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We have examined the distribution of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) and the calcium binding proteins (CBPs), calbindin D-28k (CB), calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV), in the trigeminal nucleus oralis (Sp5O). NADPH-d was detected by histochemistry while CBP was detected by immunohistochemistry. NADPH-d-positive neurons were distributed in the medial rostro-dorsomedial part (RDMsp5O) and dorsomedial part (DMsp5O) of Sp5O, and the rostrolateral part of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). CB- and CR-positive neurons were mainly distributed in the dorsal part of Sp5O. In contrast, PV-positive neurons were mainly distributed in the ventral part of Sp5O. NADPH-d colocalized with CB (40%) and CR (20%) but not with PV in neurons of DMsp5O/ NTS. The mean cell sizes of neurons in RDMsp5O were larger than those in DMsp5O/NTS. PV-positive neurons were larger than NADPH-d-positive neurons. NADPH-d-, CB- and CR-positive neurons were generally small in RDMsp5O and DMsp5O/NTS. Few neurons were retrogradely labeled in RDMsp5O and DMsp5O from the thalamus, when numerous labeled neurons were in the principal and interpolar nuclei. These data indicate that NADPH-d histochemistry and CB, CR and PV immunohistochemistry identify a discrete cell population in Sp5O. Those labeled neurons in RDMsp5O and DMsp5O/NTS were considered to be involved in sensorimotor reflexive function of the intra-oral structures.  相似文献   
MRD is a database system to access the microsatellite repeats information of genomes such as archea, eubacteria, and other eukaryotic genomes whose sequence information is available in public domains. MRD stores information about simple tandemly repeated k-mer sequences where k= 1 to 6, i.e. monomer to hexamer. The web interface allows the users to search for the repeat of their interest and to know about the association of the repeat with genes and genomic regions in the specific organism. The data contains the abundance and distribution of microsatellites in the coding and non-coding regions of the genome. The exact location of repeats with respect to genomic regions of interest (such as UTR, exon, intron or intergenic regions) whichever is applicable to organism is highlighted. MRD is available on the World Wide Web at and/or . The database is designed as an open-ended system to accommodate the microsatellite repeats information of other genomes whose complete sequences will be available in future through public domain.  相似文献   
Human seminal plasma prostatic inhibin (HSPI) is a protein isolated from the human prostate gland. Despite its profound biomedical and biotechnological importance, the 3D structure of this protein of 94 amino acids remains undeciphered. The difficulties in extracting it in pure form and crystallizing it have restrained the determination of its structure experimentally. The homology-based computational methods are also not applicable, as HSPI lacks sufficient sequence homology with known structures in the protein data banks. We have predicted the structure of HSPI by a knowledge-based method using nonparametric multivariate statistical techniques. Stereochemical and other standard validation tests confirm this to be a well-refined structure. The biophysical properties exhibited by this structure are in good agreement with the NMR experimental observations. Docking and other computational studies on this structure provide significant explanation and insight into its binding activities and related biological and immunogenic functions and offer new directions for its potential applications.  相似文献   
Plant growth and development is regulated by complex interactions among different hormonal, developmental and environmental signalling pathways. Isolation of mutants in these processes is a powerful approach to dissect unknown mechanisms in regulatory networks. The plant hormones abscisic acid (ABA) and auxin are involved in vegetative, developmental and environmental growth responses, including cell division and elongation, vascular tissue differentiation and stress adaptation. The uidA (-glucuronidase; GUS) reporter gene driven by the carrot (Daucus carota) late embryogenesis-abundant Dc3 promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings is ABA-inducible in the root zone of elongation and vasculature. We show here that the ABA-insensitive2-1 mutation (abi2) reduces ABA-inducible Dc3-GUS expression in these root tissues. Dc3-GUS expression is also induced in root cortex cells by indole-3-acetic acid. We mutagenized, with ethyl methane sulfonate, 5100 M1 abi2/abi2 homozygous plants of a line that carries two independent Dc3-GUS reporter genes and screened M2 clonal lines for ABA-inducible Dc3-GUS expression in roots. We isolated two novel single-gene nuclear mutants, harlequin (hlq) and short blue root (sbr), that ectopically express Dc3-GUS in roots and have pleiotropic effects on morphogenesis. The hlq mutant expresses Dc3-GUS in a checkered pattern in epidermis of roots and hypocotyls, accumulates callose and has deformed and collapsed epidermal cells and abnormal and reduced root hairs and leaf trichomes. It (hlq) is also dwarfed, skotomorphogenic and sterile. The sbr mutant is a seedling-lethal dwarf that over-expresses Dc3-GUS in the root and has radially swollen epidermal cells in the root and hypocotyl, supernumerary cell number in the root cortex and epidermis, abnormal vasculature, and abnormal epidermal cell patterning in cotyledons and leaves. It (sbr) also exhibits a semidominant root phenotype of reduced growth and lateral root initiation. The hlq and sbr mutants are not rescued by exogenous application of plant growth regulators. The hlqand sbr mutants do not require the abi2-1 mutant gene for their phenotypes and map to chromosome III and I, respectively. Further characterization of the hlq and sbr phenotypes and genes may provide insights into the relationship of hormone- and stress-regulated gene expression to morphogenesis and plant growth.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: The recent explosion of interest in mining the biomedical literature for associations between defined entities such as genes, diseases and drugs has made apparent the need for robust methods of identifying occurrences of these entities in biomedical text. Such concept-based indexing is strongly dependent on the availability of a comprehensive ontology or lexicon of biomedical terms. However, such ontologies are very difficult and expensive to construct, and often require extensive manual curation to render them suitable for use by automatic indexing programs. Furthermore, the use of statistically salient noun phrases as surrogates for curated terminology is not without difficulties, due to the lack of high-quality part-of-speech taggers specific to medical nomenclature. RESULTS: We describe a method of improving the quality of automatically extracted noun phrases by employing prior knowledge during the HMM training procedure for the tagger. This enhancement, when combined with appropriate training data, can greatly improve the quality and relevance of the extracted phrases, thereby enabling greater accuracy in downstream literature mining tasks.  相似文献   
Dry mature seeds of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L., DC.) (WB) contain several proteinase inhibitors. Two-dimensional gel analysis of WB seed protein followed by activity visualization using a gel-X-ray film contact print technique revealed at least 14 trypsin inhibitors (TIs) in the range of 28-6 kD. A total of seven inhibitors (WBTI-1 to 7) were purified by heat treatment and gel filtration followed by elution from preparative native gels. Based on their biochemical characterization such as molecular mass, pI, heat stability, and susceptibility to inactivation by reducing agents, WBTI-1 to 4 are Kunitz type inhibitors while WBTI-5 to 7 are classified as Bowman-Birk type serine proteinase inhibitors. Although Kunitz type TIs (20-24 kD) of WB have been reported, the smaller TIs that belong to the Bowman-Birk type have not been previously characterized. Seven major TIs isolated from WB seed were individually assessed for their potential to inhibit the gut proteinases (HGP) of Helicoverpa armigera, a pest of several economically important crops, which produces at least six major and several minor trypsin/chymotrypsin/elastase-like serine proteinases in the gut. WBTI-1 (28 kD) was identified as a potent inhibitor of HGP relative to trypsin and among the other WBTIs; it inhibited 94% of HGP activity while at the same concentration it inhibited only 22% of trypsin activity. WBTI-2 (24 kD) and WBTI-4 (20 kD) inhibited HGP activity greater than 85%. WBTI-3,-5,-6 and-7 showed limited inhibition of HGP as compared with trypsin. These results indicate that WBTIs have different binding potentials towards HGP although most of the HGP activity is trypsin-like. We also developed a simple and versatile method for identifying and purifying proteinase inhibitors after two-dimensional separation using the gel-X-ray film contact print technique.  相似文献   
The use of high-throughput DNA sequencing and proteomic methods has led to an unprecedented increase in the amount of genomic and proteomic data. Application of computing technologies and development of computational tools to analyze and present these data has not kept pace with the accumulation of information. Here, we discuss the use of different database systems to store biological information and mention some of the key emerging computing technologies that are likely to have a key role in the future of bioinformatics.  相似文献   
Radioprotective activity of a polysaccharide preparation from the Indian medicinal plant. Tinospora cordifolia Miers has been established using Saccharomyces cerevisiae X2180 strain as the in vivo test model. The entire activity could be attributed to the radical scavenging capacity of the preparation, as it did not enhance the expression of the protective enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase in the yeast cells.  相似文献   
Mutations and/or overexpression of various transporters are known to confer drug resistance in a variety of organisms. In the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, a homologue of P-glycoprotein, PfMDR1, has been implicated in responses to chloroquine (CQ), quinine (QN) and other drugs, and a putative transporter, PfCRT, was recently demonstrated to be the key molecule in CQ resistance. However, other unknown molecules are probably involved, as different parasite clones carrying the same pfcrt and pfmdr1 alleles show a wide range of quantitative responses to CQ and QN. Such molecules may contribute to increasing incidences of QN treatment failure, the molecular basis of which is not understood. To identify additional genes involved in parasite CQ and QN responses, we assayed the in vitro susceptibilities of 97 culture-adapted cloned isolates to CQ and QN and searched for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA encoding 49 putative transporters (total 113 kb) and in 39 housekeeping genes that acted as negative controls. SNPs in 11 of the putative transporter genes, including pfcrt and pfmdr1, showed significant associations with decreased sensitivity to CQ and/or QN in P. falciparum. Significant linkage disequilibria within and between these genes were also detected, suggesting interactions among the transporter genes. This study provides specific leads for better understanding of complex drug resistances in malaria parasites.  相似文献   
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