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In situ polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) at the air-water interface has been used to determine secondary structure of the pulmonary surfactant model peptide, Hel 13-5, in the absence and the presence of phospholipid monolayers. Herein, fully saturated phospholipids of DPPC and DPPG are utilized to understand the effect of specific interaction between anionic DPPG and cationic Hel 13-5 on the peptide secondary structure. The spectrum frequency in the amide region (1500-1700 cm− 1) obtained from PM-IRRAS has been confirmed by comparing with that from ATR-FTIR for the corresponding bulk films. The PM-IRRAS spectra of single Hel 13-5 monolayers indicate the α-helical contour in the amide region, which coincides with the result from CD measurements in aqueous solutions. In the presence of phospholipid monolayers, however, Hel 13-5 changes its conformation from the α-helix to the extended β-sheet as surface pressure increases upon compression at the interface, and this interconversion is found to be irreversible even during expansion process of monolayers. Furthermore, it is notable that the electrostatic interaction between DPPG and Hel 13-5 inhibits to some extent the interconversion to the β-sheet during compression. These features are completely different from the bulk behavior, which demonstrates different roles of native proteins in the bulk phase and at the interface for pulmonary functions. In addition, the conformational variation of Hel 13-5 does not indicate close correlation with surface activity, which is common characteristic even for reversible hysteresis curves in pulmonary surfactant systems. This suggests that the secondary structure of native proteins is not strongly related to the surface activity during respiration. This work contributes to secondary structure determination of Hel 13-5 in the phospholipid domains in situ at the air-water interface and will provide insight into the molecular and physiological mechanism for SP-B and SP-C actions across the interface.  相似文献   
Aberrant repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is thought to be important in the generation of gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs). To examine how DNA DSBs might lead to GCRs, we investigated the repair of a single DNA DSB in a structurally unstable cell line. An I-SceI recognition site was introduced into OVCAR-8 cells between a constitutive promoter (EF1α) and the Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene, which confers sensitivity to gancyclovir (GCV). Expression of I-SceI in these cells caused a single DSB. Clones with aberrant repair could acquire resistance to GCV by separation of the EF1α promoter from the TK gene, or deletion of either the EF1α promoter or the TK gene. All mutations that we identified were interstitial deletions. Treatment of cells with etoposide or bleomycin, agents known to produce DNA DSBs following expression of I-SceI also did not generate GCRs. Because we identified solely interstitial deletions using the aforementioned negative selection system, we developed a positive selection system to produce GCR. A construct containing an I-SceI restriction site immediately followed by a hygromycin phosphotransferase cDNA, with no promoter, was stably integrated into OVCAR-8 cells. DNA DSBs were produced by an I-SceI expression vector. None of the hygromycin resistant clones recovered had linked the hygromycin phosphotransferase cDNA to an endogenous promoter, but had instead captured a portion of the I-SceI expression vector. These results indicate that even in a structurally unstable malignant cell line, the majority of DNA DSBs are repaired by religation of the two broken chromosome ends, without the introduction of a GCR.  相似文献   
During the past decade, extensive progress has been made toward understanding the molecular basis for the regulation of apoptosis. In mammalian cells undergoing apoptosis, two distinct mechanisms or pathways are operated and are triggered by cell death stimuli from intra- or extra-cellular environments, namely the intrinsic or extrinsic pathways, resulting in mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Several lines of evidence from our laboratories and others have indicated that galectin-3 plays an important role in these pathways by binding to various ligands. Here the authors provide a brief discussion on the role of endogenous or extra-cellular galectin-3 in the regulation of apoptosis and how it could be used as a therapeutic target using natural plant products as its functional inhibitors.  相似文献   
We designed several HIV protease inhibitors with various d-cysteine derivatives as P(2)/P(3) moieties based on the structure of clinical drug candidate, KNI-764. Herein, we report their synthesis, HIV protease inhibitory activity, HIV IIIB cell inhibitory activity, cellular toxicity, and inhibitory activity against drug-resistant HIV strains. KNI-1931 showed distinct selectivity against HIV proteases and high potency against drug-resistant strains, surpassing those of Ritonavir and Nelfinavir.  相似文献   
Tachystatin B is an antimicrobial and a chitin-binding peptide isolated from the Japanese horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) consisting of two isopeptides called tachystatin B1 and B2. We have determined their solution structures using NMR experiments and distance geometry calculations. The 20 best converged structures of tachystatin B1 and B2 exhibited root mean square deviations of 0.46 and 0.49 A, respectively, for the backbone atoms in Cys(4)-Arg(40). Both structures have identical conformations, and they contain a short antiparallel beta-sheet with an inhibitory cystine-knot (ICK) motif that is distributed widely in the antagonists for voltage-gated ion channels, although tachystatin B does not have neurotoxic activity. The structural homology search provided several peptides with structures similar to that of tachystatin B. However, most of them have the advanced functions such as insecticidal activity, suggesting that tachystatin B may be a kind of ancestor of antimicrobial peptide in the molecular evolutionary history. Tachystatin B also displays a significant structural similarity to tachystatin A, which is member of the tachystatin family. The structural comparison of both tachystatins indicated that Tyr(14) and Arg(17) in the long loop between the first and second strands might be the essential residues for binding to chitin.  相似文献   

Cells in the white matter of the adult brain have a characteristic distribution pattern in which several cells are contiguously connected to each other, making a linear array (LA) resembling pearls-on-a-string parallel to the axon axis. We have been interested in how this pattern of cell distribution changes during aging and remyelination after demyelination. In the present study, with a multiplex staining method, semi-quantitative analysis of the localization of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (oligodendrocyte progenitors, premyelinating oligodendrocytes, and mature oligodendrocytes), astrocytes, and microglia in 8-week-old (young adult) and 32-week-old (aged) corpus callosum showed that young adult cells still include immature oligodendrocytes and that LAs contain a higher proportion of microglia than isolated cells. In aged mice, premyelinating oligodendrocytes were decreased, but microglia continued to be present in the LAs. These results suggest that the presence of microglia is important for the characteristic cell localization pattern of LAs. In a cuprizone-induced demyelination model, we observed re-formation of LAs after completion of cuprizone treatment, concurrent with remyelination. These re-formed LAs again contained more microglia than the isolated cells. This finding supports the hypothesis that microglia contribute to the formation and maintenance of LAs. In addition, regardless of the distribution of cells (LAs or isolated cells), astrocytes were found to be more abundant than in the normal corpus callosum at 24 weeks after cuprizone treatment when remyelination is completed. This suggests that astrocytes are involved in maintaining the functions of remyelinated white matter.

Numerous hypotheses on the evolution of Neotropical biodiversity have stimulated research to provide a better understanding of diversity dynamics and distribution patterns of the region. However, few studies integrate molecular and morphological data with complete sampling of a Neotropical group, and so there has been little synthesis of the multiple processes governing biodiversity through space and time. Here, a total‐evidence phylogenetic approach is used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the butterfly subgenus Heraclides. We used DNA sequences for two mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene and coded 133 morphological characters of larvae and adults. A robust and well‐resolved phylogeny was obtained using several analytical approaches, while molecular dating and biogeographical analyses indicated an early Miocene origin (22 Mya) in the Caribbean Islands. We inferred six independent dispersal events from the Caribbean to the mainland, and three from the mainland to the Caribbean, and we suggest that cooling climates with decreasing sea levels may have contributed to these events. The time‐calibrated tree is best explained by a museum model of diversity in which both speciation and extinction rates remained constant through time. By assessing both continental and fine‐scale biodiversity patterns, this study provides new findings, for instance that islands may act as source of diversity rather than as a sink, to explain spatio‐temporal macroevolutionary processes within the Neotropical region.  相似文献   


Brain synthesis of steroids including sex-steroids is attracting much attention. The endogenous synthesis of corticosteroids in the hippocampus, however, has been doubted because of the inability to detect deoxycorticosterone (DOC) synthase, cytochrome P450(c21).

Methodology/Principal Findings

The expression of P450(c21) was demonstrated using mRNA analysis and immmunogold electron microscopic analysis in the adult male rat hippocampus. DOC production from progesterone (PROG) was demonstrated by metabolism analysis of 3H-steroids. All the enzymes required for corticosteroid synthesis including P450(c21), P450(2D4), P450(11β1) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) were localized in the hippocampal principal neurons as shown via in situ hybridization and immunoelectron microscopic analysis. Accurate corticosteroid concentrations in rat hippocampus were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. In adrenalectomized rats, net hippocampus-synthesized corticosterone (CORT) and DOC were determined to 6.9 and 5.8 nM, respectively. Enhanced spinogenesis was observed in the hippocampus following application of low nanomolar (10 nM) doses of CORT for 1 h.


These results imply the complete pathway of corticosteroid synthesis of ‘pregnenolone →PROG→DOC→CORT’ in the hippocampal neurons. Both P450(c21) and P450(2D4) can catalyze conversion of PROG to DOC. The low nanomolar level of CORT synthesized in hippocampal neurons may play a role in modulation of synaptic plasticity, in contrast to the stress effects by micromolar CORT from adrenal glands.  相似文献   
Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is a presynaptic protein essential for neurotransmitter release. Previously, we demonstrate that protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylates Ser(187) of SNAP-25, and enhances neurotransmitter release by recruiting secretory vesicles near to the plasma membrane. As PKC is abundant in the brain and SNAP-25 is essential for synaptic transmission, SNAP-25 phosphorylation is likely to play a crucial role in the central nervous system. We therefore generated a mutant mouse, substituting Ser(187) of SNAP-25 with Ala using "knock-in" technology. The most striking effect of the mutation was observed in their behavior. The homozygous mutant mice froze readily in response to environmental change, and showed strong anxiety-related behavior in general activity and light and dark preference tests. In addition, the mutant mice sometimes exhibited spontaneously occurring convulsive seizures. Microdialysis measurements revealed that serotonin and dopamine release were markedly reduced in amygdala. These results clearly indicate that PKC-dependent SNAP-25 phosphorylation plays a critical role in the regulation of emotional behavior as well as the suppression of epileptic seizures, and the lack of enhancement of monoamine release is one of the possible mechanisms underlying these defects.  相似文献   
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