier research demonstrates that the effects of global climate change are specific to species and life stages. We exposed berried Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), during 4 months to the combination of six ecologically relevant temperatures (5–18°C) and reduced pH (by 0.4 units). Embryonic responses were investigated by quantifying proxies for development rate and fitness including: % yolk consumption, mean heart rate, rate of oxygen consumption, and oxidative stress. We found no interactions between temperature and pH, and reduced pH only affected the level of oxidative stress significantly, with a higher level of oxidative stress in the controls. Increased temperature and % yolk consumed had positive effects on all parameters except on oxidative stress, which did not change in response to temperature. There was a difference in development rate between the ranges of 5–10°C (Q10: 5.4) and 10–18°C (Q10: 2.9), implicating a thermal break point at 10°C or below. No thermal limit to a further increased development rate was found. The insensitivity of N. norvegicus embryos to low pH might be explained by adaptation to a pH‐reduced external habitat and/or internal hypercapnia during incubation. Our results thus indicate that this species would benefit from global warming and be able to withstand the predicted decrease in ocean pH in the next century during their earliest life stages. However, future studies need to combine low pH and elevated temperature treatments with hypoxia as hypoxic events are frequently and increasingly occurring in the habitat of benthic species.  相似文献   


The pro-inflammatory status of the elderly triggers most of the age-related diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, the leading cause world wide of morbidity and death, is an inflammatory disease influenced by life-style and genetic host factors. Stimuli such as oxLDL or microbial ligands have been proposed to trigger inflammation leading to atherosclerosis. It has recently been shown that oxLDL activates immune cells via the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4/6 complex. Several common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the TLR system have been associated with atherosclerosis. To investigate the role of TLR-6 we analyzed the association of the TLR-6 SNP Pro249Ser with atherogenesis.


Genotyping of two independent groups with CAD, as well as of healthy controls revealed a significant association of the homozygous genotype with a reduced risk for atherosclerosis (odds ratio: 0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.95, P?=?0.02). In addition, we found a trend towards an association with the risk of restenosis after transluminal coronary angioplasty (odds ratio: 0.53, 95% CI 0.24-1.16, P?=?0.12). In addition, first evidence is presented that the frequency of this protective genotype increases in a healthy population with age. Taken together, our results define a role for TLR-6 and its genetic variations in modulating the inflammatory response leading to atherosclerosis.


These results may lead to a better risk stratification, and potentially to an improved prophylactic treatment of high-risk populations. Furthermore, the protective effect of this polymorphism may lead to an increase of this genotype in the healthy elderly and may therefore be a novel genetic marker for the well-being during aging.


Shiga-toxin producing O157:H7 Entero Haemorrhagic E. coli (STEC/EHEC) is one of the most common causes of Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS) related to infectious haemorrhagic colitis. Nearly all recommendations on clinical management of EHEC infections refer to this strain. The 2011 outbreak in Northern Europe was the first to be caused by the serotype O104:H4. This EHEC strain was found to carry genetic features of Entero Aggregative E. coli (EAEC) and extended spectrum β lactamase (ESBL). We report symptoms and complications in patients at one of the most affected centres of the 2011 EHEC O104 outbreak in Northern Germany.


The courses of patients admitted to our hospital due to bloody diarrhoea with suspected EHEC O104 infection were recorded prospectively. These data include the patients’ histories, clinical findings, and complications.


EHEC O104 infection was confirmed in 61 patients (female = 37; mean age: 44±2 years). The frequency of HUS was 59% (36/61) in our cohort. An enteric colonisation with co-pathogens was found in 57%. Thirty-one (51%) patients were treated with plasma-separation/plasmapheresis, 16 (26%) with haemodialysis, and 7 (11%) with Eculizumab. Patients receiving antibiotic treatment (n = 37; 61%) experienced no apparent change in their clinical course. Twenty-six (43%) patients suffered from neurological symptoms. One 83-year-old patient died due to comorbidities after HUS was successfully treated.


EHEC O104:H4 infections differ markedly from earlier reports on O157:H7 induced enterocolitis in regard to epidemiology, symptomatology, and frequency of complications. We recommend a standard of practice for clinical monitoring and support the renaming of EHEC O104:H4 syndrome as “EAHEC disease”.  相似文献   
Through bioinformatics analyses of a human gene expression database representing 105 different tissues and cell types, we identified 687 skin-associated genes that are selectively and highly expressed in human skin. Over 50 of these represent uncharacterized genes not previously associated with skin and include a subset that encode novel secreted and plasma membrane proteins. The high levels of skin-associated expression for eight of these novel therapeutic target genes were confirmed by semi-quantitative real time PCR, western blot and immunohistochemical analyses of normal skin and skin-derived cell lines. Four of these are expressed specifically by epidermal keratinocytes; two that encode G-protein-coupled receptors (GPR87 and GPR115), and two that encode secreted proteins (WFDC5 and SERPINB7). Further analyses using cytokine-activated and terminally differentiated human primary keratinocytes or a panel of common inflammatory, autoimmune or malignant skin diseases revealed distinct patterns of regulation as well as disease associations that point to important roles in cutaneous homeostasis and disease. Some of these novel uncharacterized skin genes may represent potential biomarkers or drug targets for the development of future diagnostics or therapeutics.  相似文献   
Melatonin is a natural mammalian hormone that plays an important role in regulating the circadian cycle in humans. It is a clinically effective drug exhibiting positive effects as a sleep aid and a powerful antioxidant used as a dietary supplement. Commercial melatonin production is predominantly performed by complex chemical synthesis. In this study, we demonstrate microbial production of melatonin and related compounds, such as serotonin and N‐acetylserotonin. We generated Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that comprise heterologous genes encoding one or more variants of an L‐tryptophan hydroxylase, a 5‐hydroxy‐L‐tryptophan decarboxylase, a serotonin acetyltransferase, an acetylserotonin O‐methyltransferase, and means for providing the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin via heterologous biosynthesis and recycling pathways. We thereby achieved de novo melatonin biosynthesis from glucose. We furthermore accomplished increased product titers by altering expression levels of selected pathway enzymes and boosting co‐factor supply. The final yeast strain produced melatonin at a titer of 14.50 ± 0.57 mg L?1 in a 76h fermentation using simulated fed‐batch medium with glucose as sole carbon source. Our study lays the basis for further developing a yeast cell factory for biological production of melatonin.  相似文献   
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