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Tissue factor (TF) triggers blood coagulation and is translated from two mRNA splice isoforms, encoding membrane-anchored full-length TF (flTF) and soluble alternatively-spliced TF (asTF). The complete knockout of TF in mice causes embryonic lethality associated with failure of the yolk sac vasculature. Although asTF plays roles in postnatal angiogenesis, it is unknown whether it activates coagulation sufficiently or makes previously unrecognized contributions to sustaining integrity of embryonic yolk sac vessels. Using gene knock-in into the mouse TF locus, homozygous asTF knock-in (asTFKI) mice, which express murine asTF in the absence of flTF, exhibited embryonic lethality between day 9.5 and 10.5. Day 9.5 homozygous asTFKI embryos expressed asTF protein, but no procoagulant activity was detectable in a plasma clotting assay. Although the α-smooth-muscle-actin positive mesodermal layer as well as blood islands developed similarly in day 8.5 wild-type or homozygous asTFKI embryos, erythrocytes were progressively lost from disintegrating yolk sac vessels of asTFKI embryos by day 10.5. These data show that in the absence of flTF, asTF expressed during embryonic development has no measurable procoagulant activity, does not support embryonic vessel stability by non-coagulant mechanisms, and fails to maintain a functional vasculature and embryonic survival.  相似文献   
We face a likely shift to electric vehicles (EVs) but the environmental and human consequences of this are not yet well understood. Simulated auditory traffic scenes were synthesized from recordings of real conventional and EVs. These sounded similar to what might be heard by a person near a major national road. Versions of the simulation had 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% EVs. Participants heard the auditory scenes in random order, rating each on five perceptual dimensions such as pleasant–unpleasant and relaxing–stressful. Ratings of traffic noise were, overall, towards the negative end of these scales, but improved significantly when there were high proportions of EVs in the traffic mix, particularly when there were 80% or 100% EVs. This suggests a shift towards a high proportion of EVs is likely to improve the subjective experiences of people exposed to traffic noise from major roads. The effects were not a simple result of EVs being quieter: ratings of bandpass-filtered versions of the recordings suggested that people’s perceptions of traffic noise were specifically influenced by energy in the 500–2000 Hz band. Engineering countermeasures to reduce noise in this band might be effective for improving the subjective experience of people living or working near major roads, even for conventional vehicles; energy in the 0–100 Hz band was particularly associated with people identifying sound as ‘quiet’ and, again, this might feed into engineering to reduce the impact of traffic noise on people.  相似文献   
A deterministic model of tuberculosis in Cameroon is designed and analyzed with respect to its transmission dynamics. The model includes lack of access to treatment and weak diagnosis capacity as well as both frequency- and density-dependent transmissions. It is shown that the model is mathematically well-posed and epidemiologically reasonable. Solutions are non-negative and bounded whenever the initial values are non-negative. A sensitivity analysis of model parameters is performed and the most sensitive ones are identified by means of a state-of-the-art Gauss-Newton method. In particular, parameters representing the proportion of individuals having access to medical facilities are seen to have a large impact on the dynamics of the disease. The model predicts that a gradual increase of these parameters could significantly reduce the disease burden on the population within the next 15 years.  相似文献   
Obesity and insulin resistance have been shown to be risk factors for laminitis in horses. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of changes in body condition during the grazing season on insulin resistance and the expression of genes associated with obesity and insulin resistance in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). Sixteen Finnhorse mares were grazing either on cultivated high-yielding pasture (CG) or semi-natural grassland (NG) from the end of May to the beginning of September. Body measurements, intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT), and neck and tailhead SAT gene expressions were measured in May and September. At the end of grazing, CG had higher median body condition score (7 vs. 5.4, interquartile range 0.25 vs. 0.43; P=0.05) and body weight (618 kg vs. 572 kg ± 10.21 (mean ± SEM); P=0.02), and larger waist circumference (P=0.03) than NG. Neck fat thickness was not different between treatments. However, tailhead fat thickness was smaller in CG compared to NG in May (P=0.04), but this difference disappeared in September. Greater basal and peak insulin concentrations, and faster glucose clearance rate (P=0.03) during IVGTT were observed in CG compared to NG in September. A greater decrease in plasma non-esterified fatty acids during IVGTT (P<0.05) was noticed in CG compared to NG after grazing. There was down-regulation of insulin receptor, retinol binding protein 4, leptin, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and up-regulation of adiponectin (ADIPOQ), adiponectin receptor 1 and stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene expressions in SAT of both groups during the grazing season (P<0.05). Positive correlations were observed between ADIPOQ and its receptors and between SCD and ADIPOQ in SAT (P<0.01). In conclusion, grazing on CG had a moderate effect on responses during IVGTT, but did not trigger insulin resistance. Significant temporal differences in gene expression profiles were observed during the grazing season.  相似文献   
Summary In autumn 1998, nocturnal bird migration at Falsterbo was recorded over a period of three months by means of a passive infrared device. At the same place a standardised trapping scheme is in operation. This study reveals for the first time a positive correlation between the migratory intensity of birds aloft and the numbers of trapped birds. By relating the migratory patterns of single species with the nocturnal migratory intensities, we show that the species composition aloft can at least partly be deduced from the number of grounded birds. The numbers of trapped pre-Saharan migrants were related more strongly to the migratory intensity of the preceding night than were the numbers of trans-Saharan migrants. Assuming that the number of trapped birds varies according to the weather to the same extent as the migratory intensity of birds aloft, we conclude that in shorter range migrants the decision to engage in a migratory flight is influenced more strongly by weather conditions, and that the migratory activity of trans-Saharan migrants is possibly more intensely controlled by their endogenous migratory urge.
Widerspiegeln Fangzahlen die tatsächlichen nächtlichen Zugdichten?
Zusammenfassung Fangzahlen aus der Vogelberingung werden Studien verschiedenster Gebiete der Ornithologie zu Grunde gelegt. Insbesondere in der Vogelzugforschung und in Populationsanalysen wurden dadurch grosse Fortschritte erzielt. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals untersucht, inwiefern die Fangzahlen mit dem nächtlichen Zuggeschehen in Verbindung stehen. In Falsterbo, Südwest-Schweden, werden seit 20 Jahren Vögel in einem standardisierten Verfahren mit Japannetzen gefangen. Im Herbst 1998 beobachteten wir am gleichen Ort während drei Monaten den nächtlichen Vogelzug mittels einer Wärmebildkamera, wobei Singvögel bis maximal 3000 m über Boden erfasst werden. In 63 Fällen konnten wir die täglichen Fangzahlen mit den Zugintensitäten der vorangegangenen Nacht vergleichen, wobei wir eine signifikante positive Korrelation feststellten. Dabei mag die Lage der Fangstation an der Küste eine Rolle spielen, indem hier täglich ein bestimmter Anteil der Zugvögel eine Rast einlegt, bevor der Überflug der Ostsee bewältigt wird, während gleichzeitig kaum nicht-ziehende Vögel vorhanden sind. Der Vergleich der Zugmuster der 12 am häufigsten gefangenen Arten zeigt, dass die Anzahlen der Kurzstreckenzieher besser mit den nächtlichen Zugintensitäten übereinstimmen. Unter der Annahme, dass die Fangzahlen in gleichem Masse vom Wetter abhängen, wie dies für die Intensität des nächtlichen Zuges gezeigt werden konnte, schliessen wir auf eine deutliche Reaktion der Kurzstreckenzieher gegenüber dem Wetter. Im Gegensatz dazu scheint der Zug der Langstreckenzieher stärker von weiteren Faktoren beeinflusst, beispielsweise von der inneren Uhr. Möglicherweise bedeutet die Ostsee hinsichtlich ihrer weiten Reise ein unbedeutenderes Hindernis als für Arten, welche nur bis Mittel- oder Südeuropa ziehen. In der Folge neigen Kurzstreckenzieher wohl eher dazu an der Küste zu landen als Langstreckenzieher.
Upon subfractionation of certain plant seed homogenates on sucrose density gradients, we encountered problems in defining the location and amount of mitochondria using marker enzymes. In order to overcome the inherent limitations of enzyme assays, we utilized a heterologous DNA probe specific foratp6 in maize orBrassica tournefortii to detect mitochondria. The samples were treated with SDS, proteinase K, and RNase A followed by agarose gel electrophoresis, and blotting. The immobilized DNA was detected with [32P]-labelled probes, and quantified using a phosphor imager. The assay is specific, sensitive, and independent of species, cell type, and developmental stage, thus circumventing the need for expressed protein to assay enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Understanding how populations and communities respond to competition is a central concern of ecology. A seminal theoretical solution first formalised by Levins (and re‐derived in multiple fields) showed that, in theory, the form of a trade‐off should determine the outcome of competition. While this has become a central postulate in ecology it has evaded experimental verification, not least because of substantial technical obstacles. We here solve the experimental problems by employing synthetic ecology. We engineer strains of Escherichia coli with fixed resource allocations enabling accurate measurement of trade‐off shapes between bacterial survival and multiplication in multiple environments. A mathematical chemostat model predicts different, and experimentally verified, trajectories of gene frequency changes as a function of condition‐specific trade‐offs. The results support Levins' postulate and demonstrates that otherwise paradoxical alternative outcomes witnessed in subtly different conditions are predictable.  相似文献   
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