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Ashton IW  Miller AE  Bowman WD  Suding KN 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):625-636
Plant resource partitioning of chemical forms of nitrogen (N) may be an important factor promoting species coexistence in N-limited ecosystems. Since the microbial community regulates N-form transformations, plant partitioning of N may be related to plant–soil feedbacks. We conducted a 15N tracer addition experiment to study the ability of two alpine plant species, Acomastylis rossii and Deschampsia caespitosa, to partition organic and inorganic forms of N. The species are codominant and associated with strong plant–soil feedbacks that affect N cycling. We manipulated interspecific interactions by removing Acomastylis or Deschampsia from areas where the species were codominant to test if N uptake patterns varied in the presence of the other species. We found that Deschampsia acquired organic and inorganic N more rapidly than Acomastylis, regardless of neighbor treatment. Plant N uptake—specifically ammonium uptake—increased with plant density and the presence of an interspecific neighbor. Interestingly, this change in N uptake was not in the expected direction to reduce niche overlap and instead suggested facilitation of ammonium use. To test if N acquisition patterns were consistent with plant–soil feedbacks, we also compared microbial rhizosphere extracellular enzyme activity in patches dominated by one or the other species and in areas where they grew together. The presence of both species was generally associated with increased rhizosphere extracellular enzyme activity (five of ten enzymes) and a trend towards increased foliar N concentrations. Taken together, these results suggest that feedbacks through the microbial community, either in response to increased plant density or specific plant neighbors, could facilitate coexistence. However, coexistence is promoted via enhanced resource uptake rather than reduced niche overlap. The importance of resource partitioning to reduce the intensity of competitive interactions might vary across systems, particularly as a function of plant-soil feedbacks.  相似文献   
Understanding the factors governing ecological stability in variable environments is a central focus of ecology. Functional diversity can stabilize ecosystem function over time if one group of species compensates for an environmentally driven decline in another. Although intuitively appealing, evidence for this pattern is mixed. We hypothesized that diverse functional responses to rainfall will increase the stability of vegetation cover and biomass across rainfall conditions, but that this effect depends on land-use legacies that maintain functional diversity. We experimentally manipulated grazing in a California grassland to create land-use legacies of low and moderate grazing, across which we implemented rainout shelters and irrigation to create dry and wet conditions over 3 years. We found that the stability of the vegetation cover was greatly elevated and the stability of the biomass was slightly elevated across rainfall conditions in areas with histories of moderate grazing. Initial functional diversity—both in the seed bank and aboveground—was also greater in areas that had been moderately grazed. Rainfall conditions in conjunction with this grazing legacy led to different functional diversity patterns over time. Wet conditions led to rapid declines in functional diversity and a convergence on resource-acquisitive traits. In contrast, consecutively dry conditions maintained but did not increase functional diversity over time. As a result, grazing practices and environmental conditions that decrease functional diversity may be associated with lasting effects on the response of ecosystem functions to drought. Our results demonstrate that theorized relationships between diversity and stability are applicable and important in the context of working grazed landscapes.  相似文献   
Restoration ecology is a deepening and diversifying field with current research incorporating multiple disciplines and infusing long‐standing ideas with fresh perspectives. We present a list of 10 recent pivotal papers exemplifying new directions in ecological restoration that were selected by students in a cross‐disciplinary graduate seminar at the University of California, Berkeley. We highlight research that applies ecological theory to improve restoration practice in the context of global change (e.g. climate modeling, evaluation of novel ecosystems) and discuss remaining knowledge gaps. We also discuss papers that recognize the social context of restoration and the coupled nature of social and ecological systems, ranging from the incorporation of cultural values and Traditional Ecological Knowledge into restoration, to the consideration of the broader impacts of markets on restoration practices. In addition, we include perspectives that focus on improving communication between social and natural scientists as well as between scientists and practitioners, developing effective ecological monitoring, and applying more integrated, whole‐landscape approaches to restoration. We conclude with insights on recurrent themes in the papers regarding planning restoration in human‐modified landscapes, application of ecological theory, improvements to restoration practice, and the social contexts of restoration. We share lessons from our cross‐disciplinary endeavor, and invite further discussion on the future directions of restoration ecology through contributions to our seminar blog site http://restecology.blogspot.com .  相似文献   
Environmental variability can structure species coexistence by enhancing niche partitioning. Modern coexistence theory highlights two fluctuation‐dependent temporal coexistence mechanisms —the storage effect and relative nonlinearity – but empirical tests are rare. Here, we experimentally test if environmental fluctuations enhance coexistence in a California annual grassland. We manipulate rainfall timing and relative densities of the grass Avena barbata and forb Erodium botrys, parameterise a demographic model, and partition coexistence mechanisms. Rainfall variability was integral to grass–forb coexistence. Variability enhanced growth rates of both species, and early‐season drought was essential for Erodium persistence. While theoretical developments have focused on the storage effect, it was not critical for coexistence. In comparison, relative nonlinearity strongly stabilised coexistence, where Erodium experienced disproportionately high growth under early‐season drought due to competitive release from Avena. Our results underscore the importance of environmental variability and suggest that relative nonlinearity is a critical if underappreciated coexistence mechanism.  相似文献   
Neotropical rainforests are global biodiversity hotspots and are challenging to restore. A core part of this challenge is the very long recovery trajectory of the system: recovery of structure can take 20–190 years, species composition 60–500 years, and reestablishment of rare/endemic species thousands of years. Passive recovery may be fraught with instances of arrested succession, disclimax or emergence of novel ecosystems. In these cases, active restoration methods are essential to speed recovery and set a desired restoration trajectory. Tree plantation is the most common active approach to reestablish a high density of native tree species and facilitate understory regeneration. While this approach may speed the successional trajectory, it may not achieve, and possibly inhibit, a long-term restoration trajectory towards the high species diversity characteristic of these forests. A range of nucleation techniques (e.g., tree island planting) are important restoration options: although they may not speed recovery of structure as quickly as plantations, their emphasis on natural regeneration processes may enable greater and more natural patterns of diversity to develop. While more work needs to be done to compare forest restoration techniques in different environmental contexts, it appears that nucleation and, at times, passive restoration may best preserve the diverse legacy of these forested systems (both with lower costs). An integrated approach using both plantation productivity but also the natural functions associated with nucleation may develop composition and diversity trajectory desired in Neotropical conservation efforts.  相似文献   
The investigation of five Espeletiopsis and two Coespeletia species afforded, in addition to numerous known compounds, two new kaurene derivatives 19-acetoxy-ent-kaurene and 17-oxo-ent-kaur- 15-en-19-oic acid, as well as two new tricyclic sesquiterpenes, one being the previously reported oxidation product of copaborneol and the second one the 5-oxo derivative of silphiperfol-6-ene. The structures were elucidated by NMR studies and by chemical transformations. The chemotaxonomic situation is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
The investigation of six Viguiera species afforded in addition to known compounds two new diterpenes, the 9,11-dehydro derivatives of trachylobanic and stachenic acid, two new heliangolides closely related to viguiestenin, and the acetate of falcarinol. The chemotaxonomic situation is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
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