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The FRQ1 gene is essential for growth of budding yeast and encodes a 190-residue, N-myristoylated (myr) calcium-binding protein. Frq1 belongs to the recoverin/frequenin branch of the EF-hand superfamily and regulates a yeast phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase isoform. Conformational changes in Frq1 due to N-myristoylation and Ca(2+) binding were assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), fluorescence, and equilibrium Ca(2+)-binding measurements. For this purpose, Frq1 and myr-Frq1 were expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. At saturation, Frq1 bound three Ca(2+) ions at independent sites, which correspond to the second, third, and fourth EF-hand motifs in the protein. Affinity of the second site (K(d) = 10 microM) was much weaker than that of the third and fourth sites (K(d) = 0.4 microM). Myr-Frq1 bound Ca(2+) with a K(d)app of 3 microM and a positive Hill coefficient (n = 1.25), suggesting that the N-myristoyl group confers some degree of cooperativity in Ca(2+) binding, as seen previously in recoverin. Both the NMR and fluorescence spectra of Frq1 exhibited very large Ca(2+)-dependent differences, indicating major conformational changes induced upon Ca(2+) binding. Nearly complete sequence-specific NMR assignments were obtained for the entire carboxy-terminal domain (residues K100-I190). Assignments were made for 20% of the residues in the amino-terminal domain; unassigned residues exhibited very broad NMR signals, most likely due to Frq1 dimerization. NMR chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) patterns of Ca(2+)-bound Frq1 were very similar to those of Ca(2+)-bound recoverin, suggesting that the overall structure of Frq1 resembles that of recoverin. A model of the three-dimensional structure of Ca(2+)-bound Frq1 is presented based on the NMR data and homology to recoverin. N-myristoylation of Frq1 had little or no effect on its NMR and fluorescence spectra, suggesting that the myristoyl moiety does not significantly alter Frq1 structure. Correspondingly, the NMR chemical shifts for the myristoyl group in both Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound myr-Frq1 were nearly identical to those of free myristate in solution, indicating that the fatty acyl chain is solvent-exposed and not sequestered within the hydrophobic core of the protein, unlike the myristoyl group in Ca(2+)-free recoverin. Subcellular fractionation experiments showed that both the N-myristoyl group and Ca(2+)-binding contribute to the ability of Frq1 to associate with membranes.  相似文献   
Protein O-mannosyltransferases (PMTs) initiate the assembly of O-mannosyl glycans, which are of fundamental importance in eukaryotes. The PMT family, which is classified into PMT1, PMT2 and PMT4 subfamilies, is evolutionarily conserved. Despite the fact that PMTs are crucial for viability of baker's yeast as well as of mouse, recent studies suggested that there are significant differences in the organization and properties of the O-mannosylation machinery between yeasts and mammals. In this study we identified and characterized the PMT family of the archaeascomycete Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae where the PMT family is highly redundant, in S. pombe only one member of each PMT subfamily is present, namely, oma1+ (protein O-mannosyltransferase), oma2+ and oma4+. They all act as protein O-mannosyltransferases in vivo. oma1+ and oma2+ form heteromeric protein complexes and recognize different protein substrates compared to oma4+, suggesting that similar principles underlie mannosyltransfer reaction in S. pombe and budding yeast. Deletion of oma2+, as well as simultaneous deletion of oma1+ and oma4+ is lethal. Characterization of the viable S. pombe oma1Delta and oma4Delta single mutants showed that a lack of O-mannosylation results in abnormal cell wall and septum formation, thereby severely affecting cell morphology and cell-cell separation.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, Pik1, is essential for viability. GFP-Pik1 localized to cytoplasmic puncta and the nucleus. The puncta colocalized with Sec7-DsRed, a marker of trans-Golgi cisternae. Kap95 (importin-β) was necessary for nuclear entry, but not Kap60 (importin-α), and exportin Msn5 was required for nuclear exit. Frq1 (frequenin orthologue) also is essential for viability and binds near the NH2 terminus of Pik1. Frq1-GFP localized to Golgi puncta, and Pik1 lacking its Frq1-binding site (or Pik1 overexpressed in frq1Δ cells) did not decorate the Golgi, but nuclear localization was unperturbed. Pik1(Δ10-192), which lacks its nuclear export sequence, displayed prominent nuclear accumulation and did not rescue inviability of pik1Δ cells. A Pik1-CCAAX chimera was excluded from the nucleus and also did not rescue inviability of pik1Δ cells. However, coexpression of Pik1(Δ10-192) and Pik1-CCAAX in pik1Δ cells restored viability. Catalytically inactive derivatives of these compartment-restricted Pik1 constructs indicated that PtdIns4P must be generated both in the nucleus and at the Golgi for normal cell function.  相似文献   
Secretory proteins that fail to fold in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transported back to the cytosol and degraded by proteasomes. It remains unclear how the cell distinguishes between folding intermediates and misfolded proteins. We asked whether misfolded secretory proteins are covalently modified in the ER before export. We found that a fraction of mutant alpha-factor precursor, but not the wild type, was progressively O-mannosylated in microsomes and in intact yeast cells by protein O-mannosyl transferase 2 (Pmt2p). O-Mannosylation increased significantly in vitro under ER export conditions, i.e., in the presence of ATP and cytosol, and this required export-proficient Sec61p in the ER membrane. Deletion of PMT2, however, did not abrogate mutant alpha-factor precursor degradation but, rather, enhanced its turnover in intact yeast cells. In vitro, O-mannosylated mutant alpha-factor precursor was stable and protease protected, and a fraction was associated with Sec61p in the ER lumen. Thus, prolonged ER residence allows modification of exposed O-mannosyl acceptor sites in misfolded proteins, which abrogates misfolded protein export from the ER at a posttargeting stage. We conclude that there is a limited window of time during which misfolded proteins can be removed from the ER before they acquire inappropriate modifications that can interfere with disposal through the Sec61 channel.  相似文献   
Determining the forces that conserve amino acid positions in proteins across species is a fundamental pursuit of molecular evolution. Evolutionary conservation is driven by either a protein's function or its thermodynamic stability. Highly conserved histone proteins offer a platform to evaluate these driving forces. While the conservation of histone H3 and H4 "tail" domains and surface residues are driven by functional importance, the driving force behind the conservation of buried histone residues has not been examined. Using a computational approach, we determined the thermodynamically preferred amino acids at each buried position in H3 and H4. In agreement with what is normally observed in proteins, we find a significant correlation between thermodynamic stability and evolutionary conservation in the buried residues in H4. In striking contrast, we find that thermodynamic stability of buried H3 residues does not correlate with evolutionary conservation. Given that these H3 residues are not post-translationally modified and only regulate H3-H3 and H3-H4 stabilizing interactions, our data imply an unknown function responsible for driving conservation of these buried H3 residues.  相似文献   
Application of ribozymes for knockdown of RNA targets requires the identification of suitable target sites according to the consensus sequence. For the hairpin ribozyme, this was originally defined as Y?2 N?1 *G+1 U+2 Y+3 B+?, with Y = U or C, and B = U, C or G, and C being the preferred nucleobase at positions -2 and +4. In the context of development of ribozymes for destruction of an oncogenic mRNA, we have designed ribozyme variants that efficiently process RNA substrates at U?2 G?1 *G+1 U+2 A+3 A+? sites. Substrates with G?1 *G+1 U+2 A+3 sites were previously shown to be processed by the wild-type hairpin ribozyme. However, our study demonstrates that, in the specific sequence context of the substrate studied herein, compensatory base changes in the ribozyme improve activity for cleavage (eight-fold) and ligation (100-fold). In particular, we show that A+3 and A+? are well tolerated if compensatory mutations are made at positions 6 and 7 of the ribozyme strand. Adenine at position +4 is neutralized by G? →U, owing to restoration of a Watson-Crick base pair in helix 1. In this ribozyme-substrate complex, adenine at position +3 is also tolerated, with a slightly decreased cleavage rate. Additional substitution of A? with uracil doubled the cleavage rate and restored ligation, which was lost in variants with A?, C? and G?. The ability to cleave, in conjunction with the inability to ligate RNA, makes these ribozyme variants particularly suitable candidates for RNA destruction.  相似文献   
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