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Development of various vaccines for prostate cancer (PCa) is becoming an active research area. PCa vaccines are perceived to have less toxicity compared with the available cytotoxic agents. While various immune-based strategies can elicit anti-tumour responses, DNA vaccines present increased efficacy, inducing both humoural and cellular immunity. This immune activation has been proven effective in animal models and initial clinical trials are encouraging. However, to validate the role of DNA vaccination in currently available PCa management paradigms, strong clinical evidence is still lacking. This article provides an overview of the basic principles of DNA vaccines and aims to provide a summary of preclinical and clinical trials outlining the benefits of this immunotherapy in the management of PCa.  相似文献   
Although growth and productivity of most crops are significantly reduced by exposure to temperatures in excess of 35 °C, some plants thrive in geothermally heated soils characterized by chronic temperatures in excess of 40 °C. The morphological adaptations that enable these plants to colonize thermal environments are poorly understood. We characterized trichome development, silica accumulation, stomatal density, and waxy cuticle development in populations of Dichanthelium lanuginosum var sericeum (Schmoll) isolated from thermal and non-thermal environments to determine whether morphological changes existed in populations adapted to thermal environments. Plants isolated from thermal environments of Yellowstone National Park developed an extensive series of trichomes when exposed to chronic temperatures of 45/35 °C (day/night). In contrast, isolates from non-thermal environments of western Oregon showed minimal trichome development during exposure to the elevated temperatures. Leaves that developed during exposure to elevated temperatures had reduced thickness, though the reduction was less marked in plants from populations isolated from thermal environments. Plants isolated from thermal environments also had greater numbers of stomata on adaxial leaf surfaces relative to biotypes isolated from non-thermal environments. These results suggest phenotypic characteristics that may be useful in selection of new varieties of crop species with improved tolerance to supraoptimal temperatures.  相似文献   
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a pleiotropic cytokine known to regulate cell growth, viral replication, inflammation, immune system functioning, angiogenesis, and tumorigenesis. These effects are mediated through two different receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2 (also called p60 and p80, respectively), with p60 receptor being expressed on all cell types and p80 receptor only on cells of the immune system and on endothelial cells. Although the role of p60 receptor in TNF signaling is well established, the role of p80 is less clear. In this report, by using macrophages derived from wild-type mice (having both receptors) and mice in which the gene for either p60 (p60(-/-)), or p80 (p80(-/-)), or both (p60(-/-) p80(-/-)) receptor have been deleted, we have redefined the role of these receptors in TNF-induced activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and of mitogen-activated protein kinases. TNF activated NF-kappa B in a dose- and time-dependent manner in wild-type macrophages but not in p60(-/-), p80(-/-), or p60(-/-) p80(-/-) macrophages. These results correlated with the I kappa B alpha degradation needed for NF-kappa B activation. We also found that TNF activated c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase in a dose- and time-dependent manner in wild-type macrophages but not in p60(-/-), p80(-/-), or p60(-/-) p80(-/-) macrophages. TNF activated p38 MAPK and p44/p42 MAPK in wild-type but not in p60(-/-), p80(-/-), or p60(-/-) p80(-/-) macrophages. TNF induced the proliferation of wild-type macrophages, but for p60(-/-) and p80(-/-) macrophages proliferation was lower, and in p60(-/-) p80(-/-) it was absent. Overall, our studies suggest that both types of TNF receptors are needed in macrophages for optimum TNF cell signaling.  相似文献   
This study examined whether an immunohistochemical method examining the subcellular localization of STAT5 could be used to characterize the activation of the JAK2/STAT5 pathway by prolactin (PRL) in intact cells or tissues. In the Ins-1 beta-cell line, STAT5A and STAT5B were distributed almost equally in the cytoplasm and the nucleus in unstimulated cells. STAT5A was also detected along the border of cells and in the perinuclear region. After exposure to PRL, the redistribution from the cytoplasm to the nucleus was much higher for STAT5B compared to STAT5A. This translocation represented 12% of the STAT5A and 22% of the STAT5B originally located in the cytoplasm before stimulation. In isolated rat islets of Langerhans, PRL stimulated the nuclear translocation of both STAT5A and STAT5B only in beta-cells. The expression of the PRL receptor only by beta-cells was confirmed with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against the rat PRL receptor. It was estimated that 4% of STAT5A and 9% of STAT5B originally located in the cytoplasm was translocated to the nucleus after stimulation. The presence of a functional JAK2/STAT5 signaling pathway in all islet cells was demonstrated by the nuclear translocation of STAT5B in all islet cells (i.e., alpha-, beta-, and delta-cells) after stimulation with fetal calf serum. The nuclear translocation and tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT5B was biphasic, with an initial peak within 30 min, a nadir between 1 and 3 hr, and prolonged activation after 4 hr. In contrast, the tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT5A was also biphasic but its nuclear translocation peaked within 30 min and was then reduced to a level slightly above that observed before PRL stimulation. This method is able to detect changes in STAT5 activation as small as 2% of the total cell content. These observations demonstrate the utility of this approach for studying the activation of STAT5 in a mixed population of cells within tissues or organs. In addition, the dose response for the nuclear translocation of STAT5B in normal beta-cells was similar to those for changes in proliferation and insulin secretion in isolated rat islets. Therefore, the subcellular localization can be used to monitor the activation of STAT5 and it may be a key event in the upregulation of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans during pregnancy.  相似文献   
Capacitation and the acrosome reaction in equine sperm.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During sexual reproduction, the sperm and oocyte must fuse before the production of a diploid zygote can proceed. In mammals such as equids, fusion depends critically on complex changes in the plasma membrane of the sperm and, not surprisingly, this membrane differs markedly from that of somatic cells. After leaving the testes, sperm cease to synthesize plasma membrane lipids or proteins, and vesicle-mediated transport stops. When the sperm reaches the female reproductive tract, it is activated by so-called capacitation factors that initiate a delicate reorientation and modification of molecules within the plasma membrane. These surface changes enable the sperm to bind to the extracellular matrix of the egg (zona pellucida ZP) and the zona then primes the sperm to initiate the acrosome reaction, an exocytotic event required for the sperm to penetrate the zona. This paper will review the processes that occur at the sperm plasma membrane before and during successful penetration of the equine ZP. It is noted that while several methods have been described for detecting changes that occur during capacitation and the acrosome reaction in bovine and porcine sperm, relatively little has been documented for equine sperm. Special attention will therefore be dedicated to recent attempts to develop and implement new assays for the detection of the capacitation status of live, acrosome-intact and motile equine sperm.  相似文献   
Clonal heterogeneity among B cells reactive to the same epitope may be determined through differences in idiotypy. It appears that clones bearing distinct idiotopes may constitute functionally distinct subpopulations. Data suggest that idiotopically distinct clones of PC-reactive B cells may be regulated independently of one another. We have looked to see whether individual T15+ clones may also differ in their requirements for activation. Here we examine the effect of immunizing doses of antigen on expression of two T15 idiotopes, B36-82 and B39-38, during both in vivo and in vitro primary responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae R36a (Pn) in CB-20 mouse strain. The idiotopes were detected on the specific antibody plaque-forming cells (PFC) by using monoclonal anti-idiotopic antibodies. We find that distinct patterns of idiotope expression are generated by stimulation with different doses of antigen. Immunization with suboptimal and super-optimal doses of Pn produced responses dominated by PFC expressing both idiotopes, whereas PFC induced by optimal antigen concentrations were primarily B36-82+ and B39-38-. These data indicate that the varying of antigen concentration may induce the response of different B cells bearing distinct idiotypes.  相似文献   
To identify the structural features underlying the distinct substrate and inhibitor profiles of P450 2C19 relative to the closely related human enzymes, P450s 2C8 and 2C9, the atomic structure (Protein Data Bank code 4GQS) of cytochrome P450 2C19 complexed with the inhibitor (2-methyl-1-benzofuran-3-yl)-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethylphenyl)methanone (Protein Data Bank chemical component 0XV) was determined to 2.87 Å resolution by x-ray crystallography. The conformation of the peptide backbone of P450 2C19 is most similar to that of P450 2C8, but the substrate-binding cavity of P450 2C8 is much larger than that of P450 2C19 due to differences in the amino acid residues that form the substrate-binding cavities of the two enzymes. In contrast, the substrate-binding cavity of P450 2C19 is much more similar in size to that of the structure of the P450 2C9 flurbiprofen complex than to that of a modified P450 2C9 or that of P450 2C8. The cavities of the P450 2C19 0XV complex and the P450 2C9 flurbiprofen complex differ, however, because the helix B-C loops of the two enzymes are dissimilar. These conformational differences reflect the effects of adjacent structural elements that interact with the B-C loops and that differ between the two enzymes. The availability of a structure for 2C19 will facilitate computational approaches for predictions of substrate and inhibitor binding to this enzyme.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Evaluate the relationship between metastatic potential of prostatic adenocarcinoma (PC) and testicular Leydig cell density. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tissue samples from 111 men, age 52-85, with PC and bilateral orchiectomy were evaluated for Leydig cell density. The patients were divided into two groups: Group A were patients with metastasis (n = 36) and Group B were patients without metastasis (n = 75). Leydig cell density was determined by direct manual microscopic cell count on the tissue sections. The means of cell counts by four pathologists, expressed as cell/0.78 mm2 were used for analysis. The normally distributed data were analyzed by two-tail Student's t-test. Thirty-eight age-compatible autopsy cases who died of unrelated causes served as normal controls. RESULTS: The mean of Leydig cell count in group A patients was 14.43 (14.43+/-1.19 SE). Mean of Group B was 47.05 (47.05+/-4.05 SE) whereas normal controls displayed a mean of 48.66 (48.66+/-2.94 SE). Group A was significantly different from control (p < 0.00001). Group A and Group B were also significant different (p < 0.001) whereas control was not significantly different from Group B (p > 0.75). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of prostate, as a group, have a significantly lower Leydig cell density than patients without metastasis or patients without PC in compatible age groups. The hormonal relationship between this observation is however unknown. One possible explanation is that PC subpopulation with metastatic potential may require different level of endogenous androgen or are androgen-independent.  相似文献   
Radiofrequency radiation (RFR) causes heating, which can lead to detrimental biological effects. To characterize the effects of RFR exposure on body temperature in relation to animal size and pregnancy, a series of short‐term toxicity studies was conducted in a unique RFR exposure system. Young and old B6C3F1 mice and young, old, and pregnant Harlan Sprague‐Dawley rats were exposed to Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) RFR (rats = 900 MHz, mice = 1,900 MHz) at specific absorption rates (SARs) up to 12 W/kg for approximately 9 h a day for 5 days. In general, fewer and less severe increases in body temperature were observed in young than in older rats. SAR‐dependent increases in subcutaneous body temperatures were observed at exposures ≥6 W/kg in both modulations. Exposures of ≥10 W/kg GSM or CDMA RFR induced excessive increases in body temperature, leading to mortality. There was also a significant increase in the number of resorptions in pregnant rats at 12 W/kg GSM RFR. In mice, only sporadic increases in body temperature were observed regardless of sex or age when exposed to GSM or CDMA RFR up to 12 W/kg. These results identified SARs at which measurable RFR‐mediated thermal effects occur, and were used in the selection of exposures for subsequent toxicology and carcinogenicity studies. Bioelectromagnetics. 39:190–199, 2018. © 2018 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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