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Two controlled-environment experiments were conducted to determine the effects of temperature fluctuations under continuous irradiation on growth and tuberization of two potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars, Kennebec and Superior. These cultivars had exhibited chlorotic and stunted growth under continuous irradiation and constant temperatures. The plants were grown for 4 weeks in the first experiment and for 6 weeks in the second experiment. Each experiment was conducted under continuous irradiation of 400 micromoles per square meter per second of photosynthetic photon flux and included two temperature treatments: constant 18°C and fluctuating 22°C/14°C on a 12-hour cycle. A common vapor pressure deficit of 0.62 kilopascal was maintained at all temperatures. Plants under constant 18°C were stunted and had chlorotic and abscised leaves and essentially no tuber formation. Plants grown under the fluctuating temperature treatment developed normally, were developing tubers, and had a fivefold or greater total dry weight as compared with those under the constant temperature. These results suggest that a thermoperiod can allow normal plant growth and tuberization in potato cultivars that are unable to develop effectively under continuous irradiation.  相似文献   
Summary Antiserum against the Calvin cycle enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carobxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), was used in conjunction with colloidal gold to localize RuBisCO in nitrogen-fixing (fix+) and nonfixing (fix–)Plectonema boryanum cells. RuBisCO antiserum consistently labeled the cytoplasm and polyhedral bodies (carboxysomes) in both fix+ and fix– cells. Through morphometry, it was determined that significantly less gold label (indicative of RuBisCO) was present in fix+ cells. This decreased RuBisCO content correlated with a decrease in net photosynthetic oxygen evolution also observed in fix+P. boryanum.Abbreviations RuBisCO Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - fix+ nitrogen-fixing - fix– nonfixing  相似文献   
We report DNA and clinical analyses of cystic fibrosis (CF) in two previously unstudied, genetically isolated populations: Pueblo and Navajo Native Americans. Direct mutation analysis of six mutations of the CFTR gene--namely, delta F508, G542X, G551D, R553X, N1303K, and W1282X--was performed on PCR-amplified genomic DNA extracted from blood samples. Haplotype analyses with marker/enzyme pairs XV2c/TaqI and KM19/PstI were performed as well. Of the 12 affected individuals studied, no delta F508 mutation was detected; only one G542X mutation was found. None of the other mutations was detected. All affected individuals have either an AA, AC, or CC haplotype, except for the one carrying the G542X mutation, who has the haplotype AB. Clinically, six of the affected individuals examined exhibit growth deficiency, and five (all from the Zuni Pueblo) have a severe CF phenotype. Four of the six Zunis with CF are also microcephalic, a finding not previously noted in CF patients. Our DNA data have serious implications for risk assessment of CF carrier status for these people.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence and the 5 flanking region of the rbcL gene coding for the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate-1,5-carboxylase/oxygenase of Pylaiella littoralis, a brown alga, has been determined and the deduced amino-acid sequence has been compared to those of various photosynthetic and chemoautotrophic Eubacteria, of a red alga and of green plastids (Euglena gracilis, green algae and higher plants). Unlike the rbcL genes of green plastids which are more closely related to those of cyanobacteria the P. littoralis rbcL gene is more closely related to that of a -purple bacterium, as was found for the rbcS gene of another chromophytic alga [Boczar et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 86: 4996–4999, 1989]. Matrix data of homology between the rbcL gene of P. littoralis and the same gene of other organisms are presented. Based on our previous report, the gene coding for the 16S rRNA from P. littoralis is closely related to that of E. gracilis (Markowicz et al., Curr Genet 14: 599–608, 1988). We suggest that the large plastid DNA molecule of P. littoralis is a phylogenetically composite genome which probably resulted from mixed endosymbiosis events, or from a horizontal transfer of DNA.  相似文献   
Summary A DNA fingerprinting procedure was developed for strains of Lactococcus lactis subsps. lactis and cremoris, biovar. diacetylactis, and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, used in dairy fermentations. Total cellular DNA was extracted and digested with restriction endonucleases, HindIII or HaeIII, followed by separation of the fragments using agarose gel electrophoresis. L. lactis C2 was used as a representative strain for examining the effect of growth phase and cell concentration, cell washing conditions prior to lysis, type and concentration of the enzyme used to digest the cell wall, composition of the lysis buffer, and gel electrophoresis conditions. Following optimization of the fingerprinting procedure, electrophoretic migration of fragments from 23 strains produced reproducible gel patterns. L. lactis subsp. lactis strains ML3 and C2 appeared to be identical when restrricted with either Hind III or HaeIII. Similarly, S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus strains 19987 and 19258, and L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains 134 and C3, appeared to have identical DNA fingerprints following digestion with HindIII. To determine the usefulness of this technique for monitoring population changes during fermentation, various ratios of two closely related strains were inoculated into milk and allowed to grow for 16 h at 32° C. The initial inoculum ratios were determined by standard plate counts, and the final ratio was deterimined by DNA fingerprinting. DNA fingerprinting will be useful in the identification, characterization, and comparison of food fermentation microorganisms.Published as paper No. 17,803 of the contribution series of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Offprint requests to: S. K. Harlander  相似文献   
肾综合征出血热(HFRS)为一组抗原性密切相关的布尼亚科汉坦病毒引起的急性传染病。在我国存在至少两种临床表现、动物宿主及流行特征截然不同的血清型别,即血清Ⅰ型(汉坦型)和血清Ⅱ型(汉城型)。这两型病毒间的血清学定型已有报道。近年来,除啮齿类动物外,从临床病人以及非啮齿类动物体内也分离到了HFRS病毒。同时出现两类型别毒株共存,以及从家鼠体内分离到野鼠型毒株或从野鼠体内分离到家鼠型毒株的复杂情形。为此,准确检定并鉴别不同来源毒株型别,将为深入了解其病原学、流行病学以及制定疫苗生产策略提供重要信息。  相似文献   
Mild hypoferremia represents an aspect of the ability of the body to withhold iron from pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, and from neoplastic cells. However, our iron-withholding defense system can be thwarted by practices that enhance iron overload such as indiscriminate iron fortification of foods, medically prescribed iron supplements, alcohol ingestion, and cigarette smoking. Elevated standards for normal levels of iron can be misleading and even dangerous for individuals faced with medical insults such as chronic infection, neoplasia, cardiomyopathy, and arthritis. We are becoming increasingly aware that the wide-spread hypoferremia in human populations is a physiological response to insult rather than a pathological cause of insult, and that attempts to correct the condition by simply raising iron levels may not only be misguided but may actually impair host defense.  相似文献   
Abstract: The principal constituent of amyloid plaques found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a 39–42-amino-acid protein, amyloid β protein (Aβ). This study examined whether the measurement of Aβ levels in CSF has diagnostic value. There were 108 subjects enrolled in this prospective study: AD (n = 39), non-AD controls (dementing diseases/syndromes; n = 20), and other (n = 49). CSF was obtained by lumbar puncture, and Aβ concentrations were determined using a dual monoclonal antibody immunoradiometric sandwich assay. The mean Aβ value for the AD group (15.9 ± 6.8 ng/ml) was not significantly different from that for the non-AD control group (13.0 ± 7.1 ng/ml; p = 0.07), and substantial overlap in results were observed. Aβ values did not correlate with age ( r = −0.05, p = 0.59), severity of cognitive impairment ( r = 0.22, p = 0.21), or duration of AD symptoms ( r = 0.14, p = 0.45). These findings are in conflict with other reports in the literature; discrepant results could be due to the instability of Aβ in CSF. Aβ immunoreactivity decays rapidly under certain conditions, particularly multiple freeze/thaw cycles. Use of a stabilizing sample treatment buffer at the time of lumbar puncture allows storage of CSF without loss of Aβ reactivity. In conclusion, the total CSF Aβ level is not a useful marker for current diagnosis of AD.  相似文献   
Abstract: We studied whether microtubule organization is important for actions of ethanol on GABAA ergic responses by testing the effects of microtubule depolymerization on ethanol enhancement of GABA action in mouse L(tk) cells stably transfected with GABAA receptor α1β1γ2L subunits. The microtubule-disrupting agents colchicine, taxol, and vinblastine completely blocked ethanol-induced enhancement of muscimol-stimulated chloride uptake. β-Lumicolchicine, a colchicine analogue that does not disrupt microtubules, had no effect on ethanol action. Colchicine did not alter the potentiating actions of flunitrazepam or pentobarbital on muscimol-stimulated chloride uptake. Thus, colchicine specifically inhibited the potentiating action of ethanol. From these findings, we conclude that intact microtubules are required for ethanol-induced enhancement of GABAA responses and suggest that a mechanism involving microtubules produces posttranslational modifications that are necessary for ethanol sensitivity in this cell system.  相似文献   
Abstract: Recent studies have demonstrated that D1-selective and D2-selective dopamine receptor agonists inhibit catecholamine secretion and Ca2+ uptake into bovine adrenal chromaffin cells by receptor subtypes that we have identified by PCR as D5, a member of the D1-like dopamine receptor subfamily, and D4, a member of the D2-like dopamine receptor subfamily. The purpose of this study was to determine whether activation of D5 or D4 receptors inhibits influx of Na+, which could explain inhibition of secretion and Ca2+ uptake by dopamine agonists. D1-selective agonists preferentially inhibited both dimethylphenylpiperazinium- (DMPP) and veratridine-stimulated 22Na+ influx into chromaffin cells. The D1-selective agonists chloro-APB hydrobromide (CI-APB; 100 µ M ) and SKF-38393 (100 µ M ) inhibited DMPP-stimulated Na+ uptake by 87.5 ± 2.3 and 59.7 ± 4.5%, respectively, whereas the D2-selective agonist bromocriptine (100 µ M ) inhibited Na+ uptake by only 22.9 ± 5.0%. Veratridine-stimulated Na+ uptake was inhibited 95.1 ± 3.2 and 25.7 ± 4.7% by 100 µ M CI-APB or bromocriptine, respectively. The effect of CI-APB was concentration dependent. A similar IC50 (∼18 µ M ) for inhibition of both DMPP- and veratridine-stimulated Na+ uptake was obtained. The addition of 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (1 m M ) had no effect on either DMPP- or veratridine-stimulated Na+ uptake. These observations suggest that D1-selective agonists are inhibiting secretagogue-stimulated Na+ uptake in a cyclic AMP-independent manner.  相似文献   
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