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Current in vitro combination testing methods involve enumeration by bacterial plating, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Measurement of bioluminescence, released when bacterial adenosine triphosphate binds to firefly luciferin-luciferase, has been proposed as a surrogate for bacterial counts. We developed an ATP bioluminescent combination testing assay with a rapid turnaround time of 24h to determine effective antibiotic combinations.


100 strains of carbapenem-resistant (CR) GNB [30 Acinetobacter baumannii (AB), 30 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) and 40 Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP)] were used. Bacterial suspensions (105 CFU/ml) were added to 96-well plates containing clinically achievable concentrations of multiple single and two-antibiotic combinations. At 24h, the luminescence intensity of each well was measured. Receiver operator characteristic curves were plotted to determine optimal luminescence threshold (TRLU) to discriminate between inhibitory/non-inhibitory combinations when compared to viable plating. The unweighted accuracy (UA) [(sensitivity + specificity)/2] of TRLU values was determined. External validation was further done using 50 additional CR-GNB.


Predictive accuracies of TRLU were high for when all antibiotic combinations and species were collectively analyzed (TRLU = 0.81, UA = 89%). When individual thresholds for each species were determined, UA remained high. Predictive accuracy was highest for KP (TRLU = 0.81, UA = 91%), and lowest for AB (TRLU = 0.83, UA = 87%). Upon external validation, high overall accuracy (91%) was observed. The assay distinguished inhibitory/non-inhibitory combinations with UA of 80%, 94% and 93% for AB, PA and KP respectively.


We developed an assay that is robust at identifying useful combinations with a rapid turn-around time of 24h, and may be employed to guide the timely selection of effective antibiotic combinations.  相似文献   
Culturable microbial communities and diseases were compared in organic, integrated and conventional systems of winter wheat production and monoculture. Particular emphasis was placed on the density and diversity of cereal pathogens and their potential antagonists, and on the association of the active microbial populations with the health and productivity of wheat. In roots, rhizoplane and rhizosphere, fungi tended to be most abundant in the integrated system or monoculture, and bacteria in the organic system. The dominant fungal groups (with individual frequency >5%) included root pathogens (Fusarium, Gibberella, Haematonectria and Ilyonectria) and known pathogen antagonists (Acremonium strictum, Clonostachys, Chaetomium, Gliocladium and Trichoderma spp.). The 50 subdominant species (with individual frequency 1–5%) included the pathogens Alternaria, Cladosporium (leaf spot), Gaeumannomyces graminis (take‐all), Glomerella graminicola (anthracnose), Oculimacula yallundae (eyespot), Phoma spp. (leaf spots), and Pythium and Rhizoctonia (root rot). The 40 subrecedent species (with individual frequency <1%) included minor pathogens (Botrytis, Coniothyrium, Leptosphaeria). Antagonists in roots, rhizoplane and rhizosphere were most frequent in the organic system and least frequent in monoculture, suggesting that these systems had the most and least disease‐suppressive habitats, respectively. The other two systems were intermediate, with microbial communities suggesting that the conventional system produced a slightly more suppressive environment than the integrated system. The highest grain yield, in the integrated system, was associated with high abundance of fungi, including fungal pathogens, lowest abundance of Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas and Streptomyces in roots, rhizoplane and soil, and relatively high stem‐base and leaf disease severity. The lowest grain yields, in the organic system and monoculture, were associated with less abundant fungi and more abundant Pseudomonas. There is no clear indication that yields were affected by diseases.  相似文献   
Microsomal cytochrome P450 reductase catalyzes the one-electron transfer from NADPH via FAD and FMN to various electron acceptors, such as cytochrome P450s or to some anti-cancer quinone drugs. This results in generation of free radicals and toxic oxygen metabolites, which can contribute to the cytotoxicity of these compounds. Recently, a cytosolic NADPH-dependent flavin reductase, NR1, has been described which is highly homologous to the microsomal cytochrome P450 reductase. In this study, we show that over-expression of NR1 in human embryonic kidney cells enhances the cytotoxic action of the model quinone, menadione. Furthermore, we show that a novel human histidine triad protein DCS-1, which is expressed together with NR1 in many tissues, can significantly reduce menadione-induced cytotoxicity in these cells. We also show that DCS-1 binds NF1 and directly modulates its activity. These results suggest that NR1 may play a role in carcinogenicity and cell death associated with one-electron reductions.  相似文献   
In this study, the contribution of intramembrane hydrogen bonding at the interface between polypeptide and cofactor is explored in the native lipid environment by use of model bacteriochlorophyll proteins. In the peripheral antenna complex, LH2, large portions of the transmembrane helices, which make up the dimeric bacteriochlorophyll-binding site, are replaced by simplified, alternating alanine-leucine stretches. Replacement of either one of the two helices with the helices containing the model sequence at a time results in the assembly of complexes with nearly native light harvesting properties. In contrast, replacement of both helices results in the loss of antenna complexes from the membrane. The assembly of such doubly modified complexes is restored by a single intramembrane serine residue at position -4 relative to the liganding histidine of the alpha-subunit. In situ analysis of the spectral properties in a series of site-directed mutants reveals a critical dependence of the model complex assembly on the side chain of the residue at this position in the helix. A hydrogen bond between the hydroxy group of the serine and the 13(1) keto group of one of the central bacteriochlorophylls of the complexes is identified by Raman spectroscopy in the model antenna complex containing one of the alanine-leucine helices. The additional OH group of the serine residue, which participates in hydrogen bonding, increases the thermal stability of the model complexes in the native membrane. Intramembrane hydrogen bonding is thus shown to be a key factor for the binding of bacteriochlorophyll and assembly of this model cofactor-polypeptide site.  相似文献   
Composition, abundance, biomass and distribution of zooplankton in the coastal Canadian Beaufort Sea were studied in the summer of 2005 and 2006. Data were collected from two cross-shelf transects (11 stations in each). Sampling was conducted with vertical hauls using a conical net of 153-μm mesh size. Our results revealed that there are three ecological zones, Intense Plume, Diffuse Plume and oceanic, which are primarily shaped by the highly variable Mackenzie River plume. The Intense Plume Grouping was located at stations influenced greatly by the Mackenzie River, where Podon leuckarti, Pseudocalanus spp., Copepoda nauplii and Limnocalanus macrurus were most abundant. The Diffuse Plume Grouping, that was located in the transitional zone between the river plume and the ocean, had the highest diversity. This grouping was characterised by high abundance of Copepoda nauplii, Polychaeta larvae, Pseudocalanus and L. macrurus. The Oceanic Grouping, located farthest from shore beyond the 85-m depth contour, was mainly inhabited by marine taxa—Calanus glacialis, C. hyperboreus, Triconia (Oncea) borealis and Microcalanus spp.—and had the greatest overall zooplankton abundance and biomass of all groupings.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of root hair formation have been studied extensively in Arabidopsis but knowledge about these processes in monocot species is still limited, especially in relation to the proteome level. The aim of this study was to identify the proteins that are involved in the initiation and the early stage of root hair tip growth in barley using two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. A comparison of proteins that accumulate differentially in two root hair mutants and their respective parent varieties resulted in the identification of 13 proteins that take part in several processes related to the root hair morphogenesis, such as the control of vesicular trafficking, ROS signalling and homeostasis, signal transduction by phospholipids metabolism and ATP synthesis. Among the identified proteins, two ATP synthases, two ABC transporters, a small GTPase from the SAR1 family, a PDI-like protein, a monodehydroascorbate reductase, a C2 domain-containing protein and a Wali7 domain-containing protein were found. This study is the first report on the proteins identified in the initial stage of root hair formation in barley and gives new insights into the mechanisms of root hair morphogenesis in a monocot species.  相似文献   
Determining the relationship between protein folding pathways on and off the ribosome remains an important area of investigation in biology. Studies on isolated domains have shown that alteration of the separation of residues in a polypeptide chain, while maintaining their spatial contacts, may affect protein stability and folding pathway. Due to the vectorial emergence of the polypeptide chain from the ribosome, chain connectivity may have an important influence upon cotranslational folding. Using MATH, an all β-sandwich domain, we investigate whether the connectivity of residues and secondary structure elements is a key determinant of when cotranslational folding can occur on the ribosome. From Φ-value analysis, we show that the most structured region of the transition state for folding in MATH includes the N and C terminal strands, which are located adjacent to each other in the structure. However, arrest peptide force-profile assays show that wild-type MATH is able to fold cotranslationally, while some C-terminal residues remain sequestered in the ribosome, even when destabilized by 2–3?kcal?mol?1. We show that, while this pattern of Φ-values is retained in two circular permutants in our studies of the isolated domains, one of these permutants can fold only when fully emerged from the ribosome. We propose that in the case of MATH, onset of cotranslational folding is determined by the ability to form a sufficiently stable folding nucleus involving both β-sheets, rather than by the location of the terminal strands in the ribosome tunnel.  相似文献   
Large freshwater mussels (Unionoida) are declining throughout the world. The European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) female spawns its eggs inside the unionids’ shells, where fertilisation and further embryonic development take place; thus its reproduction depends fully on the presence of large freshwater mussels. Unio crassus, previously regarded as one of the most numerous unionids in Europe, is now listed in the IUCN Red Data List as being globally endangered. Despite its previous prevalence, it was never reported as a host for the bitterling. A large population of U. crassus was studied in small river at the ?wi?tokrzyskie Mts (Poland), where also electrofishing was conducted. In each bitterling territory located on the study plots, we found individuals of U. crassus, with the bitterling eggs or larvae developing on mussel’s gills. That proves that this species can be also used by the bitterling for reproduction. We suggest that this relationship has not been reported to date due to the mussels’ rarity and ongoing decline. However, it is also possible that the endangered mussel is a novel host for the bitterling, which is expanding its range throughout Europe.  相似文献   
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