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Li‐ion‐conducting solid electrolytes can simultaneously overcome two grand challenges for Li‐ion batteries: the severe safety concerns that limit the large‐scale application and the poor electrolyte stability that forbids the use of high‐voltage cathodes. Nevertheless, the ionic conductivity of solid electrolytes is typically low, compromising the battery performances. Precisely determining the ionic transport mechanism(s) is a prerequisite for the rational design of highly conductive solid electrolytes. For decades, the research on this subject has primarily focused on the atomic and microscopic scales, where the main features of interest are unit cells and microstructures, respectively. Here, it is shown that the largely overlooked mesoscopic scale lying between these extremes could be the key to fast ionic conduction. In a prototype system, (Li0.33La0.56)TiO3, a mesoscopic framework is revealed for the first time by state‐of‐the‐art scanning transmission electron microscopy. Corroborated by theoretical calculations and impedance measurements, it is demonstrated that such a unique configuration maximizes the number of percolation directions and thus most effectively improves the ionic conductivity. This discovery reconciles the long‐standing structure–property inconsistency in (Li0.33La0.56)TiO3 and also identifies mesoscopic ordering as a promising general strategy for optimizing Li+ conduction.  相似文献   
L2, L3, L4, L16 and L20 are proteins of the 50S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli which are essential for the assembly and activity of the peptidyl transferase centre. These proteins have been modified with the histidine-specific reagent, diethylpyrocarbonate, while L17 and L18 were treated as controls. Each modified protein tested was able to participate in the reconstitution of a 50S particle when replacing its normal counterpart, although the particles assembled with modified L2 were heterogeneous. However, although they could support assembly, modified L16 and L20 were not themselves reconstituted stably, and modified L2 and L3 were found in less than stoichiometric amounts. Particles assembled in the presence of modified L16 retained significant peptidyl transferase activity (60-70% at 10 mM diethylpyrocarbonate) whereas those reconstituted with modified L2, L3, L4 or L20 had low activity (10-30% at 10 mM diethylpyrocarbonate). The particles assembled with the modified control protein, L17, retained 80% of their peptidyl transferase activity under the same conditions. The histidine residues within the essential proteins therefore contribute to ribosome structure and function in three significant ways; in the correct assembly of the ribosomal subunit (L2), for the stable assembly of the proteins within the ribosomal particle (L20 and L16 in particular), and directly or indirectly for the subsequent activity of the peptidyl transferase centre (L2, L3, L4 and L20). The essential nature of the unmodified histidines for assembly events precludes the use of the chemical-modification strategy to test the proposal that a histidine on one of the proteins might participate in the catalytic activity of the centre.  相似文献   
A series of experiments to determine the survival characteristics of environmental and faecal coliforms in a 1.3 km long experimental pipe distribution system is described. In the first experiments, tertiary treated effluent (10(3)-10(4) coliforms ml-1) was inoculated directly into the distribution system. Coliform organisms were not detected in any samples taken downstream of the inoculation point. By comparison, laboratory jar tests showed low level survival for coliforms at the same chloramine residuals (0.3 mg l-1) for up to 48 h. In the second series of experiments, a by-pass pipe in the experimental distribution system was isolated, drained, and filled with tertiary treated effluent (10(3)-10(4) coliforms ml-1) to simulate the conditions in a dead-end. Coliform numbers were monitored and found to decrease rapidly, but they were still detectable at low levels after 7 weeks. The water in the by-pass section was then released into the main pipe-rig and sampled downstream. No coliforms were detected in water samples or in samples swabbed from the pipe walls. Finally, the flow in the main pipe-rig and in the by-pass was increased to dislodge any deposits and biofilm into the water. The absence of coliforms in any water samples taken during or after the flow increases is contrary to the widely accepted understanding that coliforms survive and grow in biofilms on pipe walls.  相似文献   
A histological description of intersexuality in the roach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is an illustrative guide to intersex in the roach Rutilus rutilus , based on 150 intersex individuals. Most intersex roach had female germ cells, or oocytes, within a predominantly male gonad (testis), and/or malformed/intersex reproductive ducts. The number, pattern and developmental stage of oocytes within testicular tissue in intersex fish varied greatly. In most intersex fish, a few primary oocytes, or numerous primary and secondary oocytes, were scattered randomly throughout the testicular tissue (multifocal intersex). In other, more severely feminized individuals, large areas of ovarian tissue were separated clearly from testicular tissue (focal intersex). Almost all intersex individuals had a female-like reproductive duct (ovarian cavity). In mild cases of intersex (in which the majority of the germ cells were male) the ovarian cavity was present together with the male sperm duct/vas deferens, whilst in certain severe cases, the sperm duct was absent or vestigial.  相似文献   
This report describes the dynamics of oocyte growth during vitellogenesis in a population of virgin female rainbow trout. Indices of ovarian development increased dramatically during the period of study: the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased over 50-fold, reaching a peak of 20 just before ovulation; the mean oocyte diameter increased from less than 1 mm to 5.4 mm; and plasma levels of vitellogenin increased from less than 1.5 mg/ml to 25 mg/ml. There were no changes in the numbers of developing oocytes (measuring 0.5 mm or greater in diameter) from the time when the majority of oocytes undergoing secondary development had entered vitellogenesis in August to ovulation in February (averaging 4000 oocytes per fish). The increase in ovary weight during vitellogenesis was, therefore, due to an increase in the size of oocytes rather than to recruitment of more maturing oocytes. The numbers of vitellogenic oocytes in the ovary during the entire study also suggested that atresia of vitellogenic oocytes does not play a prominent role in determining fecundity. During early vitellogenesis, the volume of maturing oocytes within an ovary varied by as much as 250-fold. From September onwards, when all oocytes to be ovulated that season had entered vitellogenesis, a gradual uniformity in size began to develop, such that at ovulation, in February, all the eggs were very similar in size (there was less than a 2-fold variation in volume). The pattern of growth of oocytes in an ovary during vitellogenesis suggests that growth between oocytes is closely coordinated.  相似文献   
A dendroarchaeological survey of a traditional Nuu-chah-nulth plank house at Kiix?in, the former capital of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations, on the west coast of Vancouver Island British Columbia, was undertaken in the summer of 2002. Standardized dendroarchaeological techniques were employed to collect and analyse increment core samples collected from the house known as Quaksweaqwul. Floating ring-width series were compared to a locally prepared Western redcedar (Thuja heterophylla) master tree-ring chronology (1511–2002 AD) to determine when the trees used to construct the house were felled. The findings of the survey indicate that Quaksweaqwul was built after the 1835 AD growth year. As the amount of perimeter wood loss due to weathering and preparation is difficult to ascertain, no precise felling or construction date can be presented.

The results of this survey provide insights into Huu-ay-aht First Nations history and offer direct evidence for the general state of preservation of individual house posts and beams at Kiix?in. Additionally, the successful dating of a traditional First Nations village using a dendroarchaeological approach highlights the potential this technique may hold for developing similar insights at other sites along Canada's Pacific Coast.  相似文献   

The ability of four horses (Equus caballus) to discriminate coloured (three shades of blue, green, red, and yellow) from grey (neutral density) stimuli, produced by back projected lighting filters, was investigated in a two response forced-choice procedure. Pushes of the lever in front of a coloured screen were occasionally reinforced, pushes of the lever in front of a grey screen were never reinforced. Each colour shade was randomly paired with a grey that was brighter, one that was dimmer, and one that approximately matched the colour in terms of brightness. Each horse experienced the colours in a different order, a new colour was started after 85% correct responses over five consecutive sessions or if accuracy showed no trend over sessions. All horses reached the 85% correct with blue versus grey, three horses did so with both yellow and green versus grey. All were above chance with red versus grey but none reached criterion. Further analysis showed the wavelengths of the green stimuli used overlapped with the yellow. The results are consistent with histological and behavioural studies that suggest that horses are dichromatic. They differ from some earlier data in that they indicate horses can discriminate yellow and blue, but that they may have deficiencies in discriminating red and green.  相似文献   
A central problem in ecology is relating the interactions of individuals-described in terms of competition, predation, interference, etc.-to the dynamics of the populations of these individuals-in terms of change in numbers of individuals over time. Here, we address this problem for a class of site-based ecological models, where local interactions between individuals take place at a finite number of discrete resource sites over non-overlapping generations and, between generations, individuals move randomly between sites over the entire system. Such site-based models have previously been applied to a wide range of ecological systems: from those involving contest or scramble competition for resources to host-parasite interactions and meta-populations. We show how the population dynamics of site-based models can be accurately approximated by and understood through deterministic and stochastic difference equations. Conversely, we use the inverse of this approximation to show what implicit assumptions are made about individual interactions by modelling of population dynamics in terms of difference equations. To this end, we prove a useful and general theorem: that any model in our class of site-based models has a corresponding stochastic difference equation population model, by which it can be approximated. This theorem allows us to calculate long-term population dynamics, evolutionary stable strategies and, by extending our theory to account for large deviations, extinction probabilities for a wide range of site-based systems. Our methodology is then illustrated to various examples of between species competition, predator-prey interactions and co-operation.  相似文献   
This study investigated the roles of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) during a period of fasting in overwintering salmonid fish. Indices of carbohydrate (plasma glucose, liver glycogen), lipid (plasma free fatty acids (FFAs)) and protein metabolism (plasma protein, total plasma amino acids) were determined, together with plasma GH, cortisol and somatolactin (SL) levels at intervals in three groups of rainbow trout (continuously fed; fasted for 9 weeks then fed; fasted for 17 weeks). In fasted fish, a decline in body weight and condition factor was accompanied by reduced plasma glucose and hepatic glycogen and increased plasma FFA. No consistent elevation of plasma GH occurred until after 8 weeks of fasting when plasma GH levels increased ninefold. No changes were observed in plasma total protein and AA until between weeks 13 and 17 when both were reduced significantly. When previously fasted fish resumed feeding, plasma glucose and FFA, and hepatic glycogen levels rapidly returned to control values and weight gain resumed. No significant changes in plasma cortisol levels, related to feeding regime, were evident at any point during the study and there was no evidence that SL played an active role in the response to fasting. The results suggest that overwinter fasting may not represent a significant nutritional stressor to rainbow trout and that energy mobilisation during fasting may be achieved without the involvement of GH, cortisol or SL.  相似文献   
Pheromone trails laid by foraging ants serve as a positive feedback mechanism for the sharing of information about food sources. This feedback is nonlinear, in that ants do not react in a proportionate manner to the amount of pheromone deposited. Instead, strong trails elicit disproportionately stronger responses than weak trails. Such nonlinearity has important implications for how a colony distributes its workforce, when confronted with a choice of food sources. We investigated how colonies of the Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis, distribute their workforce when offered a choice of two food sources of differing energetic value. By developing a nonlinear differential equation model of trail foraging, and comparing model with experiments, we examined how the ants allocate their workforce between the two food sources. In this allocation, the most profitable feeder (i.e. the feeder with the highest concentration of sugar syrup) was usually exploited by the majority of ants. The particular form of the nonlinear feedback in trail foraging means that when we offered the ants a choice between two feeders of equal profitability, foraging was biased to the feeder with the highest initial number of visitors. Taken together, our experiments illuminate how pheromones provide a mechanism whereby ants can efficiently allocate their workforce among the available food sources without centralized control.  相似文献   
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