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Sulfonucleotide reductases are a diverse family of enzymes that catalyze the first committed step of reductive sulfur assimilation. In this reaction, activated sulfate in the context of adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (APS) or 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) is converted to sulfite with reducing equivalents from thioredoxin. The sulfite generated in this reaction is utilized in bacteria and plants for the eventual production of essential biomolecules such as cysteine and coenzyme A. Humans do not possess a homologous metabolic pathway, and thus, these enzymes represent attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Here we studied the mechanism of sulfonucleotide reduction by APS reductase from the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, using a combination of mass spectrometry and biochemical approaches. The results support the hypothesis of a two-step mechanism in which the sulfonucleotide first undergoes rapid nucleophilic attack to form an enzyme-thiosulfonate (E-Cys-S-SO(3-)) intermediate. Sulfite is then released in a thioredoxin-dependent manner. Other sulfonucleotide reductases from structurally divergent subclasses appear to use the same mechanism, suggesting that this family of enzymes has evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Human microsomal cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) contributes extensively to nicotine detoxication but also activates tobacco-specific procarcinogens to mutagenic products. The CYP2A6 structure shows a compact, hydrophobic active site with one hydrogen bond donor, Asn297, that orients coumarin for regioselective oxidation. The inhibitor methoxsalen effectively fills the active site cavity without substantially perturbing the structure. The structure should aid the design of inhibitors to reduce smoking and tobacco-related cancers.  相似文献   
This report reviews three categories of precursor cells present within adults. The first category of precursor cell, the epiblast-like stem cell, has the potential of forming cells from all three embryonic germ layer lineages, e.g., ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. The second category of precursor cell, the germ layer lineage stem cell, consists of three separate cells. Each of the three cells is committed to form cells limited to a specific embryonic germ layer lineage. Thus the second category consists of germ layer lineage ectodermal stem cells, germ layer lineage mesodermal stem cells, and germ layer lineage endodermal stem cells. The third category of precursor cells, progenitor cells, contains a multitude of cells. These cells are committed to form specific cell and tissue types and are the immediate precursors to the differentiated cells and tissues of the adult. The three categories of precursor cells can be readily isolated from adult tissues. They can be distinguished from each other based on their size, growth in cell culture, expressed genes, cell surface markers, and potential for differentiation. This report also discusses new findings. These findings include the karyotypic analysis of germ layer lineage stem cells; the appearance of dopaminergic neurons after implantation of naive adult pluripotent stem cells into a 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned Parkinson's model; and the use of adult stem cells as transport mechanisms for exogenous genetic material. We conclude by discussing the potential roles of adult-derived precursor cells as building blocks for tissue repair and as delivery vehicles for molecular medicine.  相似文献   
Recent studies have described the development of distinct functional subsets of macrophages in association with cancer, autoimmune disease, and chronic infections. Based on the ability of Th1 vs Th2 cytokines to promote opposing activities in macrophages, it has been proposed that macrophages develop into either type 1 inflammatory or type 2 anti-inflammatory subsets. As an alternative to the concept of subset development, we propose that macrophages, in response to changes in their tissue environment, can reversibly and progressively change the pattern of functions that they express. As demonstrated herein, macrophages can reversibly shift their functional phenotype through a multitude of patterns in response to changes in cytokine environment. Macrophages display distinct functional patterns after treatment with IFN-gamma, IL-12, IL-4, or IL-10 and additional functional patterns are displayed depending on whether the cytokine is present alone or with other cytokines and whether the cytokines are added before or concomitantly with the activating stimulus (LPS). Sequential treatment of macrophages with multiple cytokines results in a progression through multiple functional phenotypes. This ability to adapt to changing cytokine environments has significant in vivo relevance, as evidenced by the demonstration that macrophage functional phenotypes established in vivo in aged or tumor-bearing mice can be altered by changing their microenvironment. A concept of functional adaptivity is proposed that has important implications for therapeutic targeting of macrophages in chronic diseases that result in the dominance of particular functional phenotypes of macrophages that play a significant role in disease pathology.  相似文献   
The structure of P450 3A4 was determined by x-ray crystallography to 2.05-A resolution. P450 3A4 catalyzes the metabolic clearance of a large number of clinically used drugs, and a number of adverse drug-drug interactions reflect the inhibition or induction of the enzyme. P450 3A4 exhibits a relatively large substrate-binding cavity that is consistent with its capacity to oxidize bulky substrates such as cyclosporin, statins, taxanes, and macrolide antibiotics. Family 3A P450s also exhibit unusual kinetic characteristics that suggest simultaneous occupancy by smaller substrates. Although the active site volume is similar to that of P450 2C8 (PDB code: 1PQ2), the shape of the active site cavity differs considerably due to differences in the folding and packing of portions of the protein that form the cavity. Compared with P450 2C8, the active site cavity of 3A4 is much larger near the heme iron. The lower constraints on the motions of small substrates near the site of oxygen activation may diminish the efficiency of substrate oxidation, which may, in turn, be improved by space restrictions imposed by the presence of a second substrate molecule. The structure of P450 3A4 should facilitate a better understanding of the substrate selectivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Superoxide dismutases (SODs) catalyze the dismutation of superoxide radicals in a broad range of organisms, including plants. Quantification of SOD activity in crude plant extracts has been problematic due to the presence of compounds that interfere with the dose-response of the assay. Although strategies exist to partially purify SODs from plant extracts, the requirement for purification limits the rapidity and practical number of assays that can be conducted. In this article, we describe modification of a procedure using o-dianisidine as substrate that permits relatively rapid quantification of SOD activity in crude leaf extracts in a microplate format. The method employs the use of a commercial apparatus that permits lysis of 12 tissue samples at once and the use of Pipes buffer to reduce interference from compounds present in crude leaf extracts. The assay provided a linear response from 1 to 50 units of SOD. The utility of the assay was demonstrated using tissue extracts prepared from a group of taxonomically diverse plants. Reaction rates with tissue extracts from two grasses were linear for at least 60 min. Tissues of certain species contained interfering compounds, most of which could be removed by ultrafiltration. The presence of plant catalases, peroxidases, and ascorbate in physiological quantities did not interfere with the assay. This approach provides a means to quantify SOD activity in relatively large numbers of plant samples provided that the possibility for the presence of interfering compounds is considered. The presence of interfering compounds in certain plant tissues necessitates caution in interpreting the effects of plant stresses on SOD.  相似文献   
A/B toxins, produced by bacteria and plants, are among the deadliest molecules known. The B chain binds the cell, whereas the A chain exerts the toxic effect. Both anti-A chain and anti-B chain Abs can neutralize toxins in vivo and in vitro. B chain Abs block binding of the toxin to the cell. It is not known how anti-A chain Abs function. Working with ricin toxin, we demonstrate that immunization with A chain induces greater protection than immunization with B chain. A panel of mAbs, binding to A chain, B chain, or both chains, has been produced and characterized. Immunologic characteristics evaluated include isotype, relative avidity, and epitope specificity. The ability to inhibit ricin enzymatic or cell binding activity was studied, as was the ability to block ricin-mediated cellular cytotoxicity on human and murine cell lines. Finally, the in vivo protective efficacy of the Abs in mice was studied. The Ab providing the greatest in vivo protective efficacy was directed against the A chain. It had the greatest relative avidity and the greatest ability to block enzymatic function and neutralize cytotoxicity. Interestingly, we also obtained an anti-A chain Ab that bound with high avidity, blocked enzymatic activity, did not neutralize cytotoxicity, and actually enhanced the in vivo toxicity of ricin. Anti-A chain Abs with moderate avidity had no in vivo effect, nor did any anti-B chain Abs.  相似文献   
Members of the ubiquitous cytochrome P450 family catalyze a vast range of biologically significant reactions in mammals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Some P450s display a remarkable promiscuity in substrate recognition, while others are very specific with respect to substrate binding or regio and stereo-selective catalysis. Recent results have suggested that conformational flexibility in the substrate access channel of many P450s may play an important role in controlling these effects. Here, we report the X-ray crystal structures at 1.8A and 1.5A of cytochrome P450cam complexed with two synthetic molecular wires, D-4-Ad and D-8-Ad, consisting of a dansyl fluorophore linked to an adamantyl substrate analog via an alpha,omega-diaminoalkane chain of varying length. Both wires bind with the adamantyl moiety in similar positions at the camphor-binding site. However, each wire induces a distinct conformational response in the protein that differs from the camphor-bound structure. The changes involve significant movements of the F, G, and I helices, allowing the substrate access channel to adapt to the variable length of the probe. Wire-induced opening of the substrate channel also alters the I helix bulge and Thr252 at the active site with binding of water that has been proposed to assist in peroxy bond cleavage. The structures suggest that the coupling of substrate-induced conformational changes to active-site residues may be different in P450cam and recently described mammalian P450 structures. The wire-induced changes may be representative of the conformational intermediates that must exist transiently during substrate entry and product egress, providing a view of how substrates enter the deeply buried active site. They also support observed examples of conformational plasticity that are believed be responsible for the promiscuity of drug metabolizing P450s. Observation of such large changes in P450cam suggests that substrate channel plasticity is a general property inherent to all P450 structures.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 24A1 catalyzes the side-chain oxidation of the hormonal form of vitamin D. Expression of CYP24A1 is up-regulated to attenuate vitamin D signaling associated with calcium homeostasis and cellular growth processes. The development of therapeutics for disorders linked to vitamin D insufficiency would be greatly facilitated by structural knowledge of CYP24A1. Here, we report the crystal structure of rat CYP24A1 at 2.5 Å resolution. The structure exhibits an open cleft leading to the active-site heme prosthetic group on the distal surface that is likely to define the path of substrate access into the active site. The entrance to the cleft is flanked by conserved hydrophobic residues on helices A′ and G′, suggesting a mode of insertion into the inner mitochondrial membrane. A docking model for 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 binding in the open form of CYP24A1 that clarifies the structural determinants of secosteroid recognition and validates the predictive power of existing homology models of CYP24A1 is proposed. Analysis of CYP24A1's proximal surface identifies the determinants of adrenodoxin recognition as a constellation of conserved residues from helices K, K″, and L that converge with an adjacent lysine-rich loop for binding the redox protein. Overall, the CYP24A1 structure provides the first template for understanding membrane insertion, substrate binding, and redox partner interaction in mitochondrial P450s.  相似文献   
Baseline serum hematocrit varies substantially in the population. While additive genetic factors account for a large part of this variability, little is known about the genetic architecture underlying the trait. Because hematocrit levels vary with age, it is plausible that quantitative trait loci (QTL) that influence the phenotype also show an age-specific profile. To investigate this possibility, hematocrit was measured in three different age cohorts of mice (150, 450, and 750 days) of the C57BL/6J (B6) and the DBA2/J (D2) lineage. QTL were searched in the B6D2F2 intercross and the BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains. The effects of these QTL were explored across the different age groups. On the phenotypic level, baseline serum hematocrit declines with age in a sex-specific manner. In the B6D2F2 intercross, suggestive QTL that influence the phenotype were located on Chromosomes (Chr) 1, 2, 7, 11, 13, and 16. With the exception of the QTL on Chr 2, all of these QTL exerted their largest effect at 750 days. The QTL on Chr 1, 2, 7, 11 and 16 were confirmed in the BXD RIs in a sex- and age-specific manner. Linkage analysis in the BXD RIs revealed an additional significant QTL on Chr 19. Baseline serum hematocrit is influenced by several QTL that appear to vary with the age and sex of the animal. These QTL primarily overlap with QTL that have been shown to regulate hematopoietic stem cell phenotypes.  相似文献   
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