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Mutations in fii or tolA of the fii-tolA-tolB gene cluster at 17 min on the Escherichia coli map render cells tolerant to high concentrations of the E colicins and do not allow the DNA of infecting single-stranded filamentous bacteriophages to enter the bacterial cytoplasm. The nucleotide sequence of a 1,854-base-pair DNA fragment carrying the fii region was determined. This sequence predicts three open reading frames sequentially coding for proteins of 134, 230, and 142 amino acids, followed by the potential start of the tolA gene. Oligonucleotide mutagenesis of each open reading frame and maxicell analysis demonstrated that all open reading frames are expressed in vivo. Sequence analysis of mutant fii genes identified the 230-amino acid protein as the fii gene product. Chromosomal insertion mutations were constructed in each of the two remaining open reading frames. The phenotype resulting from an insertion of the chloramphenicol gene into the gene coding for the 142-amino acid protein is identical to that of mutations in fii and tolA. This gene is located between fii and tolA, and we propose the designation of tolQRA for this cluster in which tolQ is the former fii gene and tolR is the new open reading frame. The protein products of this gene cluster play an important role in the transport of large molecules such as the E colicins and filamentous phage DNA into the bacterium.  相似文献   
NADH diferric transferrin reductase in liver plasma membrane   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evidence is presented that rat liver plasma membranes contain a distinct NADH diferric transferrin reductase. Three different assay procedures for demonstration of the activity are described. The enzyme activity is highest in isolated plasma membrane, and activity in other internal membranes is one-eighth or less than in plasma membrane. The activity is inhibited by apotransferrin and antitransferrin antibodies. Trypsin treatment of the membranes leads to rapid loss of the transferrin reductase activity as compared with NADH ferricyanide reductase activity. Erythrocyte plasma membranes, which lack transferrin receptors, show no diferric transferrin reductase activity, although NADH ferricyanide reductase is present. The transferrin reductase is inhibited by agents that inhibit diferric transferrin reduction by intact cells and is activated by CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfate) detergent. Inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport have no effect on the activity. We propose that the NADH diferric transferrin reductase in plasma membranes measures the activity of the enzyme that causes the reduction of diferric transferrin by intact cells. This transmembrane electron transport system requires the transferrin receptor for diferric transferrin reduction. Because the transmembrane electron transport has been shown to stimulate cell growth, the reduction of diferric transferrin at the cell surface may be an important function for diferric transferrin in stimulation of cell growth, in addition to its role in iron transport.  相似文献   
The clathrin-coated vesicle proton translocating complex is composed of a maximum of eight polypeptides. The function of the components of this system have not been defined. Proton pumping catalyzed by the reconstituted, 200-fold purified proton translocating complex of clathrin-coated vesicles is inhibited 50% at a dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)/protein ratio of 0.66 mumol of DCCD/mg of protein. At an identical DCCD/protein ratio, the 17-kDa component of the proton pump is labeled by [14C]DCCD. Through toluene extraction, the 17-kDa subunit has been isolated from the holoenzyme. The 17-kDa polypeptide diminished proteoliposome acidification when coreconstituted with either bacteriorhodopsin or the intact clathrin-coated vesicle proton translocating ATPase. In both instances, treatment of the 17-kDa polypeptide with DCCD restored proteoliposome acidification. Moreover, the proton-conducting activity of the 17-kDa polypeptide is abolished by trypsin digestion. These results demonstrate that the 17-kDa polypeptide present in the isolated proton ATPase of clathrin-coated vesicles is a subunit which functions as a transmembranous proton pore.  相似文献   
Regulation of murine T cell proliferation by B cell stimulatory factor-1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The proliferation of mitogen-activated primary T cells, antigen-activated memory T cells from mixed leukocyte culture, and antigen-dependent alloreactive T cell clones in response to purified murine recombinant B cell stimulatory factor-1 (also known as interleukin 4) was examined. We found that B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) stimulated optimal proliferation of these T cells only after their recent activation by antigen or mitogen. Analysis of cell surface BSF-1 receptor expression indicated that although T cell activation is accompanied by a small increase in BSF-1 receptor expression, the cells also express BSF-1 receptors prior to activation at a time when they do not proliferate in response to BSF-1. BSF-1 was as effective a stimulus as interleukin 2 for inducing proliferation of the Lyt-2+ subpopulation of concanavalin A-activated murine spleen cells and an alloreactive cytolytic T cell clone. However, the L3T4+ subpopulation of concanavalin A-activated spleen and an alloreactive helper T cell clone were less responsive to BSF-1 than to interleukin 2. Taken together, the data indicate an important role for BSF-1 in the regulation of normal T cell proliferation.  相似文献   
Purified, recombinant-derived murine granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor was found to enhance the primary in vitro immune response to SRBC by murine spleen cells. In determining the mechanism of this augmentation, it was found that only splenic adherent cells and neither resting nor activated T cells nor B cells expressed specific receptors for GM-CSF. When splenic adherent cells were pulsed briefly with GM-CSF before addition to macrophage-depleted cultures, they reconstituted the PFC response to a significantly greater degree than did control macrophages. Splenic adherent cells incubated overnight with SRBC plus GM-CSF were also more efficient antigen-presenting cells than splenic adherent cells incubated with antigen alone. The mechanism of this enhanced antigen presentation was found to be due to a GM-CSF-dependent increase in the level of IL 1 secretion and Ia antigen expression. Consistent with these data was the finding that GM-CSF augmented IL 2 production by splenic T cells in response to suboptimal concentrations of Con A. Finally, the day 5 in vivo antibody response (as measured by serum titers) of mice immunized with a low dose of SRBC was enhanced by two daily inoculations of GM-CSF. Thus, the role that GM-CSF plays in augmenting immune responses may not be solely accounted for by its ability to cause the proliferation or differentiation of macrophages, but more than likely includes its ability to enhance the function of antigen-presenting macrophages.  相似文献   
The binding of L-Lys, D-Lys and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon ACA) to the kringle 4 domain of human plasminogen has been investigated via one and two-dimensional 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 300 and 600 MHz. Ligand-kringle association constants (Ka) were determined assuming single site binding. At 295 K, pH 7.2, D-Lys binds to kringle 4 much more weakly (Ka = 1.2 mM-1) than does L-Lys (Ka = 24.4 mM-1). L-Lys binding to kringle 4 causes the appearance of ring current-shifted high-field resonances within the -1 approximately less than delta approximately less than 0 parts per million range. The ligand origin of these signals has been confirmed by examining the spectra of kringle 4 titrated with deuterated L-Lys. A systematic analysis of ligand-induced shifts on the aromatic resonances of kringle 4 has been carried out on the basis of 300 MHz two-dimensional chemical shift correlated (COSY) and double quantum correlated spectroscopies. Significant differences in the effect of L-Lys and D-Lys binding to kringle 4 have been observed in the aromatic COSY spectrum. In particular, the His31 H4 and Trp72 H2 singlets and the Phe64 multiplets appear to be the most sensitive to the particular enantiomers, indicating that these residues are in proximity to the ligand C alpha center. In contrast, the rest of the indole spectrum of Trp72 and the aromatic resonances of Trp62 and Tyr74, which are affected by ligand presence, are insensitive to the optical nature of the ligand isomer. These results, together with two-dimensional proton Overhauser studies and ligand-kringle saturation transfer experiments reported previously, enabled us to generate a model of the kringle 4 ligand-binding site from the crystallographic co-ordinates of the prothrombin kringle 1. The latter, although lacking recognizable lysine-binding capability, is otherwise structurally homologous to the plasminogen kringles.  相似文献   
利用 XAD-4憎水性吸附树脂采集墨红头香,以毛细管气相色谱双柱保留指数和 GC/MS/DS 联用方法鉴定头香的化学成份。共分离鉴定或初步鉴定了45种组份,其中含量较大的有乙酸芳樟酯(14.98%),柠檬烯(12.07%),甲基苯甲醚(9.88%),香茅醇(4.82%),乙酸巳酯(3.98%),β-石竹烯(4.55%),芳樟醇(3.18%),正巳醇(3.17%)等.  相似文献   
Many bioactive peptides terminate with an amino acid alpha-amide at their COOH terminus. The enzyme responsible for this essential posttranslational modification is known as peptidyl-glycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase or PAM. We identified cDNAs encoding the enzyme by using antibodies to screen a bovine intermediate pituitary lambda gt11 expression library. Antibodies to a beta-galactosidase/PAM fusion protein removed PAM activity from bovine pituitary homogenates. The 108,207 dalton protein predicted by the complete cDNA is approximately twice the size of purified PAM. An NH2-terminal signal sequence and short propeptide precede the NH2 terminus of purified PAM. The sequences of several PAM cyanogen bromide peptides were localized in the NH2-terminal half of the predicted protein. The cDNA encodes an additional 430 amino acid intragranular domain followed by a putative membrane spanning domain and a hydrophilic cytoplasmic domain. The forms of PAM purified from bovine neurointermediate pituitary may be generated by endoproteolytic cleavage at a subset of the 10 pairs of basic amino acids in the precursor. High levels of PAM mRNA were found in bovine pituitary and cerebral cortex. In corticotropic tumor cells, levels of PAM mRNA and pro-ACTH/endorphin mRNA were regulated in parallel by glucocorticoids and CRF.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying smooth muscle contraction are reviewed in the light of recent studies of smooth muscle ultrastructure and of the role of polyphosphoinositide turnover and protein kinase C function in smooth muscle contraction. A new model of smooth muscle contraction is proposed that differs radically from accepted views, particularly the latch bridge hypothesis, in terms of both Ca2+ messenger function and the molecular events underlying this process. A coordinate fibrillar domain model of contraction is proposed in which the initial and sustained phases of contraction are mediated by different cellular and molecular events. The initial phase of response is mediated by a rise in [Ca2+]c and the resulting calmodulin-dependent activation of both myosin light chain kinase and the dissociation of caldesmon from the actin-caldesmon-tropomyosin-myosin fibrillar domain. These events lead to an interaction between actin and the phosphorylated light chains of myosin just as in previous models. However, this initial phase is followed by a sustained phase in which a rise in [Ca2+]sm stimulates the plasma membrane-associated, Ca2+-sensitive form of protein kinase C that results in the phosphorylation of both structural and regulatory components of the filamin-actin-desmin fibrillar domain. These events underlie the tonic phase of contraction.  相似文献   
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