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The system of organizational and prophylactic measures, carried out with a view to prevent epidemiological aggravations in connection with the natural calamity in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in 2003, is described. Proposals on the improvement of the system of preventive measures, including the monitoring of the epidemiological, sanitary and hygienic situation, personnel training, technical provision, the cooperation of different services and departments, capable of ensuring the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations of the natural character, are made.  相似文献   
The typing of S. aureus methicillin-resistant strains, isolated in different hospitals of Moscow; was carried out with the use of three collections of phages: the International Set of Phages; the set of phages of the International Center of S. aureus phage typing in London (L); and the experimental collection of phages of the Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow (M). In this study made with the use of both the phages of the International Diagnostic Set and phages L in the standard typing dose of 1 TP about 6% of the cultures under study proved to be sensitive. When the typing dose was increased to 100 TP the phages of the international diagnostic set lyzed 75.5% of the cultures. The typed strains were found to belong to phage types 77 (71.7%), 77/84/85 (19.6%) and 94/96 (6.5%). At a concentration of 100 TP phages L lyzed 83.7% of the cultures, but the dominating phage types could not be determined due to a great variety of phage markers. In contrast to the two preceding collections, the third phage collection M was composed in such a way that in the study of the investigated culture the specificity of its restriction modification was primarily evaluated and only then the presence of antiphage immunity was determined. This latter collection was used in the evaluation of 93.1% of the cultures. By the specificity of their restriction specification system the majority of them were classified with two new groups, heretofore not described. Only this collection M made it possible to differentiate epidemic and sporadic strains and to evaluate the epidemic situation in all 6 hospitals.  相似文献   
The data on leptospirosis morbidity in the Krasnodar Territory, one of the most epidemiologically unsafe areas in this infectious disease in the Russian Federation, are presented. High morbidity registered in this territory greatly depends on the epidemic outbreaks appearing due to defects in the realization of a complex of sanitary and veterinary measures. The Krasnodar Territory is liable to be affected by natural calamities. In 1997 a severe outbreak of leptospirosis took place here in connection with the high flood. Due to timely prophylactic measures the epidemiological consequencies of the similar calamity occurring in 2002 were brought to a minimum.  相似文献   
In 75 female residents of Vladikavkaz, aged 18-45 years, who had applied to the gynecological department with complaints of vaginal discharge, the qualitative and quantitative composition of vaginal microflora was studied. All these women were divided into 2 groups: group 1 including 38 women living in ecologically unfavorable districts of the city and group 2 including 37 women living under ecologically favorable conditions. The relationship between the ecological situation of the districts of residence and vaginal microflora in women of the reproductive age was established. Unfavorable exogenous factors were found to lead to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis: a sharp decrease in the amount of lactoflora or its complete absence accompanied by increased amount of staphylococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.  相似文献   
In our work the new proteins likely belonged to the microenvironment of pigmented epithelium cells and retinal neurons in mammalian eye were studied. We attempted to understand the role of these proteins in the maintenance of normal morphological and functional state of these eye tissues. Earlier for the first time we identified the adhesion molecules with physico-chemical and biological properties much different from other known cell adhesion molecules of bovine eye. Probably, they represent one family of low molecular weigh, highly glicosylated proteins, that express biological activity in extremely low doses--10(-10) mg/ml. The homogeneity of studying proteins is confirmed by HPLC and SDS-electrophoresis in PAAG. It is shown also that these proteins are N-glycosylated, because they contain mannose and N-acetilglucosamine residues. They demonstrate as well a high calcium-binding activity, with Kd corresponded to 10(-4)-10(-6) mg/ml. For a study of the biological effect of these glycoproteins in extremely low doses, a new experimental model was proposed and developed. It was the cultivation in vitro of the posterior part of the eye obtained from the newt Pleurodeles waltl. In short-time culture system it was demonstrated that the studied glycoproteins could stabilize pigment epithelium cell differentiation and cellular interactions in the neural retina in vitro. In addition, glycoproteins, obtained from the pigmented epithelium of bovine eye could decrease the rate of bipolar cell apoptosis in the neural retina. Therefore, the novel adhesion glycoproteins, expressing their biological activity in extremely low doses, pretend to be the regulatory molecules with vivid gomeostatic effects necessary for the delicate adjustment of cell behavior action and function in sensory tissues.  相似文献   
The study of the growth of the yeasts Rhodotorula rubra, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Debaryomyces vanriji at elevated temperatures and their survival after transient lethal heat shock showed that the ability of these yeasts to grow at supraoptimal temperatures (i.e., their thermoresistance) and their ability to tolerate lethal heat shocks (i.e., their thermotolerance) are determined by different mechanisms. The thermotolerance of the yeasts is suggested to be mainly determined by the division rate of cells before their exposure to heat shock.  相似文献   
The biochemical mechanisms were studied that determine different reactions of yeasts of different genera to two simultaneously imposed stressors, hypoxia and osmotic shock. For Candida lipolytica, these two stressors were antagonistic, which resulted in stimulation of yeast growth by NaCl (in a wide range of concentrations) under microaerobic conditions. The reaction of Malassezia sp. was different: the degree of halotolerance of this microorganism was lower under microaerobic conditions. An intervening reaction pattern was characteristic of Rhodotorula aurantiaca. These differences were found to be determined, above all, by the induction of a salt-resistant respiratory system (oxidase) in Candida lipolytica, which could not be induced in Malassezia sp. In addition, the synthesis of catalase was enhanced in Candida lipolytica, which provided for neutralization of the active forms of oxygen accumulating as a result of inhibition of other protective enzymes by salt.  相似文献   
The investigation of the effect of the cytochrome oxidase inhibitors sodium cyanide and sodium azide on the thermotolerance of the yeasts Rhodotorula rubra, Debaryomyces vanriji, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that these inhibitors diminish the thermotolerance of R. rubra and D. vanriji, but do not affect the thermotolerance of S. cerevisiae. Taking into account the fact that, unlike the latter yeast, R. rubra and D. vanriji are nonfermentative yeasts, the difference in the effects of the inhibitors on the yeast thermotolerance can be readily explained by the different types of glucose utilization (either oxidative or fermentative) in these yeasts. The data obtained also provide evidence that there is a correlation between the functional activity of mitochondria and the thermotolerance of yeast cells.  相似文献   
A novel procedure was developed for direct quantitative isolation of microbial DNA from soil. This technique was used to evaluate microbial DNA pools in soils of contrasting types (chernozems and brown forest soils) under different anthropogenic loads. A strong correlation was found between microbial biomass and DNA contents in soils of different types (R2 = 0.799). The ratio of soil CO2 emission rate to the amount of extractable DNA in the soil was shown to reflect physiological state of the soil microbial community; this ratio can be used as an ecophysiological parameter similarly to the metabolic quotient qCO2.  相似文献   
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