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The aqueous substrate and product toxicity thresholds in the microbial biotransformation of (-)-trans-carveol to the fragrance/flavor compound (R)-(-)-carvone by Rhodococcus erythropolis were determined. Above aqueous phase concentrations of approx. 500 mg carveol/l and 200-600 mg carvone/l, the biotransformation activity of the biocatalyst was inhibited. This biotransformation was undertaken in a single aqueous phase 3 l [corrected] reactor in which a total of 5 ml carveol (mixture of isomers) was added before the biotransformation rate decreased significantly. The carvone volumetric productivity was 31 mg/lh. Although the growth of the organism post-exposure was not affected, dramatic morphological changes in response to the accumulation of the inhibitory substrate and product were observed.  相似文献   
The subcellular targets of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] were examined in Allium cepa root tips with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Cr(VI) exerted dose- and time-dependent negative effects on root growth rate, the mitotic index and microtubule (MT) organization during cell division cycle. Interphase MTs were more resistant than the mitotic ones, but when affected they were shorter, sparse and disoriented. The preprophase band of MTs became poorly organized, branched or with fragmented MTs, whilst neither a perinuclear array nor a prophase spindle was formed. Metaphase spindles converged to eccentric mini poles or consisted of dissimilar halves and were unable to correctly orient the chromosomes. Anaphase spindles were less disturbed, but chromatids failed to separate; neither did they move to the poles. At telophase, projecting, lagging or bridging chromosomes and micronuclei also occurred. Phragmoplasts were unilaterally developed, split, located at unexpected sites and frequently dissociated from the branched and misaligned cell plates. Chromosomal aberrations were directly correlated with MT disturbance. The morphology and distribution of endoplasmic reticulum was severely perturbed and presumably contributed to MT disassembly. Heavy callose apposition was also induced by Cr(VI), maybe in the context of a cellular defence reaction. Results indicate that MTs are one of the main subcellular targets of Cr(VI), MT impairment underlies chromosomal and mitotic aberrations, and MTs may constitute a reliable biomonitoring system for Cr(VI) toxicity in plants.  相似文献   
Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are ubiquitous root associated fungi; however, our understanding of their ecological function remains unclear. Here, we investigated the positive effect of a DSE fungus on its host plant Lycium barbarum L. A DSE isolate, LBF-2, isolated from the roots of L. barbarum, was inoculated onto the roots of plants, which were grown under greenhouse conditions for five weeks. The result of molecular analyses of internal transcribed spacer regions indicated that LBF-2 was 96% similar to Paraphoma chrysanthemicola. Melanized septate hyphae were observed in the root cortical cells of L. barbarum using a light microscope. Inoculation with LBF-2 increased the total biomass by 39.2% and also enhanced chlorophyll fluorescence. Inoculation increased the concentration of total chlorophyll by 22.8% and of chlorophyll a by 21.3%, relative to uninoculated controls. These data indicate that the LBF-2 isolate might be used to facilitate the cultivation of L. barbarum, which has medicinal applications.  相似文献   
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), microsatellites and copy number variation (CNV) were studied on the Y chromosome to understand the paternal origin and phylogenetic relationships for resource protection, rational development and utilization of the domestic Bactrian camel in China. Our sample set consisted of 94 Chinese domestic Bactrian camels from four regions (Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang), we screened 29 Y-chromosome-specific loci for SNPs, analysed 40 bovine-derived microsatellite loci and measured CNVs of HSFY and SRY through Sanger sequencing, automated fluorescence-based microsatellite analysis and quantitative real-time PCR, respectively. A multicopy gene, SRY, was first found, and sequence variation was only detected in SRY in a screen of 29 loci in 13 DNA pools of individual camels. In addition, a TG repeat in the USP9Y gene was identified as the first polymorphic microsatellite in the camel Y chromosome, whereas microsatellite based on bovine sequences were not detected. The frequency of each allele varied among different populations. For the Nanjiang, Hexi and Alashan populations, a 243-bp allele was found. For the Sunite population, 241-bp, 243-bp and 247-bp alleles were detected, and the frequencies of these alleles were \(22.2\%\), \(44.5\%\) and \(33.3\%\), respectively; 241-bp and 243-bp alleles were found in other populations. Finally, CNVs in two Y-chromosomal genes were detected; CNV for HSFY and SRY ranged from 1 to 3 and from 1 to 9, respectively.  相似文献   
The purpose of the investigation was to observe the pineal–adrenal–immune system relationships and their influence on non-specific immune response in female goats under short-term thermal stress. Six female goats had been exposed to 40°C and 60% relative humidity in the psychrometric chamber for 17 days. Blood samples were obtained on days 0 and 10 to establish control and thermal stress effects, respectively. Chemical adrenalectomy was achieved by injecting metyrapone (100 mg/kg body weight) followed by exogenous melatonin treatment (0.1 mg/kg body weight) from 11th to 17th day of experiment. Thermal stress significantly (P ≤ 0.05) altered the physiological responses. Metyrapone and melatonin treatment significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced the thermal-stress-induced increase in plasma concentrations of cortisol and corticosterone while significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased the plasma melatonin on days 11 and 17. Furthermore, these treatments significantly (P < 0.05) increased the phagocytic activity of neutrophils as compared to both control and thermal exposure values from 11–17 days of experiment. The data generated from this study help us to understand the functional relationship between pineal, adrenal, and immune system, and how this relationship modifies the non-specific immune response for the well being of goats during thermal stress.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to prepare sublingual tablets, containing the antiasthmatic drug ketotifen fumarate which suffers an extensive first-pass effect, using the fast-melt granulation technique. The powder mixtures containing the drug were agglomerated using a blend of polyethylene glycol 400 and 6000 as meltable hydrophilic binders. Granular mannitol or granular mannitol/sucrose mixture were used as fillers. A mechanical mixer was used to prepare the granules at 40°C. The method involved no water or organic solvents, which are used in conventional granulation, and hence no drying step was included, which saved time. Twelve formulations were prepared and characterized using official and non official tests. Three formulations showed the best results and were subjected to an ex vivo permeation study using excised chicken cheek pouches. The formulation F4I possessed the highest permeation coefficient due to the presence of the permeation enhancer (polyethylene glycol) in an amount which allowed maximum drug permeation, and was subjected to a pharmacokinetic study using rabbits as an animal model. The bioavailability of F4I was significantly higher than that of a commercially available dosage form (Zaditen® solution-Novartis Pharma-Egypt) (p > 0.05). Thus, fast-melt granulation allowed for rapid tablet disintegration and an enhanced permeation of the drug through the sublingual mucosa, resulting in increased bioavailabililty.Key words: chicken pouches, fast-melt granulation, ketotifen fumarate, permeation, sublingual tablet, Zaditen®  相似文献   
Aqueous methanol extracts of rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros) inhibited the growth of roots and shoots of cress (Lepidium sativum), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), timothy (Phleum pratense), Digitaria sanguinalis and Lolium multiflorum. Increasing the extract concentration increased the inhibition, suggesting that rattail fescue may have growth inhibitory substances and possess allelopathic potential. The aqueous methanol extract of rattail fescue was purified and two main inhibitory substances were isolated and identified by spectral data as (−)-3-hydroxy-β-ionone and (+)-3-oxo-α-ionol. Both substances inhibited root and shoot growth of cress at concentrations greater than 0.3 μM. The concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition on root and shoot growth of cress, lettuce, alfalfa, timothy, D. sanguinalis and L. multiflorum were 2.7–19.7 μM for (−)-3-hydroxy-β-ionone, and 2.1–34.5 μM for (+)-3-oxo-α-ionol. The concentration of (−)-3-hydroxy-β-ionone and (+)-3-oxo-α-ionol, respectively, in rattail fescue was 7.8 and 3.7 μg g−1 fresh weight. Considering the endogenous level and the inhibitory activity, (−)-3-hydroxy-β-ionone and (+)-3-oxo-α-ionol may work as allelopathic substances in rattail fescue through the growth inhibition of neighboring plant species.  相似文献   
Molecular chaperone proteins play a pivotal role in the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani, controlling cell fate and ensuring intracellular survival. In higher eukaryotes, the so-called co-chaperone proteins are required for client protein recognition and proper function of chaperones, among them the small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat proteins (SGT) which interact with both HSP70 and HSP90 chaperones. An atypical SGT homolog is found in the L. donovani genome, encoding a protein lacking the C-terminal glutamine-rich region, normally typical for SGT family members. The gene is expressed constitutively during the life cycle and is essential for survival and/or growth of the parasites. LdSGT forms large, stable complexes that also include another putative co-chaperone, HSC70 interacting protein (HIP). The gene product forms cytoplasmic clusters, matching the subcellular distribution of HIP and partly that of the major cytoplasmic chaperones, HSP70 and HSP90, reflecting a direct molecular interaction with both chaperones.  相似文献   


The genesis of the eukaryotes was a pivotal event in evolution and was accompanied by the acquisition of numerous new cellular features including compartmentalization by cytoplasmic organelles, mitosis and meiosis, and ciliary motility. Essential for the development of these features was the tubulin cytoskeleton and associated motors. It is therefore possible to map ancient cell evolution by reconstructing the evolutionary history of motor proteins. Here, we have used the kinesin motor repertoire of 45 extant eukaryotes to infer the ancestral state of this superfamily in the last common eukaryotic ancestor (LCEA).  相似文献   
Planarians are highly regenerative organisms with the ability to remake all their cell types, including the germ cells. The germ cells have been suggested to arise from totipotent neoblasts through epigenetic mechanisms. Nanos is a zinc-finger protein with a widely conserved role in the maintenance of germ cell identity. In this work, we describe the expression of a planarian nanos-like gene Smednos in two kinds of precursor cells namely, primordial germ cells and eye precursor cells, during both development and regeneration of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. In sexual planarians, Smednos is expressed in presumptive male primordial germ cells of embryos from stage 8 of embryogenesis and throughout development of the male gonads and in the female primordial germ cells of the ovary. Thus, upon hatching, juvenile planarians do possess primordial germ cells. In the asexual strain, Smednos is expressed in presumptive male and female primordial germ cells. During regeneration, Smednos expression is maintained in the primordial germ cells, and new clusters of Smednos-positive cells appear in the regenerated tissue. Remarkably, during the final stages of development (stage 8 of embryogenesis) and during regeneration of the planarian eye, Smednos is expressed in cells surrounding the differentiating eye cells, possibly corresponding to eye precursor cells. Our results suggest that similar genetic mechanisms might be used to control the differentiation of precursor cells during development and regeneration in planarians. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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