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A modification of the second-order model for biodegradation was derived, applied to an example data set, and shown to be superior for describing the anaerobic biodegradation of p-cresol by an enriched bacterial consortium. The modified model circumvents the no-growth assumption implicit in the use of the second-order rate equation, but still requires the assumption of first-order kinetics over the course of substrate depletion. Violation of the no-growth assumption is particularly important since overestimates of the pseudo-first-order rate coefficient lead to underestimates of the time required for the removal of a xenobiotic chemical from a contaminated environment. Our calculations show that the errors introduced into the pseudo-first-order rate coefficient (and the resulting estimates of the second-order rate coefficient) approach 100% if one doubling occurs in activity over the course of substrate depletion. For an exemplary data set, use of a first-order model resulted in a 100% overestimate of the first-order decay coefficient, which would in turn lead to a corresponding overestimate of the second-order rate coefficient. The modified model we describe is a potential alternative to the pseudo-first-order model for the routine estimation of second-order rate coefficients.  相似文献   
The anaerobic biodegradation of m-cresol was observed in anoxic aquifer slurries kept under both sulfate-reducing and nitrate-reducing but not methanogenic conditions. More than 85% of the parent substrate (300 microM) was consumed in less than 6 days in slurries kept under the former two conditions. No appreciable loss of the compound from the corresponding autoclaved controls was measurable. A bacterial consortium was enriched from the slurries for its ability to metabolize m-cresol under sulfate-reducing conditions. Metabolism in this enrichment culture was inhibited in the presence of oxygen or molybdate (500 microM) and in the absence of sulfate but was unaffected by bromoethanesulfonic acid. The consortium consumed 3.63 mol of sulfate per mol of m-cresol degraded. This stoichiometry is about 87% of that theoretically expected and suggests that m-cresol was largely mineralized. Resting-cell experiments demonstrated that the degradation of m-cresol proceeded only in the presence of bicarbonate. 4-Hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid and acetate were detected as transient intermediates. Thus, the parent substrate was initially carboxylated as the primary degradative event. The sulfate-reducing consortium could also decarboxylate p- but not m-hydroxybenzoate to near stoichiometric amounts of phenol, but this reaction was not sulfate dependent. The presence of p-hydroxybenzoate in the medium temporarily inhibited m-cresol metabolism such that the former compound was metabolized prior to the latter and phenol was degraded in a sequential manner. These findings help clarify the fate of a common groundwater contaminant under sulfate-reducing conditions.  相似文献   
World requirements for fossil energy are expected to grow by more than 50% within the next 25 years, despite advances in alternative technologies. Since conventional production methods retrieve only about one-third of the oil in place, either large new fields or innovative strategies for recovering energy resources from existing fields are needed to meet the burgeoning demand. The anaerobic biodegradation of n-alkanes to methane gas has now been documented in a few studies, and it was speculated that this process might be useful for recovering energy from existing petroleum reservoirs. We found that residual oil entrained in a marginal sandstone reservoir core could be converted to methane, a key component of natural gas, by an oil-degrading methanogenic consortium. Methane production required inoculation, and rates ranged from 0.15 to 0.40 micromol/day/g core (or 11 to 31 micromol/day/g oil), with yields of up to 3 mmol CH(4)/g residual oil. Concomitant alterations in the hydrocarbon profile of the oil-bearing core revealed that alkanes were preferentially metabolized. The consortium was found to produce comparable amounts of methane in the absence or presence of sulfate as an alternate electron acceptor. Cloning and sequencing exercises revealed that the inoculum comprised sulfate-reducing, syntrophic, and fermentative bacteria acting in concert with aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Collectively, the cells generated methane from a variety of petroliferous rocks. Such microbe-based methane production holds promise for producing a clean-burning and efficient form of energy from underutilized hydrocarbon-bearing resources.  相似文献   
Summary Anaerobic microbial communities sampled from either a methanogenic or sulfate-reducing aquifer site have been tested for their ability to degrade a variety of groundwater pollutants, including halogenated aromatic compounds, simple alkyl phenols and tetrachloroethylene. The haloaromatic chemicals were biodegraded in methanogenic incubations but not under sulfate-reducing conditions. The primary degradative event was typically the reductive removal of the aryl halides. Complete dehalogenation of the aromatic moiety was required before substrate mineralization was observed. The lack of dehalogenation activity in sulfatereducing incubations was due, at least in part, to the high levels of sulfate rather than a lack of metabolic potential. In contrast, the degradation of cresol isomers occurred in both types of incubations but proved faster under sulfate-reducing conditions. The requisite microorganisms were enriched and the degradation pathway forp-cresol under the latter conditions involved the anaerobic oxidation of the aryl methyl group. Tetrachloroethylene was also degraded by reductive dehalogenation but under both incubation conditions. The initial conversion of this substrate to trichloroethylene was generally faster under methanogenic conditions. However, the transformation pathway slowed when dichloroethylene was produced and only trace concentrations of vinyl chloride were detected. These results illustrate that pollutant compounds can be biodegraded under anoxic conditions and a knowledge of the predominant ecological conditions is essential for accurate predictions of the transport and fate of such materials in aquifers.  相似文献   
Anaerobic microorganisms were enumerated and metabolic activities measured in deep Coastal Plain sediments sampled from three water‐bearing formations at depths down to 300 m. Aseptically obtained sediment cores harbored the potential for anaerobic biodegradation of various substrates in almost all samples. Although the sediments were not predominantly anaerobic, viable methanogens and sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) were present almost throughout the depth profile. Coliform organisms were also found at various locations, but were not recoverable from drilling muds or water used to slurry the muds. The anaerobic metabolism of lactate and formate was easily detected in most samples. However, acetate and benzoate were degraded only in portions of the subsurface that harbored methanogens. The water‐saturated transmissive zones harbored the highest numbers of SRB and the potential for the widest variety of anaerobic metabolic activities. Small or negligible anaerobic microbial activity was associated with thick clay layers. The accumulation of acetate and the production of methane in samples not amended with exogenous organic matter demonstrated that some strata contained reserves of fermentable carbon and suggested that environmental factors or nutrients other than carbon were potentially limiting in situ microbial activity.  相似文献   
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were used to study the metabolism of deuterated n-alkanes (C6 to C12) and 1-13C-labeled n-hexane by a highly enriched sulfate-reducing bacterial culture. All substrates were activated via fumarate addition to form the corresponding alkylsuccinic acid derivatives as transient metabolites. Formation of d14-hexylsuccinic acid in cell extracts from exogenously added, fully deuterated n-hexane confirmed that this reaction was the initial step in anaerobic alkane metabolism. Analysis of resting cell suspensions amended with 1-13C-labeled n-hexane confirmed that addition of the fumarate occurred at the C-2 carbon of the parent substrate. Subsequent metabolism of hexylsuccinic acid resulted in the formation of 4-methyloctanoic acid, and 3-hydroxy-4-methyloctanoic acid was tentatively identified. We also found that 13C nuclei from 1-13C-labeled n-hexane became incorporated into the succinyl portion of the initial metabolite in a manner that indicated that 13C-labeled fumarate was formed and recycled during alkane metabolism. Collectively, the findings obtained with a sulfate-reducing culture using isotopically labeled alkanes augment and support the previously proposed pathway (H. Wilkes, R. Rabus, T. Fischer, A. Armstroff, A. Behrends, and F. Widdel, Arch. Microbiol. 177:235-243, 2002) for metabolism of deuterated n-hexane by a denitrifying bacterium.  相似文献   
We examined the relative roles of acetogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria in H2 consumption in a previously characterized subsurface sandstone ecosystem. Enrichment cultures originally inoculated with ground sandstone material obtained from a Cretaceous formation in central New Mexico were grown with hydrogen in a mineral medium supplemented with 0.02% yeast extract. Sulfate reduction and acetogenesis occurred in these cultures, and the two most abundant organisms carrying out the reactions were isolated. Based on 16S rRNA analysis data and on substrate utilization patterns, these organisms were named Desulfomicrobium hypogeium sp. nov. and Acetobacterium psammolithicum sp. nov. The steady-state H2 concentrations measured in sandstone-sediment slurries (threshold concentration, 5 nM), in pure cultures of sulfate reducers (threshold concentration, 2 nM), and in pure cultures of acetogens (threshold concentrations 195 to 414 nM) suggest that sulfate reduction is the dominant terminal electron-accepting process in the ecosystem examined. In an experiment in which direct competition for H2 between D. hypogeium and A. psammolithicum was examined, sulfate reduction was the dominant process.  相似文献   
The ability of microorganisms in sediments from the Atlantic Coastal Plain to biodegrade methoxylated aromatic compounds was examined. O-demethylation activity was detected in deep (121- and 406-m) sediments, as well as in the surface soil. A syringate-demethylating consortium, containing at least three types of bacteria, was enriched from a deep-sediment sample in a medium containing syringate as the sole organic carbon source and with a N2-CO2 atmosphere. An isolate which demethylated syringate was obtained from the enrichment on an agar medium incubated under a H2-CO2 but not a N2-CO2 or N2 atmosphere. O demethylation of syringate of this isolate was dependent on the presence of both H2 and CO2 in the gas phase. The metabolism of syringate occurred in a sequential manner: methylgallate accumulated transiently before it was converted to gallate. Mass balance analysis suggests that the stoichiometry of the reaction in this isolate proceeds in accordance with the following generalized equation: C7H3O3(OCH3)n- + nHCO3- + nH2 → C7H3O3(OH)n- + nCH3COO- + nH2O.  相似文献   
We investigated the anaerobic biodegradation of 3-chlorobenzoate (3CBz) by microorganisms from an aquifer where chloroaromatic compounds were previously found to resist decay in the presence of sulfate. After a lengthy lag period, 3CBz was degraded in the presence of sulfate and concurrently with sulfate reduction. Chlorine removal from 2,5- or 3,5-dichlorobenzoates and the transient appearance of benzoate from 3CBz confirmed that reductive dehalogenation was the initial fate process for these substrates. Sulfate did not influence 3CBz degradation rates in acclimated enrichment cultures but accelerated the development of 3CBz degradation activity in fresh transfers. Benzoate degradation was more rapid in the presence of sulfate regardless of the enrichment history. Nitrate, sulfite, and a headspace of air inhibited 3CBz dehalogenation, while thiosulfate had no effect. Mass balance determinations revealed that 71 to 107% of the theoretically expected amount of methane was produced from 3CBz and benzoate oxidation in the absence of sulfate. In parallel cultures containing 15 mM sulfate, methanogenesis was reduced to 48 to 71% of that theoretically expected, while sulfate reduction accounted for 12 to 50% of the reducing equivalents. In either the presence or absence of sulfate, steady-state dissolved hydrogen concentrations were similar to those reported for sulfate-reducing or methanogenic environments, respectively. Molybdate inhibited sulfate reduction and 3CBz dehalogenation to a similar extent but did not affect benzoate biodegradation. Sulfate-dependent 3CBz biodegradation was not observed. We conclude that reductive dehalogenation and sulfate reduction occur concurrently in these enrichments and that the sulfate-dependent stimulation in fresh transfers was likely due to the acceleration of benzoate oxidation.  相似文献   
Experiments were designed to evaluate the corrosion-related consequences of storing/transporting fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) alternative diesel fuel in contact with natural seawater. Coastal Key West, FL (KW), and Persian Gulf (PG) seawaters, representing an oligotrophic and a more organic- and inorganic mineral-rich environment, respectively, were used in 60?day incubations with unprotected carbon steel. The original microflora of the two seawaters were similar with respect to major taxonomic groups but with markedly different species. After exposure to FAME diesel, the microflora of the waters changed substantially, with Clostridiales (Firmicutes) becoming dominant in both. Despite low numbers of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the original waters and after FAME diesel exposure, sulphide levels and corrosion increased markedly due to microbial sulphide production. Corrosion morphology was in the form of isolated pits surrounded by an intact, passive surface with the deepest pits associated with the fuel/seawater interface in the KW exposure. In the presence of FAME diesel, the highest corrosion rates measured by linear polarization occurred in the KW exposure correlating with significantly higher concentrations of sulphur and chlorine (presumed sulphide and chloride, respectively) in the corrosion products.  相似文献   
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