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Analysis of biochemicals in single cells is important for understanding cell metabolism, cell cycle, adaptation, disease states, etc. Even the same cell types exhibit heterogeneous biochemical makeup depending on their physiological conditions and interactions with the environment. Conventional methods of mass spectrometry (MS) used for the analysis of biomolecules in single cells rely on extensive sample preparation. Removing the cells from their natural environment and extensive sample processing could lead to changes in the cellular composition. Ambient ionization methods enable the analysis of samples in their native environment and without extensive sample preparation.1 The techniques based on the mid infrared (mid-IR) laser ablation of biological materials at 2.94 μm wavelength utilize the sudden excitation of water that results in phase explosion.2 Ambient ionization techniques based on mid-IR laser radiation, such as laser ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI) and atmospheric pressure infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (AP IR-MALDI), have successfully demonstrated the ability to directly analyze water-rich tissues and biofluids at atmospheric pressure.3-11 In LAESI the mid-IR laser ablation plume that mostly consists of neutral particulate matter from the sample coalesces with highly charged electrospray droplets to produce ions. Recently, mid-IR ablation of single cells was performed by delivering the mid-IR radiation through an etched fiber. The plume generated from this ablation was postionized by an electrospray enabling the analysis of diverse metabolites in single cells by LAESI-MS.12 This article describes the detailed protocol for single cell analysis using LAESI-MS. The presented video demonstrates the analysis of a single epidermal cell from the skin of an Allium cepa bulb. The schematic of the system is shown in Figure 1. A representative example of single cell ablation and a LAESI mass spectrum from the cell are provided in Figure 2.  相似文献   
Antibiotics increase the frequency of resistant bacteria by providing them a competitive advantage over sensitive strains. Here, we develop a versatile assay for differential chemical inhibition of competing microbial strains, and use it to identify compounds that preferentially inhibit tetracycline-resistant relative to sensitive bacteria, thus "inverting" selection for resistance. Our assay distinguishes compounds selecting directly against specific resistance mechanisms and compounds whose selection against resistance is based on their physiological interaction with tetracycline and is more general with respect to resistance mechanism. A pilot screen indicates that both types of selection-inverting compounds are secreted by soil microbes, suggesting that nature has evolved a repertoire of chemicals that counteracts antibiotic resistance. Finally, we show that our assay can more generally permit simple, direct screening for drugs based on their differential activity against different strains or targets.  相似文献   
Himalayan alder species are proven to be very useful in traditional as well as contemporary agroforestry practice. These nitrogen-fixing trees are also useful in the land restoration. Therefore, understanding the distribution of Himalayan alder and the potential zone for plantation is meaningful in the agroforestry sector. Suitable climatic zones of Alnus spp. were modelled in MaxEnt software using a subset of least correlated bioclimatic variables for current conditions (1950-2000), topographic variables (DEM derived) and Landuse Landcover (LULC) data. We generated several models and selected the best model against random models using ANOVA and t-test. The environmental variables that best explained the current distribution of the species were identified and used to project into the future. For future projections, ensemble scenarios of climate change projection derived from the results of 19 Earth System Models (ESM) were used. Our model revealed that the most favorable conditions for Alnus nepalensis are in central Nepal in the moist north-west facing slope, whereas for Alnus nitida they are in western Nepal. The major climatic factor that contributes to Alnus species distribution in Nepal appears to be precipitation during the warmest quarter for A. nepalensis and precipitation during the driest quarter for A. nitida. Future projections revealed changes in the probability distribution of these species, as well as where they need conservation and where they can be planted. Also, our model predicts that the distribution of Alnus spp. in hilly regions will remain unchanged, and therefore may represent sites that can be used to revitalize traditional agroforestry systems and extract source material for land restoration.  相似文献   
A bolus treatment (e.g., 25 mg) of prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) in the study of luteolysis in cattle results in dubious interpretations. Therefore, in experiment 1 of the present study, a 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF (PGFM) pulse was simulated by incremental intrauterine (IU) infusion of PGF for 2.7 h on Day 14 postovulation. Concentrations of PGFM during the first hour of infusion and at the maximum were not different between simulated (n = 7) and spontaneous (n = 7) pulses. In experiment 2, four groups (n = 6 per group) were treated at Minute 0 (beginning of infusion) as follows: saline (infused IU), PGF (infused IU), acyline/saline, and acyline/PGF. Two hours before Minute 0, each heifer was given flunixin meglumine to inhibit endogenous PGF secretion, and heifers in the acyline/saline and acyline/PGF groups were given acyline to inhibit luteinizing hormone (LH). Plasma progesterone concentrations were similar among groups during Minutes 0 to 60, with no indication of an initial transient progesterone increase in the two PGF groups. Progesterone began to decrease in the PGF groups at Minute 60 and to rebound at Minute 135 after the PGFM peak at Minute 120. The rebound was complete in association with an increase in LH in the PGF group, but it was not complete when LH was inhibited in the acyline/PGF group. Luteal blood flow increased during PGF infusion in the two PGF groups and remained elevated for approximately 2 h after the PGFM peak in the PGF group but not in the acyline/PGF group. Novel findings were that an initial transient increase in progesterone did not occur with the simulated PGFM pulse and that LH stimulated a progesterone rebound and maintained the elevated luteal blood flow after the PGFM peak.  相似文献   
The goals of our project were to document the diversity and distributions of cultivable fungi associated with decaying Miscanthus and sugarcane plants in nature and to further assess biodegradation of host plant cell walls by these fungi in pure cultures. Late in 2008 and early in 2009 we collected decaying Miscanthus and Saccharum from 8 sites in Illinois and 11 sites in Louisiana, respectively. To recover fungi that truly decay plants and to recover slow-growing fungi, we washed the plant material repeatedly to remove spores and cultivated fungi from plant fragments small enough to harbor at most one mycelium. We randomly selected 950 fungal colonies out of 4,560 microwell colonies and used molecular identification to discover that the most frequently recovered fungal species resided in Hypocreales (Sordariomycetes), Pleosporales (Dothideomycetes), and Chaetothryiales (Eurotiomycetes) and that only a few weedy species were recovered. We were particularly interested in Pleosporales and Chaetothyriales, groups that have not been mined for plant decay fungi. To confirm that we had truly recovered fungi that deconstruct plant cell walls, we assayed the capacity of the fungi to consume whole, alkali-pretreated, ground Miscanthus. Solid substrate cultures of the nine most commonly encountered Ascomycota resulted in Miscanthus weight loss of 8 to 13% over 4 weeks. This is the first systematic, high-throughput, isolation and biodegradation assessment of fungi isolated from decaying bioenergy grasses.  相似文献   
The peptidoglycan recognition protein PGRP-S is an innate immunity molecule that specifically interacts with microbial peptidoglycans and other pathogen-associated molecular patterns. We report here two structures of the unique tetrameric camel PGRP-S (CPGRP-S) complexed with (i) muramyl dipeptide (MDP) at 2.5 Å resolution and (ii) GlcNAc and β-maltose at 1.7Å resolution. The binding studies carried out using surface plasmon resonance indicated that CPGRP-S binds to MDP with a dissociation constant of 10−7 m, whereas the binding affinities for GlcNAc and β-maltose separately are in the range of 10−4 m to 10−5 m, whereas the dissociation constant for the mixture of GlcNAc and maltose was estimated to be 10−6 m. The data from bacterial suspension culture experiments showed a significant inhibition of the growth of Staphylococcus aureus cells when CPGRP-S was added to culture medium. The ELISA experiment showed that the amount of MDP-induced production of TNF-α and IL-6 decreased considerably after the introduction of CPGRP-S. The crystal structure determinations of (i) a binary complex with MDP and (ii) a ternary complex with GlcNAc and β-maltose revealed that MDP, GlcNAc, and β-maltose bound to CPGRP-S in the ligand binding cleft, which is situated at the interface of molecules C and D of the homotetramer formed by four protein molecules A, B, C, and D. In the binary complex, the muramyl moiety of MDP is observed at the C-D interface, whereas the peptide chain protrudes into the center of tetramer. In the ternary complex, GlcNAc and β-maltose occupy distinct non-overlapping positions belonging to different subsites.  相似文献   
Both LPL and HL are synthesized in parenchymal cells, are secreted, and bind to endothelial cells. To learn where endothelial lipase (EL) is synthesized in adult animals, the localization of EL in mouse and rat liver was studied by immunohistochemical analysis. Furthermore, to test whether EL could play a role in atherogenesis, the expression of EL in the aorta and liver of apolipoprotein E knockout (EKO) mice was determined. EL in both mouse and rat liver was colocalized with vascular endothelial cells but not with hepatocytes. In contrast, HL was present in both hepatocytes and endothelial cells. By in situ hybridization, EL mRNA was present only in endothelial cells in liver sections. EL was also present at low levels in aorta of normal mice. We fed EKO mice and wild-type mice a variety of diets and determined EL expression in liver and aorta. EKO mice showed significant expression of EL in aorta. EL expression was lower in the liver of EKO mice than in normal mice. Cholesterol feeding decreased EL in liver of both types of mice. In the aorta, EL was higher in EKO than in wild-type mice, and cholesterol feeding had no effect. Together, these data suggest that EL may be upregulated at the site of atherosclerotic lesions and thus could supply lipids to the area.  相似文献   
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