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Although confocal microscopy has typically been utilized in studies of fixed specimens, its potential for exploring dynamic processes in living cells is rapidly being realized. In this report, confocal laser scanning microscopy is used to analyze the calcium wave that occurs following fertilization in living sea urchin eggs microinjected with the calcium-sensitive fluorescent probes fluo-3 or calcium green. Time-lapse recordings of optical sections depicting calcium dynamics within the eggs are also subjected to volumetric reconstructions. Such analyses indicate that (1) cytoplasmic free calcium levels become elevated throughout the fertilized egg, (2) fertilization also causes the egg nucleus to undergo a transient increase in free calcium, and (3) normal cleavage can be obtained following time-lapse imaging of the calcium waves.  相似文献   
Direct inhibitory effects of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and interferon 2b (IFN2b) on six human bladder carcinoma cell lines, UCRU-BL-13, UCRU-BL-17, UCRU-BL-28, 5637, T24 and J82, were studied using an in vitro proliferation assay. Effects on proliferation following exposure to BCG or IFN2b were analysed by [3H]thymidine incorporation over 7 days. BCG had an antiproliferative effect on all bladder lines, while sensitivity to IFN2b varied greatly, being as remarkably low as 1 U/ml for some lines. The antiproliferative effect was greatest when cells were exposed continuously to either agent, but was still evident with a limited exposure. When clinical concentrations were simulated in vitro, BCG+IFN2b was more effective than BCG alone and as effective as a double BCG concentration. We conclude that, in addition to their immunomodulatory effects, BCG and IFN2b directly inhibit the proliferation of human bladder cancer cells, and often at extremely low concentrations.  相似文献   
The catalytic domains of murine Golgi alpha1,2-mannosidases IA and IB that are involved in N-glycan processing were expressed as secreted proteins in P.pastoris . Recombinant mannosidases IA and IB both required divalent cations for activity, were inhibited by deoxymannojirimycin and kifunensine, and exhibited similar catalytic constants using Manalpha1,2Manalpha-O-CH3as substrate. Mannosidase IA was purified as a 50 kDa catalytically active soluble fragment and shown to be an inverting glycosidase. Recombinant mannosidases IA and IB were used to cleave Man9GlcNAc and the isomers produced were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and proton-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Man9GlcNAc was rapidly cleaved by both enzymes to Man6GlcNAc, followed by a much slower conversion to Man5GlcNAc. The same isomers of Man7GlcNAc and Man6GlcNAc were produced by both enzymes but different isomers of Man8GlcNAc were formed. When Man8GlcNAc (Man8B isomer) was used as substrate, rapid conversion to Man5GlcNAc was observed, and the same oligosaccharide isomer intermediates were formed by both enzymes. These results combined with proton-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data demonstrate that it is the terminal alpha1, 2-mannose residue missing in the Man8B isomer that is cleaved from Man9GlcNAc at a much slower rate. When rat liver endoplasmic reticulum membrane extracts were incubated with Man9GlcNAc2, Man8GlcNAc2was the major product and Man8B was the major isomer. In contrast, rat liver Golgi membranes rapidly cleaved Man9GlcNAc2to Man6GlcNAc2and more slowly to Man5GlcNAc2. In this case all three isomers of Man8GlcNAc2were formed as intermediates, but a distinctive isomer, Man8A, was predominant. Antiserum to recombinant mannosidase IA immunoprecipitated an enzyme from Golgi extracts with the same specificity as recombinant mannosidase IA. These immunodepleted membranes were enriched in a Man9GlcNAc2to Man8GlcNAc2- cleaving activity forming predominantly the Man8B isomer. These results suggest that mannosidases IA and IB in Golgi membranes prefer the Man8B isomer generated by a complementary mannosidase that removes a single mannose from Man9GlcNAc2.   相似文献   
Stricker, S. A., Smythe, T. L., Miller, L. and Norenburg, J. L. 2001. Comparative biology of oogenesis in nemertean worms. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 213–230
In order to supplement previous analyses of oogenesis in nemertean worms, this study uses light and electron microscopy to compare the ovaries and oocytes in 16 species of nemerteans that represent various taxa within the phylum. Nemertean ovaries comprise serially repeated sacs with an ovarian wall that characteristically includes myofilament-containing cells interspersed among the germinal epithelium. Each oocyte can attach to the germinal epithelium by a vegetally situated stalk and resides in the ovarian lumen without being surrounded by follicle cells. In the ovary, oocytes arrest at prophase I of meiosis and contain a hypertrophied nucleus ('germinal vesicle') that often possesses multiple nucleoli. Intraovarian growth apparently involves an autosynthetic mode of yolk formation in most nemerteans and generates oocytes that measure ~60 µm to 1 mm. When fully developed, oocytes can be discharged through a short gonoduct and are either spawned freely or deposited within egg cases. In most species, oocytes released from the ovary possess extracellular coats and resume maturation by undergoing germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Such post-GVBD specimens also form a punctate endoplasmic reticulum that may facilitate fertilization and development.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli F18 receptor locus (ECF18R) has been genetically mapped to the halothane linkage group on porcine Chromosome (Chr) 6. In an attempt to obtain candidate genes for this locus, we isolated 5 cosmids containing the α(1,2)fucosyltransferase genes FUT1, FUT2, and the pseudogene FUT2P from a porcine genomic library. Mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization placed all these clones in band q11 of porcine Chr 6 (SSC6q11). Sequence analysis of the cosmids resulted in the characterization of an open reading frame (ORF), 1098 bp in length, that is 82.3% identical to the human FUT1 sequence; a second ORF, 1023 bp in length, 85% identical to the human FUT2 sequence; and a third FUT-like sequence thought to be a pseudogene. The FUT1 and FUT2 loci therefore seem to be the porcine equivalents of the human blood group H and Secretor loci. Direct sequencing of the two ORFs in swine being either susceptible or resistant to adhesion and colonization by F18 fimbriated Escherichia coli (ECF18) revealed two polymorphisms at bp 307 (M307) and bp 857 (M857) of the FUT1 ORF. Analysis of these mutations in 34 Swiss Landrace families with 221 progeny showed close linkage with the locus controlling resistance and susceptibility to E. coli F18 adhesion and colonization in the small intestine (ECF18R), and with the locus of the blood group inhibitor S. A high linkage disequilibrium of M307ECF18R in Large White pigs makes the M307 mutation a good marker for marker-assisted selection of E. coli F18 adhesion-resistant animals in this breed. Whether the FUT1 or possibly the FUT2 gene products are involved in the synthesis of carbohydrate structures responsible for bacterial adhesion remains to be determined. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 30 May 1997  相似文献   
Spermatogenesis has been analyzed by electronmicroscopy in eleven species of nemertean worms.Nemertean testes are serially repeated sacs thatcontain germ cells as well as somatic cells ofenigmatic function. In members of the class Enopla,intragonadal muscle cells and distinct clones ofdeveloping sperm are typically present in the testes,whereas such muscles and clones tend to be absent or lessconspicuous in species belonging to the class Anopla.During spermiogenesis, either a compact (5 µm long)or an elongate (6–40 µm long) sperm head develops, andan acrosome forms at the anterior end of the head. Themature spermatozoon of all benthic species examinedalso possesses a mitochondrial component and a tailconsisting of a single flagellum with a 9+2arrangement of microtubules. In the pelagic enoplanNectonemertes, however, numerous flagella occurin the testes but are rarely observed attached tosperm heads, owing either to poor preservation or thepossible sloughing of tails during spermatogenesis.The morphologies of the sperm produced by variousspecies seem to be related to the modes offertilization, as compact-headed sperm are associatedwith external fertilization, and elongate-headed spermare often found in species that utilize internalfertilization or pseudocopulation. However, somenemerteans utilize an external mode of fertilizationand yet produce elongate-headed sperm. The possiblesignificance of such sperm is discussed.  相似文献   
Procedures for discriminating between competing statistical models of synaptic transmission, and for providing confidence limits on the parameters of these models, have been developed. These procedures were tested against simulated data and were used to analyze the fluctuations in synaptic currents evoked in hippocampal neurones. All models were fitted to data using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and a maximum likelihood criterion. Competing models were evaluated using the log-likelihood ratio (Wilks statistic). When the competing models were not nested, Monte Carlo sampling of the model used as the null hypothesis (H0) provided density functions against which H0 and the alternate model (H1) were tested. The statistic for the log-likelihood ratio was determined from the fit of H0 and H1 to these probability densities. This statistic was used to determine the significance level at which H0 could be rejected for the original data. When the competing models were nested, log-likelihood ratios and the chi 2 statistic were used to determine the confidence level for rejection. Once the model that provided the best statistical fit to the data was identified, many estimates for the model parameters were calculated by resampling the original data. Bootstrap techniques were then used to obtain the confidence limits of these parameters.  相似文献   
The roles of maturation‐promoting factor (MPF) and an extracellular signal regulated kinase form of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (ERK MAPK) are analyzed during oocyte aging in the marine protostome worm Cerebratulus. About a day after removal from the ovary, unfertilized metaphase‐I‐arrested oocytes of Cerebratulus begin to flatten and swell before eventually lysing, thereby exhibiting characteristics of a necroptotic mode of regulated cell death. Based on immunoblots probed with phospho‐specific antibodies, MPF and ERK are initially active in freshly mature specimens. However, as oocytes age, both kinase activities decline, with ERK deactivation occurring well before MPF downregulation. Experiments using pharmacological modulators indicate that oocyte degradation is promoted by the maturation‐initiated activation of ERK as well as by the deactivation of MPF that occurs in extensively aged specimens. The potential significance of these findings is discussed relative to previously published results for apoptotic eggs and oocytes of echinoderm and vertebrate deuterostomes.  相似文献   
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