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Genetic structure of juvenile fish from the populations of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar inhabiting the rivers of Murmansk oblast, Arkhangelsk oblast, and Karelia, as well as of juveniles from hatcheries was examined at five allozymic loci: aspartate aminotransferase (AAT-4*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDHP-3*), iditol dehydrogenase (IDDH-2*), esterase D (ESTD*), and malic enzyme (MEP-2*). High genetic differentiation of both natural and "hatchery" juvenile fish was revealed. It was demonstrated that the gene pool of juveniles at three of the five loci tested was to a considerable degree formed by natural selection. In this case, the role of limiting factor was played by the duration of critical temperature regime in the rivers. The differentiation factors for juveniles from nature were not established, however, their clusterization pattern pointed to a possible role of natural selection in this process.  相似文献   
In the North of Europe two sister species of herring—the Atlantic Clupea harengus and Pacific Clupea pallasii have post-glacially come into secondary contact. Although the breeding areas of the two species are thought to be separate, previous genetic studies based on allozyme and mitochondrial DNA data have supported the existence of introgression from the Atlantic herring to the Pacific herring. In this study, we employed microsatellite markers to explore the extent of introgressive hybridization between these fishes. Bayesian methods for assigning individuals to populations and identifying admixture proportions were applied to the genetic data based on ten microsatellites. Results indicated that 18 out of 464 Pacific herring (3.88%) were likely admixed. Some of the hybrid individuals contained genotypes suggesting that introgressive hybridization is an ongoing process. Despite some admixture, the Atlantic and Pacific herring gene pools remain sharply distinct (the average proportions of membership to “Atlantic” and “Pacific” clusters were QA = 0.998 and QP = 0.974, respectively), suggesting that hybridization was not frequent. The discovery of introgression among herring species opens new questions about the mechanisms underlying the observed pattern of genetic population differentiation in the North European Pacific herring.  相似文献   
The morphological and biological characteristics of the unique isolated population of the Kildin cod that inhabit the relic Lake Mogilnoye (Kildin Island, Barents Sea) were studied using a complex of methods. This subpolar meromictic marine lake was formed more than 1000 years ago by a filtering pebble–stone bar that separated the lagoon from the Kildin Strait. The current status of the lake has been assessed. An analysis of the properties of the Lake Mogilnoye ecosystem, including assessment of this body of water and the role and features of various groups of organisms, has been performed for the first time by using a balance model of the ECOPATH type.  相似文献   
Comparative analysis of variability of seven microsatellite loci—Gmo3, Gmo-G12, Gmo-G18, Gmo19, Gmo34, Gmo35 and Pgmo32—was performed for the Greenland cod Gadus ogac, Pacific cod G. macrocephalus, Atlantic cod G. morhua, and White Sea cod G. morhua marisalbi. High genetic identity was observed between the Greenland cod and Pacific cod (I = 0.9520). Pair analysis of genetic differentiation was performed on the studied microsatellite loci according to θ (analogue of F ST). The Greenland cod differed significantly from the Pacific, Atlantic, and the White Sea cod; however, the differentiation level varied. The lowest value was observed for the pair Greenland cod-Pacific cod (0.123), and the highest levels were registered for the pairs Greenland cod-Atlantic cod (0.605) and Greenland cod-White Sea cod (0.535).  相似文献   
The genetic diversity among spawning groups of herring from different parts of the White Sea was assessed using ten microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic with the expected heterozygosity estimates varying in the range of 12.7–94.1% (mean was 59.5%). The degree of genetic differentiation displayed by White Sea herring was statistically significant (θ = 2.03%). The level of pairwise genetic differentiation F ST was 0–0.085, and it was statistically significant in most of the comparison pairs between the herring samples. A hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed the statistically significant differentiation of White Sea herring. 96.59% genetic variation was found within the samples and 3.41% variation was found among the populations. The main component of interpopulation diversity (1.85%) falls at the differences between two ecological forms of herring, spring- and summer-spawning. Within the spring-spawning form, the presence of local stocks in Kandalaksha Bay, Onega Bay, and Dvina Bay was demonstrated.  相似文献   
The variability of the Gmo3, Gmo34, Gmo35, Pgmo32, Gmo19 microsatellite DNA loci was examined in the population samples of Pacific cod from different parts of the North Pacific Ocean. The statistical tests showed that the differentiation of the population was the result of different levels of reproductive autonomy of the individual Pacific cod populations, formed in the Pleistocene-Holocene period with the specific features of transgressions and regressions of the World Ocean, and supported by the existing system of currents and the features of the migratory behavior of cod in North Pacific.  相似文献   
Journal of Ichthyology - A comparative analysis of the biological and morphometric characteristics of the Pacific herring Clupea pallasii from different parts of the range, from the White Sea to...  相似文献   
Russian Journal of Genetics - We performed a population genetic analysis of 22 Pacific cod sample sets (n = 986) based on the mtDNA control region (599 bp) polymorphism, which made it possible to...  相似文献   
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