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Biological Trace Element Research - We report the final part of our “on-line yield” pilot program in this article. This last part deals with aspects of accuracy and precision of the...  相似文献   
Mature larvae of Antheraea assamensis were collected from different locations of Assam to isolate the cellulolytic gut microflora. Altogether sixty cellulase degrading bacteria were isolated on agar plates containing microcrystalline cellulose as the sole carbon source. Among them, ten isolates showed hydrolyzing zone on agar plates containing carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) after staining with Congo-red. Isolate MGB05 exhibited the highest CMCase activity (0.262?U/mL) at 72?h of incubation under submerged condition. FPase and β-glucosidase activity were 0.012?U/mL and 3.71?U/mL respectively. It showed maximum FPase (0.022?U/mL) activity on the 3rd day of incubation in the media containing wheat bran as a carbon source. β-glucosidase production was also found to be highest with wheat bran (20.03?U/mL) at 48?h of incubation. The optimum pH and temperature of FPase activity of MGB05 were found at 6.0 and 50?°C respectively while for β-glucosidase activity, it was maximum at pH?6.0 under 50?°C. In addition, metal ion Mg++ and Ca++ enhanced FPase activity up to 110.92% (0.026?U/mL) and 105.31% (0.025?U/mL) respectively. In-vitro antimicrobial bioassay of the most potent cellulolytic bacteria (MGB05) also showed high antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (2.9?cm) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3.0?cm). The isolate MGB05 has been identified based on 16S rDNA homology as Bacillus pumilus MGB05 with accession KP298708.2. Results encompass the prospective beneficial role of gut-microflora on digestion and disease resistance, which might be a potential probiotic component to enhance silk productivity.  相似文献   
The present investigation deals with the effect of calcination temperature on the structural and thermoluminescent (TL) properties of Zn2SiO4 materials. For this study, Zn2SiO4 was prepared via a simple hydrothermal route and calcinated at temperatures from 700°C to 1100°C in an air atmosphere. TL data of all Zn2SiO4 samples showed two peaks at around 240°C and 330°C due to the formation of the luminescence centre during X-ray irradiation. More interestingly, the Zn2SiO4 sample calcinated at 900°C exhibited a shift in the TL peak (282°C and 354°C) with an optimal TL intensity attributed to its good crystallinity with a well-defined hexagonal plate-like morphology. X-ray-irradiated Zn2SiO4 samples calcinated at 900°C exhibited a high-temperature TL glow curve peak, suggesting that the present material could be used for high-temperature dosimetry applications.  相似文献   
FireStem2D, a software tool for predicting tree stem heating and injury in forest fires, is a physically-based, two-dimensional model of stem thermodynamics that results from heating at the bark surface. It builds on an earlier one-dimensional model (FireStem) and provides improved capabilities for predicting fire-induced mortality and injury before a fire occurs by resolving stem moisture loss, temperatures through the stem, degree of bark charring, and necrotic depth around the stem. We present the results of numerical parameterization and model evaluation experiments for FireStem2D that simulate laboratory stem-heating experiments of 52 tree sections from 25 trees. We also conducted a set of virtual sensitivity analysis experiments to test the effects of unevenness of heating around the stem and with aboveground height using data from two studies: a low-intensity surface fire and a more intense crown fire. The model allows for improved understanding and prediction of the effects of wildland fire on injury and mortality of trees of different species and sizes.  相似文献   


While the "widowhood effect" is well known, there is substantial heterogeneity in the magnitude of effects reported in different studies. We conducted a meta-analysis of widowhood and mortality, focusing on longitudinal studies with follow-up from the time of bereavement.

Methods and Findings

A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to calculate the overall relative risk (RR) for subsequent mortality among 2,263,888 subjects from 15 prospective cohort studies. We found a statistically significant positive association between widowhood and mortality, but the widowhood effect was stronger in the period earlier than six months since bereavement (overall RR = 1.41, 95% CI: 1.26, 1.57) compared to the effect after six months (overall RR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.18). Meta-regression showed that the widowhood effect was not different for those aged younger than 65 years compared to those older than 65 (P = 0.25). There was, however, a difference in the magnitude of the widowhood effect by gender; for women the RR was not statistically significantly different from the null (overall RR = 1.04, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.08), while it was for men (overall RR = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.18, 1.28).


The results suggest that further studies should focus more on the mechanisms that generate this association especially among men.  相似文献   
Cowpea miscellany group of rhizobia are generally broad host range. Transconjugants of these cowpea rhizobial isolates having nodABC-lacZ fusion were monitored for flavonoid/root exudate-induced activation of the nod genes in terms of β-galactosidase activity, thus determining the potential host range of the rhizobial isolates. Received: 17 November 1997 / Accepted: 23 December 1997  相似文献   
Actin is a key cytoskeletal protein with multiple roles in cellular processes such as polarized growth, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and cell migration. Actin is present in all eukaryotes as highly dynamic filamentous structures, such as linear cables and branched filaments. Detailed investigation of the molecular role of actin in various processes has been hampered due to the multifunctionality of the protein and the lack of alleles defective in specific processes. The actin cytoskeleton of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has been extensively characterized and contains structures analogous to those in other cell types. In this study, primarily with the view to uncover actin function in cytokinesis, we generated a large bank of fission yeast actin mutants that affect the organization of distinct actin structures and/or discrete physiological functions of actin. Our screen identified 17 mutants with specific defects in cytokinesis. Some of these cytokinesis mutants helped in dissecting the function of specific actin structures during ring assembly. Further genetic analysis of some of these actin mutants revealed multiple genetic interactions with mutants previously known to affect the actomyosin ring assembly. We also characterize a mutant allele of actin that is suppressed upon overexpression of Cdc8p-tropomyosin, underscoring the utility of this mutant bank. Another 22 mutant alleles, defective in polarized growth and/or other functions of actin obtained from this screen, are also described in this article. This mutant bank should be a valuable resource to study the physiological and biochemical functions of actin.  相似文献   
Diplorickettsia massiliensis is a gammaproteobacterium in the order Legionellales and an agent of tick-borne infection. We sequenced the genome from strain 20B, isolated from an Ixodes ricinus tick. The genome consists of a 1,727,973-bp chromosome but no plasmid and includes 2,269 protein-coding genes and 42 RNA genes, including 3 rRNA genes.  相似文献   
The modulating effect of curcumin and ferulic acid was investigated on expression pattern of apoptosis regulatory p53 and bcl-2 proteins in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The OSCC was induced in the buccal pouch of golden Syrian hamster by painting with 0.5% 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) three-times a week for 14 weeks. The expression pattern of p53 and bcl-2 proteins was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining. We noticed 100% tumor formation in hamsters painted with DMBA alone for 14 weeks. Overexpression of p53 and bcl-2 proteins was observed in the buccal mucosa of tumor-bearing hamsters. Oral administration of curcumin (80 mg/kg body wt) and ferulic acid (40 mg/kg body wt) to DMBA painted hamsters on days alternate to DMBA painting for 14 weeks completely inhibited tumor formation and down-regulated the expression pattern of p53 and bcl-2 proteins. Our results thus demonstrated the protective role of curcumin and ferulic acid on DMBA-induced abnormal expression of p53 and bcl-2 proteins in the buccal mucosa of golden Syrian hamsters.  相似文献   
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