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Synopsis Numerous studies have attempted to determine whether stream fish communities are structured primarily by deterministic or stochastic processes. Previous work has assumed that stream fish communities will show either persistence about an equilibrium because of strong density-dependent processes or random variation in structure as a result of environmental stochasticity. In a 10-year study of a California stream, fish community structure changed under the influence of storm-induced high discharge events that impacted recruitment. Species' relative abundances were altered as pre-recruitment stream discharges differentially influenced year-class strength among species with contrasting life histories. Simulation of stream fish community assembly under flow-driven recruitment variation indicates that community structure will vary depending on how particular high-flow events affect species' relative abundances and ongoing density-dependent processes, including competition and predation. Results suggest that stream fish communities are likely to show alternate states rather than a single persistent equilibrium. However, community assembly will not be random but will depend on situation-specific interactions between density-independent and density-dependent processes.  相似文献   
Protein function is controlled by the cellular proteostasis network. Proteostasis is energetically costly and those costs must be balanced with the energy needs of other physiological functions. Hypertonic stress causes widespread protein damage in C. elegans. Suppression and management of protein damage is essential for optimal survival under hypertonic conditions. ASH chemosensory neurons allow C. elegans to detect and avoid strongly hypertonic environments. We demonstrate that mutations in osm-9 and osm-12 that disrupt ASH mediated hypertonic avoidance behavior or genetic ablation of ASH neurons are associated with enhanced survival during hypertonic stress. Improved survival is not due to altered systemic volume homeostasis or organic osmolyte accumulation. Instead, we find that osm-9(ok1677) mutant and osm-9(RNAi) worms exhibit reductions in hypertonicity induced protein damage in non-neuronal cells suggesting that enhanced proteostasis capacity may account for improved hypertonic stress resistance in worms with defects in osmotic avoidance behavior. RNA-seq analysis revealed that genes that play roles in managing protein damage are upregulated in osm-9(ok1677) worms. Our findings are consistent with a growing body of work demonstrating that intercellular communication between neuronal and non-neuronal cells plays a critical role in integrating cellular stress resistance with other organismal physiological demands and associated energy costs.  相似文献   
Recent investigations have demonstrated that at the onset of low-to-moderate-intensity leg cycling exercise (L) the carotid baroreflex (CBR) was classically reset in direct relation to the intensity of exercise. On the basis of these data, we proposed that the CBR would also be classically reset at the onset of moderate- to maximal-intensity L exercise. Therefore, CBR stimulus-response relationships were compared in seven male volunteers by using the neck pressure-neck suction technique during dynamic exercise that ranged in intensity from 50 to 100% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2 max)). L exercise alone was performed at 50 and 75% VO(2 max), and L exercise combined with arm (A) exercise (L + A) was performed at 75 and 100% VO(2 max). O(2) consumption and heart rate (HR) increased in direct relation with the increases in exercise intensity. The threshold and saturation pressures of the carotid-cardiac reflex at 100% VO(2 max) were >75% VO(2 max), which were in turn >50% VO(2 max) (P < 0.05), without a change in the maximal reflex gain (G(max)). In addition, the HR response value at threshold and saturation at 75% VO(2 max) was >50% VO(2 max) (P < 0.05) and 100% VO(2 max) was >75% VO(2 max) (P < 0.07). Similar changes were observed for the carotid-vasomotor reflex. In addition, as exercise intensity increased, the operating point (the prestimulus blood pressure) of the CBR was significantly relocated further from the centering point (G(max)) of the stimulus-response curve and was at threshold during 100% VO(2 max). These findings identify the continuous classic rightward and upward resetting of the CBR, without a change in G(max), during increases in dynamic exercise intensity to maximal effort.  相似文献   
Summary Ouabain had no effect on the volume of intercalated cells of DOCA-stimulated rabbit cortical collecting tubules, but caused principal cells to swell rapidly at an initial rate of 67% min., Principal cells swelled 133% then activated regulatory volume decrease mechanisms and shrank at an initial rate of –3%/min to a new volume 13% above control. The initial rate of ouabain swelling was completely inhibited by perfusate Na+ removal or reduced 95% by luminal addition of 10–5 m amiloride. Luminal peritubular, or bilateral Cl removal each caused cell shrinkages of 10% and reduced the rate of ouabain swelling by 70, 85, and 99%, respectively. The presence of an apical Cl transport step in principal cells was confirmed by increasing luminal K+ from 5 to 53mm, which caused cell swelling of 22%. This volume increase was completely blocked by luminal Cl removal, but was unaffected by peritubular Cl substitution. Perfusion of CCT with 0.1mm acetazolomide, 0.1mm DPC or 0.5mm SITS caused principal cell shrinkages of 7–9% and reduced the rate of ouabain swelling by 60, 70, and 40%, respectively. The initial rate of ouabain swelling was inhibited 70% by bilateral CO2/HCO3 removal and 50% by whole animal acid loading. Taken together these results demounstrate that ouabain swelling is due to cellular NaCl accumulation and that Na+ enters the cell primarily through apical Na+ channels. Cellular Cl entry occurs at least partially through the apical membrane and may be mediated by a Cl/HCO 3 exchanger. Brief (45–90 sec) exposure of principal cells to ouabain is associated with a rapid inhibition of Na+ and/or Cl entry steps, whereas long-term (>5min) ouabvain exposure completely blocks one or both of these transport pathways.  相似文献   
Bortezomib is a chemotherapeutic agent used to treat several cancers; however, it exhibits severe side effects in testicular tissue. We investigated the use of agomelatine to prevent testicular tissue damage caused by bortezomib. We used 36 male Sprague-Dawley rats divided randomly into six equal groups: group 1, no treatment control; group 2, agomelatine treatment only; group 3, bortezomib treatment only for 48 h; group 4, bortezomib + agomelatine treatment for 48 h; group 5, bortezomib treatment only for 72 h; and group 6, bortezomib + agomelatine treatment for 72 h. After treatments, the rats were sacrificed and testicular tissue was harvested. Lipid oxidation (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in the tissues were determined using biochemical methods. Tissue samples also were examined using histopathological and immunohistochemical techniques. The LPO level was increased, while the SOD level was decreased in the bortezomib treated groups. We found that agomelatine treatment normalized LPO and SOD activities in the bortezomib treated groups. In the spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, the staining density of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB) and caspase 3 were decreased in the bortezomib + agomelatine groups at both 48 and 72 h compared to bortezomib only treated groups. We observed maturation arrest, basal membrane thickening, increase in inflammatory cells and connective tissue, and edema between germ cells in the bortezomib only treated groups. By contrast, normal basal membrane, less edema and more normal maturation were observed in the bortezomib + agomelatine groups at 48 and 72 h. We found that agomelatine reduced the damaging effects of bortezomib. The use of agomelatine to prevent bortezomib induced testicular tissue damage in human patients should be investigated further.  相似文献   
Iris stolonifera Maxim., from central Asia is illustrated. Its history is examined and current cultivars are listed. Suggestions for its cultivation are given.  相似文献   
pICln has been proposed to be the swelling-activated anion channel responsible for ICl, swell, or a channel regulator. We tested the anion channel hypothesis by reconstituting recombinant pICln into artificial and biological membranes. Single channels were observed when pICln was reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In the presence of symmetrical 300 mM KCl, the channels had a high open probability and a slope conductance of 48 pS, and were outwardly rectifying. Reduction of trans KCl to 50 mM shifted the reversal potential by −31.2 ± 0.06 mV, demonstrating that the channel is at least seven times more selective for cations than for anions. Consistent with this finding, channel conductance was unaffected by substitution of Cl with glutamate, but was undetectable when K+ was replaced by N-methyl-d-glucamine. Reconstitution of pICln into liposomes increased 86Rb+ uptake by three- to fourfold, but had no effect on 36Cl uptake. Phosphorylation of pICln with casein kinase II or mutation of G54, G56, and G58 to alanine decreased channel open probability and 86Rb+ uptake. When added to the external medium bathing Sf9 cells, pICln inserted into the plasma membrane and increased cell cation permeability. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that channel activity is due to pICln and not minor contaminant proteins. However, these findings do not support the hypothesis that pICln is the anion-selective ICl, swell channel. The observed cation channel activity may reflect an as yet to be defined physiological function of pICln, or may be a consequence of in vitro reconstitution of purified, recombinant protein.  相似文献   
Starch-gel electrophoresis was used to demonstrate two forms of glutathione S-transferase in human erythrocytes. Whereas considerable inter-individual differences in enzyme activity and electrophoretic patterns were detected, intra-individual differences were small.  相似文献   
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