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Eosinophils are found in the lungs of humans with allergic asthma, as well as in the lungs of animals in models of this disease. Increasing evidence suggests that these cells are integral to the development of allergic asthma in C57BL/6 mice. However, the specific function of eosinophils that is required for this event is not known. In this study, we experimentally validate a dynamic computational model and perform follow-up experimental observations to determine the mechanism of eosinophil modulation of T cell recruitment to the lung during development of allergic asthma. We find that eosinophils deficient in IL-13 were unable to rescue airway hyperresponsiveness, T cell recruitment to the lungs, and Th2 cytokine/chemokine production in ΔdblGATA eosinophil-deficient mice, even if Th2 cells were present. However, eosinophil-derived IL-13 alone was unable to rescue allergic asthma responses in the absence of competence of other IL-13-producing cells. We further computationally investigate the role of other cell types in the production of IL-13, which led to the various predictions including early and late pulses of IL-13 during airway hyperresponsiveness. These experiments suggest that eosinophils and T cells have an interdependent relationship, centered on IL-13, which regulates T cell recruitment to the lung and development of allergic asthma.  相似文献   
We investigated the influence of temperature, in the range of 45 to 5 C, on the rate of oxidation of glucose and citrate by intact cells and cell-free extracts of psychrophilic Bacillus psychrophilus and mesophilic B. thuringiensis. Both glucose and endogenous oxidation by whole and disrupted cells of the psychrophile decreased more slowly with decrease in temperature than did glucose and endogenous oxidation by whole and disrupted cells of the mesophile. Similar results were obtained for the oxidation of citrate by cell-free extracts. Since substrate permeability is not involved in the oxidative metabolism of the cell-free extracts, we concluded that the internal enzymes of the psychrophile differ from those of the mesophile.  相似文献   
Oocyte transfer is a potential method to produce offspring from valuable mares that cannot carry a pregnancy or produce embryos. From 2000 through 2004, 86 mares, 19.2 +/- 0.4 yr of age (mean +/- S.E.M.), were used as oocyte donors in a clinical program at Colorado State University. Oocytes were collected from 77% (548/710) of preovulatory follicles and during 96% (548/570) of cycles. Oocytes were collected 21.0+/-0.1h after administration of hCG to estrous donors and cultured 16.4 +/- 0.2 h prior to transfer into recipients' oviducts. At 16 and 50 d after transfer, pregnancies were detected in 201 of 504 (40%) and 159 of 504 (32%) of recipients, respectively, with an embryo-loss rate of 21% (42/201). Pregnancy rates were similar (P > 0.05) for cyclic and noncyclic recipients and for recipients inseminated with cooled, fresh or frozen semen. One or more recipients were detected pregnant at 16 and 50 d, respectively, for 80% (69/86) and 71% (61/86) of donors. More donors <20 than > or = 20 yr (mean ages +/- S.E.M. of 15.5 +/- 0.4 and 23.0 +/- 0.3 yr, respectively) tended (P = 0.1) to have one or more pregnant recipients at 50 d (36/45, 80%; 28/45, 62%, respectively). Results of the program confirm that pregnancies can consistently be obtained from older, subfertile mares using oocyte transfer.  相似文献   
On the southern Caribbean island of Tobago, we excavated two archaeological deposits, the preceramic (ca. 2900 years old) Milford 1 site (TOB-3) and the ceramic (ca. 1200 to 900 years old) Golden Grove site (TOB-13). The non-fish bone assemblages from these sites are very different, with an emphasis at TOB-3 on sea turtles (which seldom nest today on Tobago) and the collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, a large (17–30 kg) mammal extremely rare now on Tobago. TOB-3 also yielded bones of two somewhat smaller mammals that are extinct on Tobago, the red howler monkey Alouatta seniculus and paca Agouti paca. The non-fish species at TOB-3 comprise only four reptiles and seven mammals, whereas they are more diverse (29 species) at TOB-13 and mostly represent small- to medium-sized vertebrates (<10 kg, often <1 kg), such as a toad, lizards, snakes, birds, opossum, armadillo, and eight species of rodents, as well as sea turtle and peccary, although the latter is uncommon. We interpret these differences as possibly being due to a local or island-wide scarcity of big game (peccaries) in ceramic times, which would have promoted diversification of hunting practices. Related to this may have been a more sedentary way of life for Tobago's ceramic peoples, with increased agriculture leading to more hunting near the site and less time being devoted to longer distance big-game hunting. While prehistoric anthropogenic extinction or population reduction of vertebrates is well documented on Caribbean islands to the north, our data from Tobago show that such depletions probably occurred as well on continental, land-bridge islands with more diverse faunas. Models of post-Pleistocene faunal relaxation toward a lower value for species richness should not ignore human-caused losses, which may be impossible to distinguish from non-anthropogenic losses.  相似文献   
The role of IFN in respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Formalin-inactivated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine preparations have been shown to cause enhanced disease in naive hosts following natural infection. In this study we demonstrate a similar pattern of enhanced disease severity following primary RSV infection of IFN-nonresponsive STAT1(-/-) mice. STAT1(-/-) mice showed markedly increased illness compared with wild-type BALB/c animals following RSV inoculation despite similar lung virus titers and rates of virus clearance. Histologically, STAT1(-/-) animals had eosinophilic and neutrophilic pulmonary infiltrates not present in wild-type or IFN-gamma(-/-)-infected mice. In cytokine analyses of infected lung tissue, IFN-gamma was induced in both STAT1(-/-) and wild-type mice, with preferential IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 induction only in the STAT1(-/-) animals. Eotaxin was detected in the lungs of both wild-type and STAT1(-/-) mice following infection, with a 1.7-fold increase over wild-type in the STAT1(-/-) mice. Using a peptide epitope newly identified in the RSV fusion protein, we were able to demonstrate that wild-type memory CD4(+) T cells stimulated by this peptide produce primarily IFN-gamma, while STAT1(-/-)CD4(+) cells produce primarily IL-13. These findings suggest that STAT1 activation by both type I (alphabeta) and type II (gamma) IFNs plays an important role in establishing a protective, Th1 Ag-specific immune response to RSV infection.  相似文献   
Francisella tularensis is an intracellular pathogen and is able to invade several different cell types, in particular macrophages, most commonly through phagocytosis. A flow cytometric assay was developed to measure bacterial uptake, using a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled anti-F. tularensis lipopolysaccharide antibody in conjunction with antibodies to cell surface markers, in order to determine the specific cell phenotypes that were positive for the bacteria. Several phagocytic inhibitors were evaluated in macrophage cell lines and a lung homogenate assay to determine whether the uptake of F. tularensis strain LVS could be altered. Our data show that cytochalasin B, LY294002, wortmannin, nocodazole, MG132 and XVA143 inhibitors reduced LVS uptake by >50% in these assays without having significant cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, a reduction in the inflammatory cytokines monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-α was found in the supernatant of lung tissue infected with LVS when the inhibitory compounds were present. Similarly, there was an alteration in bacterial uptake and a reduction in the inflammatory cytokine response following the administration of wortmannin to LVS-infected mice. Although wortmannin treatment alone did not correlate with the enhanced survival of LVS-infected mice, these inhibitors may have utility in combination therapeutic approaches or against other intracellular pathogens that use phagocytic mechanisms to enter their optimal niche.  相似文献   
Of the 200+ serogroups of Vibrio cholerae, only O1 or O139 strains are reported to cause cholera, and mostly in endemic regions. Cholera outbreaks elsewhere are considered to be via importation of pathogenic strains. Using established animal models, we show that diverse V. cholerae strains indigenous to a non-endemic environment (Sydney, Australia), including non-O1/O139 serogroup strains, are able to both colonize the intestine and result in fluid accumulation despite lacking virulence factors believed to be important. Most strains lacked the type three secretion system considered a mediator of diarrhoea in non-O1/O13 V. cholerae. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) showed that the Sydney isolates did not form a single clade and were distinct from O1/O139 toxigenic strains. There was no correlation between genetic relatedness and the profile of virulence-associated factors. Current analyses of diseases mediated by V. cholerae focus on endemic regions, with only those strains that possess particular virulence factors considered pathogenic. Our data suggest that factors other than those previously well described are of potential importance in influencing disease outbreaks.  相似文献   
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to determine Na+ complexing in muscle and liver (at 23°C) from bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) and to study the influence of temperature on Na+ complexing in muscle from leopard frogs (Rana pipiens). The Na+ complexed in muscle and liver was found to be 36.6 ± 4.6% and 66.1 ± 3.5% respectively. A temperature decrease from +34°C to -2°C results in a 20% decrease in the mobility of the free Na+ in the fresh muscle. This 20% decrease in mobility results in about 50% of the free Na+ at 34°C being complexed at the lower temperature.  相似文献   
We have developed a series of orally efficacious IRAK4 inhibitors, based on a scaffold hopping strategy and using rational structure based design. Efforts to tackle low permeability and high efflux in our previously reported pyrrolopyrimidine series (Scott et al., 2017) led to the identification of pyrrolotriazines which contained one less formal hydrogen bond donor and were intrinsically more lipophilic. Further optimisation of substituents on this pyrrolotriazine core culminated with the discovery of 30 as a promising in vivo probe to assess the potential of IRAK4 inhibition for the treatment of MyD88 mutant DLBCL in combination with a BTK inhibitor. When tested in an ABC-DLBCL model with a dual MyD88/CD79 mutation (OCI-LY10), 30 demonstrated tumour regressions in combination with ibrutinib.  相似文献   
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