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Signalling by cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI) relaxes various smooth muscles modulating thereby vascular tone and gastrointestinal motility. cGKI-dependent relaxation is possibly mediated by phosphorylation of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor I (IP(3)RI)-associated protein (IRAG), which decreases hormone-induced IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) release. We show now that the targeted deletion of exon 12 of IRAG coding for the N-terminus of the coiled-coil domain disrupted in vivo the IRAG-IP(3)RI interaction and resulted in hypomorphic IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. These mice had a dilated gastrointestinal tract and a disturbed gastrointestinal motility. Carbachol- and phenylephrine-contracted smooth muscle strips from colon and aorta, respectively, of IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice were not relaxed by cGMP, while cAMP-mediated relaxation was unperturbed. Norepinephrine-induced increases in [Ca(2+)](i) were not decreased by cGMP in aortic smooth muscle cells from IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. In contrast, cGMP-induced relaxation of potassium-induced smooth muscle contraction was not abolished in IRAG(Delta12/Delta12) mice. We conclude that cGMP-dependent relaxation of hormone receptor-triggered smooth muscle contraction essentially depends on the interaction of cGKI-IRAG with IP(3)RI.  相似文献   
Protein arrays permit the parallel analysis of many different markers in a small sample volume. However, the problem of cross-reactivity limits the degree of multiplexing in parallel sandwich immunoassays (using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)), meaning antibodies must be prescreened in order to reduce false positives. In contrast, we use a second chip surface for the local application of detection antibodies, thereby efficiently eliminating antibody cross-reactions. Here, we illustrate the potential advantages of using single-chain Fv fragments rather than mAbs as capture and detection molecules with this double chip technology.  相似文献   


Vacuolar H+-ATPases are large protein complexes of more than 700 kDa that acidify endomembrane compartments and are part of the secretory system of eukaryotic cells. They are built from 14 different (VHA)-subunits. The paper addresses the question of sub-cellular localisation and subunit composition of plant V-ATPase in vivo and in vitro mainly by using colocalization and fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques (FRET). Focus is placed on the examination and function of the 95 kDa membrane spanning subunit VHA-a. Showing similarities to the already described Vph1 and Stv1 vacuolar ATPase subunits from yeast, VHA-a revealed a bipartite structure with (i) a less conserved cytoplasmically orientated N-terminus and (ii) a membrane-spanning C-terminus with a higher extent of conservation including all amino acids shown to be essential for proton translocation in the yeast. On the basis of sequence data VHA-a appears to be an essential structural and functional element of V-ATPase, although previously a sole function in assembly has been proposed.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors in epithelial repair and cytoprotection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Growth factors are polypeptides that stimulate the division of certain cell types at low concentrations. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 7 (FGF-7) and its homologue FGF-10 act specifically on various types of epithelial cells including keratinocytes of the skin, intestinal epithelial cells and hepatocytes. In addition, FGF-7 and FGF-10 have been shown to be more than growth factors: they can protect epithelial cells from damaging effects induced, for example, by radiation and oxidative stress. Therefore, they are currently in clinical trials for the treatment of oral mucositis, a severe side-effect of cancer therapy characterized by painful inflammation and ulceration of the oral epithelium. To gain insight into the mechanisms of FGF-7/FGF-10 action in epithelial cells, we searched for genes that are regulated by these growth factors. Indeed, we identified genes that help us to explain the mechanisms that underlie the effects of FGF-7. Most interestingly, several genes were identified that are likely to mediate the cytoprotective effect of FGF-7 for epithelial cells in vitro and possibly also in injured and diseased tissues in vivo.  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizae are formed by mutualistic interactions between fungi and the roots of woody plants. During symbiosis the two organisms exchange carbon and nutrients in a specific tissue that is formed at the contact between a compatible fungus and plant. There is considerable variation in the degree of host specificity among species and strains of ectomycorrhizal fungi. In this study, we have for the first time shown that this variation is associated with quantitative differences in gene expression, and with divergence in nucleotide sequences of symbiosis-regulated genes. Gene expression and sequence evolution were compared in different strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus; the strains included Nau, which is not compatible with birch and poplar, and the two compatible strains Maj and ATCC200175. On a genomic level, Nau and Maj were very similar. The sequence identity was 98.9% in the 16 loci analysed, and only three out of 1075 genes analysed by microarray-based hybridizations had signals indicating differences in gene copy numbers. In contrast, 66 out of the 1075 genes were differentially expressed in Maj compared to Nau after contact with birch roots. Thirty-seven of these symbiosis-regulated genes were also differentially expressed in the ATCC strain. Comparative analysis of DNA sequences of the symbiosis-regulated genes in different strains showed that two of them have evolved at an enhanced rate in Nau. The sequence divergence can be explained by a decreased selection pressure, which in turn is determined by lower functional constraints on these proteins in Nau as compared to the compatible strains.  相似文献   
Sulfate substituents naturally occurring in biomolecules, such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, can play a critical role in major physiological functions in plants and animals. We show that laminarin, a beta-1,3 glucan with elicitor activity in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), becomes, after chemical sulfation, an inducer of the salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana. In tobacco cell suspensions, the oxidative burst induced by the laminarin sulfate PS3 was Ca2+ dependent but partially kinase independent, whereas laminarin triggered a strickly kinase-dependent oxidative burst. Cells treated with PS3 or laminarin remained fully responsive to a second application of laminarin or PS3, respectively, suggesting two distinct perception systems. In tobacco leaves, PS3, but not laminarin, caused electrolyte leakage and triggered scopoletin and SA accumulation. Expression of different families of Pathogenesis-Related (PR) proteins was analyzed in wild-type and mutant tobacco as well as in Arabidopsis. Laminarin induced expression of ethylene-dependent PR proteins, whereas PS3 triggered expression of ethylene- and SA-dependent PR proteins. In Arabidopsis, PS3-induced PR1 expression was also NPR1 (for nonexpressor of PR genes1) dependent. Structure-activity analysis revealed that (1) a minimum chain length is essential for biological activity of unsulfated as well as sulfated laminarin, (2) the sulfate residues are essential and cannot be replaced by other anionic groups, and (3) moderately sulfated beta-1,3 glucans are active. In tobacco, PS3 and curdlan sulfate induced immunity against Tobacco mosaic virus infection, whereas laminarin induced only a weak resistance. The results open new routes to work out new molecules suitable for crop protection.  相似文献   
Due to several limitations of heparin, a widely used antithrombotic drug, there is large interest to develop alternatives. The aim of the presented study was to produce fully synthetic highly branched heparin mimetics. For this purpose, a new type of 'treelike' polysulfated polymers based on dendritic polyglycerol was synthesized. An efficient synthetic approach has been chosen to prepare several polyglycerol sulfates with different molecular weights as well as a polyglycerol carboxylate analogue and to evaluate them for their anticoagulant and anticomplementary activities. In contrast to the nonderivatized and the carboxylated polyglycerols, the polyglycerol sulfates prolong the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time (TT) and inhibit both the classical (CCA) and alternative complement activation (ACA). Whereas their anticoagulant activity in the APTT and in the TT amounts to 5.7-8.1% and 15.7-33.6%, respectively, of that of unfractionated heparin (UFH), their CCA and ACA inhibitory activity is 13.4-23.9 and 2.7-3.7 times, respectively, higher. In contrast to sulfated polysaccharides, the activities are not clearly dependent on the molecular weight, which might be due to the globular 3D-structure of the dendritic molecules. Due to the coherence between coagulation, complement activation and inflammation in the pathophysiology of numerous diseases, polyglycerol sulfates with both anticoagulant and anticomplementary activities represent promising candidates for the development of potential drugs.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of type I allergy is essentially based on clinical data, skin tests, and measurements of allergen-specific IgE. However, the determination of specific IgE per se does not permit a definitive conclusion concerning the response of effector cells to the respective allergen(s) and consecutive clinical symptoms in all patients. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a number of basophil-activation assays have been developed during the last few years. Today, allergen-induced activation of blood basophils can be employed as a specific and reliable measure of IgE-dependent responses in sensitized individuals. Using recombinant allergens and basophil-specific markers, these novel assays appear to serve as simple and useful tests in component-resolved diagnosis of type I allergies. In the current article, the biochemical, functional, and technical background of these basophil tests is discussed.  相似文献   
Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) and Lemna (duckweeds) are the only free-floating aquatic Araceae. The geographic origin and phylogenetic placement of these unrelated aroids present long-standing problems because of their highly modified reproductive structures and wide geographical distributions. We sampled chloroplast (trnL-trnF and rpl20-rps12 spacers, trnL intron) and mitochondrial sequences (nad1 b/c intron) for all genera implicated as close relatives of Pistia by morphological, restriction site, and sequencing data, and present a hypothesis about its geographic origin based on the consensus of trees obtained from the combined data, using Bayesian, maximum likelihood, parsimony, and distance analyses. Of the 14 genera closest to Pistia, only Alocasia, Arisaema, and Typhonium are species-rich, and the latter two were studied previously, facilitating the choice of representatives that span the roots of these genera. Results indicate that Pistia and the Seychelles endemic Protarum sechellarum are the basalmost branches in a grade comprising the tribes Colocasieae (Ariopsis, Steudnera, Remusatia, Alocasia, Colocasia), Arisaemateae (Arisaema, Pinellia), and Areae (Arum, Biarum, Dracunculus, Eminium, Helicodiceros, Theriophonum, Typhonium). Unexpectedly, all Areae genera are embedded in Typhonium, which throws new light on the geographic history of Areae. A Bayesian analysis of divergence times that explores the effects of multiple fossil and geological calibration points indicates that the Pistia lineage is 90 to 76 million years (my) old. The oldest fossils of the Pistia clade, though not Pistia itself, are 45-my-old leaves from Germany; the closest outgroup, Peltandreae (comprising a few species in Florida, the Mediterranean, and Madagascar), is known from 60-my-old leaves from Europe, Kazakhstan, North Dakota, and Tennessee. Based on the geographic ranges of close relatives, Pistia likely originated in the Tethys region, with Protarum then surviving on the Seychelles, which became isolated from Madagascar and India in the Late Cretaceous (85 my ago). Pistia and Protarum provide striking examples of ancient lineages that appear to have survived in unique or isolated habitats.  相似文献   
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