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Norepinephrine (NE)-induced contractile responses were less in aortic strips from SH compared to WKY rats. ACTH 1-24 potentiated NE responses in both SH and WKY aortic strips. This effect was more potent in SH aortic strips. NE-induced contractions in SH aortic strips were less sensitive to changes in external Ca2+ levels than were those of WKY aortic strips. ACTH 1-24 did not potentiate NE responses under low external Ca2+ conditions in SH aortic strips or under high external Ca2+ conditions in WKY aortic strips. The greater sensitivity of NE responses following ACTH 1-24 in SH aortic strips may imply that this peptide is modulating a mechanism related to an impaired contractility and that Ca2+ plays a key role in the observed effects.  相似文献   
For many taxa, including isomorphic haplodiplontic macroalgae, determining sex and ploidy is challenging, thereby limiting the scope of some population demographic and genetic studies. Here, we used double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq) to identify sex‐linked molecular markers in the widespread red alga Agarophyton vermiculophyllum. In the ddRAD‐seq library, we included 10 female gametophytes, 10 male gametophytes, and 16 tetrasporophytes from one native and one non‐native site (N = 40 gametophytes and N = 32 tetrasporophytes total). We identified seven putatively female‐linked and 19 putatively male‐linked sequences. Four female‐ and eight male‐linked markers amplified in all three life cycle stages. Using one female‐ and one male‐linked marker that were sex‐specific, we developed a duplex PCR and tested the efficacy of this assay on a subset of thalli sampled at two sites in the non‐native range. We confirmed ploidy based on the visual observation of reproductive structures and previous microsatellite genotyping at 10 polymorphic loci. For 32 vegetative thalli, we were able to assign sex and confirm ploidy in these previously genotyped thalli. These markers will be integral to ongoing studies of A. vermiculophyllum invasion. We discuss the utility of RAD‐seq over other approaches previously used, such as RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNA), for future work designing sex‐linked markers in other haplodiplontic macroalgae for which genomes are lacking.  相似文献   
Semi-sessile Mytilus mussels are used as indicators of climate changes, but their geographic distribution is not sufficiently known in the Arctic. The aim of this study was to investigate the taxonomic status and genetic differentiation of Mytilus populations in a Northwest Greenlandic fjord at Maarmorilik, impacted by contaminations from a former mine. In this study, mussels were collected at three sites differing in exposure to environmental factors. A total of 54 polymorphic SNPs found in the Mytilus EST and DNA sequences analyzed were successfully applied to 256 individuals. The results provided the first evidence for the existence of M. trossulus in Greenland. The mussel from M. trossulus and M. edulis taxa are shown to coexist and hybridize in the fjord. The three studied sites were found to differ significantly in the distribution of taxa with a higher prevalence of M. trossulus in the inner fjord. The identified M. edulis × M. trossulus hybrids mostly had a hybrid index score of about 0.5, indicating a similar number of alleles characteristic for M. trossulus and M. edulis. There was a low number of backcrosses between ‘pure’ taxa and hybrids. This newly discovered hybrid zone between the two taxa is unique in comparison with the Canadian populations. As Mytilus mussels in Greenland hitherto have been regarded as the one taxon M. edulis, the results have importance for biogeography and future monitoring and environmental studies.  相似文献   
The GENOMES UNCOUPLED4 (GUN4) protein stimulates chlorophyll biosynthesis by activating Mg-chelatase, the enzyme that commits protoporphyrin IX to chlorophyll biosynthesis. This stimulation depends on GUN4 binding the ChlH subunit of Mg-chelatase and the porphyrin substrate and product of Mg-chelatase. After binding porphyrins, GUN4 associates more stably with chloroplast membranes and was proposed to promote interactions between ChlH and chloroplast membranes—the site of Mg-chelatase activity. GUN4 was also proposed to attenuate the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by binding and shielding light-exposed porphyrins from collisions with O2. To test these proposals, we first engineered Arabidopsis thaliana plants that express only porphyrin binding–deficient forms of GUN4. Using these transgenic plants and particular mutants, we found that the porphyrin binding activity of GUN4 and Mg-chelatase contribute to the accumulation of chlorophyll, GUN4, and Mg-chelatase subunits. Also, we found that the porphyrin binding activity of GUN4 and Mg-chelatase affect the associations of GUN4 and ChlH with chloroplast membranes and have various effects on the expression of ROS-inducible genes. Based on our findings, we conclude that ChlH and GUN4 use distinct mechanisms to associate with chloroplast membranes and that mutant alleles of GUN4 and Mg-chelatase genes cause sensitivity to intense light by a mechanism that is potentially complex.  相似文献   
Large‐scale, long‐term FACE (Free‐Air CO2 enrichment) experiments indicate that increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will influence forest C cycling in unpredictable ways. It has been recently suggested that responses of mycorrhizal fungi could determine whether forest net primary productivity (NPP) is increased by elevated CO2 over long time periods and if forests soils will function as sources or sinks of C in the future. We studied the dynamic responses of ectomycorrhizae to N fertilization and atmospheric CO2 enrichment at the Duke FACE experiment using minirhizotrons over a 6 year period (2005–2010). Stimulation of mycorrhizal production by elevated CO2 was observed during only 1 (2007) of 6 years. This increased the standing crop of mycorrhizal tips during 2007 and 2008; during 2008, significantly higher mortality returned standing crop to ambient levels for the remainder of the experiment. It is therefore unlikely that increased production of mycorrhizal tips can explain the lack of progressive nitrogen limitations and associated increases in N uptake observed in CO2‐enriched plots at this site. Fertilization generally decreased tree reliance on mycorrhizae as tip production declined with the addition of nitrogen as has been shown in many other studies. Annual NPP of mycorrhizal tips was greatest during years with warm January temperatures and during years with cool spring temperatures. A 2 °C increase in average late spring temperatures (May and June) decreased annual production of mycorrhizal root tip length by 50%. This has important implications for ecosystem function in a warmer world in addition to potential for forest soils to sequester atmospheric C.  相似文献   
Nutrients and environmental chemicals, including endocrine disruptors, have been incriminated in the current increase in male reproductive dysfunction, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. The gastrointestinal tract represents the largest surface area exposed to our environment and thereby plays a key role in connection with exposure of internal organs to exogenous factors. In this context the gut microbiome (all bacteria and their metabolites) have been shown to be important contributors to body physiology including metabolism, cognitive functions and immunity. Pivotal to male reproduction is a proper development of the testis, including the formation of the blood-testis barrier (BTB) that encapsulates and protects germ cells from stress induced environmental cues, e.g. pathogenic organisms and xenobiotics. Here we used specific pathogen free (SPF) mice and germ-free (GF) mice to explore whether gut microbiota and/or their metabolites can influence testis development and regulation of BTB. Lumen formation in the seminiferous tubules, which coincides with the development of the BTB was delayed in the testes of GF mice at 16 days postpartum. In addition, perfusion experiments (Evans blue) demonstrated increased BTB permeability in these same mice. Reduced expressions of occludin, ZO-2 and E-cadherin in GF testis suggested that the microbiota modulated BTB permeability by regulation of cell-cell adhesion. Interestingly, exposure of GF mice to Clostridium Tyrobutyricum (CBUT), which secrete high levels of butyrate, restored the integrity of the BTB and normalized the levels of cell adhesion proteins. Moreover, the GF mice exhibited lower serum levels of gonadotropins (LH and FSH) than the SPF group. In addition, the intratesticular content of testosterone was lower in GF compared to SPF or CBUT animals. Thus, the gut microbiome can modulate the permeability of the BTB and might play a role in the regulation of endocrine functions of the testis.  相似文献   
The recently developed subgenomic hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicons were limited by the fact that the sequence encoding the structural proteins was missing. Therefore, important information about a possible influence of these proteins on replication and pathogenesis and about the mechanism of virus formation could not be obtained. Taking advantage of three cell culture-adaptive mutations that enhance RNA replication synergistically, we generated selectable full-length HCV genomes that amplify to high levels in the human hepatoma cell line Huh-7 and can be stably propagated for more than 6 months. The structural proteins are efficiently expressed, with the viral glycoproteins E1 and E2 forming heterodimers which are stable under nondenaturing conditions. No disulfide-linked glycoprotein aggregates were observed, suggesting that the envelope proteins fold productively. Electron microscopy studies indicate that cell lines harboring these full-length HCV RNAs contain lipid droplets. The majority of the core protein was found on the surfaces of these structures, whereas the glycoproteins appear to localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and cis-Golgi compartments. In agreement with this distribution, no endoglycosidase H-resistant forms of these proteins were detectable. In a search for the production of viral particles, we noticed that these cells release substantial amounts of nuclease-resistant HCV RNA-containing structures with a buoyant density of 1.04 to 1.1 g/ml in iodixanol gradients. The same observation was made in transient-replication assays using an authentic highly adapted full-length HCV genome that lacks heterologous sequences. However, the fact that comparable amounts of such RNA-containing structures were found in the supernatant of cells carrying subgenomic replicons demonstrates a nonspecific release independent of the presence of the structural proteins. These results suggest that Huh-7 cells lack host cell factors that are important for virus particle assembly and/or release.  相似文献   
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