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There are too many kinds of organisms to be able to study and manage each, yet the loss of a single species can sometimes unravel an ecosystem. Such `fusewire species'– critical in the same sense that an electrical fuse can cut out a whole circuit – would be a rewarding focus for research and management effort. However, this approach can only be effective if these `fusewires' represent but a small proportion of the number of species in the system.  


To demonstrate methods for measuring what proportion of the species in a system are critical to ecosystem function.  


The prevalence of fusewire species was measured in manipulative experiments on an aquatic microcosm.  


No single genus deletion caused changes in key characteristics of the system.  

Main conclusions

Comparison of these results with other published studies shows that the proportion of critical fusewire species varies amongst different ecosystems. The oxidation pond microcosms were shown to contain no single species indispensable to system function. They appear to be ill-suited to a management strategy which focuses on priority eukaryote species. However, a single study provides no evidence that this result is general or even typical of other kinds of ecosystems; it is presented here as an empirical model. Other methods of investigation are available; they are less experimentally rigorous but more practical. These could provide important guidance in planning an approach to management in a particular ecosystem.  相似文献   
Growth of Anabaena sp. strain 7120 (in the absence of chelators or added iron) was inhibited by the addition of 2.1 to 6.5 microM copper and was abolished by copper concentration of 10 microM or higher. When the copper was chelated to schizokinen (the siderophore produced by this organism in response to iron starvation), the toxic effects were eliminated. Analysis of culture filtrates showed that the cupric schizokinen remains in the medium, thereby lowering the amount of copper taken up by the cells. Although this organism actively transports ferric schizokinen, it apparently does not recognize the cupric complex. Thus, Anabaena sp. is protected from copper toxicity under conditions in which siderophore is being produced. For cells grown in low iron, the accumulation of extracellular schizokinen was observed to parallel cell growth and continue well into stationary phase. The actual iron status of the organism was monitored by using iron uptake velocity as an assay. Cultures grown on 0.1 microM added iron were found to be severely iron limited upon reaching stationary phase, thus explaining the continued production of schizokinen. These data show that the siderophore system in Anabaena spp. has developed primarily as a response to iron starvation and that additional functions such as alleviation of copper toxicity or allelopathic inhibition of other algal species are merely secondary benefits.  相似文献   
Erythrocyte ghosts, prepared from the blood of rats fed zinc-deficient diets, were evaluated for membrane fluidity and surface sialic acid properties using spin-labeled probes and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. These physical parameters of the erythrocyte ghosts from the zinc-deficient group were compared to those for erythrocyte ghosts obtained from ad libitum and pair fed controls consuming zinc-adequate diets. As the animals became progressively zinc deficient, the erythrocyte ghost membranes became more fluid than those from the control groups. In addition, the apparent rotational correlation time of Tempamine spin probes on surface sialic acid residues was smaller for the zinc deficient group, indicative of an increased rotational mobility of the spin label. These results suggest that zinc deficiency can have pronounced effects on the physical state of membrane bilayer lipids and cell surface carbohydrates and supports the view that many of the pathological signs of zinc deficiency are due to a general membrane defect.  相似文献   
Synthetic DNAs were prepared containing 6-methyl adenine (m6A) in place of adenine and 5-ethyl uracil (Et5U) or 5-methoxymethyl uracil (Mm5U) in place of thymine. All three modifications destabilized duplex DNAs to varying degrees. The binding of ethidium was studied to analogues of poly[d(AT)]. There was no evidence of cooperative binding and the "neighbour exclusion rule" was obeyed in all cases although the binding constant to poly[d(m6AT)] was approximately 6 fold higher than to poly[d(AT)]. 31P NMR spectra were recorded in increasing concentrations of CsF. Poly[d(AEt5U)] showed two well-resolved signals separated by 0.55 ppm in 1 M CsF compared to 0.32 ppm for poly[d(AT)] under identical conditions. In contrast, poly[d(AMm5U)] and poly[d(m6AT)] showed two signals separated by 0.28 ppm and 0.15 ppm respectively, only when the concentration of CsF was raised to 2 M. The signals for poly[d(AT)] in 2 M CsF were better resolved and were separated by 0.41 ppm. These results suggest that minor modifications to the bases may have conformational effects which could be recognized by DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Rhodobacter capsulatus strain BK5 possesses a membrane bound respiratory nitrate reductase rather than the periplasmic enzyme found in other strains. The enzyme in strain BK5 is shown to be both functionally and structurally related to the nitrate reductase of Paracoccus denitrificans and Escherichia coli.Abbreviation TMAO trimethylamine-N-oxide  相似文献   
The growth rate of a population of Euphausia lucens from thewest coast of South Africa was estimated from laboratory studiesand from monthly size-frequency distributions of samples collectedover a 1-year period. Laboratory studies indicated that growthrates ranged from 0.131 (larvae) to 0.047 mm day–1 (juveniles),while size-frequency distributions suggested a growth rate of{small tilde}0.026 mm day–1 for the adults. The mean annualbiomass from the inshore, intermediate and offshore regionsranged from 9.75 to 47.29 mg dry wt m–3 with the highestbiomass being found in the inshore region. Calyptopis larvaewere present for most months of the year, indicating continuousrecrwtment. The relative contribution of flesh, moults and eggsto the total annual production was estimated separately forall three regions. Production due to growth (Pg) was estimatedto be 92.71–185.60 mg dry wt m–3 year–1, whileexuviai production (Pe) varied between 60.01 and 281.38 mg drywt m year Production of eggs (Pr) was estimated to range from5.07 to 12.39 mg dry wt m year the lowest value being obtainedin the inshore region. Moult production represented {small tilde}6times the mean biomass in each region, while the P/B ratio forflesh production varied from 3.92 to 8.91, the highest ratiobeing obtained in the offshore region. Total P/B ratios rangedfrom 10.14 to 16.01.  相似文献   
The potential of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) roots for net NO 3 - absorption increased two-to five fold within 2 d of being deprived of NO 3 - supply. Nitrogen-starved barley roots continued to maintain a high potential for NO 3 - absorption, whereas NO 3 - absorption by tomato roots declined below control levels after 10 d of N starvation. When placed in a 0.2 mM NO 3 - solution, roots of both species transported more NO 3 - and total solutes to the xylem after 2 d of N starvation than did N-sufficient controls. However, replenishment of root NO 3 - stores took precedence over NO 3 - transport to the xylem. Consequently, as N stress became more severe, transport of NO 3 - and total solutes to the xylem declined, relative to controls. Nitrogen stress caused an increase in hydraulic conductance (L p) and exudate volume (J v) in barley but decrased these parameters in tomato. Nitrogen stress had no significant effect upon abscisic acid (ABA) levels in roots of barley or flacca (a low-ABA mutant) tomato, but prevented an agerelated decline in ABA in wild-type tomato roots. Applied ABA had the same effect upon barley and upon the wild type and flacca tomatoes: L p and J v were increased, but NO 3 - absorption and NO 3 - flux to the xylem were either unaffected or sometimes inhibited. We conclude that ABA is not directly involved in the normal changes in NO 3 - absorption and transport that occur with N stress in barley and tomato, because (1) the root ABA level was either unaffected by N stress (barley and flacca tomato) or changed, after the greatest changes in NO 3 - absorption and transport and L p had been observed (wild-type tomato); (2) changes in NO 3 - absorption/transport characteristics either did not respond to applied ABA, or, if they did, they changed in the direction opposite to that predicted from changes in root ABA with N stress; and (3) the flacca tomato (which produces very little ABA in response to N stress) responded to N stress with very similar changes in NO 3 - transport to those observed in the wild type.Abbreviation and symbols ABA abscisic acid - Jv exudate volume - Lp root hydraulic conductance  相似文献   
An experimental protocol designed to assess fatigability in motor units has been applied to two hindlimb muscles of anesthetized adult rats to study the effects of whole-muscle fatigue on the isometric twitch. Both soleus and extensor digitorum longus exhibited a linear relationship between fatigability (i.e., force decline after a 360-s fatigue test) and the magnitude of the twitch force following the fatigue test. Twitch force after the fatigue test was potentiated (i.e., greater than the value before the fatigue test) in many muscles, despite the development of considerable fatigue. This coexistence of fatigue and twitch potentiation was observed in 7% (5/70) of soleus and 48% (31/64) of extensor digitorum longus muscles. The coexistence was exhibited only by the least fatigable muscles of the fast-contracting extensor digitorum longus. The extensor digitorum longus muscles that did not exhibit twitch potentiation probably experienced a higher proportion of muscle-fiber inactivation, such as due to failure of neuromuscular propagation, that was induced by the fatigue regimen.  相似文献   
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