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The proto-oncogene c-kit encodes a transmembrane kinase which is related to the receptors for colony-stimulating factor type 1 and platelet-derived growth factor, as well as to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Antibodies specific for the kinase domain of the P80 gag-kit protein of the Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma virus were prepared. These kit-specific antibodies were used to identify and characterize the c-kit protein in cat brain tissue. The c-kit protein product displays an autophosphorylating activity in immune complex kinase assays, and, in turn, this activity was used to identify the c-kit protein in different tissues. In cat brain, a single 145-kilodalton (kDa) glycoprotein was detected. Its N-linked carbohydrates were found to be sensitive to digestion with the endoglycosidases (neuraminidase, endoglycosidase F, and endoglycosidase H), indicating hybrid and/or complex and high-mannose structures. A partial purification of the c-kit protein was achieved by wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography, and the autophosphorylating activity of the partially purified c-kit protein was characterized and found to be specific for tyrosine. The kit antibodies cross-react with the murine c-kit protein product, and variant c-kit proteins in different mouse tissues were identified, with sizes of about 145 kDa (brain), 160 kDa (spleen), and 150 kDa (testis).  相似文献   
Paracoccidioidomycosis was induced in immunized (IM) and non-immunized (NI) mice. The histopathology, the number of fungi in the lungs, the cellular (footpad test — FPT and macrophage inhibition factor assay — MIF) and humoral (immunodiffusion test) immune response were investigated serially postinfection. In the IM mice, at days 1 and 3, there was intense and predominant macrophagic-lymphocytic alveolitis with loose granulomatous reaction; at day 30, inflammation was mild. In the NI group, up to day 3, the lesions were focal; later there was formation of extensive epithelioid granuloma. The number of fungi in IM mice were always smaller than those of NI group. Immunization alone induced positive FPT and MIF indices with low titer of antibody. After infection, there was a significant decrease of the FPT indices in the IM group, which we interpreted as desensitization due to trapping of sensitized lymphocytes in the lungs. In conclusion, (1) The lesional pattern of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis in IM mice was similar to that of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This reaction was probably effective in reducing the extension of the infection and decrease the number of fungi. (2) In this model, pulmonary resistance against P. brasiliensis seems to be related to local and systemic delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of a recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) and a mutein G-CSF(KW-2228) on leucopenia and tumor growth in mice treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In normal mice, the number of leucocytes (white blood cell, WBC) reached the peak 12 hours after a single injection of either type of G-CSF and decreased to the normal level after 24 hours. Daily administration induced a continuous increase in the WBC count, however, administrations at intervals did not. Meth-A fibrosarcoma was subcutaneously inoculated into the backs of syngeneic BALB/c mice. The mice were treated with 5-FU alone or with G-CSFs. Chemotherapy with 5-FU alone resulted in leucopenia and an insignificant inhibition of tumor growth. The conjunctive administration of G-CSFs with 5-FU resulted in a significantly augmented inhibition of tumor growth, and leukopenia was not seen. This augmenting effect was more prominent with KW-2228.These results suggest that in 5-FU chemotherapy G-CSFs may be beneficial in restoring the number of leucocytes from leucopenic state and in augmenting the tumor inhibitory effect. Furthermore, KW-2228 may be more beneficial than the natural type rhG-CSF.  相似文献   
用相关和回归处理方法,研究了8条正常狗咽喉部高频喷射通气时,调节驱动压、呼吸比和频率对喷气量、吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气及气道内压的作用。结果显示,驱动压和呼吸此对各观察指标几乎有同等重要的作用,频率的影响很小,喷气量与吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气、气道内压间存在显著的正相关关系。说明调节参数的意义主要在于改变了喷气量。  相似文献   
采用光谱法和胰酯酶分解法对大果木姜子油酯中分得的结晶C—I组成进行了分析,结果表明C—I是由11种甘油三酯组成。其中2-位为月硅酸的甘油三酯占91.80%,1,3-位脂肪酸主要为癸酸和月桂酸,甘油三酯的组成中,CLC占62.24%,LLC占24.50%。  相似文献   
我们观察了小麦与大麦杂交胚胎发育过程中,雌蕊各个组成部分发生的淀粉积累和转移的动态。结果如下: 1.胚乳和杂种胚早期发育过程中,子房壁和胚囊中淀粉的积累和动态的趋势与其他学者所作小麦自交的情况基本相同。2.当胚乳细胞充满胚囊而胚没有分化时,子房壁中的淀粉已极少,当胚乳解体时,子房壁中淀粉已几乎消失。可见,子房壁中淀粉的迅速消失与胚乳的迅速败育是平行的。3.胚囊发育的停滞与败育跟子房壁组织中淀粉的积累及对胚囊营养的正常供应有密切关系。4.花柱、珠被、珠心组织及胚囊中的助细胞和反足细胞,在整个杂种胚和胚乳发育过程中,始终不存在淀粉粒。助细胞胚亦和助细胞一样,无淀粉粒的存在。  相似文献   
昆明呈贡龙潭山第2地点的人化石和旧石器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在对呈贡县大渔区龙潭山第2地点的试掘中发现一枚人的下臼齿,它在形态上与现代人的不同,与北京猿人的也有所差别。它带有早期智人下第二乳臼齿的一些形态特征。一起发现的石制品中有石核、石片、砍砸器和刮削器。时代为晚更新世,距今30,500±800年。  相似文献   
Summary Met-enkephalin (ME) exerts a bimodal effect on functional activities of rat peritoneal macrophages (PM); in a range of low concentration (10-9-10-7 M) antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)was markedly stimulated with a simultaneous decrease of Fc receptor (FcR) mediated phagocytosis while the opposite was observed at 10-6-10-5 M concentrations.Studying the possible underlying mechanism(s) the followings were recorded: (1) ME in all applied concentrations induced an early Na+ influx which was followed by a Ca2+ efflux in the range of low concentrations. In the range of high concentrations Na+ influx was accompanied by a Ca2+ influx. (2) ME at 10-8 M concentration induced a rise in cGMP level with a plateau in the 60–120th min of incubation. This effect was prevented by 10-5 M of naloxone. At 10-6 M concentration a transient rise of cAMP level was recorded which was not affected by naloxone. (3) Verapamil in 10-6 M abolished both the Ca2+ influx and the rise in cAMP level induced by 10-6-10-5 M ME but not the rise in cGMP level induced by lower ME concentrations. (4) cAMP elevation by high ME concentrations was abolished by enkephalinase inhibitory puromycin. (5) PM-enkephalinase as assessed by the cleavage of fluorogenic substrate L-alanine beta naphthylamide (ABNA), was inhibited by 10-6-10-5 M of ME. This inhibition was abolished by verapamil, but not affected by naloxone. In the range of low concentrations ME appears to act on specific delta opioid receptors and its action is positively coupled to guanylate cyclase. In relatively higher concentrations ME-action is not mediated by specific delta opioid receptors and it appears to involve Ca2+ influx, adenylate cyclase activation as well as the processing of hormone by PM-enkephalinase.  相似文献   
禄丰古猿地点的猪尾鼠类化石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文记述亚洲首次发现的猪尾鼠类化石。材料系1983年于云南禄丰古猿地点最晚中新世石灰坝组采集到的,计有代表两属三种——Platacanthomys dianensis sp.nov.,Typhlomysprimitivus sp.nov.和T.hipparionum sp.nov.的百余枚牙齿。文中除对新种的形态作了描述和对比外,还对猪尾鼠类的分类位置及系统发育作了探讨。  相似文献   
The X-ray crystallographic structure of the human alpha-thrombin complex with hirulog 3 (a potent, noncleavable hirudin-based peptide of the "hirulog" class containing a beta-homoarginine at the scissile bond), which is isomorphous with that of the hirugen-thrombin crystal structure, was solved at 2.3-A resolution by starting with a model for thrombin derived from the hirugen-thrombin complex and was refined by restrained least squares methods (R = 0.132). Residues of hirulog 3 were well-defined in the electron density, which included most of the pentaglycine linker and the C-terminal helical turn that was disordered in a related structure of thrombin with hirulog 1. The interactions of D-Phe1'-Pro2'-beta-homoArg3' with the active site of thrombin were essentially identical to those of related structures of PPACK- (D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethyl ketone) and hirulog 1-thrombin, with the guanidinium function of the arginyl P1 residue forming a hydrogen-bonding ion pair with Asp189 of the S1 site. A noticeable shift in the CA atom of beta-homoArg3' due to the methylene insertion displaces the scissile bond from attack by Ser195, thus imparting proteolytic stability to the beta-homoArg hirulog derivative. Resolution of the pentaglycine spacer, linking N- and C-terminal functional domains into a single oligopeptide bivalent inhibitor, permitted delineation of corresponding S' subsites of thrombin. The position of Gly4' (P1') is stabilized by three hydrogen bonds with His57, Lys60F, and Ser195, while the conformational angles maintained in a strained, nonallowed configuration for non-glycyl amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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