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The amino-acid sequence of rat Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary structure of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase isolated from rat liver was determined. The enzyme was reduced, carboxymethylated and fragmented by treatment with cyanogen bromide, trypsin or Staphylococcus aureus proteinase V8. The resulting peptides were separated by gel filtration or high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced by automated Edman degradation. The total sequence of 153 amino-acid residues per subunit was reconstructed from overlapping peptides. Rat Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase proved to be closely related to the corresponding sequences of other mammals in having more than 80% identical amino-acid residues in homologous position and an acetylated N-terminus. Comparison of the rat Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase structure with those of other species suggests a similar phylogenetic distance between rat, man, pig, cattle and horse and a rapid molecular divergence during vertebrate development compared to earlier evolutionary periods.  相似文献   
A group of antigens related by their reactivity with monoclonal antibodies MPM-1 and MPM-2 appear as cells enter mitosis. These antibodies bind to a phosphorylated epitope on certain proteins, and therefore the antigens are presumed to be a group of phosphoproteins. A subset of these proteins has been shown previously to be components of mitotic microtubule organizing centers in PtK1 cells. We present here evidence that the mitosis-specific appearance of these phosphoproteins is a phenomenon common to all eukaryotic cells. The MPM reactive phosphoproteins were localized to mitotic spindle poles regardless of whether the spindle formed in the cytoplasm after nuclear envelope breakdown (open mitosis) or within the nucleus (closed mitosis). This reactivity was not dependent upon the presence of centrioles at the spindle poles. Proteins that contained the phosphorylated epitope were not, however, restricted to mitotic cells. Cells of neuronal derivation and flagellated cells showed specific localization of MPM antibody to the microtubule network and basal bodies respectively. On immunoblots, the MPM antibody reacted with brain MAP-1 among a number of other phosphoproteins. The identification of microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-1 correlates with the localization of the antibody to microtubules of neuroblastoma cells. These results suggest, that different phosphoprotein molecules detected by the MPM antibody may be specific for different mitotic microtubule organizing centers, basal bodies, and other specialized cytoskeletal structures; and the presence of a related phosphorylated domain on these proteins may be important for their proper function and/or interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   
Myosin content and phosphorus (P) concentration of myosin preparations were measured in non-pregnant and pregnant human myometrial tissue specimens. It was found that the amount of myosin gained from 1 g of minced myometrial tissue is 0.5 mg in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, 0.6-0.7 mg in the late luteal phase, and 6-7 mg during pregnancy. Considering the different functional stages of the myosin sources and the performance characteristics of the methods, the estimated myosin content of non-pregnant myometrium is 1.0-1.5 mg, while 10-15 mg in pregnant myometrial tissue. A considerable amount of P is bound to the preparations. It is the smallest in the post-menstrual period and increases towards the end of the cycle. The largest amount of P is gained from fresh pregnant uterine samples. Analysis of the alkaline hydrolysate showed that the phosphate group was bound to amino acids, in the largest amount to arginine, less to histidine and the smallest amount to lysine and serine. As a function of the duration of storage, especially the P-Arg concentration was decreasing. The prolonged hydrolysis time decreases again the concentration of P-Arg with a consecutive increase of No. 1 and 2 P-containing peaks in the chromatographic profile of alkaline hydrolysate.  相似文献   
The individual effect of desferrioxamine-B (DFOA), Na3Ca-diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), DL-penicillamine (PA) and Na-salicylate (SA) has been examined as well as the effect of mixed-ligand treatment on the retention and elimination of 144Ce in mice. It was found that 144Ce could easily be mobilized by a single dose of DTPA. Mixed-ligand (MLCs) treatment did not change the deposition characteristics and translocation kinetics of 144Ce.  相似文献   
Cow embryos, obtained from superovulated heifers on days 3 and 4 after oestrus, were cultured for 20 min in Ménézo's complete culture medium (B2), enriched with 200 microCi/ml of 5-[3H]-uridine. Semi-thin Epon sections of this material were investigated by autoradiography for sites of RNA synthesis. It was found that 5-[3H]-uridine was incorporated into the nucleoplasm and nucleoli only at the end of the 8-cell stage. This suggested that synthesis of hnRNA and rRNA occurred from this stage onwards. Ultrastructural studies were performed on these embryos as well as on other non-incubated 4-cell embryos recovered on day 2. The transformation of dense fibrillar primary nucleoli into functional reticulated nucleoli appeared sooner in the development of cow embryos than in other mammalian species hitherto studied and took place generally during the 8-cell stage. An unusual step in this transformation was represented by the development of a single vacuole in nucleoli at the beginning of this stage (day 3 post-oestrus).  相似文献   
The molecular properties of ricin (the toxic lectin from Ricinus communis seeds, RCA II or RCA 60) were evaluated by analytical ultracentrifugation, viscosimetry, c.d., fluorescence and equilibrium dialysis. Measurements of sedimentation (S0(20,W) = 4.60 S) and viscosity (eta = 2.96 X 10(-2) dl/g) indicated that, at neutral pH, the ricin molecule is very compact. Various transitions were explored, and a pH-triggered change in the ricin conformation was observed between pH 7 and 4. In this range, the sedimentation coefficient, far-u.v. c.d. and fluorescence altered simultaneously without unfolding. Below pH 7 the change in the ricin conformation was accompanied by a decrease in the affinity of ricin for galactosides, and at pH 4.0 by an alteration in its binding capacity. These effects of low pH are discussed in relation to the physical conditions encountered by ricin molecules during their entry into living cells.  相似文献   
Rat liver chromatin core particles digested with clostripain yield a structurally well-defined nucleoprotein particle with an octameric core made up of fragmented histone species (designated H'2A, H'2B, H'3 and H'4, respectively) after selective loss of a sequence segment located in the N-terminal region of each core histone. Sequential Edman degradation and carboxypeptidase digestion unambiguously establish that histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are selectively cleaved at the carboxyl side of Arg 11, Lys 20, Arg 26 and Arg 19 respectively and that the C-terminal sequences remain unaffected. Despite the loss of the highly basic N-terminal regions, including approximately 17% of the total amino acids, the characteristic structural organization of the nucleosome core particle appears to be fully retained in the proteolyzed core particle, as judged by physicochemical and biochemical evidence. Binding of spermidine to native and proteolyzed core particles shows that DNA accessibility differs markedly in both structures. As expected the proteolyzed particle, which has lost all the in vivo acetylation sites, is not enzymatically acetylated, in contrast to the native particle. However, proteolyzed histones act as substrates of the acetyltransferase in the absence of DNA, as a consequence of the occurrence of potential acetylation sites in the core histones thus rendered accessible. The possible role of the histone N-terminal regions on chromatin structure and function is discussed in the light of the present observations with the new core particle obtained by clostripain proteolysis.  相似文献   
Rat liver mitochondrial fractions corresponding to four morphological structures (matrix, inner membrane, intermembrane space and outer membrane) contain proteinases that cleave casein components at different rates. Proteinases of the intermembrane space preferentially cleave kappa-casein, whereas the proteinases of the outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix fractions degrade alpha S1-casein more rapidly. Electrophoretic separation of the degradation products of alpha S1-casein and kappa-casein in polyacrylamide gels shows that different polypeptides are produced when the substrate is degraded by the matrix, by both membranes and by the intermembrane-space fraction. Some of the degradation products resulting from incubation of the caseins with the mitochondrial fractions are probably the result of digestion by contaminating lysosomal proteinase(s). The matrix has a high peptidase activity, since glucagon, a small peptide, is very rapidly degraded by this fraction. These observations strongly suggest that distinct proteinases, with different specificities, are associated respectively with the intermembrane space and with both membrane fractions.  相似文献   
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