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Glucocorticoids influence post-natal mammary gland development by sequentially controlling cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In the mammary gland, it has been demonstrated that glucocorticoid treatment inhibits epithelial apoptosis in post-lactating glands. In this study, our first goal was to identify new glucocorticoid target genes that could be involved in generating this effect. Expression profiling, by microarray analysis, revealed that expression of several cell-cycle control genes was altered by dexamethasone (DEX) treatment after lactation. Importantly, it was determined that not only the exogenous synthetic hormone, but also the endogenous glucocorticoids regulated the expression of these genes. Particularly, we found that the expression of cell cycle inhibitors p21CIP1, p18INK4c, and Atm was differentially regulated by glucocorticoids through the successive stages of mammary gland development. In undifferentiated cells, DEX treatment induced their expression and reduced cell proliferation, while in differentiated cells this hormone repressed expression of those cell cycle inhibitors and promoted survival. Therefore, differentiation status determined the effect of glucocorticoids on mammary cell fate. Particularly, we have determined that p21CIP1 inhibition would mediate the activity of these hormones in differentiated mammary cells because over-expression of this protein blocked DEX-induced apoptosis protection. Together, our data suggest that the multiple roles played by glucocorticoids in mammary gland development and function might be at least partially due to the alternative roles that these hormones play on the expression of cell cycle regulators.  相似文献   
The Gs and Gi pathways interact to control the levels of intracellular cAMP. Although coincident signaling through Gs and Gi-coupled receptors can attenuate Gs-stimulated cAMP levels, it is not known if prior activation of the Gi pathway can affect signaling by Gs-coupled receptors. We have found that activated Gαo/i interact with RGS20, a GTPase activating protein for members of the Gαο/i family. Interaction between Gαo/i and RGS20 results in decreased cellular levels of RGS20. This decrease was induced by activated Gαo and Gαi2 but not by Gαq, Gαi1 or Gαi3. The Gαo/i-induced decrease in RGS20 can be blocked by proteasomal inhibitors lactacystin or MG132. Activated Gαo stimulates the ubiquitination of RGS20. The serotonin-1A receptor that couples to Go/i reduces the levels of RGS20 and this effect is blocked by lactacystin, suggesting that Go/i promotes the degradation of RGS20. Expression of RGS20 attenuates the inhibition of β-adrenergic receptor-induced cAMP levels mediated by the serotonin-1A receptor. Prior activation of the serotonin-1A receptor results in loss of the RGS20-mediated attenuation, and the loss of attenuation is blocked when lactacystin is included during the prior treatment. These observations suggest that Go/i-coupled receptors, by stimulating the degradation of RGS20, can regulate how subsequent activation of the Gs and Gi pathways controls cellular cAMP levels, thus allowing for signal integration.  相似文献   
Contribution of three regions (phosphate-binding, 50’s and 90’s loops) of Anabaena apoflavodoxin to FMN binding and reduction potential was studied. Thr12 and Glu16 did not influence FMN redox properties, but Thr12 played a role in FMN binding. Replacement of Trp57 with Glu, Lys or Arg moderately shifted Eox/sq and Esq/hq and altered the energetic of the FMN redox states binding profile. Our data indicate that the side chain of position 57 does not modulate Eox/sq by aromatic stacking or solvent exclusion, but rather by influencing the relative strength of the H-bond between the N(5) of the flavin and the Asn58-Ile59 bond. A correlation was observed between the isoalloxazine increase in solvent accessibility and less negative Esq/hq. Moreover, Esq/hq became less negative as positively charged residues were added near to the isoalloxazine. Ile59 and Ile92 were simultaneously mutated to Ala or Glu. These mutations impaired FMN binding, while shifting Esq/hq to less negative values and Eox/sq to more negative. These effects are discussed on the bases of the X-ray structures of some of the Fld mutants, suggesting that in Anabaena Fld the structural control of both electron transfer steps is much more subtle than in other Flds.  相似文献   
Although nitric oxide (NO) was identified more than 150 years ago and its effects were clinically tested in the form of nitroglycerine, it was not until the decades of 1970-1990 that it was described as a gaseous signal transducer. Since then, a canonical pathway linked to cyclic GMP (cGMP) as its quintessential effector has been established, but other modes of action have emerged and are now part of the common body of knowledge within the field. Classical (or canonical) signaling involves the selective activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, the generation of cGMP, and the activation of specific kinases (cGMP-dependent protein kinases) by this cyclic nucleotide. Nonclassical signaling alludes to the formation of NO-induced posttranslational modifications (PTMs), especially S-nitrosylation, S-glutathionylation, and tyrosine nitration. These PTMs are governed by specific biochemical mechanisms as well as by enzymatic systems. In addition, a less classical but equally important pathway is related to the interaction between NO and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, which might have important implications for cell respiration and intermediary metabolism. Cross talk trespassing these necessarily artificial conceptual boundaries is progressively being identified and hence an integrated systems biology approach to the comprehension of NO function will probably emerge in the near future.  相似文献   
Cadmium (Cd) homeostasis and detoxification in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cells differing in Cd sensitivity/tolerance were studied by analyzing the glutathione-mediated antioxidant mechanism vis-à-vis phytochelatin biosynthesis in vitro. Calluses exposed to Cd-shock/-acclimatization (150μM) were assayed for oxidative stress, reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione disulfide (GSSG), phytochelatins (PCs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although Cd did not induce any oxidative stress in Cd-tolerant callus (TCd), it generated oxidative stress in Cd-shock callus (SCd) both in terms of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation. GSH/GSSG ratio remained similar to control values in the cadmium-acclimatized calluses. However, after acute treatment, there was a decline in both GSH and GSSG levels in SCd with concomitant reduction in the GSH/GSSG ratio. Analysis of PCs was performed using HPLC and mass spectrometry methods. PC concentration in TCd were approximately twice those that in SCd, showing in both cases a 1:2:1 relative proportion for PC n = 2 (PC2): PC n = 3 (PC3): PC n = 4 (PC4). Calluses growing in the presence of Cd developed an increased resistance to paraquat oxidative stress generation. These results indicated that PCs synthesis was an important mechanism for Cd detoxification in sunflower calluses, but the capacity to grow in the presence of Cd is related to the tissues ability to maintain high intracellular levels of GSH.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Basin is a global biodiversity hotspot, hosting a number of native species belonging to families that are found almost exclusively in tropical climates. Yet, whether or not these taxa were able to survive in the Mediterranean region during the Quaternary climatic oscillations remains unknown. Focusing on the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), we aimed to (a) identify potential ancient populations and glacial refugia; (b) determine the post-glacial colonization routes across the Mediterranean; and (c) evaluate current population structure and demography. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to understand T. teniotis evolutionary and demographic history. We show that T. teniotis is likely restricted to the Western Palearctic, with mitochondrial phylogeny suggesting a split between an Anatolian/Middle East clade and a European clade. Nuclear data pointed to three genetic populations, one of which is an isolated and highly differentiated group in the Canary Islands, another distributed across Iberia, Morocco, and France, and a third stretching from Italy to the east, with admixture following a pattern of isolation by distance. Evolutionary and demographic reconstruction supports a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization of Italy and the Anatolian/Middle East, while the remaining populations were colonized from Italy after the Younger Dryas. We also found support for demographic expansion following the Iberian colonization. The results show that during the LGM T. teniotis persisted in Mediterranean refugia and has subsequently expanded to its current circum-Mediterranean range. Our findings raise questions regarding the physiological and ecological traits that enabled species with tropical affinities to survive in colder climates.  相似文献   
Androgens and carotenoids circulating in plasma affect the physiology and behavior of vertebrates. Much is known about control mechanisms and functions of each of these substances, yet their interactive effects are not well understood. Here we examine possible additive, multiplicative, and interactive effects of testosterone and carotenoids on female endocrine physiology, immunocompetence, and investment in eggs by simultaneously manipulating levels of testosterone [via gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) challenges] and carotenoids (via diet supplementation) in captive female Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Females were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: carotenoid supplementation, GnRH challenge, GnRH challenge?+?carotenoid supplementation, or control. Carotenoid supplementation significantly increased circulating plasma carotenoid levels and acquired immune system performance, but not innate immunity. GnRH challenges elevated circulating testosterone and carotenoid levels, and induced immunosuppression in females. However, females in the GnRH challenge?+?carotenoid supplementation treatment had higher cell-mediated immune responses than control females and similar responses to those of carotenoid-supplemented females. Hence, availability of carotenoids in female quail seemed to counteract immunosuppressive effects of GnRH challenges. Our results provide further evidence for synergistic effects of carotenoids and testosterone on endocrine physiology and immune function in female birds. Elevated plasma testosterone or carotenoids levels resulted in increased deposition of those compounds to eggs, respectively. Furthermore, because we found that concentrations of testosterone and carotenoids in yolks were correlated within each treatment group, differential deposition of hormones and carotenoids in eggs may not only respond to surrounding social and environmental conditions, but also to other components of the egg.  相似文献   
A microtitration plate, antibody capture, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for the detection of Aeromonas hydrophila serotype O : 11 (highly virulent strains). The assay utilizes a detector antibody which shows no cross-reactions with Aeromonas strains other than serotype O : 11 or non- Aeromonas competing organisms. The detector antibody is mixed with the sample and incubated for 1 h, microcentrifuged and the supernatant fluid (unadsorbed antibody) titred in a microtitre plate coated with A. hydrophila cells from serotype O : 11. All the A. hydrophila strains from serotype O : 11 tested reacted strongly with the detector antibody. Also by culturing and performing the immunoassay with the detector antibody we established and quantified the presence of A. hydrophila O : 11 in different foods.  相似文献   
It remains poorly understood how the composition of leaf wax n‐alkanes reflects the local environment. This knowledge gap inhibits the interpretation of plant responses to the environment at the community level and, by extension, inhibits the applicability of n‐alkane patterns as a proxy for past environments. Here, we studied the n‐alkane patterns of five Miconia species and one Guarea species, in the Ecuadorian Andes (653–3,507 m a.s.l.). We tested for species‐specific responses in the average chain length (ACL), the C31/(C31 + C29) ratio (ratio), and individual odd n‐alkane chain lengths across an altitudinally driven environmental gradient (mean annual temperature, mean annual relative air humidity, and mean annual precipitation). We found significant correlations between the environmental gradients and species‐specific ACL and ratio, but with varying magnitude and direction. We found that the n‐alkane patterns are species‐specific at the individual chain length level, which could explain the high variance in metrics like ACL and ratio. Although we find species‐specific sensitivity and responses in leaf n‐alkanes, we also find a general decrease in “shorter” (<C29) and an increase in “longer” (>C31) chain lengths with the environmental gradients, most strongly with temperature, suggesting n‐alkanes are useful for reconstructing past environments.  相似文献   
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