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Airborne particles and ammonia were monitored in horse stalls managed under four conditions. Two ventilation rates, high (27 air changes per h) and low (5 air changes per h) and two bedding types, paper and straw, were employed. At both ventilation rates, the number of airborne particles generated while the stalls were mucked out was higher with straw than with paper. Particles were more efficiently cleared at the higher ventilation rate in both the straw and paper stalls. Ammonia measurements reflected an accumulation over time. In the stalls with low ventilation, ammonia levels were significantly higher than in those stalls with high ventilation regardless of bedding type. Management decisions and their relationships to respiratory disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
A method for shoot regeneration from leaf explants in two cultivars of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is described. Modified Anderson's medium supplemented with combinations of thidiazuron (TDZ) with or without 1 M NAA (-naphthaleneacetic acid) was used to optimize shoot regeneration. The effect of light or dark incubation was also determined. Maximum regeneration was obtained in the light in the presence of 10 M TDZ and 1 M NAA. While this medium was suitable for leaf explants obtained from shoot cultures, regeneration did not occur from leaves collected from greenhouse-grown plants. Elongation of the regenerated shoot tips did not occur until explants were transferred to growth regulator-free medium at which time only a minority of shoots elongated. Elongated shoots could be dissected away from leaf tissue, rooted easily, and acclimitized to ambient conditions.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ 1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl) urea  相似文献   
Two species of the dicynodontDinodontosaurus from the Middle Triassic interval of the Santa Maria Formation in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil,D. tener (von Huene 1935) andD. turpior (von Huene 1935), are based on undiagnostic lectotypes and thus arenomina dubia. The oldest valid, available name for a species ofDinodontosaurus isD. oliveirai Romer 1943, the type species of the genus. (The unused senior subjective synonymDiodontosaurus pedroanum Caldas, 1936 has been suppressed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature).Chanaria platyceps Cox 1968 andDinodontosaurus brevirostris Cox 1968 are junior subjective synonyms ofD. oliveirai Romer 1943.Dinodontosaurus thus is a monospecific genus known from the Santa Maria Formation and the Ischichuca (= Chañares) Formation of northwestern Argentina. This dicynodont and associated tetrapods characterize the Chanarian land-vertebrate faunachron, which is of Middle Triassic age, probably Ladinian.  相似文献   
High variation in seed size, as is common among angiosperms, may be maintained in a plant species when several factors select for seed size. Variation may also result from differences among adult plants, such as nutrient and water availability or the amount of photosynthetic tissue. In a study of Sabal palmetto seed ecology I found high seed size variation both within- and among-palms, and investigated possible factors maintaining this variation. Seed size was positively correlated with the number of leaves on parent palms. Larger seeds produced more vigorous seedlings that had greater leaf length, area, and mass, and greater root mass. Caryobruchus gleditsiae (Bruchidae: Coleoptera), whose larvae develop within palm seeds, preferentially oviposited on larger seeds, which in turn produced larger beetle offspring. By choosing the largest seeds available, ovipositing beetles thus affect both the quantity and the quality of seeds available for recruitment. I conclude that because beetle predation selects against large seeds, while larger seeds promote seedling vigor, the maintenance of seed size variation may be an adaptation of S. palmetto promoting both seed escape from predators and seedling vigor.  相似文献   
 Because of the role major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I b molecules may play during mouse embryonic development, we thought it would be interesting to search for additional MHC class I b molecules that might be expressed in preimplantation embryos, and in particular in the trophoblastic lineage. We therefore screened a mouse preimplantation blastocyst cDNA library for MHC class I sequences. This search led to the identification and characterization of a new MHC class I b gene, blastocyst MHC. Sequences identical to the exons and 3′ untranslated region of this gene have been found in many laboratory mouse strains, as well as in the related mouse species Mus spreciligus. The presence of this gene in mouse strains of different MHC class I haplotypes argues that blastocyst MHC is a unique, newly-described gene rather than a new allele of a previously described mouse MHC class I gene. Blastocyst MHC has the structure of an MHC class I b gene, with the six exons characteristic of T-region genes. It is linked to H2-D. The amino acid sequence encoded by this gene maintains all the features of a functional antigen-presentation domain. The blastocyst MHC gene, like the human class I b gene HLA-G, is expressed at the blastocyst stage and in the placenta, and may be the mouse analog for HLA-G. Received: 31 May 1996 / Revised: 19 August 1996  相似文献   
Little is known about the major histocompatibility (Mhc) genes of birds in different taxonomic groups or about how Mhc genes may be organized in avian species divergent by evolution or habitat. Yet it seems likely that much might be learned from birds about the evolution, organization, and function of this intricate complex of polymorphic genes. In this study a close relative of the chicken, the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), was examined for the presence and organization of Mhc B-G genes. The patterns of restriction fragments revealed by chicken B-G probes in Southern hybridizations and the patterns of pheasant erythrocyte polypeptides revealed in immunoblots by antisera raised against chicken B-G polypeptides provide genetic, molecular, and biochemical data confirming earlier serological evidence for the presence of B-G genes in the pheasant, and hence, the presence of a family of B-G genes in at least a second species of birds. The high polymorphism exhibited by the pheasant B-G gene family allowed genetic differences among individuals within the small experimental population in this study to be detected easily by restriction fragment patterns. Further evidence was found for the organization of the pheasant Mhc class I and class II genes into genetically independent clusters. Whether these gene clusters are fully comparable to the B and Rfp-Y systems in the chicken or whether yet another organization of Mhc genes has been encountered in the pheasant remains to be determined.  相似文献   
According to morphologically based classification systems, actinorhizal plants, engaged in nitrogen-fixing symbioses with Frankia bacteria, are considered to be only distantly related. However, recent phylogenetic analyses of seed plants based on chloroplast rbcL gene sequences have suggested closer relationships among actinorhizal plants. A more thorough sampling of chloroplast rbcL gene sequences from actinorhizal plants and their nonsymbiotic close relatives was conducted in an effort to better understand the phylogenetic relationships of these plants, and ultimately, to assess the homology of the different actinorhizal symbioses. Sequence data from 70 taxa were analyzed using parsimony analysis. Strict consensus trees based on 24 equally parsimonious trees revealed evolutionary divergence between groups of actinorhizal species suggesting that not all symbioses are homologous. The arrangement of actinorhizal species, interspersed with nonactinorhizal taxa, is suggestive of multiple origins of the actinorhizal symbiosis. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of nodules from different actinorhizal hosts were mapped onto the rbclL-based consensus tree to further assess homology among rbcL-based actinorhizal groups. The morphological and anatomical features provide additional support for the rbcL-based groupings, and thus, together, suggest that actinorhizal symbioses have originated more than once in evolutionary history.  相似文献   
The cumulative (season-long) incidence of heterospecific pollen transfer (HPT) was examined using nine sympatric species in a midsuccessional old field. Inflorescences were collected weekly during the flowering season, and the proportion of foreign pollen/stigma was recorded. Flowering phenologies of sympatric species and ovule and seed counts of study species were also recorded. Heterospecific pollen was detected on some stigmas of each species. Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) received the most foreign pollen; in some cases, all of the grains on a stigma were heterospecific. Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) received the least amount of foreign pollen; the incidence of heterospecific pollen was near zero in most cases. The mean and range of foreign pollen received varied by as much as an order of magnitude between species. The six species with zygomorphic flowers, all Fabaceae, received more heterospecific pollen than the three species with actinomorphic flowers, Potentilla recta and P. simplex (Rosaceae) and Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae). This probably reflects a bias because our data were analyzed on a cumulative basis and the Fabaceae had longer flowering phenologies. HPT was not correlated with the species' relative abundance within the community. Proportion of foreign pollen received varied temporally within species, and this variation generally was not related to phenology of any sympatric taxa or the species' own phenology. Pollen grain diameter was positively related to levels of foreign pollen received by species. This might be caused by poor adhesion of large pollen grains to small stigmatic papillae or if generalist pollinators carrying large amounts of heterospecific pollen visit the large-grained species and specialists with little foreign pollen visit the small-grained species. The large proportions of heterospecific pollen on stigmas of many species indicate that HPT occurs frequently in the community we studied and the implications may include reduced seed set because of occlusion by foreign grains. As yet, however, it is unclear how important a factor HPT is in mediating pollen limitation of reproductive success.  相似文献   
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