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Reconstructing the evolutionary history of a species is challenging. It often depends not only on the past biogeographic and climatic events but also the contemporary and ecological factors, such as current connectivity and habitat heterogeneity. In fact, these factors might interact with each other and shape the current species distribution. However, to what extent the current population genetic structure reflects the past and the contemporary factors is largely unknown. Here we investigated spatio-temporal genetic structures of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations, across their natural distribution in Africa. While its large biogeographic distribution can cause genetic differentiation at the paleo-biogeographic scales, its restricted dispersal capacity might induce a strong genetic structure at micro-geographic scales.


Using nine microsatellite loci and 350 samples from ten natural populations, we found the highest genetic differentiation among the three ichthyofaunal provinces and regions (Ethiopian, Nilotic and Sudano-Sahelian) (R ST = 0.38 - 0.69). This result suggests the predominant effect of paleo-geographic events at macro-geographic scale. In addition, intermediate divergences were found between rivers and lakes within the regions, presumably reflecting relatively recent interruptions of gene flow between hydrographic basins (R ST = 0.24 - 0.32). The lowest differentiations were observed among connected populations within a basin (R ST = 0.015 in the Volta basin). Comparison of temporal sample series revealed subtle changes in the gene pools in a few generations (F = 0 - 0.053). The estimated effective population sizes were 23 - 143 and the estimated migration rate was moderate (m ~ 0.094 - 0.097) in the Volta populations.


This study revealed clear hierarchical patterns of the population genetic structuring of O. niloticus in Africa. The effects of paleo-geographic and climatic events were predominant at macro-geographic scale, and the significant effect of geographic connectivity was detected at micro-geographic scale. The estimated effective population size, the moderate level of dispersal and the rapid temporal change in genetic composition might reflect a potential effect of life history strategy on population dynamics. This hypothesis deserves further investigation. The dynamic pattern revealed at micro-geographic and temporal scales appears important from a genetic resource management as well as from a biodiversity conservation point of view.  相似文献   


We have previously shown that ADP-induced TXA2 generation requires signaling from αIIbβ3 integrin in platelets. Here we observed that, unlike ADP, protease-activated receptor (PAR)-mediated TXA2 generation occurs independently of αIIbβ3. PAR agonists, but not ADP, activate G12/13 signaling pathways. Hence, we evaluated the role of these pathways in TXA2 generation.

Principal Findings

Inhibition of ADP-induced thromboxane generation by fibrinogen receptor antagonist SC57101 was rescued by co-stimulation of G12/13 pathways with YFLLRNP. This observation suggested an existence of a common signaling effector downstream of integrins and G12/13 pathways. Hence, we evaluated role of three potential tyrosine kinases; c-Src, Syk and FAK (Focal Adhesion Kinase) that are known to be activated by integrins. c-Src and Syk kinase did not play a role in ADP-induced functional responses in platelets. Selective activation of G12/13 pathways resulted in the activation of FAK, in the absence of integrin signaling. Interestingly, αIIbβ3-mediated FAK activation occurred in a Src family kinase (SFK)-independent manner whereas G12/13 pathway caused FAK activation in a SFK and RhoA-dependent manner. A FAK selective inhibitor TAE-226, blocked TXA2 generation. However, in comparison to WT mice, Pf4-Cre/Fak-Floxed mice did not show any difference in platelet TXA2 generation.


Therefore, we conclude that differential activation of FAK occurs downstream of Integrins and G12/13 pathways. However, the common effector molecule, possibly a tyrosine kinase downstream of integrins and G12/13 pathways contributing to TXA2 generation in platelets remains elusive.  相似文献   
The association between intermediate filaments (IF) and microtubules (MT) has been demonstrated by several experiments using MT inhibitors and by microinjecting specific antibodies. The actin cytoskeleton has recently been assigned a role in this process of drug induced IF collapse. However, this was not found to be true in large cells with irregular morphology. For instance, in early passage diploid fibroblasts of human origin and in armadillo cell lines, where the cells are large, irregular in shape and exhibit prominent stress fibers ( SF ), depolymerization of MT with nocodazole did not lead to collapse of IF . Instead, the IF formed bundles of coils that seemed to associate with the SF . Disintegration of the SF with cytochalasin B led to the collapse of the IF . It appears that the actin organization in such large cells with extensive SF , is not as contractile as in typical spindle shaped fibroblasts which have relatively less stable actin organization. The stable SF may actually prevent IF collapse.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated the presence of three distinct types of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) in a bullfrog (denoted bfGnRHR-1, bfGnRHR-2, and bfGnRHR-3). The bfGnRHRs exhibited differential tissue distribution and ligand selectivity. In the present study, we demonstrated the desensitization and internalization kinetics of these receptors in both transiently-transfected HEK293 cells and retrovirus-mediated stable cells. The time-course accumulation of the inositol phosphate in response to GnRH revealed that bfGnRHR-1 and -2 were rapidly desensitized, whereas bfGnRHR-3 was slowly desensitized. A comparison of the internalization kinetics revealed the most rapid rate and highest extent of internalization of bfGnRHR-2 among the three receptors. Interestingly, the mechanisms that underlie the receptor internalization appear to differ from each other. Internalization of bfGnRHR-1 was dependent on both dynamin and beta-arrestin, whereas those of bfGnRHR-2 and -3 were dependent on dynamin, but not on arrestin. These results, therefore, suggest that differential regulatory mechanisms for desensitization and internalization of the GnRHR are involved in diverse cellular and physiological responses to GnRH stimulation.  相似文献   
Recently, we identified three types of non-mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors (GnRHR) in the bullfrog (designated bfGnRHR-1-3), and a mammalian type-II GnRHR in green monkey cell lines (denoted gmGnRHR-2). All these receptors responded better to GnRH-II than GnRH-I, while mammalian type-I GnRHR showed greater sensitivity to GnRH-I than GnRH-II. In the present study, we designed new GnRH-II analogs and examined whether they activated or inhibited non-mammalian and mammalian type-II GnRHRs. [D-Ala6]GnRH-II, with D-Ala substituted for Gly6 in GnRH-II, increased inositol phosphate (IP) production in cells stably expressing non-mammalian GnRHRs more effectively than native GnRH-II. However, it exhibited lower activity for mammalian type-I GnRHR than GnRH-I itself. Trptorelix-1, a GnRH-II antagonist, inhibited GnRH-induced IP production in cells expressing non-mammalian GnRHRs more effectively than Cetrorelix, a GnRH-I antagonist. Trptorelix-1, however, had lower potency for mammalian type-I GnRHR than Cetrorelix. Ligand-receptor binding assays revealed that [D-Ala6]GnRH-II and Trptorelix-1 have higher affinities for non-mammalian GnRHRs but lower affinities for mammalian type-I GnRHR than GnRH-II and Cetrorelix, respectively. Moreover, [D-Ala6]GnRH-II and Trptorelix-1 had a higher affinity for gmGnRHR-2 than GnRH-II and Cetrorelix, respectively. These results indicate that [D-Ala6]GnRH-II and Trptorelix-1 are highly effective agonist and antagonist, respectively, for non-mammalian and type-II mammalian GnRHRs.  相似文献   
Objective: Asian Indian subjects have a high tendency to develop Type 2 diabetes even though obesity is relatively uncommon. We evaluated the serum leptin levels in a group of non-obese Type 2 diabetic patients from Mumbai, Western India.Design: Cross sectional study.Methods: A total of 104 subjects consisting of 28 with Type 2 diabetes, 16 with impaired glucose tolerance and 60 age and sex-matched control subjects were given 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Fasting serum leptin (IRMA), insulin and C-peptide were measured along with fasting and 2 h plasma glucose. The relation between these variables was studied by univariate and multiple regression analysis.Results: Type 2 diabetes was associated with marked (50–60%) reduction in serum leptin levels, in both men and women. Women, but not men, with impaired glucose tolerance exhibited 60% lower leptin. Serum leptin levels were positively correlated to body mass index (BMI; r = 0.501, p = 0.001) and calculated body fat percent (r = 0.525, p = 0.001) in all the study subjects with a better correlation in the normal subjects (r = 0.562 for BMI and 0.735 for body fat). On the other hand, serum leptin showed significant correlation to serum insulin (r = 0.362, p = 0.008) only in subjects with diabetes or IGT. In the multiple regression model, BMI was the only independent predictor of leptin, in all the subjects. However, in subjects with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, waist circumference (p = 0.003), gender (p = 0.007) and body fat (p = 0.009) were significant predictors of leptin, besides BMI. Gender-specific multiple regression revealed serum insulin as an independent predictor of leptin in men (p = 0.026). Therefore, lower serum leptin levels in diabetes is partly due to increased waist circumference, decreased BMI and male sex. These observations are consistent with the view that leptin levels in this cohort of non-obese Indians from Mumbai exhibit gender-specific relationship partly attributed to changes in serum insulin and waist circumference in men and to changes in BMI, in women.  相似文献   
The 3D structure of neither Hoxc8 nor Hoxc8-DNA complex is known. The repressor protein Hoxc8 binds to the TAAT stretch of the promoter of the osteopontin gene and modulates its expression. Over expression of the osteopontin gene is related to diseases like osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, cancer et cetera. In this paper we have proposed a 3D structure of Hoxc8-DNA complex obtained by Homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in explicit water. The crystal structure (9ant.pdb) of Antennapedia homeodomain in complex with its DNA sequence was chosen as the template based on (i) high sequence identity (85% for the protein and 60% for the DNA) and (ii) the presence of the TAAT stretch in interaction with the protein. The resulting model was refined by MD simulation for 2.0ns in explicit water. This refined model was then characterized in terms of the structural and the interactional features to improve our understanding of the mechanism of Hoxc8-DNA recognition. The interaction pattern shows that the residues Ile(195), Gln(198), and Asn(199), and the bases S2-(4)TAATG(8) are most important for recognition suggesting the stretch TAATG as the "true recognition element" in the present case. A strong and long-lived water bridge connecting Gln(198) and the base of S1-C(7) complementary to S2-G(8) was observed. Our predicted model of Hoxc8-DNA complex provides us with features that are consistent with the available experimental data on Hoxc8 and the general features of other homeodomain-DNA complexes. The predictions based on the model are also amenable to experimental verification.  相似文献   
This is the first crystal structure of a carbohydrate induced dimer of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). This is an endogenous complex formed between two PLA(2) molecules and two mannoses. It was isolated from Krait venom (Bungarus caeruleus) and crystallized as such. The complete amino acid sequence of PLA(2) was determined using cDNA method. Three-dimensional structure of the complex has been solved with molecular replacement method and refined to a final R-factor of 0.192 for all the data in the resolution range 20.0-2.1A. The presence of mannose molecules in the protein crystals was confirmed using dinitrosalicylic acid test and the molecular weight of the dimer was verified with MALDI-TOF. As indicated by dynamic light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation the dimer was also stable in solution. The good quality non-protein electron density at the interface of two PLA(2) molecules enabled us to model two mannoses. The mannoses are involved extensively in interactions with protein atoms of both PLA(2) molecules. Some of the critical amino acid residues such as Asp 49 and Tyr 31, which are part of the substrate-binding site, are found facing the interface and interacting with mannoses. The structure of the complex clearly shows that the dimerization is caused by mannoses and it results in the loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
The antipsychotic drug prochlorperazine was screened in vitro for possible antimicrobial property against 157 strains of bacteria, belonging to gram positive and gram negative genera. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of prochlorperazine was determined by agar dilution method, which ranged from 25 to 200 microg/ml with respect to most of the strains. Based on such findings, a further study was undertaken to determine whether the efficacy of this drug could be enhanced in the presence of an antihistaminic agent methdilazine, reported to have remarkable antimicrobial action. Four bacterial strains, sensitive to prochlorperazine as well as to three antibacterial chemotherapeutics, viz., methdilazine, fluphenazine and thioridazine were chosen. Disc diffusion tests with prochlorperazine and methdilazine revealed marked synergism between the combination, compared to their individual effects. The synergism was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). To assess the degree of synergism, the checkerboard analysis was performed. The FIC index of this combination turned out to be 0.37, which confirmed synergism. Therefore, this synergistic drug combination might open a new therapeutic approach to combat drug-resistance in bacterial infections.  相似文献   
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