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The use of electromyographic signals in the modeling of muscle forces and joint loads requires an assumption of the relationship between EMG and muscle force. This relationship has been studied for the trunk musculature and been shown to be predominantly non-linear, with more EMG producing less torque output at higher levels of activation. However, agonist-antagonist muscle co-activation is often substantial during trunk exertions, yet has not been adequately accounted for in determining such relationships. The purpose of this study was to revisit the EMG-moment relationship of the trunk recognizing the additional moment requirements necessitated due to antagonist muscle activity. Eight participants generated a series of isometric ramped trunk flexor and extensor moment contractions. EMG was recorded from 14 torso muscles, and the externally resisted moment was calculated. Agonist muscle moments (either flexor or extensor) were estimated from an anatomically detailed biomechanical model of the spine and fit to: the externally calculated moment alone; the externally calculated moment combined with the antagonist muscle moment. When antagonist activity was ignored, the EMG-moment relationship was found to be non-linear, similar to previous work. However, when accounting for the additional muscle torque generated by the antagonist muscle groups, the relationships became, in three of the four conditions, more linear. Therefore, it was concluded that antagonist muscle co-activation must be included when determining the EMG-moment relationship of trunk muscles and that previous impressions of non-linear EMG-force relationships should be revisited.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that, in esophageal squamous epithelial cells, there are differences among individuals in the signal transduction pathways activated by acid reflux that might underlie the development of Barrett's esophagus. To explore that hypothesis, we immortalized nonneoplastic, esophageal squamous cells from patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with (NES-B3T) and without (NES-G2T) Barrett's esophagus and used those cells to study acid effects on MAPK proteins. During endoscopy in patients with GERD with and without Barrett's esophagus, we took biopsy specimens from the distal squamous esophagus to study MAPK proteins before and after esophageal perfusion with 0.1 N HCl. We used immunoblotting and Western blotting to study MEK1/2 phosphorylation at two activating sites (serines 217/221), MEK1 phosphorylation at an inhibitory site (threonine 286), and MEK1/2 activity. After acid exposure, both cell lines exhibited increased MEK1/2 phosphorylation at the activating sites; the NES-B3T cells had higher levels of MEK1 phosphorylation at the inhibitory site, however, and only the NES-G2T cells showed an acid-induced increase in MEK1/2 activity. Similarly, in the squamous epithelium of patients with GERD with and without Barrett's esophagus, acid perfusion increased MEK1/2 phosphorylation at the activating sites in both patient groups; the Barrett's patients had higher levels of MEK1 phosphorylation at the inhibitory site, however, and only the patients without Barrett's demonstrated an acid-induced increase in ERK1/2 phosphorylation. In esophageal squamous cell lines and biopsies from patients with GERD with and without Barrett's esophagus, we have found differences in MAPK pathways activated by acid exposure. We speculate that these differences might underlie the development of Barrett's metaplasia.  相似文献   
Huntington's disease (HD) is a tremendously debilitating disorder that strikes relatively young individuals and progresses rapidly over the next ten to fifteen years inducing a loss of cognitive and motor skills and eventually death occurs. The primary locus of the disorder is a polyglutamine expansion of the protein product of the huntingtin (htt) gene. The htt protein appears to be a scaffolding protein that orchestrates the complex assembly of multiple intracellular proteins involved in multiple processes, including vesicular movement and cell metabolism. The htt protein is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues but the predominance of the interest in the pathology lies in its effects on the central nervous system (CNS). Most of the current therapeutics for HD thus have been targeted at preventing neuronal damage in the CNS, however, a considerable body of evidence has been accumulating to suggest that the maintenance of a healthy nervous system is tightly linked with peripheral physiological health. Therefore treatment of both the peripheral and central pathophysiologies of HD could form the basis of a more effective HD therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
Arginine257 (R257), in the de-helix that caps the Q(B) site of the D1 protein, has been shown by mutational studies to play a key role in the sensitivity of Photosystem II (PS II) to bicarbonate-reversible binding of the formate anion. In this article, the role of this residue has been further investigated through D1 mutations (R257E, R257Q, and R257K) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We have investigated the activity of the Q(B) site by studying differences from wild type on the steady-state turnover of PS II, as assayed through chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence yield decay after flash excitation. The effects of p-benzoquinone (BQ, which oxidizes reduced Q(B), Q(B)(-) ) and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU, which blocks electron flow from Q(A)(-) to Q(B)) were measured. The equilibrium constants of the two-electron gate were obtained through thermoluminescence measurements. The thermoluminescence properties were changed in the mutants, especially when observed after pretreatment with 100 microM BQ. A theoretical analysis of the thermoluminescence data, based mainly on the recombination pathways model of Rappaport et al. (2005), led to the conclusion that the free-energy difference for the recombination of Q(B)(-) with S(2) was reduced by 20-40 mV in the three mutants (D1-R257K, D1-R257Q, and D1-R257E); this was interpreted to be due to a lowering of the redox potential of Q(B)/Q(B)(-). Further, since the recombination of Q(A)(-) with S(2) was unaffected, we suggest that no significant change in redox potential of Q(A)/Q(A)(-) occurred in these three mutants. The maximum variable Chl a fluorescence yield is lowered in the mutants, in the order R257K > R257Q > R257E, compared to wild type. Our analysis of the binary oscillations in Chl a fluorescence following pretreatment of cells with BQ showed that turnover of the Q(B) site was relatively unaffected in the three mutants. The mutant D1-R257E had the lowest growth rate and steady-state activity and showed the weakest binary oscillations. We conclude that the size and the charge of the amino acid at the position D1-257 play a role in PS II function by modulating the effective redox potential of the Q(B)/Q(B)(-) pair. We discuss an indirect mechanism mediated through electrostatic and/or surface charge effects and the possibility of more pleiotropic effects arising from decreased stability of the D1/D2 and D1/CP47 interfaces.  相似文献   
CcmH functions in the assembly of c-type cytochromes in the Escherichia coli periplasm. The conserved cysteine pair in the N-terminal of its two membrane-anchored periplasmic domains is thought to reduce the CXXCH motif of cytochromes c. The recent structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa CcmH identified conserved residues that might be functionally important. We replaced with alanine the active-site cysteines of E. coli CcmH, as well as R42, S54, R63, and tested the effects on cytochrome c production anaerobically and aerobically. Unexpectedly, replacement of the conserved non-cysteine active-site residues had little effect, whilst the cysteines were required under aerobic, but not anaerobic, conditions. We confirmed that removal of the C-terminal tetratricopeptide-like domain does not, surprisingly, abolish assembly of cytochromes c.  相似文献   
To employ 16S rDNA PCR and automated sequencing techniques to identify a collection of bacterial veterinary pathogens from avian, equine, canine and ovine sources, that have proven difficult to identify, employing conventional cultural techniques. Universal or “broad-range” eubacterial PCR was performed on a collection of 46 difficult-to-identify bacterial isolates originating from clinical veterinary specimens. 16S rDNA PCR was performed using two sets of universal primers to successfully generate a composite amplicon of 1,068 bp, which was sequenced to obtain each isolate’s identity. Sequence analysis was able to identify all isolates examined with relative ease. Where the use of molecular identification methods is justified, such as in outbreak control or bioterrorism in animal health, employment of partial 16S rDNA PCR and sequencing employing universal or “broad-range” 16S rDNA, provides a valuable and reliable method of identification of such pathogens.  相似文献   
Whether the main energy source for sperm motility is from oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis has been long-debated in the field of reproductive biology. Using the rhesus monkey as a model, we examined the role of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in sperm function by using alpha-chlorohydrin (ACH), a glycolysis inhibitor, and pentachlorophenol (PCP), an oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler. Sperm treated with ACH showed no change in percentage of motile sperm, although sperm motion was impaired. The ACH-treated sperm did not display either hyperactivity- or hyperactivation-associated changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. When treated with PCP, sperm motion parameters were affected by the highest level of PCP (200 microM); however, PCP did not cause motility impairments even after chemical activation. Sperm treated with PCP were able to display hyperactivity and tyrosine phosphorylation after chemical activation. In contrast with motility measurements, treatment with either the glycolytic inhibitor or the oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor did not affect sperm-zona binding and zona-induced acrosome reaction. The results suggest glycolysis is essential to support sperm motility, hyperactivity, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, while energy from oxidative phosphorylation is not necessary for hyperactivated sperm motility, tyrosine phosphorylation, sperm-zona binding, and acrosome reaction in the rhesus macaque.  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Precocious flowering in apple trees is often associated witha smaller tree size. The hypothesis was tested that floral evocationin axillary buds, induced by dwarfing rootstocks, reduces thevigour of annual shoots developing from these buds comparedwith shoots developing from vegetative buds. Methods: The experimental system provided a wide range of possible treevigour using ‘Royal Gala’ scions and M.9 (dwarfing)and MM.106 (non-dwarfing) as rootstocks and interstocks. Second-yearannual shoots were divided into growth units corresponding toperiods (flushes) of growth namely, vegetative spur, extensiongrowth unit, uninterrupted growth unit, floral growth unit (bourse)and extended bourse. The differences between the floral andvegetative shoots were quantified by the constituent growthunits produced. Key Results: The dwarfing influence was expressed, firstly, in reduced proportionsof shoots that contained at least one extension growth unitand secondly, in reduced proportions of bicyclic shoots (containingtwo extension growth units) and shoots with an uninterruptedgrowth unit. In treatments where floral shoots were present,they were markedly less vigorous than vegetative shoots withrespect to both measures. In treatments with M.9 rootstock,vegetative and floral shoots produced on average 0·52and 0·17 extension growth units, compared with 0·77extension growth units per shoot in the MM.106 rootstock treatment.Remarkably, the number of nodes per extension growth unit wasnot affected by the rootstock/interstock treatments. Conclusions: These results showed that rootstocks/interstocks affect thetype of growth units produced during the annual growth cycle,reducing the number of extension growth units, thus affectingthe composition and vigour of annual shoots. This effect isparticularly amplified by the transition to flowering inducedby dwarfing rootstocks. The division of annual shoot into growthunits will also be useful for measuring and modelling effectsof age on apple tree architecture.  相似文献   
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