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Tissue engineering is increasingly being recognized as a beneficial means for lessening the global disease burden. One strategy of tissue engineering is to replace lost tissues or organs with polymeric scaffolds that contain specialized populations of living cells, with the goal of regenerating tissues to restore normal function. Typical constructs for tissue engineering employ biocompatible and degradable polymers, along with organ-specific and tissue-specific cells. Once implanted, the construct guides the growth and development of new tissues; the polymer scaffold degrades away to be replaced by healthy functioning tissue. The ideal biomaterial for tissue engineering not only defends against disease and supports weakened tissues or organs, it also provides the elements required for healing and repair, stimulates the body's intrinsic immunological and regenerative capacities, and seamlessly interacts with the living body. Tissue engineering has been investigated for virtually every organ system in the human body. This review describes the potential of tissue engineering to alleviate disease, as well as the latest advances in tissue regeneration. The discussion focuses on three specific clinical applications of tissue engineering: cardiac tissue regeneration for treatment of heart failure; nerve regeneration for treatment of stroke; and lung regeneration for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   
Singh N  Jabeen T  Somvanshi RK  Sharma S  Dey S  Singh TP 《Biochemistry》2004,43(46):14577-14583
Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2); EC is a key enzyme involved in the production of proinflammatory mediators known as eicosanoids. The binding of the substrate to PLA(2) occurs through a well-formed hydrophobic channel. To determine the viability of PLA(2) as a target molecule for the structure-based drug design against inflammation, arthritis, and rheumatism, the crystal structure of the complex of PLA(2) with a known anti-inflammatory compound oxyphenbutazone (OPB), which has been determined at 1.6 A resolution. The structure has been refined to an R factor of 0.209. The structure contains 1 molecule each of PLA(2) and OPB with 2 sulfate ions and 111 water molecules. The binding studies using surface plasmon resonance show that OPB binds to PLA(2) with a dissociation constant of 6.4 x 10(-8) M. The structure determination has revealed the presence of an OPB molecule at the binding site of PLA(2). It fits well in the binding region, thus displaying a high level of complementarity. The structure also indicates that OPB works as a competitive inhibitor. A large number of hydrophobic interactions between the enzyme and the OPB molecule have been observed. The hydrophobic interactions involving residues Tyr(52) and Lys(69) with OPB are particularly noteworthy. Other residues of the hydrophobic channel such as Leu(3), Phe(5), Met(8), Ile(9), and Ala(18) are also interacting extensively with the inhibitor. The crystal structure clearly reveals that the binding of OPB to PLA(2) is specific in nature and possibly suggests that the basis of its anti-inflammatory effects may be due to its binding to PLA(2) as well.  相似文献   
Both LPL and HL are synthesized in parenchymal cells, are secreted, and bind to endothelial cells. To learn where endothelial lipase (EL) is synthesized in adult animals, the localization of EL in mouse and rat liver was studied by immunohistochemical analysis. Furthermore, to test whether EL could play a role in atherogenesis, the expression of EL in the aorta and liver of apolipoprotein E knockout (EKO) mice was determined. EL in both mouse and rat liver was colocalized with vascular endothelial cells but not with hepatocytes. In contrast, HL was present in both hepatocytes and endothelial cells. By in situ hybridization, EL mRNA was present only in endothelial cells in liver sections. EL was also present at low levels in aorta of normal mice. We fed EKO mice and wild-type mice a variety of diets and determined EL expression in liver and aorta. EKO mice showed significant expression of EL in aorta. EL expression was lower in the liver of EKO mice than in normal mice. Cholesterol feeding decreased EL in liver of both types of mice. In the aorta, EL was higher in EKO than in wild-type mice, and cholesterol feeding had no effect. Together, these data suggest that EL may be upregulated at the site of atherosclerotic lesions and thus could supply lipids to the area.  相似文献   
β-Bungarotoxin is a heterodimeric neurotoxin consisting of a phospholipase A2 subunit linked by a disulfide bond to a K+ channel binding subunit, which is a member of of the Kunitz protease-inhibitor subfamily. Purified β1-bungarotoxin was crystallized using microdialysis techniques. The rectangular-shaped crystals are ortho­rhombic, space group C2221, with unit-cell dimensions a = 80.7, b = 82.5, c = 56.9 Å. The crystals have a calculated Vm of 2.35 Å3 Da−1 for one molecule in the asymmetric unit. This corresponds to a solvent content of 48%. X-ray intensity data were collected to 2.6 Å resolution. The data set is 97.4% complete.  相似文献   
In an effort to localize a gene for ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), we have genotyped 27 affected Costa Rican families, with 13 markers, in the chromosome 11q22-23 region. Significant linkage disequilibrium was detected for 9/13 markers between D11S1816 and D11S1391. Recombination events observed in these pedigrees places A-T between D11S1819 and D11S1960. One ancestral haplotype is common to 24/54 affected chromosomes and roughly two-thirds of the families. Inferred (ancestral) recombination events involving this common haplotype in earlier generations suggest that A-T is distal to D11S384 and proximal to D11S1960. Several other common haplotypes were identified, consistent with multiple mutations in a single gene. When considered together with all other evidence, this study further sublocalizes the major A-T locus to ≈200 kb, between markers S384 and S535.  相似文献   
Initiation and synthesis of RNA primers in the lagging strand of the replication fork in Escherichia coli requires the replicative DnaB helicase and the DNA primase, the DnaG gene product. In addition, the physical interaction between these two replication enzymes appears to play a role in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. In vitro, DnaB helicase stimulates primase to synthesize primers on single-stranded (ss) oligonucleotide templates. Earlier studies hypothesized that multiple primase molecules interact with each DnaB hexamer and single-stranded DNA. We have examined this hypothesis and determined the exact stoichiometry of primase to DnaB hexamer. We have also demonstrated that ssDNA binding activity of the DnaB helicase is necessary for directing the primase to the initiator trinucleotide and synthesis of 11-20-nucleotide long primers. Although, association of these two enzymes determines the extent and rate of synthesis of the RNA primers in vitro, direct evidence of the formation of primase-DnaB complex has remained elusive in E. coli due to the transient nature of their interaction. Therefore, we stabilized this complex using a chemical cross-linker and carried out a stoichiometric analysis of this complex by gel filtration. This allowed us to demonstrate that the primase-helicase complex of E. coli is comprised of three molecules of primase bound to one DnaB hexamer. Fluorescence anisotropy studies of the interaction of DnaB with primase, labeled with the fluorescent probe Ru(bipy)3, and Scatchard analysis further supported this conclusion. The addition of DnaC protein, leading to the formation of the DnaB-DnaC complex, to the simple priming system resulted in the synthesis of shorter primers. Therefore, interactions of the DnaB-primase complex with other replication factors might be critical for determining the physiological length of the RNA primers in vivo and the overall kinetics of primer synthesis.  相似文献   
The association between intermediate filaments (IF) and microtubules (MT) has been demonstrated by several experiments using MT inhibitors and by microinjecting specific antibodies. The actin cytoskeleton has recently been assigned a role in this process of drug induced IF collapse. However, this was not found to be true in large cells with irregular morphology. For instance, in early passage diploid fibroblasts of human origin and in armadillo cell lines, where the cells are large, irregular in shape and exhibit prominent stress fibers ( SF ), depolymerization of MT with nocodazole did not lead to collapse of IF . Instead, the IF formed bundles of coils that seemed to associate with the SF . Disintegration of the SF with cytochalasin B led to the collapse of the IF . It appears that the actin organization in such large cells with extensive SF , is not as contractile as in typical spindle shaped fibroblasts which have relatively less stable actin organization. The stable SF may actually prevent IF collapse.  相似文献   
Water buffalo (Murrah) oocytes were collected from ovaries obtained from a local slaughterhouse. They were classified according to the character of the cumulus cells under a stereomicroscope and then cultured in 25 mM Hepes buffered tissue culture medium-199 (TCM-199) supplemented with 5% estrous water buffalo serum in an atmosphere containing 5% CO(2) in air at 39 degrees C. After 20 to 24 hours of in vitro maturation, the oocytes were cultured at 38.5 degrees C in TCM-199 supplemented with 1% estrous water buffalo serum and in an atmosphere containing 5% CO(2) in air. Oocytes with compact and dense cumulus cells cleaved significantly further (P<0.01, 67.3%, 33 49 ) than those with fair, partially denuded oocytes with thin cumulus layers (27.5%, 25 91 ) or small remnants of cumulus cells and poor naked oocytes (3 100 ). A substantial variation in fertilization and developmental rates (16.0 to 43.8%) was observed among 4 different bulls. Late morulae were transferred nonsurgically into 14 buffalo recipients on Day 6 or 7 of their estrous cycle. One recipient was diagnosed to be pregnant by palpation per rectum on Day 60 and delivered a calf in October 1991.  相似文献   
Axillary shoot elongation, formation of multiple shoots and rooting of shoots were compared in nodal segment cultures of Gmelina arborea Roxb. from seedlings obtained from six provenances, over several subcultures. Provenance-dependent variation was observed with respect to these parameters. In addition, a subculture-dependent decrease was observed in multiple shoot formation and root induction. Seventy percent of the rooted plantlets were successfully hardened and transferred to soil. A transient decrease in photochemical efficiency was observed during the early stages of hardening, whereas ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC levels increased gradually as the plants acclimatized to photoautotrophic growth.  相似文献   
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