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Forty-seven samples of corn were collected from various street bazaars and market outlets in different regions of Turkey and total aflatoxin (AF) and ochratoxin A (OTA) levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) following sample preparation. Levels of AF and OTA in corn samples ranged between 1.75–120.3 μg/kg and 1.08–8.57 μg/kg, respectively. Although 53% of the samples analysed had no detectable levels of AF, 4% of similar samples were found to contain AFs above the acceptable limit of 10 μg/kg in Turkey. For OTA, 4% of the corn samples had levels above the acceptable limit (3 μg/kg) in Turkey, with over 43% samples not found to contain this mycotoxin. Although the levels of mycotoxins analysed in this study were not found to be high and the percentage of samples contaminated above permitted limits were low, the importance of overall daily dietary intake should not be underestimated and control of these fungal metabolites in corn must be explored to minimise the hazards they may cause in humans.  相似文献   
Patulin is a common fungal contaminant of ripe apples used for the production of apple juice concentrates and it is also present in other fruits, vegetables and food products. Patulin is a secondary metabolite produced by species of the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus and Byssochlamys. Patulin has been reported to be mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are of prime importance in the innate immune response; they capture antigen in tissues and then migrate to the lymphoid organs to present the antigen to T lymphocytes. Thus, they are crucial for the initiation of immunity. Interdigitating dendritic cells (IDCs) are a subset of APCs that are present at the lymphatic organs. In the thymus, they act in positive and negative selection during T cell development. In the present study, patulin was administered orally to growing male rats aged 5-6 weeks. A dose of 0.1 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1) was given to rats for a period of 60 or 90 days daily. The effect of patulin on the IDCs of thymus was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the results were evaluated in terms of cell destruction. In the rats of the control group, it was observed that the IDCs had an indented nucleus, a clear cytoplasm and numerous membrane extensions. In the cytoplasm, a well-developed golgi complex, mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and a small number of lysosomal structures were observed. At day 60 of patulin-treated rat groups (P-60), loss of cristae in mitochondria and chromatin margination and lysis in the nucleus were found. It was observed that the IDCs had a perinuclear area of cytoplasm surrounded by a peripheral electron-lucent zone. In the cytoplasm of the 90-day patulin-treated rat group (P-90), a peripheral electron-lucent zone was also found, similar to the P-60 group. Additionally increase in vesicular and lysosomal structures, increase in apoptotic bodies and condensation of chromatin in the nucleus were noted. It was observed that patulin leads to apoptotic body formation and cell apoptosis in the IDCs of rat thymus especially in the P-90-treated groups.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare the sputum smear cytology and cell block methods for specimen adequacy, cytology quality and diagnostic accuracy in the diagnosis of lung cancer. STUDY DESIGN: We assessed 2,524 sputum specimens from 768 patients. The specimens were prepared as smears and cell blocks for cytopathologic examination between March 1, 1992, and December 31, 1998. The smear and cell block slides were evaluated both separately and together, and the results were compared with radiologic and histopathologic diagnoses. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the smear method was 69.4% and specificity was 99.5%. The sensitivity of the cell block method was 84.4% and specificity, 100%. The sensitivity of the smear and cell block together was 87.6% and specificity, 99.5%. CONCLUSION: The cell block method increases the sensitivity and specificity of sputum cytology, and when smear and cell block slides are evaluated together, sensitivity reaches its highest value. Therefore, application of smear and cell block methods together seems most useful in the diagnosis of lung cancer.  相似文献   
1,2:4,5-Di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-(5-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-beta-D-psicopyranose 14 was synthesized stereoselectively from 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-amidoximino-3-O-benzoyl-beta-D-psicopyranose 8 using a novel procedure. Treatment of 8 with acetic anhydride, chloroacetyl chloride, propanic anhydride, or benzoyl chloride causes the 3-O-benzoyl group to undergo an intramolecular replacement reaction with neighboring group participation and transfer resulting in a more stable conjugation system of the 1,2,4-oxadiazol ring. A possible mechanism, as well as structural analysis and bioactivity are described.  相似文献   
Establishing stable cell lines are useful tools to study the function of various genes and silence or induce the expression of a gene of interest. Nonviral gene transfer is generally preferred to generate stable cell lines in the manufacturing of recombinant proteins. In this study, we aimed to establish stable recombinant HEK-293 cell lines by transfection of chitosan complexes preparing with pDNA which contain LacZ and GFP genes. Chitosan which is a cationic polymer was used as gene delivery system. Stable HEK-293 cell lines were established by transfection of cells with complexes which were prepared with chitosan and pVitro-2 plasmid vector that contains neomycin drug resistance gene, beta gal and GFP genes. The transfection efficiency was shown with GFP expression in the cells using fluorescence microscopy. Beta gal protein expression in stable cells was examined by beta-galactosidase assay as enzymatically and X-gal staining method as histochemically. Full complexation was shown in the above of 1/1 ratio in the chitosan/pDNA complexes. The highest beta-galactosidase activity was obtained with transfection of chitosan complexes. Beta gal gene expression was 15.17 ng/ml in the stable cells generated by chitosan complexes. In addition, intensive blue color was observed depending on beta gal protein expression in the stable cell line with X-gal staining. We established a stable HEK-293 cell line that can be used for recombinant protein production or gene expression studies by transfecting the gene of interest.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of aluminum (Al) neurotoxicity is of increasing interest. Al compounds are known to produce neurological and behavioral abnormalities in some mammalian species. The present study was designed to determine the effects of Al chloride on the skilled motor performance in mice on the rota-rod treadmill. Al chloride, depending on the duration of treatment, produced an impairment of the motor coordination ability in mice.  相似文献   
In the past few years, there has been an upsurge of interest in aluminum (Al) and human health. The well-recognized manifestations of systemic Al toxicity include fracturing osteomalacia, dialysis encephalopathy, and microcytic hypochromic anemia. The role of Al in causing childhood diseases is also becoming clearer, but the safe plasma level still remains to be determined in newborns, especially in premature newborns, implying that it should be kept low. Premature infants receiving iv fluid therapy show evidence of Al loading. Additionally, the infant-feeding mixtures, especially the soy-based infant formulas, tested may be a significant additional source of Al in the diet of infants with low birthweights, and in infants and in young children with impaired renal function. Careful clinical and biochemical monitoring is warranted to determine whether it will be necessary to eliminate Al contamination of both oral and parenteral preparations used in infants and children who may be at risk for Al intoxication. In this present study, the Al content of infant feeds was measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and also compared with those of breast milk, cow’s milk, milk powder, and some starches that are commonly used for preparation of infant feed in Turkey. Our results show that Al content of commercially available powdered infant formulas, most of which are imported from Europe, ranged from 1.211 to 10.925 μg/g. The mean value was higher than that of breast milk. It was also found that the Al content of cow’s milk in various containers was higher than that of breast milk. The highest Al level among cow’s milk samples was in the aluminized carton box. In the other products tested, such as milk powder, the starches contained Al at various levels. Among these, milk powder and rice flour contained a high level of Al.  相似文献   
The abundance and composition of heterochromatin changes rapidly between species and contributes to hybrid incompatibility and reproductive isolation. Heterochromatin differences may also destabilize chromosome segregation and cause meiotic drive, the non-Mendelian segregation of homologous chromosomes. Here we use a range of genetic and cytological assays to examine the meiotic properties of a Drosophila simulans chromosome 4 (sim-IV) introgressed into D. melanogaster. These two species differ by ∼12–13% at synonymous sites and several genes essential for chromosome segregation have experienced recurrent adaptive evolution since their divergence. Furthermore, their chromosome 4s are visibly different due to heterochromatin divergence, including in the AATAT pericentromeric satellite DNA. We find a visible imbalance in the positioning of the two chromosome 4s in sim-IV/mel-IV heterozygote and also replicate this finding with a D. melanogaster 4 containing a heterochromatic deletion. These results demonstrate that heterochromatin abundance can have a visible effect on chromosome positioning during meiosis. Despite this effect, however, we find that sim-IV segregates normally in both diplo and triplo 4 D. melanogaster females and does not experience elevated nondisjunction. We conclude that segregation abnormalities and a high level of meiotic drive are not inevitable byproducts of extensive heterochromatin divergence. Animal chromosomes typically contain large amounts of noncoding repetitive DNA that nevertheless varies widely between species. This variation may potentially induce non-Mendelian transmission of chromosomes. We have examined the meiotic properties and transmission of a highly diverged chromosome 4 from a foreign species within the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. This chromosome has substantially less of a simple sequence repeat than does D. melanogaster 4, and we find that this difference results in altered positioning when chromosomes align during meiosis. Yet this foreign chromosome segregates at normal frequencies, demonstrating that chromosome segregation can be robust to major differences in repetitive DNA abundance.  相似文献   
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